BUSTED: FBI Compromised - Teaming With Far Left Political Group


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

So much for Strzok's BS under oath about not letting personal bias getting in the was of his and the FBI's job..

Report: FBI Has ‘Ongoing’ Relationship With Left-Wing SPLC, Which Once Put Ben Carson On An ‘Extremist Watch List’

“Well as you already know if you’ve been paying any attention at all, the Southern Poverty Law Center is a fraudulent enterprise,” said Carlson. “It’s a left-wing political group that uses ‘hate crime’ designations to target its ideological enemies and to crush people.”

“The SPLC has repeatedly been allowed to brief the FBI on alleged domestic terrorist threats to this country,”

  • The FBI has an ongoing relationship with the left-wing Southern Poverty Law Center, Fox News host Tucker Carlson reported.
  • The SPLC once placed HUD Secretary Dr. Ben Carson on an “extremist watch list,” before backing down and removing him four months later.
  • The SPLC also works with Amazon, Twitter, Google and Facebook in their efforts to police their platforms.
  • The SPLC’s work has been plagued by inaccuracies and the group paid out a $3.3 million settlement in April.
The FBI has an “ongoing” relationship with the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), a left-wing nonprofit that once placed Housing and Urban Development Secretary Dr. Ben Carson on an “extremist watch list.”

The SPLC’s lists of “extremists” and “hate groups” have consistently courted controversy and the nonprofit’s work has been plagued by inaccuracies.

The SPLC’s influence extends beyond its work with federal law enforcement. The SPLC has working partnerships with Twitter, Facebook, Amazon and Google.

The four tech companies all work with or consult the SPLC in policing their platforms for “hate speech” or “hate groups.”

The 4 companies are getting hammered right now for data-mining, 'spying', & silencing / blocking Conservative content..

It seems the FBI has chosen a side in the war Liberal extremists have declared on Conservatives...and they are now the Leftist Extremist Gestapo...
Integrating the FBI with the Southern Poverty Law Center is just the kind of Community Organizing that Barack Obama is famous for. Throw some radical Islam in there too.

The expert commingling of hard Socialism, Chicago-like Corruption, and the Bureaucratic Deep State will be his only legacy.

And hopefully a temporary one.
Mueller, Coney, McCabe, & Strzok destroyed the reputation of the FBI. This revelation puts the nail in their coffin.

The entire FBI leadership must be burnt to the ground, the criminal biased traitors purged - that includes Wray, who is and has been an 'FBI MAN' groomed and brought up from the inside.

No way the FBI can be trusted by the American people after this has been revealed on top of their part in the Obama administration anti-Trump Conspiracy has been exposed.

The FBI has been compromised and is now a threat, as it exists, to the American people and our Democracy.
Gee, who should we call to arrest them? Or do you perfer the military take over law enforcement there Comrade!

Either way is fine with me. The FBI has become rife with communist sympathizers, just as the U.S State Department did in the 1950's.

Are you trying to say that Senator Joseph McCarthy was a "paranoid lunatic"? Because you people on the left are sure acting like he did these days, with your "Russian collusion" allegations.

Which way is it? You can't have it both ways.
Gee, who should we call to arrest them? Or do you perfer the military take over law enforcement there Comrade!

Either way is fine with me. .

Good little communist; you are.

Liberal Playbook Rule #1: Accuse your adversary of the same thing you do.
Yo Commie, Please show me where I supported sending troops into cities to arrest people. If you can't, kindly be quiet.

You damned sure supported sending them to the Cliven Bundy compound.

I'm still trying to figure out how you perceive arresting renegade law-enforcement officials as "communistic."

So much for Strzok's BS under oath about not letting personal bias getting in the was of his and the FBI's job..

Report: FBI Has ‘Ongoing’ Relationship With Left-Wing SPLC, Which Once Put Ben Carson On An ‘Extremist Watch List’

“Well as you already know if you’ve been paying any attention at all, the Southern Poverty Law Center is a fraudulent enterprise,” said Carlson. “It’s a left-wing political group that uses ‘hate crime’ designations to target its ideological enemies and to crush people.”

“The SPLC has repeatedly been allowed to brief the FBI on alleged domestic terrorist threats to this country,”

  • The FBI has an ongoing relationship with the left-wing Southern Poverty Law Center, Fox News host Tucker Carlson reported.
  • The SPLC once placed HUD Secretary Dr. Ben Carson on an “extremist watch list,” before backing down and removing him four months later.
  • The SPLC also works with Amazon, Twitter, Google and Facebook in their efforts to police their platforms.
  • The SPLC’s work has been plagued by inaccuracies and the group paid out a $3.3 million settlement in April.
The FBI has an “ongoing” relationship with the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), a left-wing nonprofit that once placed Housing and Urban Development Secretary Dr. Ben Carson on an “extremist watch list.”

The SPLC’s lists of “extremists” and “hate groups” have consistently courted controversy and the nonprofit’s work has been plagued by inaccuracies.

The SPLC’s influence extends beyond its work with federal law enforcement. The SPLC has working partnerships with Twitter, Facebook, Amazon and Google.

The four tech companies all work with or consult the SPLC in policing their platforms for “hate speech” or “hate groups.”

The 4 companies are getting hammered right now for data-mining, 'spying', & silencing / blocking Conservative content..

It seems the FBI has chosen a side in the war Liberal extremists have declared on Conservatives...and they are now the Leftist Extremist Gestapo...

That is no real secret to anyone with an IQ above sea level which leaves out the looney left.
candycorn is certainly no commie, but we are seeing a lot far right fascists name calling and wanting the army to come in and arrest the fbi.

They want an Alt Right Trump coup against the FBI.

The Army would join the FB to oppose any coup by right or left.
Gee, who should we call to arrest them? Or do you perfer the military take over law enforcement there Comrade!

Either way is fine with me. .

Good little communist; you are.
Funny, a communist sympathizer calling someone else a communist...

Hey, your buddy Galt there is sponsoring sending in the 101st airborne to do law enforcement....

Who are you going to get to Arrest the FBI in your latest "bombshell"...lol....there Sheila?
Interesting...the FBI is exposed as a criminally biased Leftist militant organization committing obstruction, sedition, and Treason, and you get defensive and defend them, exposing your loyalties do NOT lie with our country / democracy...

...And, again, you want to call anyone who attacks the compromised threat to our Democracy - the FBI - 'COMRADE'...

Gee, who should we call to arrest them? Or do you perfer the military take over law enforcement there Comrade!

Either way is fine with me. .

Good little communist; you are.
Funny, a communist sympathizer calling someone else a communist...

Hey, your buddy Galt there is sponsoring sending in the 101st airborne to do law enforcement....

Who are you going to get to Arrest the FBI in your latest "bombshell"...lol....there Sheila?

Dumb chick. I said "Either way is fine with me." It doesn't even have to be the military, since any law-enforcement officer has the power to arrest a federal agent.
Either way is fine with me. .

Good little communist; you are.
Funny, a communist sympathizer calling someone else a communist...

Hey, your buddy Galt there is sponsoring sending in the 101st airborne to do law enforcement....

Who are you going to get to Arrest the FBI in your latest "bombshell"...lol....there Sheila?
Interesting...the FBI is exposed as a criminally biased Leftist militant organization committing obstruction, sedition, and Treason, and you get defensive and defend them, exposing your loyalties do NOT lie with our country / democracy...

...And, again, you want to call anyone who attacks the compromised threat to our Democracy - the FBI - 'COMRADE'...


The only thing being exposed is your repeated impotence to make a case.

Again, who are you going to get to arrest the FBI....just asking.

I already told you: Any law-enforcement officer can arrest an FBI agent. Even local police..

Local Police CAN Arrest Federal Agents: It just happened in Salt Lake City

Dancing FBI agent who accidentally shot someone is arrested
The LID IS BEING BLOWN OFF AS THE FBI JUST GOT EXPOSED FOR TEAMING WITH A BIASED DISCRIMINATING LEFT WING 'EXTREMIST' POLITICAL GROUP...The SPLC’s influence extends beyond its work with federal law enforcement. The SPLC has working partnerships with Twitter, Facebook, Amazon and Google.

I wonder if there is a connection here too? : The Left's Serious Case of Misplaced Anger....The "Mook Mafia" In Damage-Control Mode
Its just like the exposed DNC e-mails - Hillary and the DNC got exposed for attempting to alter the election by rigging primaries, cheating in debates, engaging in election fraud, violating election laws, and breaking campaign finance laws...

...and they immediately try to play the 'VICTIM' and blame Russians, attack Trump, and bash anyone who mentions what they did.

The evidence of crimes perpetrated by the FBI Leadership have been leaking oil like water through a screen door on a submarine. This evidence blows them wide open....

...and snowflakes rush to play the 'VICTIM', attack Trump, and attack anyone who points to their crimes and the evidence exposing it.

SSDD, snowflake....

So much for Strzok's BS under oath about not letting personal bias getting in the was of his and the FBI's job..

Report: FBI Has ‘Ongoing’ Relationship With Left-Wing SPLC, Which Once Put Ben Carson On An ‘Extremist Watch List’

“Well as you already know if you’ve been paying any attention at all, the Southern Poverty Law Center is a fraudulent enterprise,” said Carlson. “It’s a left-wing political group that uses ‘hate crime’ designations to target its ideological enemies and to crush people.”

“The SPLC has repeatedly been allowed to brief the FBI on alleged domestic terrorist threats to this country,”

  • The FBI has an ongoing relationship with the left-wing Southern Poverty Law Center, Fox News host Tucker Carlson reported.
  • The SPLC once placed HUD Secretary Dr. Ben Carson on an “extremist watch list,” before backing down and removing him four months later.
  • The SPLC also works with Amazon, Twitter, Google and Facebook in their efforts to police their platforms.
  • The SPLC’s work has been plagued by inaccuracies and the group paid out a $3.3 million settlement in April.
The FBI has an “ongoing” relationship with the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), a left-wing nonprofit that once placed Housing and Urban Development Secretary Dr. Ben Carson on an “extremist watch list.”

The SPLC’s lists of “extremists” and “hate groups” have consistently courted controversy and the nonprofit’s work has been plagued by inaccuracies.

The SPLC’s influence extends beyond its work with federal law enforcement. The SPLC has working partnerships with Twitter, Facebook, Amazon and Google.

The four tech companies all work with or consult the SPLC in policing their platforms for “hate speech” or “hate groups.”

The 4 companies are getting hammered right now for data-mining, 'spying', & silencing / blocking Conservative content..

It seems the FBI has chosen a side in the war Liberal extremists have declared on Conservatives...and they are now the Leftist Extremist Gestapo...

Reminds me of when the FBI did this sort of thing to Martin Luther King

I reckon they just have a thing about blacks is all.
They have become traitors...and have been exposed as such...

Barry's bit@hes, his Conspiracy Gestapo...


So much for Strzok's BS under oath about not letting personal bias getting in the was of his and the FBI's job..

Report: FBI Has ‘Ongoing’ Relationship With Left-Wing SPLC, Which Once Put Ben Carson On An ‘Extremist Watch List’

“Well as you already know if you’ve been paying any attention at all, the Southern Poverty Law Center is a fraudulent enterprise,” said Carlson. “It’s a left-wing political group that uses ‘hate crime’ designations to target its ideological enemies and to crush people.”

“The SPLC has repeatedly been allowed to brief the FBI on alleged domestic terrorist threats to this country,”

  • The FBI has an ongoing relationship with the left-wing Southern Poverty Law Center, Fox News host Tucker Carlson reported.
  • The SPLC once placed HUD Secretary Dr. Ben Carson on an “extremist watch list,” before backing down and removing him four months later.
  • The SPLC also works with Amazon, Twitter, Google and Facebook in their efforts to police their platforms.
  • The SPLC’s work has been plagued by inaccuracies and the group paid out a $3.3 million settlement in April.
The FBI has an “ongoing” relationship with the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), a left-wing nonprofit that once placed Housing and Urban Development Secretary Dr. Ben Carson on an “extremist watch list.”

The SPLC’s lists of “extremists” and “hate groups” have consistently courted controversy and the nonprofit’s work has been plagued by inaccuracies.

The SPLC’s influence extends beyond its work with federal law enforcement. The SPLC has working partnerships with Twitter, Facebook, Amazon and Google.

The four tech companies all work with or consult the SPLC in policing their platforms for “hate speech” or “hate groups.”

The 4 companies are getting hammered right now for data-mining, 'spying', & silencing / blocking Conservative content..

It seems the FBI has chosen a side in the war Liberal extremists have declared on Conservatives...and they are now the Leftist Extremist Gestapo...
Right wing groups are to be feared you know groups like the Mormon tabernacle choir. Cassia county farmers and the law abiding NRA

So much for Strzok's BS under oath about not letting personal bias getting in the was of his and the FBI's job..

Report: FBI Has ‘Ongoing’ Relationship With Left-Wing SPLC, Which Once Put Ben Carson On An ‘Extremist Watch List’

“Well as you already know if you’ve been paying any attention at all, the Southern Poverty Law Center is a fraudulent enterprise,” said Carlson. “It’s a left-wing political group that uses ‘hate crime’ designations to target its ideological enemies and to crush people.”

“The SPLC has repeatedly been allowed to brief the FBI on alleged domestic terrorist threats to this country,”

  • The FBI has an ongoing relationship with the left-wing Southern Poverty Law Center, Fox News host Tucker Carlson reported.
  • The SPLC once placed HUD Secretary Dr. Ben Carson on an “extremist watch list,” before backing down and removing him four months later.
  • The SPLC also works with Amazon, Twitter, Google and Facebook in their efforts to police their platforms.
  • The SPLC’s work has been plagued by inaccuracies and the group paid out a $3.3 million settlement in April.
The FBI has an “ongoing” relationship with the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), a left-wing nonprofit that once placed Housing and Urban Development Secretary Dr. Ben Carson on an “extremist watch list.”

The SPLC’s lists of “extremists” and “hate groups” have consistently courted controversy and the nonprofit’s work has been plagued by inaccuracies.

The SPLC’s influence extends beyond its work with federal law enforcement. The SPLC has working partnerships with Twitter, Facebook, Amazon and Google.

The four tech companies all work with or consult the SPLC in policing their platforms for “hate speech” or “hate groups.”

The 4 companies are getting hammered right now for data-mining, 'spying', & silencing / blocking Conservative content..

It seems the FBI has chosen a side in the war Liberal extremists have declared on Conservatives...and they are now the Leftist Extremist Gestapo...

Let me point out this little gem.

"The SPLC has repeatedly been allowed to brief the FBI on alleged domestic terrorist threats to this country,”

So, you're mad that the SPLC is reporting possible terrorist threats to the FBI? That's it? I know you hate the SPLC, but you're going to have to do better than that.

And someone notifying the FBI about possible threats doesn't mean the FBI is "on their side". Let's take the hyperbole down a few........hundred..........notches.
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Let me point out this little gem.

"The SPLC has repeatedly been allowed to brief the FBI on alleged domestic terrorist threats to this country,”....And someone notifying the FBI about possible threats doesn't mean the FBI is "on their side". Let's take the hyperbole down a few........hundred..........notches

Notifying is different than "briefing". The word "briefing" depicts an internal entity talking with another internal entity. "Notifying" can come from either outside or inside the organization in question. To say the SPLC was "briefing" the FBI means that they are/were an adjunct to the FBI. Which is not kosher folks, especially because they are a powerful activist legal entity that swings HARD left. You don't politicize the FBI or any other impartial law enforcement agency.
Let me point out this little gem.

"The SPLC has repeatedly been allowed to brief the FBI on alleged domestic terrorist threats to this country,”....And someone notifying the FBI about possible threats doesn't mean the FBI is "on their side". Let's take the hyperbole down a few........hundred..........notches

Notifying is different than "briefing". The word "briefing" depicts an internal entity talking with another internal entity. "Notifying" can come from either outside or inside the organization in question. To say the SPLC was "briefing" the FBI means that they are/were an adjunct to the FBI. Which is not kosher folks, especially because they are a powerful activist legal entity that swings HARD left. You don't politicize the FBI or any other impartial law enforcement agency.

And was "briefing" the FBI's term, or Tucker Carlson's term?

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