Burn the Koran on 9-11

Still, it is a stupid and hurtful move that fuels what???

Resentment, of course. Anger. And most of all the fear and smear machine. It's dumb, it's harmful, it reinforces negative stereotypes about Christians, and it's ultimately one of the more cynical moves I've seen in a while from a pseudo-religious organization looking to tap into crazy internet donors.

I get it. There's a reason I called it a dumbass stunt.

But...I can't be a civil libertarian and try to claim they have no right to be disgusting morons if no laws are broken, can I?

I will neither confirm or deny. :lol: :lol: :lol:
I will neither encourage or discourage. It all needs to play out.

Or... for myself, I can allow for Conscience dictate, and give witness from my personal perspective, not prohibiting, but seeking to influence in a positive way. We all in the end have a right to remain on a poor course, accepting full responsibility for doing so, I guess.

Sort of like buying used lottery tickets though. :lol:

Great analogy. :lol::lol:

Whoring for cash by playing into stereotype and using deliberate provocation usually doesn't end well. But it's their choice, nobody asked me.

I just hope nothing more comes of it than some Koran sellers having a good month and a few days of strong words on the internets.
That is the Extremist's definition of World Peace, Right???:lol:

ONE THING is for ABSOLUTE CERTAIN, there will be NO WORLD PEACE, until either one of two things happens, either islam is wiped from the face of the earth, or everyone on earth is muslim.

Which do you want?

Do you really need to ask that???

Religious Freedom Page: Memorial and Remonstrance Against Religious Assessments, James Madison (1785)

That was good reading, thanks.
Burning the Koran - The Week

More examples of intollerance from Christians. And they want us to to use a christian example of how to deal with those of a different faith?

A controversial church in Florida is attracting global attention as it organizes a "Burn the Koran" day to commemorate the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. Pastor Terry Jones — leader of Dove World Outreach Center and author of a book called Islam is the Devil — says Islam is a "violent and oppressive" faith, and that the only way to stop Muslim terrorists is to expose their religion "for what it is."
One crazy church represents "Christians"?? WTF?
A new low, even for you, Nutwinger. They no more represent Christians than Rev Wright does.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nH5ixmT83JE]YouTube - Jeremiah Wright - God Damn America - Obama's Spiritual Mentor / Pastor[/ame]

one has to laugh (at you)

I tried to count all the times hate filled scumbag conservatives like YOU pointed to wright and said "he represents ALL liberals!"

but my computer doesn't actually go to infinity......

Please post even two times that ANYONE, much less me, posted that Wright represents all liberals.
I'll be waiting.
one has to laugh (at you)

I tried to count all the times hate filled scumbag conservatives like YOU pointed to wright and said "he represents ALL liberals!"

but my computer doesn't actually go to infinity......

Got to love it when the broad brush is the right tool for painting everything but your own house. :doubt:

No matter, people without foam spilling down their chins understand Rabbi and his kind don't represent most people on the right any more than AQ represents most Muslims or these freaks in the OP represent most Christians. Let him play his little games if it makes him feel better.

What kind is that?
Burning the Koran - The Week

More examples of intollerance from Christians. And they want us to to use a christian example of how to deal with those of a different faith?

A controversial church in Florida is attracting global attention as it organizes a "Burn the Koran" day to commemorate the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. Pastor Terry Jones — leader of Dove World Outreach Center and author of a book called Islam is the Devil — says Islam is a "violent and oppressive" faith, and that the only way to stop Muslim terrorists is to expose their religion "for what it is."

Well does your sorry ass believe in BROADBRUSHING or does it KNOT?
OP needs to educate himself on Islam. If the world were an organism, Islam would be the cancer that kills it. It needs to be iradicated, at the very least, minimized.

Islam has sought to subjugate the people of the world for as long as they have been around. If you are for freedom, you are against Islam. Just look at the Sharia Law threads here on USMB for starters.

And the attitude of "Christianity is just as bad" will not negate that.

Christianity has been as bad, in fact it has been much worse, historically. If you accept that, and if you accept that Christianity evolved and reformed over time,

then there is no logical argument to be made that Islam can't do the same thing. In fact, in many nations with overwhelmingly Muslim populations, that has already occurred.

In truth I do not find that to be the reality. By slandering Christianity, you seek to justify a negative characteristic of Islam, that is expected from you. Seeking harmony and Communion with God, one must change, transform, learn from experience, adapt, atone, Christianity embraces Transformation. In Truth, it is My Hope, that Islam learns to put God first in all things, even before Dogma, which is alway's in danger of being hijacked or corrupted, no matter the faith or Sect. There will always be things beyond Man's understanding. I truly pray that we Each learn to discern, and I do believe that to be part of our design. Maybe you would do better as a advocate for the needs of Christian's in the Islamic controlled world, in relation to Equal Rights, Access, and ability to worship freely. Maybe We could start a Christian Outreach center in Mecca designed to bring the Islamic World into compliance with Human Rights.
OP needs to educate himself on Islam. If the world were an organism, Islam would be the cancer that kills it. It needs to be iradicated, at the very least, minimized.
Islam has sought to subjugate the people of the world for as long as they have been around. If you are for freedom, you are against Islam. Just look at the Sharia Law threads here on USMB for starters.
And the attitude of "Christianity is just as bad" will not negate that.
And yet, there are those who believe people with your mindset are the cancer
Only one religion is blowing themselves up to further their aims: Islam.

Standing on the sidelines and "taking no sides in the argument" will not exempt you from Sharia Law when it's implemented. You will be a "Dhimmy" will be treated as 'Kafir".
Burning the Koran - The Week

More examples of intollerance from Christians. And they want us to to use a christian example of how to deal with those of a different faith?

A controversial church in Florida is attracting global attention as it organizes a "Burn the Koran" day to commemorate the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. Pastor Terry Jones — leader of Dove World Outreach Center and author of a book called Islam is the Devil — says Islam is a "violent and oppressive" faith, and that the only way to stop Muslim terrorists is to expose their religion "for what it is."

Well does your sorry ass believe in BROADBRUSHING or does it KNOT?

Where did I ever say this applies to ALL CHRISTIANS?

Pastor Jones no more represents ALL CHRISTIANS than 19 terrorists represent ALL MUSLIMS
Burning the Koran - The Week

More examples of intollerance from Christians. And they want us to to use a christian example of how to deal with those of a different faith?

A controversial church in Florida is attracting global attention as it organizes a "Burn the Koran" day to commemorate the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. Pastor Terry Jones — leader of Dove World Outreach Center and author of a book called Islam is the Devil — says Islam is a "violent and oppressive" faith, and that the only way to stop Muslim terrorists is to expose their religion "for what it is."

Well does your sorry ass believe in BROADBRUSHING or does it KNOT?

Where did I ever say this applies to ALL CHRISTIANS?

Pastor Jones no more represents ALL CHRISTIANS than 19 terrorists represent ALL MUSLIMS

Bullshit. You've been caught, Nutwinger. Your post implied this was normative for Christians and now you're trying to wriggle out of it, like the weasel you are.
Well does your sorry ass believe in BROADBRUSHING or does it KNOT?

Where did I ever say this applies to ALL CHRISTIANS?

Pastor Jones no more represents ALL CHRISTIANS than 19 terrorists represent ALL MUSLIMS

Bullshit. You've been caught, Nutwinger. Your post implied this was normative for Christians and now you're trying to wriggle out of it, like the weasel you are.

I see once again how a simple concept of judging all based on the actions of a limited few is above your comprehension Rabbi

But keep posting my friend....hopefully, someday you might learn something
Always remember... there is only ONE Islam.

The notion of "radical" vs. "mainstream" Islam is a fools folly.
Well does your sorry ass believe in BROADBRUSHING or does it KNOT?

Where did I ever say this applies to ALL CHRISTIANS?

Pastor Jones no more represents ALL CHRISTIANS than 19 terrorists represent ALL MUSLIMS

Bullshit. You've been caught, Nutwinger. Your post implied this was normative for Christians and now you're trying to wriggle out of it, like the weasel you are.

Yes, he sure as hell did.
Hey, if we can single out nutters in Islam and use that as representative of an entire religion, why can't we do that with all religions, including Christianity?

No, that would be smart and fair. Why would anyone want to do that?

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