Busing criminals, a good plan.

Now that New York and other Northern Cities are having Immigrants sent their way, why not mayors and governors empty their jails and send them to Texas and Florida with $300.00 each; a good way for Mayors and Governors to protect the revenue that they are spending to support the Immigrants.
What power does a mayor have to override convictions and legislated penalties? Do you propose that these governors pardon these folks? You are ok with releasing violent child sex predators just to get a 'win'? Either you are a total moron, or maybe, big benefit of the doubt, you didn't think this through.
Now that New York and other Northern Cities are having Immigrants sent their way, why not mayors and governors empty their jails and send them to Texas and Florida with $300.00 each; a good way for Mayors and Governors to protect the revenue that they are spending to support the Immigrants.
So you don't support sanctuary states/cities?

Are you a Nazi?
What power does a mayor have to override convictions and legislated penalties? Do you propose that these governors pardon these folks? You are ok with releasing violent child sex predators just to get a 'win'? Either you are a total moron, or maybe, big benefit of the doubt, you didn't think this through.

TurdCatcher (or any other pathetic bed wetting fascist reject) "THINKING"? Goldfish will build space craft before genetic garbage like that has a coherent thought.

Bed wetters do keep the streets well stocked with violent sociopaths deliberately though. The objective being to maintain or even increase violence and chaos so that the public demands gun control.

The bed wetters have failed to realize the opposite results have taken place. Most people reject gun control and have armed themselves.

That said, a malignant leftist puke like TurdCatcher would take the "win" and not give a rat's ass if some kid was victimized and murdered due to such an action by a democrook political whore. Bed wetting pieces of shit care only about empowering their whores, the consequences for the rest of us be damned.

If you don’t like illegal immigrants being shipped to your sanctuary city here are some suggestions demand this President and Congress get off there collective ass and secure the border, if that doesn’t work for you stop claiming you are a sanctuary city and are welcoming to these illegal immigrants when in reality you want nothing to do with them if neither of these work for and you want open borders but don’t want the problems that come with it showing up in your city then spare us your bullshit and STFU.
You the one who should STFU. It's your ignorance and lack of research to limit your foolish post.
You the one who should STFU. It's your ignorance and lack of research to limit your foolish post.
Go fuck yourself moron and while your at it shove your paint by the numbers far left talking points up your ass. It’s the policies of bumble brains Biden that created this mess but you and the other far left assholes don’t give a dam till these illegals and the problems that come with trying deal with them shows up in your city.
So you don't support sanctuary states/cities?

Are you a Nazi?
Statement: "So you don't support sanctuary states/cities?"

Question: I support Law. The problem being The Congress has not passed new immigration laws do to the fact that the Republican Party uses immigrants as a wedge issue; a wedge issue that ignorant people can't seem to comprehend.

Question: Are you a Nazi?

Response: Nope. I'm a liberal Democrat with a good education who has retired after 32 years in Law Enforcement. Before my career in LE I enlisted in the United States Navy in 1967. I believe that equal rights, equal opportunities and equal justice are the foundation of the Unites States; sadly, the Republican Party is at this time reactionary, and flooded with racists, misogynists and xenophobics.
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Now that New York and other Northern Cities are having Immigrants sent their way, why not mayors and governors empty their jails and send them to Texas and Florida with $300.00 each; a good way for Mayors and Governors to protect the revenue that they are spending to support the Immigrants.

You truly are a whiney little twat. First off, parolee's aren't allowed to leave their State, moron, so your childish little plan ends there.
You truly are a whiney little twat. First off, parolee's aren't allowed to leave their State, moron, so your childish little plan ends there.
Wrong. Parolee's in all 50 states have different laws, some allow Parolee's to serve in states where their were released from Prison in another state. It's part of the Interstate Compacts.

Thanks so much for posting something I was able to remove your ignorance. I'd hate to see someone call you out for a liar, when this is only a simple mistake.
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IDIOT-GRAM ^^^; variety, total ignorance.

You're a punk, give it a rest you've never posted anything of substance or worthy of a response. However, when all you do is to post insults to those who are credible, you deserve to do what a punk deserves.

In my first years in LE I was able to obtain FBI Rap Sheets. The Southern States would arrest black men and when taken before the court, the offender would admit wrongdoing, and would be given the right to leave the state rather than go to jail.

Thus, the defendant would agree and get on a Grey Hound Bus and be sent to Californian. When the citation's sentence was on the rap sheet it was noted as this sentence: "floated".

This was not my idea, nor was it Abbotts or DeSantis. It was all part of Jim Crow.

Not impressed if the wrong-doing was admitted. Same choice was given to criminals in England's jail or courts. Go to jail or Go to Australia or Georgia.

Actually doing them a favor.

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