Bush IQ higher than Kerry's

Bonnie said:
Just in case this has not been posted already


According to Bush's score on the AirForce Qualifying Tedt suggests that his IQ was in the mid 120's and apparently Kerry's is about 5 points lower. Not a signicant difference but enough to shut Liberals up!

what's the average iq? whats the genius level? cause if 120 is average then i am not sure i believe the IQ i got for taking the test.
Avatar4321 said:
what's the average iq? whats the genius level? cause if 120 is average then i am not sure i believe the IQ i got for taking the test.

100 is average. Up to a certain age, you should be able to divide your IQ by 100, then multiply your age by it to get the age level you think at. If you're 10 and your IQ is 120, you think on the same level as an average 12 year old. If you're 10 and your IQ is 80, you think on the same level as an average 8 year old.
Hey what's the difference between the Vietnam War and the War in Iraq?

Dubya had a plan to get out of Vietnam.

ZING!! :whip3:

Just a joke =) don't beat me down.. then again, how impressive is being smarter than John Kerry
nakedemperor said:
Hey what's the difference between the Vietnam War and the War in Iraq?

Dubya had a plan to get out of Vietnam.

ZING!! :whip3:

Just a joke =) don't beat me down.. then again, how impressive is being smarter than John Kerry

More impressive than being smarter than someone who voted for him! :whip3:

Ah, just kidding. :thup:

Honestly though, I wonder if the difference might be accounted for in that there was more pressure on GW to pass high enough to get into the flight suit.
Avatar4321 said:
what's the average iq? whats the genius level? cause if 120 is average then i am not sure i believe the IQ i got for taking the test.

Average is 100. 50% score between 80 and 120. Gifted is 144-160. Genius is 150+

Here is the normal probability curve.

Here is a nice test I found trying to get you the level of "Genius". They say 150, but I've heard other, lower, numbers elsewhere.

I scored a bit higher than usual on this test than on many others. But it was close to the others.

Your general IQ score is 152.

A person whose IQ score falls in the range of 144-160 is considered to be "gifted".
An IQ is a composite of your scores across 12 distinct aspects of intelligence. Each person has a unique intellectual make-up, with strengths and weaknesses that affect their methods of understanding, recognition, communication and association. Using a carefully cross-reference scoring scheme, TestCafe is able to accumulate a profound quantity of information about your natural intellectual abilities.

For example, your Pattern Recognition score is 88.

Yes. I like to toot my own horn.

Zhukov said:
Here is a nice test I found trying to get you the level of "Genius". They say 150, but I've heard other, lower, numbers elsewhere.
I took your test:
Your general IQ score is 147.
your Pattern Recognition score is 100
Woohoo! LOL! :D
Your general IQ score is 167.

A person whose IQ score falls in the range of 161 and above is considered to be a "genius".
Hobbit said:
100 is average. Up to a certain age, you should be able to divide your IQ by 100, then multiply your age by it to get the age level you think at. If you're 10 and your IQ is 120, you think on the same level as an average 12 year old. If you're 10 and your IQ is 80, you think on the same level as an average 8 year old.

My IQ ranges from 130-135 (i just used 134 because that came up 2 times)
so according to your post...

134/100= 1.34 x 24 (my age) = 32.16 is the level that I think at. Wow, I think at the same level as someone 8 years older!
152 :dance: And I voted for Bush - hmmmm...... that must mean that I'm even smarter than the liberal elites - whoopeee!

Your general IQ score is 152.

A person whose IQ score falls in the range of 144-160 is considered to be "gifted".

An IQ is a composite of your scores across 12 distinct aspects of intelligence. Each person has a unique intellectual make-up, with strengths and weaknesses that affect their methods of understanding, recognition, communication and association. Using a carefully cross-reference scoring scheme, TestCafe is able to accumulate a profound quantity of information about your natural intellectual abilities.

For example, your Pattern Recognition score is 88
Zhukov said:
Booooooo! Ya beat me!

Moderators, I want his post removed! (or edited to read 67)

Sorry... I'm certified actually, as being in the top 2% worldwide. I just hate bringing it up because I hate to look like I'm full of myself.
gop_jeff said:
Sorry... I'm certified actually, as being in the top 2% worldwide. I just hate bringing it up because I hate to look like I'm full of myself.

167 is within the top .1% actually, I believe.

It seems that page puts the 'genius' lower level at both 150 and 160 in two different places.

I've read the lower level for 'genius' being as low as 135, and as high as 200. I figure it must be just an arbitrary term that no one has bothered to quantify.

And there's absolutely nothing wrong with being full of yourself :thup:
Avatar4321 said:
what's the average iq? whats the genius level? cause if 120 is average then i am not sure i believe the IQ i got for taking the test.

The median IQ for all standardized IQ tests is 100. However, the deviation varies by IQ test. For instance, the 1 percentile (one out of one hundred persons) on the Catell A is 156. The 1 percentile deviation on the CTMM is as I recall 137.

An IQ of 125 is higher than average - but is roughly the average of persons with a college degree and in professional occupations.

This IQ is not sufficient to enter any "hi IQ" society.

It should also be noted that IQ can shift with age, and any "estimation" of IQ based on a test taken in youth is speculative at best. It might be noted that Bush and Kerry took different tests - the Navy and the Air Force tests are not identical. However, given Kerry's unremarkable career, it's easy to see him with an unremarkable IQ.

An IQ of around 125 places a person in the 95th percentile, or as one out of 20 persons. At 120, it's about one out of ten.

As an example, Gen. Schwarzkopf has an IQ estimated at over 180 (.03%)

Someone here asked who would I prefer as a leader over Bush - how about Schwarzkopf or Powell?

Regardless, these tests generally don't measure "creative" intelligence, which is an important factor in success.



From Megafoundation.org:

*** The average IQ is, by definition, 100. To get an idea what this means, someone with an IQ of 80 or below is considered to be marginally able to cope with the adult world. People with IQ's of 80 or below typically work as unskilled laborers such as lawn maintenance and trash pickup. They generally need help from friends or family to manage life's complications. About 10% of the population has an IQ of 80 or below.
*** People with IQ's of 80-90 are a little on the slow side but may be found in fast-food restaurants, day-care centers, etc. They may also be found in unskilled jobs. About 16% of the population has IQ's in this range.
*** People with IQ's of 90-110 generally occupy semi-skilled positions, including typists, receptionists, assembly line workers, and checkout clerks. They are able to keep up with the world, and comprise about 46% of the public.
*** People with IQ's in the 110 to 120 range fill the skilled trades and include some tool and die makers, teachers, and Ph. D.'s among their ranks. They also make up 16% of the population.
*** People with IQ's of 120 and above tend to staff the professions as doctors, dentists, lawyers, teachers, and college professors. They fall in the upper 10% of the population.
Zhukov said:
Average is 100. 50% score between 80 and 120. Gifted is 144-160. Genius is 150+

Here is the normal probability curve.

Here is a nice test I found trying to get you the level of "Genius". They say 150, but I've heard other, lower, numbers elsewhere.

I scored a bit higher than usual on this test than on many others. But it was close to the others.

Yes. I like to toot my own horn.


Well it says my score is 149 and pattern recognition is 105, but Im not sure I did that right!!

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