Burn The Heroes That Reject "Wokeness"


Paladin of the Lost Hour
Mar 4, 2013
The Left continues their quest to destroy professional sports in America.

On Sunday, [Brett] Favre made comments on a radio show once again lamenting players who don't look like him using their right as free citizens to express their opinion and try to shine a light on the continued, often violent injustices faced by non-white, non-heterosexual, non-cisgendered people every day.

He called athletes kneeling during the anthem "a shame" and wondered why "standing patriotically" for a piece of fabric isn't the great unifier he believes it should be. He intimated once again that he doesn't want politics in sports, as if politics haven't been part of sports in this country for at least a century. (Thursday is the 74th anniversary of the day Jackie Robinson integrated Major League Baseball, one of the most famous sports-and-politics moments in America.)

Favre said, "When I turn on a game, I want to watch a game. I want to watch players play and teams win, lose, come from behind. I want to watch all the important parts of the game, not what's going on outside of the game."

So now, he's the target for speaking what those of sound mind fully agree with. We're all sick of it out here, and that's why former fans have found other pursuits.

Brett Favre's bleating about politics in sports is rank with privilege, ignorance and hypocrisy
The Left continues their quest to destroy professional sports in America.

On Sunday, [Brett] Favre made comments on a radio show once again lamenting players who don't look like him using their right as free citizens to express their opinion and try to shine a light on the continued, often violent injustices faced by non-white, non-heterosexual, non-cisgendered people every day.

He called athletes kneeling during the anthem "a shame" and wondered why "standing patriotically" for a piece of fabric isn't the great unifier he believes it should be. He intimated once again that he doesn't want politics in sports, as if politics haven't been part of sports in this country for at least a century. (Thursday is the 74th anniversary of the day Jackie Robinson integrated Major League Baseball, one of the most famous sports-and-politics moments in America.)

Favre said, "When I turn on a game, I want to watch a game. I want to watch players play and teams win, lose, come from behind. I want to watch all the important parts of the game, not what's going on outside of the game."

So now, he's the target for speaking what those of sound mind fully agree with. We're all sick of it out here, and that's why former fans have found other pursuits.

Brett Favre's bleating about politics in sports is rank with privilege, ignorance and hypocrisy
Me too, and that is why I do not care nor do I pay attention to anything else. I wait for the opening kick-off and commentators' remarks that are about football, grab a samich and a beer. If I am at the game, I stand or sit and wait for the kick-off.
I believe that the protest belongs in another venue, but that is not my choice.

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