Bush Commutes Libby's Sentence

I doubt that King George and his faction in Parliment would allow the people to impeach him instead he would send Dicky to Congress to tell them to "fuck off" and if they did impeach him I can hear him saying, "they have made their decision, now let them enforce it." But, that aside Congress will wait for the right moment to begin impeachment. Rushing into impeachment will not be a good idea if we intend to win this war. Now, let the civil war continue and let you and yours be defeated. NEXT!!!

Please loosen your tin foil hat - you need as much oxygen as posible to get through to whatever you have as a brain

As far as a civil war - you libs should not want to enflame the culture war - you know which side has the guns
Your side eschewed guns in favor of patchouli oil and bongo drums. But hey, at least you'll be ready for Woodstock 4! :rofl:

It is funny when libs rant about a civil war breaking out. The same group of kooks who want to ban guns, preach about being tolerant, bellow how they oppose violence - would want to take up arms against people who disagree with him on politics

Libs are a sorry ass bunch of losers
Looking at the current polls - Dems are to deep in the shit to do much of anything

Except what they do best - cry, whine, pout, rant, and rave how it is all Bush's fault

What else can we do when you tyrants fucking behave as you are. Yes, I am ranting and raving and I will continue to do so until my last breath. I will not be silent as you and your faction violate our rights. Even if Congress did try to impeach the traitor in the White House those who belong to his faction in the Congress would try to prevent it. Yet, Democrats are being fucking losers and allowing this fucking piece of shit and those who voted for him to violate the law, the Constitution and the rights of the people. It is shocking at how they lack a backbone and are afraid to stand up and do the right thing. It is apparent that Congress is about to start impeachment proceedings and that they have been pushed to the point where they will be forced to do so if they wish to retain their constitutional authority as Congress. It is all a matter of self-preservation and I suspect that Republicans in Congress are just waiting for a reason to impeach Bush and as soon as Democrats give it to them they will impeach him.

Now fuck off asshole and cry about how we are crying bitch. Blah, blah, blah, and blah. Do you want your bottle baby? Do you want your diaper changed? Does it upset you that we won't take Georgie and Laurie's shit or their friend Dicky's crap anymore than we will take yours? :eusa_boohoo:
What else can we do when you tyrants fucking behave as you are. Yes, I am ranting and raving and I will continue to do so until my last breath. I will not be silent as you and your faction violate our rights. Even if Congress did try to impeach the traitor in the White House those who belong to his faction in the Congress would try to prevent it. Yet, Democrats are being fucking losers and allowing this fucking piece of shit and those who voted for him to violate the law, the Constitution and the rights of the people. It is shocking at how they lack a backbone and are afraid to stand up and do the right thing. It is apparent that Congress is about to start impeachment proceedings and that they have been pushed to the point where they will be forced to do so if they wish to retain their constitutional authority as Congress. It is all a matter of self-preservation and I suspect that Republicans in Congress are just waiting for a reason to impeach Bush and as soon as Democrats give it to them they will impeach him.

Now fuck off asshole and cry about how we are crying bitch. Blah, blah, blah, and blah. Do you want your bottle baby? Do you want your diaper changed? Does it upset you that we won't take Georgie and Laurie's shit or their friend Dicky's crap anymore than we will take yours? :eusa_boohoo:

Until your last breath?

Can you provide a timeframe on that?
It is funny when libs rant about a civil war breaking out. The same group of kooks who want to ban guns, preach about being tolerant, bellow how they oppose violence - would want to take up arms against people who disagree with him on politics

Libs are a sorry ass bunch of losers

First, I have never advocated violence or the use of guns, or taking up arms against people who disagree with me on politics. Instead I have made it clear that the civil war that has been occuring since this country was formed will continue and should continue. Every election this war is fought at the ballot and we will defeat you and you can cry about it all you want. If there comes a time when the American people need to use violence to stop tryanny than that will be a sad day for America. If that time comes then liberals would be justified in doing what we did in 1776 and threatened to do in 1789. But, the need to take up arms doesn't exist yet but that time may well come and if it does liberals will do the right thing just like we did in 1776. But, even when it was quite clear that the Constitution was nothing more than a conspiracy of conservatives and even when it was clear that they would ratify it even though the people had rejected it we insisted on a Bill of Rights and chose to put down our arms and not to use them because we loathe violence and prefer not to resort to violence to achieve our ends when other lessor means are at our disposal. On election day you will be defeated and we will win this war and its as simple as that. You can cry about it all you want but we will do what is necessary to win. But so long as a hot war is not necessary than that is for the good but let the civil war as it now stands continue.
First, I have never advocated violence or the use of guns, or taking up arms against people who disagree with me on politics. Instead I have made it clear that the civil war that has been occuring since this country was formed will continue and should continue. Every election this war is fought at the ballot and we will defeat you and you can cry about it all you want. If there comes a time when the American people need to use violence to stop tryanny than that will be a sad day for America. If that time comes then liberals would be justified in doing what we did in 1776 and threatened to do in 1789. But, the need to take up arms doesn't exist yet but that time may well come and if it does liberals will do the right thing just like we did in 1776. But, even when it was quite clear that the Constitution was nothing more than a conspiracy of conservatives and even when it was clear that they would ratify it even though the people had rejected it we insisted on a Bill of Rights and chose to put down our arms and not to use them because we loathe violence and prefer not to resort to violence to achieve our ends when other lessor means are at our disposal. On election day you will be defeated and we will win this war and its as simple as that. You can cry about it all you want but we will do what is necessary to win. But so long as a hot war is not necessary than that is for the good but let the civil war as it now stands continue.

Dems won only one in the last 4 elections. The way they are fucking things up - it looks like their power will be short lived

Libs are the most hate filled and violent bunch of nuts you could possibly meet, They talk a good game about being caring and tolerant - but it is all talk
Until your last breath?

Can you provide a timeframe on that?

No, since I am probably going to live for many more years I am unable to provide any sort of a timeframe. That said whether it is today, tomorrow, 10, 20 or 50 years it is all the same. I will continue to defend my rights and the rights of others against your evil faction. We have fought you for thousands of years and will continue to do so. The war will not end so long as tryants like you continue to exist and that means that the war will continue for a long time. The only way we can stomp out tryants is if we replace our system of government with a democratic-republic. Since, that is unlikely to occur anytime soon because of the resistance of your faction it only makes snese that there will be people who come after us who will have to fight your faction just like we are fighting you. Each and every day we will do what is necessary to win and we will defeat you every November for as long as it takes.
No, since I am probably going to live for many more years I am unable to provide any sort of a timeframe. That said whether it is today, tomorrow, 10, 20 or 50 years it is all the same. I will continue to defend my rights and the rights of others against your evil faction. We have fought you for thousands of years and will continue to do so. The war will not end so long as tryants like you continue to exist and that means that the war will continue for a long time. The only way we can stomp out tryants is if we replace our system of government with a democratic-republic. Since, that is unlikely to occur anytime soon because of the resistance of your faction it only makes snese that there will be people who come after us who will have to fight your faction just like we are fighting you. Each and every day we will do what is necessary to win and we will defeat you every November for as long as it takes.

Since you live in Amercia - yes you have the right to display what a fucked up liberal asshole you are on a daily basis

Given how you beloved party is tanking in the polls - please stay away from sharp objects on Election night

Somewhere out there, someone cares about you - why I don't know
Dems won only one in the last 4 elections. The way they are fucking things up - it looks like their power will be short lived

Libs are the most hate filled and violent bunch of nuts you could possibly meet, They talk a good game about being caring and tolerant - but it is all talk

Liberals have never been tolerant of tyrants and will never be tolerant of any tyrant for tolerance doesn't require people to approve of or condone tryanny. The opinion of a tyrant such as yourself of who intolerant liberals are isn't worth much considering that what you are asking for is tolerance of evil and liberals will not tolerate evil. You might as well be asking us to be tolerant of the devil wanting to rule the United States. This isn't going to happen and we will not allow it to happen. We were not tolerant of the British Parliment or those who elected them and finally we were pushed to the point where violence was the only choice left to us but in fighting conservatives it was necessary for many to give their lives and in the words of the famous liberal Patrick Henry liberals everywhere believe, "give me liberty or give me death..."

This may upset you but we will not starting being tolerant of tryants now or in the future and we will continue to do everything to defeat tyranny in all of its forms and we will do what is necessary to win elections and to eradicate tyranny in the United States. So take your hateful and evil comments and shove them up your ass because no one is listening to the comments of a tryant who advocates tyranny. If not approving of tryanny makes liberals intolerant than so be it.
Liberals have never been tolerant of tyrants and will never be tolerant of any tyrant for tolerance doesn't require people to approve of or condone tryanny. The opinion of a tyrant such as yourself of who intolerant liberals are isn't worth much considering that what you are asking for is tolerance of evil and liberals will not tolerate evil. You might as well be asking us to be tolerant of the devil wanting to rule the United States. This isn't going to happen and we will not allow it to happen. We were not tolerant of the British Parliment or those who elected them and finally we were pushed to the point where violence was the only choice left to us but in fighting conservatives it was necessary for many to give their lives and in the words of the famous liberal Patrick Henry liberals everywhere believe, "give me liberty or give me death..."

This may upset you but we will not starting being tolerant of tryants now or in the future and we will continue to do everything to defeat tyranny in all of its forms and we will do what is necessary to win elections and to eradicate tyranny in the United States. So take your hateful and evil comments and shove them up your ass because no one is listening to the comments of a tryant who advocates tyranny. If not approving of tryanny makes liberals intolerant than so be it.

Libs have never been tolerant of anyone who disagrees with them. Libs believe it is their birth right to be in a position of power. Their hate and rage started in 1994 when the lost Congress and went over the edge after the 2000 election
Since you live in Amercia - yes you have the right to display what a fucked up liberal asshole you are on a daily basis

Given how you beloved party is tanking in the polls - please stay away from sharp objects on Election night

Somewhere out there, someone cares about you - why I don't know

What fucking party would that be? The one in your made up world! Where the hell have I ever said I belonged to any party? You are an idiot and need to get a clue because while I have said I am liberal I have not said I am a Democrat. The fact that I am inclined to vote for Democrats in order to defeat conservatives only means that I am willing to use whatever tools are at my disposal to fight evil. It is you who are demonstrating what a fucked up tryant you are. So take your comments about me and shove them up your egocentric ass because I do not hope to convince a fucking retard like you that you are a retard. That isn't something you are willing to admit. You are nothing but a twisted piece of shit and you are disgusting and pathetic. But on election day you will watch as your pathetic faction is defeated again! :eusa_boohoo:
What fucking party would that be? The one in your made up world! Where the hell have I ever said I belonged to any party? You are an idiot and need to get a clue because while I have said I am liberal I have not said I am a Democrat. The fact that I am inclined to vote for Democrats in order to defeat conservatives only means that I am willing to use whatever tools are at my disposal to fight evil. It is you who are demonstrating what a fucked up tryant you are. So take your comments about me and shove them up your egocentric ass because I do not hope to convince a fucking retard like you that you are a retard. That isn't something you are willing to admit. You are nothing but a twisted piece of shit and you are disgusting and pathetic. But on election day you will watch as your pathetic faction is defeated again! :eusa_boohoo:

as I said - you are a memeber of the kook left - your posts prove that beyond a shadow of a doubt

Trying to deny your are a liberal in a state of mouth frothing hysteria?
Is Eddie really Keith Overbite?

Olbermann Calls on Bush and Cheney to Resign, Congress to Impeach
Posted by Brad Wilmouth on July 3, 2007 - 23:32.
On Tuesday's Countdown, MSNBC host Keith Olbermann used his latest "Special Comment" to call on President Bush and Vice President Cheney to resign because of the commutation of Scooter Libby's prison sentence, contending that President Bush is only president of a "rabid and irresponsible corner of the Republican Party." Olbermann further accused Cheney of being "without conscience" and compared the two to a "ventriloquist" and "dummy." After calling on Congress to "pressure, negotiate, impeach," Olbermann concluded: "Display just that iota of patriotism which Richard Nixon showed, on August 9, 1974. Resign. And give us someone, anyone, about whom all of us might yet be able to quote John Wayne, and say, 'I didn't vote for him, but he's my President, and I hope he does a good job.' Good night and good luck." (Transcript follows)

Olbermann opened by reciting John Wayne's words about wishing well of President Kennedy even though he had voted for Nixon. The Countdown host soon moved to argue that Bush is unworthy of that sentiment as he accused the President of "stabbing this nation in the back." Olbermann: "George W. Bush took our assent, and re-configured it, and honed it, and sharpened it to razor-sharp points and stabbed this nation in the back with it."

Regarding Bush's decision to commute Libby's prison sentence, Olbermann accused the President of merely representing the "rabid" corner of his party. Olbermann: "In that moment, Mr. Bush, you ceased to be the President of the United States. In that moment, Mr. Bush, you became merely the President of a rabid and irresponsible corner of the Republican Party."

Olbermann listed out several accusations against the President, including "lying this country into war," "fabricating" a "false implied link between Saddam Hussein and 9/11," "causing in Iraq the needless deaths of 3,586 of our brothers and sons and sisters and daughters and friends and neighbors," "subverting the Constitution," "creating the very terror you claim to have fought," and "handing part of this Republic over to a Vice President who is without conscience."

The MSNBC host compared Bush and Cheney to a "ventriloquist" and "dummy" as he referred to the Libby commutation as "crossing the Rubicon." Olbermann: "You both crossed the Rubicon yesterday. Which one of you chose the route no longer matters. Which is the ventriloquist, and which the dummy, is now irrelevant. But that you have twisted the machinery of government into nothing more than a tawdry machine of politics, is the only fact that remains relevant."

Olbermann tied in the July 4th holiday for its celebration of America standing up to its king, as he called for the impeachment of Bush and Cheney, whom he tagged as "perilous to our democracy." Olbermann: "We of this time -- and our leaders in Congress, of both parties -- must now live up to those standards which echo through our history -- pressure, negotiate, impeach -- get you, Mr. Bush, and Mr. Cheney, two men who are now perilous to our democracy, away from its helm."

Olbermann concluded: "Display just that iota of patriotism which Richard Nixon showed, on August 9, 1974. Resign. And give us someone, anyone, about whom all of us might yet be able to quote John Wayne, and say, 'I didn't vote for him, but he's my President, and I hope he does a good job.' Good night and good luck."

Libs have never been tolerant of anyone who disagrees with them. Libs believe it is their birth right to be in a position of power. Their hate and rage started in 1994 when the lost Congress and went over the edge after the 2000 election

You are right! Liberals do believe it is our birthright to be in a position of self-government and we demand it and we even fought a war for that right. I know that conservatives think they are better than everyone else and that is why they drafted the Constitution and ratified it over the rejection of the people because in the words of one of the worst conservatives, Alexander Hamilton, the British form of government was the best. But realizing that they could not get liberals to support the Constitution without a Bill of Rights and seeing liberals take up arms and march into cities led by some of the most patriotic of our forefathers who fought the conservatives in the American Revolution demanding that the Constitution be rejected. That did not happen and finally liberals not wanting to fight another war decided to give a little so long as we had a Bill of Rights but that fight has not ended. Those who were violating our rights of self-government then are trying to do so now. So, I will exercise my birthright as a person to have a say in my own government even if you think I should not have that right because the tyrannical opinion of a pathetic loser like you means nothing to me. :eusa_boohoo:
You are right! Liberals do believe it is our birthright to be in a position of self-government and we demand it and we even fought a war for that right. I know that conservatives think they are better than everyone else and that is why they drafted the Constitution and ratified it over the rejection of the people because in the words of one of the worst conservatives, Alexander Hamilton, the British form of government was the best. But realizing that they could not get liberals to support the Constitution without a Bill of Rights and seeing liberals take up arms and march into cities led by some of the most patriotic of our forefathers who fought the conservatives in the American Revolution demanding that the Constitution be rejected. That did not happen and finally liberals not wanting to fight another war decided to give a little so long as we had a Bill of Rights but that fight has not ended. Those who were violating our rights of self-government then are trying to do so now. So, I will exercise my birthright as a person to have a say in my own government even if you think I should not have that right because the tyrannical opinion of a pathetic loser like you means nothing to me. :eusa_boohoo:

As I said, libs are now consumed with ahte and rage. You need serious help my boy
Flashback: In 2001, Nets Not So Fast to Jump on Bill Clinton's Pardon of Marc Rich
Posted by Brent Baker on July 3, 2007 - 18:00.
Back in 2001, the broadcast network evening shows weren't quite so fast to jump on President Bill Clinton's Inauguration Day morning pardon of Marc Rich, a fugitive from justice over fraud and tax evasion, who was hiding overseas and whose ex-wife was a big Democratic contributor. ABC's World News got to it a day later, but it took the NBC Nightly News another day. The CBS Evening News didn't bother reporting it until the Thursday after Clinton's Saturday morning action -- and then Dan Rather framed it as another instance of Clinton being victimized by unrelenting critics who wouldn't let go even after he left office: “Critics of former President Clinton are going beyond the very end. They're raising new questions about one of the end of term pardons President Clinton granted.”

You are right! Liberals do believe it is our birthright to be in a position of self-government and we demand it and we even fought a war for that right. I know that conservatives think they are better than everyone else and that is why they drafted the Constitution and ratified it over the rejection of the people because in the words of one of the worst conservatives, Alexander Hamilton, the British form of government was the best. But realizing that they could not get liberals to support the Constitution without a Bill of Rights and seeing liberals take up arms and march into cities led by some of the most patriotic of our forefathers who fought the conservatives in the American Revolution demanding that the Constitution be rejected. That did not happen and finally liberals not wanting to fight another war decided to give a little so long as we had a Bill of Rights but that fight has not ended. Those who were violating our rights of self-government then are trying to do so now. So, I will exercise my birthright as a person to have a say in my own government even if you think I should not have that right because the tyrannical opinion of a pathetic loser like you means nothing to me. :eusa_boohoo:

Lesson Learned: Americans are Dumb
One of the most important lessons learned from our loss this election is that we failed to connect with the retarded dittohead masses. I've thought about it long and hard, and have come to the conclusion that we progressives were simply too nice. Out of compassion for those inferior to them, liberal statesmen like Al Franken and Michael Moore held back and didn't sneer nearly enough at the American people as they should have, and we all paid for it on election day. 59 million jingoist biblethumping rednecks repaid our kindness by choosing a chimp who talks to an invisible diety over a war hero with four Purple Hearts.

Well, no more Mr. Nice Liberal. If our seething, drooling hatred for Bush, God, and America isn't enough to win these brainless sheep over to our pasture, then it's time to stop pulling punches. Progressive pundits are already on the ball and are diligently making up for lost sneering. However, it will take more than self-righteous screeching from the mountaintop to regain our rightful place as rulers over the brainwashed hordes. If we're ever going to win another election, if we're ever to earn forgiveness from France for our arrogance, we need to get out there in the red states where all the intolerant morons live and ridicule their silly religious beliefs. We need to really hammer it into their thick, prehistoric skulls that they're just too damn superstitious and stupid to be trusted with the future of this country.

Therefore, I suggest that we get a few really good days of self-pity and hopeless whining in, and then get back to work reminding the uneducated trogs how inferior they are. It's time to really get into their faces and shove it down their slack-jawed gullets that if they ever want to work again, ever want to eat again, ever want to walk again, ever want to see their sons and daughters alive again, they better damn well vote Democrat!

So today, I compiled a list of ten people I know who voted Republican and gave them each a call, in which I basically laid out the real heart of the progressive philosophy in simple terms they could understand.

"RACIST BIGOT GAY-BASHING FASCIST MORON!" I screamed into the phone after dialing my first number. "BIGOT FASCIST RIGHT-WING IDIOT HATEMONGER!!!!"

"Why are you screaming at me?" Grandma asked. "This state went to Kerry anyway."


"Jeezus!" Grandma gasped.

"STOP FORCING YOUR RELIGION ON ME YOU NAZI BIGOT MORON!" I demanded, and hung up the phone. Jesus indeed!

The next eight calls were less cordial, and I received some very un-christianlike remarks from my targets before they rudely hung up. My, my, my! The hateful bile that comes out of the mouths of these "compassionate conservative" hypocrites!

Call number ten was out of town, but I left a convincing message on his machine. Tonight, I'm going over to spray paint "NAZI LIVES HERE" on his garage door. If that doesn't win his heart over to our side, nothing will.

Logic dictates that if four years of baseless accusations and ad hominem attacks won us 48% of the popular vote, then being twice as nasty will win us 96%. And if each of my readers were able to convince just one right-winger on their list to convert to our cause, it would mean 15 new votes for the democrats in 2006.

So go get 'em, take no prisoners, and feed those right-wing Christians to the liberal lions!

As I said, libs are now consumed with ahte and rage. You need serious help my boy

Nice try asshole but its not hate and rage that I'm consumed by. It is a love of liberty, freedom and a desire for a democratic-republic that consumes me. Do you know how many times you fucking losers try to make it personal and say the exact same thing, "be a good little bitch" and you "need serious help" when in fact it is you who needs serious help. Let's take this issue and break it down. I have done nothing but advocate for a form of government where all people are equal under the law and government while you support the Constitution which denies people a say in their government instead of a "government of the people, for the people and by the people," you get a "government of the voter, by the voter and for the voter." The problem here is not voting or majority rule because I support a democratic-republic. The problem is in the form of election and representation. It is in the idea that a person whom I have not met and who doesn't live in my neighborhood can represent me when someone who doesn't even live in my neighborhood voted for them. It is a tenant of self-government and a principle opposed by those who drafted the Constitution. So take your comments about me needing help for desiring what our forefathers desired and shove it up your ass because I am no different than those who opposed bastards like you who supported the Constitution in 1789. They weren't angry or full of hate instead they loved their new-found liberty so much that they were willing to stand up to conservatives. It was only after being ridiculed and generally spoken of in the same manner as your elitist ass now speaks of me that many of them fall silent and it was only the courage of men like John Lansing, George Mason and Patrick Henry that allowed us to obtain a Bill of Rights.

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