"But what they can't do anymore is prevent transmission"

Wow, did you think of that one all by yourself? How many people caught Obesity from others and died from it?
I’d guess most of them learned it from their parents. Besides does it matter? It’s a health choice. One we could easily avoid by government mandate right? And obesity affects more than just the fat fucks sucking down too many cheese burgers. How much extra pesticide is dumped on crops to feed these people? How much extra fossil fuel is burned planting, tending, harvesting, processing and shipping all the extra food. How many starve to death because these selfish bastards are eating more than their share of the food. 9 million people die each year world wide due to starvation btw. And we haven’t even talked about the strain on the medical system the obesity crisis in this country has caused. Oh and remind me what’s the leading comorbidity after old age for COVID? Oh yeah, obesity.......
You have offered nothing, really. As the CDC has noted, no vaccine is 100% effective, nor does it need to be to reduce infection and death by a significant percentage. That goes for all vaccines.

Only the hardcore fringe ideological crackpots are hysterical over the empirical reality.

This is why so many Republican politicians have been facing up to the reality as of late:

99% of COVID deaths are now of unvaccinated people

97% Of People Entering Hospitals For COVID-19 Are Unvaccinated


Even after all your fuss here, the facts that I posted are STILL pure fact. Vaccinated super spreaders are getting covid and they are getting delta. They are DYING. This is fact.
You should rail against all the Republican politicians who are now clawing their way onto the Biden vaccination bandwagon if you are still averse to the medical reality and need to cling to the ideological dogma.

Why not just redefine vaccination as "the little Trump prick" and encourage the dogmatic ideologues to stop burdening the health care system?

Hospitals in states hit with Covid 'onslaught' implore public to get vaccinated

I don’t give a shit what any politicians stance on the vaccination is fool. You clearly have me confused with someone else
Your problem is that the virus is mutating in non-vaxxed also in that area. Russian roulette.
Do you know of a better way to get the natural antibodies that I have been trying to get for the last year and a half?
Suddenly, so many rightist politicians are noting the empirical data and abandoning their ideological dogma (except for a hardcore remnant.)

It is a medical matter in which medical expertise should have always taken precedent, of course.
How does getting vaccinated have anything to do with whether Trump "screwed up the COVID" response or not? Like the former President or not the vaccine you're talking about was created under his admin so......

Um, yeah, but very little to do with him, and funny, that the resistance to vaccination or further spread is all in the red states.
Um, yeah, but very little to do with him, and funny, that the resistance to vaccination or further spread is all in the red states.
You can say that but we attribute tons of shit to the good and bad to who’s President at the time constantly. Obama got credit for killing OLB. How much work did he really do on that front. Zero seems like a reasonable number. But he gets credit because he was President when it happened, whatever.
For the record these “vaccines” never claimed they would stop transmission or people from getting COVID. Only minimize the symptoms of the illness. It’s in their FDA EUA paperwork. This isn’t because of variants the “vaccines” are working as described in the literature. Big Pharma and Government banked on the gen pop just not reading it. Sad that our media played along and didn’t report the actual facts....

Please post a link to this paperwork because I'd like to see actual literature stating that the vaccines have no means to prevent infection. On the CDC website, they literally say the vaccines will prevent infection, using those exact words, and at the efficacy levels stated for each company. The goal of these vaccines isn't to allow ppl to get infected and then reduce their symptoms. Never in the entire time these vaccines have been in development to their eventual distribution have i read or heard anything like that. That's not even how the science behind how the vaccines work. If it was, we'd have tens of millions of breakthrough cases since the vaccines don't stop infection. The only place i've heard anyone say what you have is from random ppl passing on antivax rhetoric online.
If it gets totally out of control, and thousands or millions are dying from it. That will all change, martial law will be declared, and all personal rights will go down the drain.

Stop spinning personal fantasies.
especially for a vaccine that does not prevent transmission.

No, all it does is reduce the risk of a serious infection, illness or death of the individual taking the shot.

Since everyone must die eventually of something anyway, there can be no rationalization for forced injections unless the only concern is lessening the peak load on a battered healthcare system that was fucked to begin with.

Like banks, the Obumma Administration took over the healthcare system and FEDERALIZED it, so now our healthcare system functions as badly as every other federalized agency. :smoke:
I’d guess most of them learned it from their parents. Besides does it matter? It’s a health choice. One we could easily avoid by government mandate right? And obesity affects more than just the fat fucks sucking down too many cheese burgers. How much extra pesticide is dumped on crops to feed these people? How much extra fossil fuel is burned planting, tending, harvesting, processing and shipping all the extra food. How many starve to death because these selfish bastards are eating more than their share of the food. 9 million people die each year world wide due to starvation btw. And we haven’t even talked about the strain on the medical system the obesity crisis in this country has caused. Oh and remind me what’s the leading comorbidity after old age for COVID? Oh yeah, obesity.......
Love how y’all just double down when the absurdity of your logic is exposed
Love how y’all just double down when the absurdity of your logic is exposed

The only logic you have for your mandates now is reducing the burden on hospitals. Since most of America is overweight or obese, and this leads to metabolic disorder which leads to so many diseases that bottle up our hospitals, encroaching on people's individual liberties to get these diseases in hand should be the Jackboot Brigade's newest mandate.

But you people seem to love forced injections instead, eh? Strange crew
Read the EUA dummy. The pharma companies say right in there that the vaccines don't keep you from getting COVID or transmitting it. It just reduces the symptoms. That's what the efficacy numbers refer to.
earlier research suggested they did. but even though that was a few months ago - it was b4 delta became the dominant strain... the rate of transmission was doubling every 2 weeks once it was 'born'.

delta changed the game plan. that's what real science does... it evolves as more variables are mixed in & the breakthrus are because delta is much more transmissible. the next variant may not be curbed or lessened & may be much more deadly.

CDC Study Confirms That COVID-19 Vaccines Block Transmission In the Real World

Kayla Hui, MPH
Fact checked by
Nick Blackmer
April 08, 2021
CDC Study Confirms That COVID-19 Vaccines Block Transmission In the Real World

Moderna and Pfizer COVID-19 vaccines may block infection as well as disease
Studies suggest fully vaccinated people pose a low risk for transmitting the coronavirus
Moderna and Pfizer COVID-19 vaccines may reduce coronavirus transmission

Yes, vaccines block most transmission of COVID-19
The latest data show that getting a shot not only protects vaccinated individuals, it reduces the chance they can spread the virus to others.
ByTara Haelle
Published April 21, 2021
Yes, vaccines block most transmission of COVID-19
Do you know of a better way to get the natural antibodies that I have been trying to get for the last year and a half?

lol ... b4 the chickenpox vaccine, people who had that virus have lifelong natural immunity against chickenpox as long as they got a 'bad enough' case of it.

but helloooooooooooo ..... shingles; a worse disease that can leave one deaf or blind if it manifests itself along certain nerve paths.

why? same virus - different variant.

now there's a shingles vaccine. YEA! SCIENCE!!!!
Obama got credit for killing OLB.

because it happened on his watch - not to mention he picked it up after W. left office - even after W. said a few short months after the saudi terrorists slammed into our country:

How much work did he really do on that front. Zero seems like a reasonable number.


And so shortly after taking office, I directed Leon Panetta, the director of the CIA, to make the killing or capture of bin Laden the top priority of our war against al Qaeda, even as we continued our broader efforts to disrupt, dismantle, and defeat his network.

Then, last August, after years of painstaking work by our intelligence community, I was briefed on a possible lead to bin Laden. It was far from certain, and it took many months to run this thread to ground. I met repeatedly with my national security team as we developed more information about the possibility that we had located bin Laden hiding within a compound deep inside of Pakistan. And finally, last week, I determined that we had enough intelligence to take action, and authorized an operation to get Osama bin Laden and bring him to justice.

Today, at my direction, the United States launched a targeted operation against that compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan. A small team of Americans carried out the operation with extraordinary courage and capability. No Americans were harmed. They took care to avoid civilian casualties. After a firefight, they killed Osama bin Laden and took custody of his body.

Osama Bin Laden Dead

But he gets credit because he was President when it happened, whatever.

obama gave credit where credit was due. to the intel community & the navy seal team.

so to sum your post up:

deflection denied.jpg
martial law will be declared, and all personal rights will go down the drain.
Oh, poo! Martians have landed in Grovers Mills!

Meanwhile, justifiable fear is scaring the ideologues into embracing the medical science and going straight:

The Covid-19 vaccines work to greatly lessen the chance of a person getting a symptomatic case, getting hospitalized or dying. Yet nearly a third of eligible Americans haven't gotten a single dose and more than 40% have not been fully vaccinated.
So what does work to get more people to take the vaccine?
One answer seems clear in the polling and in the real world: fear.


Fear of getting the virus and of losing freedoms looks like it motivates people to get vaccinated.
You can see this well in the latest trends in vaccination and case counts. As of Friday morning, more people have taken the vaccine in the last week than have since June. This has happened as case counts and hospitalizations have been rising nationally.

Fear, not surprisingly, is a powerful emotion.
It's hardly surprising that so many dyed-in-the-pandemic ideological lemmings have done a sudden about-face and are now stampeding to little prick city like their life depended on it.

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