"burn your masks"


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
I'm going to put a couple together to make a fashionable swimsuit type top.

I'll be wearing a mask everywhere I go.
Sure, just look how well not wearing a mask turned out for Trump and his White House crew...and a couple of Republican Senators...oh wait....nevermind.

The White House has the most stringent measures to prevent infection, and most people who enter there are tested every day.

And in spite of that, they still had an outbreak of COVID-19. If they couldn't prevent anyone from being infected, just imagine how much more you stand the risk of it.
Sure, just look how well not wearing a mask turned out for Trump and his White House crew...and a couple of Republican Senators...oh wait....nevermind.

B-But, JackInTheBox! You have some medical data we don't know about that says Trump got the virus while not wearing a mask? You do know he DOES wear a mask when he feels the need! Do you know that most of the 210,000 dead from Covid also wore a mask? Do you know anyone who wears a mask 24 hours a day all the time?

What about all the protesters in the street not wearing a mask? What will you say if a Democrat gets Covid or do you actually think the virus avoids people by PARTY AFFILIATION, Jack? How much you want to bet that even if/when a democrat gets Covid, the story is SAT ON, not reported, explained as something else.

Boy, Jack, the MSM sure has you by the nerve ganglia-- -- they put out the fake news jumping IMMEDIATELY on ANY story of a GOP getting ill, and like the garage bait you are, you swallow the hook, line and sinker.

Boy what a coincidence that just as we approach the election, EVERYONE IN THE GOP IS GETTING COVID! Nothing strange there!

1) You eat. Yeah... it's amazing. It DANGEROUSLY spreads if you stop eating and go to the bathroom, but you are safe as long as you are eating.
2) Also doesn't spread if you have a drink in your hand. Even if you are in an extremely crowded place - as long as you have something to drink in your hand - it is all good. (Airplanes)
3) Covid 19 only spreads in vertical lines. Social distancing is not necessary when standing side by side in line.

MASK ARE REQUIRED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Brought to you by politics are everywhere.
Sure, just look how well not wearing a mask turned out for Trump and his White House crew...and a couple of Republican Senators...oh wait....nevermind.

B-But, JackInTheBox! You have some medical data we don't know about that says Trump got the virus while not wearing a mask? You do know he DOES wear a mask when he feels the need! Do you know that most of the 210,000 dead from Covid also wore a mask? Do you know anyone who wears a mask 24 hours a day all the time?

What about all the protesters in the street not wearing a mask? What will you say if a Democrat gets Covid or do you actually think the virus avoids people by PARTY AFFILIATION, Jack? How much you want to bet that even if/when a democrat gets Covid, the story is SAT ON, not reported, explained as something else.

Boy, Jack, the MSM sure has you by the nerve ganglia-- -- they put out the fake news jumping IMMEDIATELY on ANY story of a GOP getting ill, and like the garage bait you are, you swallow the hook, line and sinker.

Boy what a coincidence that just as we approach the election, EVERYONE IN THE GOP IS GETTING COVID! Nothing strange there!

We know Pelosi doesn't wear a mask and throws parties during Covid-19, something we commoners are not allowed to do.
Sure, just look how well not wearing a mask turned out for Trump and his White House crew...and a couple of Republican Senators...oh wait....nevermind.

B-But, JackInTheBox! You have some medical data we don't know about that says Trump got the virus while not wearing a mask? You do know he DOES wear a mask when he feels the need! Do you know that most of the 210,000 dead from Covid also wore a mask? Do you know anyone who wears a mask 24 hours a day all the time?

What about all the protesters in the street not wearing a mask? What will you say if a Democrat gets Covid or do you actually think the virus avoids people by PARTY AFFILIATION, Jack? How much you want to bet that even if/when a democrat gets Covid, the story is SAT ON, not reported, explained as something else.

Boy, Jack, the MSM sure has you by the nerve ganglia-- -- they put out the fake news jumping IMMEDIATELY on ANY story of a GOP getting ill, and like the garage bait you are, you swallow the hook, line and sinker.

Boy what a coincidence that just as we approach the election, EVERYONE IN THE GOP IS GETTING COVID! Nothing strange there!
That number is a load of BS. They’ve been counting “probable” and “presumed” cases including even ones without testing. They also openly admitted to counting deaths by clear alternate causes as Covid deaths if the person allegedly tested positive, even though it has already been established that the testing itself is unreliable. You give the other side far too much credit by repeating that fraudulent number.
Sure, just look how well not wearing a mask turned out for Trump and his White House crew...and a couple of Republican Senators...oh wait....nevermind.

B-But, JackInTheBox! You have some medical data we don't know about that says Trump got the virus while not wearing a mask? You do know he DOES wear a mask when he feels the need! Do you know that most of the 210,000 dead from Covid also wore a mask? Do you know anyone who wears a mask 24 hours a day all the time?

What about all the protesters in the street not wearing a mask? What will you say if a Democrat gets Covid or do you actually think the virus avoids people by PARTY AFFILIATION, Jack? How much you want to bet that even if/when a democrat gets Covid, the story is SAT ON, not reported, explained as something else.

Boy, Jack, the MSM sure has you by the nerve ganglia-- -- they put out the fake news jumping IMMEDIATELY on ANY story of a GOP getting ill, and like the garage bait you are, you swallow the hook, line and sinker.

Boy what a coincidence that just as we approach the election, EVERYONE IN THE GOP IS GETTING COVID! Nothing strange there!

Wowsers..just look at all the Democrats who are infected and.....wait....there aren't any?...uh..well nevermind then.
It's just their latest hoax anyway. Say, I wonder if COVID is transferred by osmosis or by telepathy?...no?..hmmmm. Let's see how many unforced errors you can spot. :)



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Sure, just look how well not wearing a mask turned out for Trump and his White House crew...and a couple of Republican Senators...oh wait....nevermind.

B-But, JackInTheBox! You have some medical data we don't know about that says Trump got the virus while not wearing a mask? You do know he DOES wear a mask when he feels the need! Do you know that most of the 210,000 dead from Covid also wore a mask? Do you know anyone who wears a mask 24 hours a day all the time?

What about all the protesters in the street not wearing a mask? What will you say if a Democrat gets Covid or do you actually think the virus avoids people by PARTY AFFILIATION, Jack? How much you want to bet that even if/when a democrat gets Covid, the story is SAT ON, not reported, explained as something else.

Boy, Jack, the MSM sure has you by the nerve ganglia-- -- they put out the fake news jumping IMMEDIATELY on ANY story of a GOP getting ill, and like the garage bait you are, you swallow the hook, line and sinker.

Boy what a coincidence that just as we approach the election, EVERYONE IN THE GOP IS GETTING COVID! Nothing strange there!
That number is a load of BS. They’ve been counting “probable” and “presumed” cases including even ones without testing. They also openly admitted to counting deaths by clear alternate causes as Covid deaths if the person allegedly tested positive, even though it has already been established that the testing itself is unreliable. You give the other side far too much credit by repeating that fraudulent number.

Like all things democrat, the truth is usually the EXACT OPPOSITE of whatever they claim. When we take away the falsely blamed Covid deaths, ones caused by gross hospital malfeasance during the peak outbreak and all the ones actually CAUSED by democrats like Cuomo in his massively irresponsible actions, the USA and Trump probably have one of the LOWEST Covid death rates per populace!
Sure, just look how well not wearing a mask turned out for Trump and his White House crew...and a couple of Republican Senators...oh wait....nevermind.

B-But, JackInTheBox! You have some medical data we don't know about that says Trump got the virus while not wearing a mask? You do know he DOES wear a mask when he feels the need! Do you know that most of the 210,000 dead from Covid also wore a mask? Do you know anyone who wears a mask 24 hours a day all the time?

What about all the protesters in the street not wearing a mask? What will you say if a Democrat gets Covid or do you actually think the virus avoids people by PARTY AFFILIATION, Jack? How much you want to bet that even if/when a democrat gets Covid, the story is SAT ON, not reported, explained as something else.

Boy, Jack, the MSM sure has you by the nerve ganglia-- -- they put out the fake news jumping IMMEDIATELY on ANY story of a GOP getting ill, and like the garage bait you are, you swallow the hook, line and sinker.

Boy what a coincidence that just as we approach the election, EVERYONE IN THE GOP IS GETTING COVID! Nothing strange there!
That number is a load of BS. They’ve been counting “probable” and “presumed” cases including even ones without testing. They also openly admitted to counting deaths by clear alternate causes as Covid deaths if the person allegedly tested positive, even though it has already been established that the testing itself is unreliable. You give the other side far too much credit by repeating that fraudulent number.

View attachment 397893 Like all things democrat, the truth is usually the EXACT OPPOSITE of whatever they claim. When we take away the falsely blamed Covid deaths, ones caused by gross hospital malfeasance during the peak outbreak and all the ones actually CAUSED by democrats like Cuomo in his massively irresponsible actions, the USA and Trump probably have one of the LOWEST Covid death rates per populace!

Except we don't measure death and human suffering via death rate per populace do we?
A first world nation with a capitalist economy and a healthcare systems that you right wingers always love to brag about...and we have
the highest number of deaths in the world. And the most infections.

But, feel free to go back to your rationalizations. Click your heels together three times and repeat, "It's just their latest hoax!" :)
Wowsers..just look at all the Democrats who are infected and.....wait....there aren't any?

Last I checked, Jackstain, no one in your picture is dead are they? Pretty interesting that a group of people CLOSEST TO THE FACTS AS IS POSSIBLE are all living normal lives with no great fear they will somehow die just by not wearing a mask.

And there is NO STUDY, no data that shows masks significantly impede viral spread.

And we have hundreds of thousands dead who all mostly WORE A MASK.

Funny that only cumstains like you and the democrats--- the very people who CAUSED most of the dead, are the only ones who take the masks so seriously, all as a political football to make as a campaign issue because otherwise


Not one reason in the world why anyone should put Joe The Creep in the WH.
Wowsers..just look at all the Democrats who are infected and.....wait....there aren't any?

Last I checked, Jackstain, no one in your picture is dead are they? Pretty interesting that a group of people CLOSEST TO THE FACTS AS IS POSSIBLE are all living normal lives with no great fear they will somehow die just by not wearing a mask.

And there is NO STUDY, no data that shows masks significantly impede viral spread.

And we have hundreds of thousands dead who all mostly WORE A MASK.

Funny that only cumstains like you and the democrats--- the very people who CAUSED most of the dead, are the only ones who take the masks so seriously, all as a political football to make as a campaign issue because otherwise


Not one reason in the world why anyone should put Joe The Creep in the WH.

Sigh..all you have are insults. You should be thankful that no one is dead. But, let's review for those of you who are intent on parroting the narrative.

Oh yeah, and I'd start warming up to the idea of Biden as President. As I told you six months ago, I like his chances. :)
Sure, just look how well not wearing a mask turned out for Trump and his White House crew...and a couple of Republican Senators...oh wait....nevermind.

The White House has the most stringent measures to prevent infection, and most people who enter there are tested every day.

And in spite of that, they still had an outbreak of COVID-19. If they couldn't prevent anyone from being infected, just imagine how much more you stand the risk of it.
There was a ceremony in the Rose Garden where people were packed together and not wearing masks. Some prominent people tested positive after it. Do not tell me about how careful⁰ the White House is being.
Sure, just look how well not wearing a mask turned out for Trump and his White House crew...and a couple of Republican Senators...oh wait....nevermind.

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