But is it Rape Rape?...


Debra Lafave

I'd hit it.

Me too...but I'm guessing that I am far too old for her tastes.
So am I -- and that is a damn shame!
Her are creepy to me for some reason.

could have something to do with the fact that she is a pedophile..just like a creepy45 year old, over weight guy going after a 14 year old girl. Same thing really.

But she is pretty enough...but to say, your honor I know she is a pedophile, but she is too pretty to go to jail just makes me shake my head.
For your information, pedophilia refers only to pre-pubescent children. Once puberty is reached the pedophilia statutes no longer apply -- either in principle or in purpose. It is Nature, not the laws of men (and women), that decides when a person is ready and able to make intended use of his or her sexual equipment.

Unfortunately we humans tend to readily accept the mistaken notion that the laws we contrive supercede the laws of Nature. As a prime example of this distortion of reality Americans are by far the most sexually fucked up people on the face of the Earth.
Her are creepy to me for some reason.

could have something to do with the fact that she is a pedophile..just like a creepy45 year old, over weight guy going after a 14 year old girl. Same thing really.

But she is pretty enough...but to say, your honor I know she is a pedophile, but she is too pretty to go to jail just makes me shake my head.
For your information, pedophilia refers only to pre-pubescent children. Once puberty is reached the pedophilia statutes no longer apply -- either in principle or in purpose. It is Nature, not the laws of men (and women), that decides when a person is ready and able to make intended use of his or her sexual equipment.

Unfortunately we humans tend to readily accept the mistaken notion that the laws we contrive supercede the laws of Nature. As a prime example of this distortion of reality Americans are by far the most sexually fucked up people on the face of the Earth.

Have you ever heard of Japan?
could have something to do with the fact that she is a pedophile..just like a creepy45 year old, over weight guy going after a 14 year old girl. Same thing really.

But she is pretty enough...but to say, your honor I know she is a pedophile, but she is too pretty to go to jail just makes me shake my head.
For your information, pedophilia refers only to pre-pubescent children. Once puberty is reached the pedophilia statutes no longer apply -- either in principle or in purpose. It is Nature, not the laws of men (and women), that decides when a person is ready and able to make intended use of his or her sexual equipment.

Unfortunately we humans tend to readily accept the mistaken notion that the laws we contrive supercede the laws of Nature. As a prime example of this distortion of reality Americans are by far the most sexually fucked up people on the face of the Earth.

Have you ever heard of Japan?
They learned from the best. HollyWeird Jews.


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Have you ever heard of Japan?
I spent seven months there in 1957 (Fujiyama).

My impression at that time was they are extremely clean people and they seemed to have a very healthy respect for the human body in all its aspects. I was surprised to find they have (had?) public communal baths which are the size of small swimming pools, filled with scalding hot water and occupied by naked people of all ages and gender. My impression was they have no shame where nakedness is concerned. They accept it as a part of the natural order and there is no dishonor or degradation associated with it.

I can't speak about the sexual mores of the people because I never had a romantic relationship with a Japanese woman during those seven months, but prostitution was very common there. It was also very inexpensive and surprisingly clean -- so much so that the word sterile comes to mind.

In keeping with the point of this exchange, which is sexual attitudes, the Japanese prostitutes were not looked upon with contempt, as prostitutes in the U.S. are, but with an appropriate level of respect. The transitory relationships with those prettly little jo-sans (girls) were fastidiously clean, courteous, friendly and, very often, affectionate. So much so that we Americans felt it was not entirely sexual in accordance with our cultural orientation. I recall someone saying it was "more like getting a haircut than getting laid."

What was missing is the sleaziness and shame associated with the act of prostitution in America. The Japanese "bar girls" were not thought of as whores, nor were they spoken of as such by most GIs, because that word simply didn't fit the circumstances -- which were essentially respectful.

I don't know what the situation in Japan is today but that's what it was back in the mid-1950s. So if it's changed for the worst my guess is the American influence has something if not everything to do with it.

My recollections of the sexual experiences I had in Japan are fond and there was nothing shameful or unhealthy about them in any way.
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Debra Lafave

Did you know her lawyer actually said she is too pretty to go to jail....he freaking actually said this and the funny part is, he got away with it.

She did hard house arrest! Poor thing.
Well she is a pretty thing and what she did is no reason to punish her.

It may be said that the young boy she chose to favor with her most intimate and pleasurable beauty had hit the sexual powerball. That lucky little bugger managed to experience what every horny young male masturbator can only dream about -- and does dream about almost constantly. To say that kid got lucky is the understatement of the year.

I can say that with some assuredness because I got lucky, too. At age fifteen. Not as lucky as Debra LaFave's beneficiary, but enough that recollections of it are still arousing. And it did me not a damn bit of harm in any way.

Debra Lafave

Did you know her lawyer actually said she is too pretty to go to jail....he freaking actually said this and the funny part is, he got away with it.

She did hard house arrest! Poor thing.
Well she is a pretty thing and what she did is no reason to punish her.

It may be said that the young boy she chose to favor with her most intimate and pleasurable beauty had hit the sexual powerball. That lucky little bugger managed to experience what every horny young male masturbator can only dream about -- and does dream about almost constantly. To say that kid got lucky is the understatement of the year.

I can say that with some assuredness because I got lucky, too. At age fifteen. Not as lucky as Debra LaFave's beneficiary, but enough that recollections of it are still arousing. And it did me not a damn bit of harm in any way.
so i take it you support Hebephilia or Ephebophilia?
thats still sick
so i take it you support Hebephilia or Ephebophilia? thats still sick
These are terms used by clinical behaviorists in referring to identifiable disorders. While it is perfectly normal to find some teen-age girls or boys sexually attractive, it becomes a problem when the attraction expands to a compulsive or obsessive level. It is then that clinical terms become applicable. But not before.

So to answer your question: No. I do not think a compulsive sexual attraction to any category is a healthy thing.
Can you really apply the word "rape" to a woman taking advantage of a guy?

To me, rape implies some sort of forceful sexual entry against ones wishes.

Let's face it, if a guy is not interested, there can be no entry and if he is interested, is it really rape in the true sense of the word?

I know, it's a double standard but this is the world we live in.

What if a 14 year old little girl wants it and a 45 year old man says, hell yeah......is that good with you?

If so, what age is too young ...I mean if they are consensual (sp), what difference does the age of the girl make? Girl, boy.....it should not matter, its a law that wont see gender. (in theory).
For your information, pedophilia refers only to pre-pubescent children. Once puberty is reached the pedophilia statutes no longer apply -- either in principle or in purpose. It is Nature, not the laws of men (and women), that decides when a person is ready and able to make intended use of his or her sexual equipment.

Unfortunately we humans tend to readily accept the mistaken notion that the laws we contrive supercede the laws of Nature. As a prime example of this distortion of reality Americans are by far the most sexually fucked up people on the face of the Earth.

Have you ever heard of Japan?
They learned from the best. HollyWeird Jews.

No dude Hollywood and the rest of the U.S. can't compete with the Japanese in terms of weird porn.
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Debra Lafave

Did you know her lawyer actually said she is too pretty to go to jail....he freaking actually said this and the funny part is, he got away with it.

She did hard house arrest! Poor thing.
Well she is a pretty thing and what she did is no reason to punish her.

It may be said that the young boy she chose to favor with her most intimate and pleasurable beauty had hit the sexual powerball. That lucky little bugger managed to experience what every horny young male masturbator can only dream about -- and does dream about almost constantly. To say that kid got lucky is the understatement of the year.

I can say that with some assuredness because I got lucky, too. At age fifteen. Not as lucky as Debra LaFave's beneficiary, but enough that recollections of it are still arousing. And it did me not a damn bit of harm in any way.

And of course the lunatic is ALWAYS the best judge of his level of insanity. :eusa_whistle:
Have you ever heard of Japan?
I spent seven months there in 1957 (Fujiyama).

My impression at that time was they are extremely clean people and they seemed to have a very healthy respect for the human body in all its aspects. I was surprised to find they have (had?) public communal baths which are the size of small swimming pools, filled with scalding hot water and occupied by naked people of all ages and gender. My impression was they have no shame where nakedness is concerned. They accept it as a part of the natural order and there is no dishonor or degradation associated with it.

I can't speak about the sexual mores of the people because I never had a romantic relationship with a Japanese woman during those seven months, but prostitution was very common there. It was also very inexpensive and surprisingly clean -- so much so that the word sterile comes to mind.

In keeping with the point of this exchange, which is sexual attitudes, the Japanese prostitutes were not looked upon with contempt, as prostitutes in the U.S. are, but with an appropriate level of respect. The transitory relationships with those prettly little jo-sans (girls) were fastidiously clean, courteous, friendly and, very often, affectionate. So much so that we Americans felt it was not entirely sexual in accordance with our cultural orientation. I recall someone saying it was "more like getting a haircut than getting laid."

What was missing is the sleaziness and shame associated with the act of prostitution in America. The Japanese "bar girls" were not thought of as whores, nor were they spoken of as such by most GIs, because that word simply didn't fit the circumstances -- which were essentially respectful.

I don't know what the situation in Japan is today but that's what it was back in the mid-1950s. So if it's changed for the worst my guess is the American influence has something if not everything to do with it.

My recollections of the sexual experiences I had in Japan are fond and there was nothing shameful or unhealthy about them in any way.

Well nowadays their err weird porno preferences have become well known in certain parts of the internet. Then again most people wouldn't talk about the normal stuff.

I've never been to Japan but thanks for sharing your experiences there, I found it interesting.

Japan treats their hookers with respect, the U.S. meanwhile makes stuff like this (although don't let it be said that I didn't find this funny).

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Debra Lafave

Did you know her lawyer actually said she is too pretty to go to jail....he freaking actually said this and the funny part is, he got away with it.

She did hard house arrest! Poor thing.
Well she is a pretty thing and what she did is no reason to punish her.

It may be said that the young boy she chose to favor with her most intimate and pleasurable beauty had hit the sexual powerball. That lucky little bugger managed to experience what every horny young male masturbator can only dream about -- and does dream about almost constantly. To say that kid got lucky is the understatement of the year.

I can say that with some assuredness because I got lucky, too. At age fifteen. Not as lucky as Debra LaFave's beneficiary, but enough that recollections of it are still arousing. And it did me not a damn bit of harm in any way.

Flip the switch and change the sexes. Would you consider it "lucky" if your 14 year old daughter slept with her teacher?

They make a law for a reason. WE all know how grateful we would have been to be anywhere near scoring with this woman at our younger ages, but there has to be laws that are not gender biased.

even though punishment for male vice female pedo's are gender biased already.
I had a friend once who was molested in his early/mid-teens by a friend of his mother's, and later by a high school teacher. Like most men (I think), he talked about it in "hey, who wouldn't love being pounced on by an older, experienced woman" terms, but the truth was the incidents seriously damaged his ability to form normal, loving relationships with women, just as it would have done to a young girl had the genders been reversed. Wistful daydreams aside, life is not a porn movie, and no good comes of trying to treat it as though it were.

I had a friend that claims he was raped by his mother's friend when he was a teen. It did affect him and that woman should have done jail time. It happens a lot more than people think. Leave the kids alone.
I had a friend once who was molested in his early/mid-teens by a friend of his mother's, and later by a high school teacher. Like most men (I think), he talked about it in "hey, who wouldn't love being pounced on by an older, experienced woman" terms, but the truth was the incidents seriously damaged his ability to form normal, loving relationships with women, just as it would have done to a young girl had the genders been reversed. Wistful daydreams aside, life is not a porn movie, and no good comes of trying to treat it as though it were.

I had a friend that claims he was raped by his mother's friend when he was a teen. It did affect him and that woman should have done jail time. It happens a lot more than people think. Leave the kids alone.

Flip the switch and change the sexes. Would you consider it "lucky" if your 14 year old daughter slept with her teacher?

Once upon a time an astute cave man realized what causes babies and that awareness gave rise to a taboo. The cave man didn't want his cave daughter getting knocked up by some cave punk because she wouldn't be able to help with the cave work and because she'd be popping out another mouth to feed. So the cave man spread the word to his friends. Pretty soon the whole clan knew what causes babies and the precursor of the statutory rape law emerged. Today, if someone screws your fourteen year-old petunia you call the cops instead of hitting him in the head with a rock. Otherwise it's basically the same taboo, imposed for basically the same reasons but with certain civilized refinements.

Moving forward in evolution, it wasn't long ago that fathers of young boys were taking them to the local whorehouse to "get them started on the right track." But the womens' movement brought about the effeminization of the American male, one aspect of which is the spurious notion that boys are just as fragile and as vulnerable as girls. This in spite of the fact that Nature has imposed a burden on the human male to knock up as many females as he can in his lifetime starting on the day he experiences the first urge to play hide-the-weenie.

Boys are natural lechers but mothers and effeminized fathers refuse to accept that natural circumstance. They tend to dismiss the fact that boys don't get knocked up and, with very few exceptions, that other men are not inclined to force their sexual intentions on them. This is not to say all boys get horny at the same age and are equally aggressive in their libidinous urges. Some young boys are overtly homosexual, some are latent and some are just plain sissies (usually the result of excessively protective mothers).

A normal human male matures sexually (able to ejaculate active semen) at around fourteen or fifteen. They masturbate a lot and they think about sex at least half of their waking hours. And the average fifteen year-old boy who perceives an opportunity to do what all fifteen year-old boys daydream and nightdream about and talk about with other fifteen year-old and some precocious fourteen year-old boys talk about, he's going to seize upon it. And the most important thing to be said about that is it's perfectly normal and extremely natural!

So to answer your question: No. I wouldn't want some creep screwing my fourteen year-old daughter and the very idea would piss me off. But if some gorgeous babe like Debra LaFave decided to show my fifteen year-old son where it goes I wouldn't feel quite the same way about it.
I had a friend that claims he was raped by his mother's friend when he was a teen. It did affect him and that woman should have done jail time. It happens a lot more than people think. Leave the kids alone.
We all have a pretty clear idea of what happens when a man rapes a woman. But I would be interested in knowing specifically what the woman in the above incident did to your friend that so traumatized the poor fellow.

Please accommodate my sincere curiosity.

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