Bush didn't just lie........

You're still functionally illiterate. You said none of the authors wrote their own biographies, they are a bunch of unknowns. And Obama may have had a few references, but he was still a nobody, there is no way they would just go by what was in the press at that time without talking to him.

So seriously, you actually believe a publisher would do a bio without sitting down for five minutes and asking basic questions like where did you go to school? What degrees did you get? Where have you worked? Where have you volunteered? Where were you ... born?

It's unbelievable you would say something that if you are believed makes you look more stupid and naive than if you are just thought to be a partisan liar. You need to work on your story. Maybe then you can stop being such a clown
I did not say what you falsely ascribed to me. When do you stop kazzing?
he doesn't.

As to the OP, the last Repub admin was an unmitigated disaster by any measure.

Yes. Then W's clone Obama came in and continued his policies and you called it a dawn of a golden era

That's what most of you morons keep saying........yet if you were to ask any conservative, they would gladly vote for George W. Bush again? Bwahahaha....hypocrites

(and Bushe's policies are nowhere near Obama's policies......dream on).

I'm not a conservative and I didn't vote for him the first time, so why would I now, dumb ho? You on the other hand did vote for him the second time when he turned black and started his name with an "O." I hope you're hot, the only living you're making is on your back.

Idiot, where did I say you did? Learn to read. And, most conservatives are denying they are conservatives after we realized what a dumb fuck Bush really was, so I'm not surprised with your claim. And, I most certainly must have hit a nerve for you to get so angry and spew your hateful remarks..........just because you pimp yourself out doesn't mean everyone else does, moron.
From what you post one can detect that you don't "think" at all.

I know you really believe that, being as dense as you are, but I quoted the numbers....and it wasn't the majority of Democrats in the Senate or House....please post a link where you are getting that number....or maybe you just don't do math well.

You were the one that said it, obviously you're not too bright if you can't make the connection.....have someone explain it to you although I don't think you will still be able to figure it out even if they draw you a picture.

You can't follow a logical flow at all

Your logic is to claim someone says something that they didn't say and then post a quote from someone else saying it, that has later admitted they didn't get it from the someone that you claimed said it to begin with......that's conservative logic at its best......bwahahaha!

Your strategy is to walk up to someone arguing with a liberal and repeat the liberal's argument without being able to follow the discussion on your own at all. It's called a circle jerk

Quit deflecting.......you're the one whose statements have been debunked....and you keep changing the subject...talk about not following the discussion.

Pointing out that what you said made no sense in the context of the discussion isn't "deflecting." Wow, I really hope you're hot or you're living your life on taxpayer's backs rather than your own

You're rambling now.......and don't even realize it. And your statement is an old and worn out cliche.......you need to look up some new material, if you are even able to use Google.

You can always tell when a rwnj runs out of debate......they start slinging insults....anyone can hurl insults, it takes a smart person to defend their stance, and you just showed your loser stance....bwahahaha!
I did not say what you falsely ascribed to me. When do you stop kazzing?
he doesn't.

As to the OP, the last Repub admin was an unmitigated disaster by any measure.

Yes. Then W's clone Obama came in and continued his policies and you called it a dawn of a golden era

That's what most of you morons keep saying........yet if you were to ask any conservative, they would gladly vote for George W. Bush again? Bwahahaha....hypocrites

(and Bushe's policies are nowhere near Obama's policies......dream on).

I'm not a conservative and I didn't vote for him the first time, so why would I now, dumb ho? You on the other hand did vote for him the second time when he turned black and started his name with an "O." I hope you're hot, the only living you're making is on your back.

Idiot, where did I say you did? Learn to read. And, most conservatives are denying they are conservatives after we realized what a dumb fuck Bush really was, so I'm not surprised with your claim. And, I most certainly must have hit a nerve for you to get so angry and spew your hateful remarks..........just because you pimp yourself out doesn't mean everyone else does, moron.

Hmm...saying I want government to do less for me is pimping myself out. You really are not a bright girl, are you?

And wow, you are terrible at reading feelings. Maybe less talking and more sucking if you don't mind
You can't follow a logical flow at all

Your logic is to claim someone says something that they didn't say and then post a quote from someone else saying it, that has later admitted they didn't get it from the someone that you claimed said it to begin with......that's conservative logic at its best......bwahahaha!

Your strategy is to walk up to someone arguing with a liberal and repeat the liberal's argument without being able to follow the discussion on your own at all. It's called a circle jerk

Quit deflecting.......you're the one whose statements have been debunked....and you keep changing the subject...talk about not following the discussion.

Pointing out that what you said made no sense in the context of the discussion isn't "deflecting." Wow, I really hope you're hot or you're living your life on taxpayer's backs rather than your own

You're rambling now.......and don't even realize it. And your statement is an old and worn out cliche.......you need to look up some new material, if you are even able to use Google.

You can always tell when a rwnj runs out of debate......they start slinging insults....anyone can hurl insults, it takes a smart person to defend their stance, and you just showed your loser stance....bwahahaha!

If I don't insult you then you'd be so dull I'd hit my head on my desk when I fell asleep from boredom.

You have two choices with me, serious or fun. You gotta write serious posts to get serious replies
Your logic is to claim someone says something that they didn't say and then post a quote from someone else saying it, that has later admitted they didn't get it from the someone that you claimed said it to begin with......that's conservative logic at its best......bwahahaha!

Your strategy is to walk up to someone arguing with a liberal and repeat the liberal's argument without being able to follow the discussion on your own at all. It's called a circle jerk

Quit deflecting.......you're the one whose statements have been debunked....and you keep changing the subject...talk about not following the discussion.

Pointing out that what you said made no sense in the context of the discussion isn't "deflecting." Wow, I really hope you're hot or you're living your life on taxpayer's backs rather than your own

You're rambling now.......and don't even realize it. And your statement is an old and worn out cliche.......you need to look up some new material, if you are even able to use Google.

You can always tell when a rwnj runs out of debate......they start slinging insults....anyone can hurl insults, it takes a smart person to defend their stance, and you just showed your loser stance....bwahahaha!

If I don't insult you then you'd be so dull I'd hit my head on my desk when I fell asleep from boredom.
Based on your comments, I think you've already hit your head on your desk, several times, and don't even realize it, and it wasn't due to my being dull, but due to the heaviness of all that hot air in your head.

You have two choices with me, serious or fun. You gotta write serious posts to get serious replies

Bwahaha....first, you don't know the definition of serious, and second, your sources are skewed so you aren't going to post any factual information to discuss seriously.....and thirdly, I'm really getting tired of trying to educate you.......like talking to a rock would be easier.
he doesn't.

As to the OP, the last Repub admin was an unmitigated disaster by any measure.

Yes. Then W's clone Obama came in and continued his policies and you called it a dawn of a golden era

That's what most of you morons keep saying........yet if you were to ask any conservative, they would gladly vote for George W. Bush again? Bwahahaha....hypocrites

(and Bushe's policies are nowhere near Obama's policies......dream on).

I'm not a conservative and I didn't vote for him the first time, so why would I now, dumb ho? You on the other hand did vote for him the second time when he turned black and started his name with an "O." I hope you're hot, the only living you're making is on your back.

Idiot, where did I say you did? Learn to read. And, most conservatives are denying they are conservatives after we realized what a dumb fuck Bush really was, so I'm not surprised with your claim. And, I most certainly must have hit a nerve for you to get so angry and spew your hateful remarks..........just because you pimp yourself out doesn't mean everyone else does, moron.

Hmm...saying I want government to do less for me is pimping myself out. You really are not a bright girl, are you?
You really have a hard time comprehending when there are multiple statements, don't you? Your pimping yourself out has nothing to do with your wanting government to do less....unless you're pimping yourself out to government employees only.....bwahahaha!

And wow, you are terrible at reading feelings. Maybe less talking and more sucking if you don't mind

It doesn't take a "meter" to figure out your feelings.......people usually get angry when they're up against the wall, and you seem to have hit a brick one. And suck up all you want, most of your talk is just nonsense, or like Dot says, Kassing!
If I don't insult you then you'd be so dull I'd hit my head on my desk when I fell asleep from boredom.
Based on your comments, I think you've already hit your head on your desk, several times, and don't even realize it, and it wasn't due to my being dull, but due to the heaviness of all that hot air in your head.


Wow, you are worse at insults than you were at being serious. Hot air is actually light, my dear, not heavy. Doesn't the echo between your ears drive you crazy?

You have two choices with me, serious or fun. You gotta write serious posts to get serious replies

Bwahaha....first, you don't know the definition of serious, and second, your sources are skewed so you aren't going to post any factual information to discuss seriously.....and thirdly, I'm really getting tired of trying to educate you.......like talking to a rock would be easier.

Yes, agreed. Talking to rocks would be your intellectual peers
Yes. Then W's clone Obama came in and continued his policies and you called it a dawn of a golden era

That's what most of you morons keep saying........yet if you were to ask any conservative, they would gladly vote for George W. Bush again? Bwahahaha....hypocrites

(and Bushe's policies are nowhere near Obama's policies......dream on).

I'm not a conservative and I didn't vote for him the first time, so why would I now, dumb ho? You on the other hand did vote for him the second time when he turned black and started his name with an "O." I hope you're hot, the only living you're making is on your back.

Idiot, where did I say you did? Learn to read. And, most conservatives are denying they are conservatives after we realized what a dumb fuck Bush really was, so I'm not surprised with your claim. And, I most certainly must have hit a nerve for you to get so angry and spew your hateful remarks..........just because you pimp yourself out doesn't mean everyone else does, moron.

Hmm...saying I want government to do less for me is pimping myself out. You really are not a bright girl, are you?
You really have a hard time comprehending when there are multiple statements, don't you? Your pimping yourself out has nothing to do with your wanting government to do less....unless you're pimping yourself out to government employees only.....bwahahaha!

And wow, you are terrible at reading feelings. Maybe less talking and more sucking if you don't mind

It doesn't take a "meter" to figure out your feelings.......people usually get angry when they're up against the wall, and you seem to have hit a brick one. And suck up all you want, most of your talk is just nonsense, or like Dot says, Kassing!

Actually, that was faun. And stopping you people from circle jerking is a full time job. You refuse to find rooms. Dot got a warning for circle jerking and cuming on my shoes by picking up faun's schtick and repeating it. He did it again, and he's gone now. I'm making you the same offer. Insult me all you want, but use your own material. Next time you parrot another libs schtick, you will be gone, just like Dot Com is. I hope you don't do it, you're funnier than he is. He's an imbecile. However, I have three rules.

1) Stay away from my family
2) Don't be a race whore
3) Don't circle jerk each other's insults. Use your own

Or, wave bye bye. I have always given a warning first. This is yours.
That's what most of you morons keep saying........yet if you were to ask any conservative, they would gladly vote for George W. Bush again? Bwahahaha....hypocrites

(and Bushe's policies are nowhere near Obama's policies......dream on).

I'm not a conservative and I didn't vote for him the first time, so why would I now, dumb ho? You on the other hand did vote for him the second time when he turned black and started his name with an "O." I hope you're hot, the only living you're making is on your back.

Idiot, where did I say you did? Learn to read. And, most conservatives are denying they are conservatives after we realized what a dumb fuck Bush really was, so I'm not surprised with your claim. And, I most certainly must have hit a nerve for you to get so angry and spew your hateful remarks..........just because you pimp yourself out doesn't mean everyone else does, moron.

Hmm...saying I want government to do less for me is pimping myself out. You really are not a bright girl, are you?
You really have a hard time comprehending when there are multiple statements, don't you? Your pimping yourself out has nothing to do with your wanting government to do less....unless you're pimping yourself out to government employees only.....bwahahaha!

And wow, you are terrible at reading feelings. Maybe less talking and more sucking if you don't mind

It doesn't take a "meter" to figure out your feelings.......people usually get angry when they're up against the wall, and you seem to have hit a brick one. And suck up all you want, most of your talk is just nonsense, or like Dot says, Kassing!

Actually, that was faun. And stopping you people from circle jerking is a full time job. You refuse to find rooms. Dot got a warning for circle jerking and cuming on my shoes by picking up faun's schtick and repeating it. He did it again, and he's gone now. I'm making you the same offer. Insult me all you want, but use your own material. Next time you parrot another libs schtick, you will be gone, just like Dot Com is. I hope you don't do it, you're funnier than he is. He's an imbecile. However, I have three rules.

1) Stay away from my family
2) Don't be a race whore
3) Don't circle jerk each other's insults. Use your own

Or, wave bye bye. I have always given a warning first. This is yours.

If you're trying to find an excuse to exit.........just do it, you don't have to come up with your phony baloney rules. And, you don't have to warn me....whenever you feel like wimping out, just do it.......it's not mandatory that you have to answer my posts and I'm gone when I say I'm gone, not when you or some other lame hypocrite says I'm gone.......got it? Good.....cause I don't give warnings.
Wow, you are worse at insults than you were at being serious. Hot air is actually light, my dear, not heavy. Doesn't the echo between your ears drive you crazy?

Not when someone has a head as big as yours............
Wow, you are worse at insults than you were at being serious. Hot air is actually light, my dear, not heavy. Doesn't the echo between your ears drive you crazy?

Not when someone has a head as big as yours............

Um...OK? Do you know what a "hot air" balloon is, sweet heart? LOL. Hot air is heavy, you are funny...

Moron...do you need a picture? Your head is big....that's why it is heavy, doesn't matter what's inside, but actually, there is nothing inside.

Wow, you are worse at insults than you were at being serious. Hot air is actually light, my dear, not heavy. Doesn't the echo between your ears drive you crazy?

Not when someone has a head as big as yours............

Um...OK? Do you know what a "hot air" balloon is, sweet heart? LOL. Hot air is heavy, you are funny...

Moron...do you need a picture? Your head could be filled with helium and it would still be heavy.......it's that big....but nothing inside.


What does the picture have to do with your heavy hot air?
Wow, you are worse at insults than you were at being serious. Hot air is actually light, my dear, not heavy. Doesn't the echo between your ears drive you crazy?

Not when someone has a head as big as yours............

Um...OK? Do you know what a "hot air" balloon is, sweet heart? LOL. Hot air is heavy, you are funny...

Moron...do you need a picture? Your head could be filled with helium and it would still be heavy.......it's that big....but nothing inside.


What does the picture have to do with your heavy hot air?

It's your head......moron.
Wow, you are worse at insults than you were at being serious. Hot air is actually light, my dear, not heavy. Doesn't the echo between your ears drive you crazy?

Not when someone has a head as big as yours............

Um...OK? Do you know what a "hot air" balloon is, sweet heart? LOL. Hot air is heavy, you are funny...

Moron...do you need a picture? Your head could be filled with helium and it would still be heavy.......it's that big....but nothing inside.


What does the picture have to do with your heavy hot air?

It's your head......moron.

So a hot air balloon actually doesn't fly?


How do you suppose they are keeping those upright like that? They have to be heavy as shit given your educating us on the realities of hot air
Nobody gives a shit about your big head or the hot air in it.......it's obvious what you are trying to do, deflecting....trying to get away from the original argument, the OP...the fact that Bush lied......because you were never able to prove that he didn't....Faun or Dot or whoever said it was right, all you are doing is Kazzing.

I did not say what you falsely ascribed to me. When do you stop kazzing?
he doesn't.
Nobody gives a shit about your big head or the hot air in it.......it's obvious what you are trying to do, deflecting....trying to get away from the original argument, the OP...the fact that Bush lied......because you were never able to prove that he didn't....Faun or Dot or whoever said it was right, all you are doing is Kazzing.

I did not say what you falsely ascribed to me. When do you stop kazzing?
he doesn't.

Bye bye
Nobody gives a shit about your big head or the hot air in it.......it's obvious what you are trying to do, deflecting....trying to get away from the original argument, the OP...the fact that Bush lied......because you were never able to prove that he didn't....Faun or Dot or whoever said it was right, all you are doing is Kazzing.

I did not say what you falsely ascribed to me. When do you stop kazzing?
he doesn't.

Bye bye

Couldn't stand being exposed......right?
Fear mongering was much more effective

George W. Bush didn t just lie about the Iraq War. What he did was much worse.

What the Bush administration launched in 2002 and 2003 may have been the most comprehensive, sophisticated, and misleading campaign of government propaganda in American history. Spend too much time in the weeds, and you risk missing the hysterical tenor of the whole campaign.

In the summer of 2002, the administration established something called the White House Iraq Group, through which Karl Rove and other communication strategists like Karen Hughes and Mary Matalin coordinated with policy officials to sell the public on the threat from Iraq in order to justify war. "The script had been finalized with great care over the summer," White House press secretary Scott McClellan later wrote, for a "campaign to convince Americans that war with Iraq was inevitable and necessary."
In that campaign, intelligence wasn't something to be understood and assessed by the administration in making their decisions, it was a propaganda tool to lead the public to the conclusion that the administration wanted. Again and again we saw a similar pattern: An allegation would bubble up from somewhere, some in the intelligence community would say that it could be true but others would say it was either speculation or outright baloney, but before you knew it the president or someone else was presenting it to the public as settled fact.

Middle class Republicans need to understand pnac. It isn't our plans for the next American century. It is their plans. The rich. How they can assure their permanent power for the next 100 years. In Alec they never discuss worrying about the masses

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