'Burning Man = Total Disaster': 73,000 Attendees "Hunker Down" As Desert Party Transforms Into Muddy Hellhole

Man, a lot of people are screwed, you can't drive on the playa because of all the rain, only emergency vehicles permitted, and not even trucks are allowed in to clean out the porta a johns. Don't know what they are going to do about food, but no one is coming in, or going out. A lot of people won't be making it back on time to turn in the rental car or catch their flight. More rain in the forecast.

Given the conditions, which include forecast rain Sunday, it appears unlikely anyone will be permitted to drive out soon. Burning Man officials have not provided a comprehensive update on conditions, departure timing or even the multiple art burns scheduled for Saturday and Sunday. Longtime attendees said they can't remember a burn with this much rain.

Earlier, organizers banned vehicle traffic from the roads Friday afternoon and kept the exit gates closed as Saturday morning. Even walking was treacherous as thick, slimy mud clung to shoes and anything else it touched.

Organizers on Friday and Saturday warned attendees to conserve their food and water, indicating the closures could be lengthy. The Burning Man radio station known as BMIR and a social media account have been providing updates to attendees.


One of their tenets is "Self Reliance".

Time to practice that.

most of the people attending this event are mega wealthy...the irony o the irony

camps are going to run outta of free products...

chris rock made it out alive.....just on the upside

The good news is, there hasn't been an Ebola outbreak at Burning Man.
The bad news is, there hasn't been an outbreak of Ebola at Burning Man.
You mean a rainbow appeared after some heavy rain?

Must be a miracle of God! Such things never happen!
I really don't see the appeal of going to one of these things....

Maybe once a long time ago...

Too many people, too many drugs and alcohol, and always the rain.
Am I the only one who sees these assholes interviewed on TV and thinks that they appear to be way too old to be at that stupid festival?

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