Burn Her?

1st post
What I love love about this is it shows the true nature of the leftist whack jobs and reinforces why we need C&C. To protect oneself from these frothing at the mouth lunatics masquerading as anti violence concerned citizens.
5th post
The left is inching ever closer to all out, blood in the streets, violence. They need to be encouraged, egged on, to make their final eruption so they can be dealt with once and for all. Or, at least for a long time.

Sadly, it might take burning someone alive. After all, shooting a congressman didn't work. Derailing a train didn't work. They need to be pushed to something unmistakable.
The left is inching ever closer to all out, blood in the streets, violence. They need to be encouraged, egged on, to make their final eruption so they can be dealt with once and for all. Or, at least for a long time.

Sadly, it might take burning someone alive. After all, shooting a congressman didn't work. Derailing a train didn't work. They need to be pushed to something unmistakable.
Listen to you....:abgg2q.jpg: talking all tough on an anonymous message board.
10th post
Regardless of what words were actually screamed out, clearly it was a hostile crowd.

"Regardless".....a nice way of admitting she LIED.

Sort of funny you worrying about someone lying...no? Considering the whoppers you've spewed.

She was a fool to ever go to something put on by CNN...you had to know it'd be full of lunatics...like you
How weird are the Democrats? Let me count the ways ...

"I had to have a security detail to get out," she said of the Sunrise, Fla. event. "I wouldn't be able to exit that if I didn't have a private security detail. There were people rushing the stage and screaming burn her."

NRA's Loesch: I Wouldn't Have Been Able To Exit CNN Town Hall If I Didn't Have A Security Detail

They prove themselves to be nothing, nothing but hypocritical sick fks, mental cases, degenerate , so fkn retarded they can't even tell when tjey are being hypocritical..

" LET'S BURN HER" . KILL HER" ............. AND THESE TWISTED FKD UP IN THE HEAD LOSERS are worried about SCHOOL SHOOTING, they want to kill as they preach " they want no more killings. OMFG these fks are sick in the head jesus cripe oh mighty.

Regardless of what words were actually screamed out, clearly it was a hostile crowd.

"Regardless".....a nice way of admitting she LIED.

Sort of funny you worrying about someone lying...no? Considering the whoppers you've spewed.

She was a fool to ever go to something put on by CNN...you had to know it'd be full of lunatics...like you
"Sort of funny you worrying about someone lying".......And there we have it. Someone admitting that they don't worry about someone lying. That they think it's funny that someone would worry about lying liars and their lies. It's their bread and butter.
Regardless of what words were actually screamed out, clearly it was a hostile crowd.

"Regardless".....a nice way of admitting she LIED.

Sort of funny you worrying about someone lying...no? Considering the whoppers you've spewed.

She was a fool to ever go to something put on by CNN...you had to know it'd be full of lunatics...like you
"Sort of funny you worrying about someone lying".......And there we have it. Someone admitting that they don't worry about someone lying. It's their bread and butter.

I never said that, you made it up like 99% of the garbage you spew.
How weird are the Democrats? Let me count the ways ...

"I had to have a security detail to get out," she said of the Sunrise, Fla. event. "I wouldn't be able to exit that if I didn't have a private security detail. There were people rushing the stage and screaming burn her."

NRA's Loesch: I Wouldn't Have Been Able To Exit CNN Town Hall If I Didn't Have A Security Detail

and katy tur needed a security detail to leave the orange sociopath's rally.

whiny little trumpflakes
Regardless of what words were actually screamed out, clearly it was a hostile crowd.

"Regardless".....a nice way of admitting she LIED.

Sort of funny you worrying about someone lying...no? Considering the whoppers you've spewed.

She was a fool to ever go to something put on by CNN...you had to know it'd be full of lunatics...like you
"Sort of funny you worrying about someone lying".......And there we have it. Someone admitting that they don't worry about someone lying. It's their bread and butter.

I never said that, you made it up like 99% of the garbage you spew.
"Sort of funny you worrying about someone lying"....you most certainly DID say that. You're lying again.
How weird are the Democrats? Let me count the ways ...

"I had to have a security detail to get out," she said of the Sunrise, Fla. event. "I wouldn't be able to exit that if I didn't have a private security detail. There were people rushing the stage and screaming burn her."

NRA's Loesch: I Wouldn't Have Been Able To Exit CNN Town Hall If I Didn't Have A Security Detail

and katy tur needed a security detail to leave the orange sociopath's rally.

whiny little trumpflakes
Remember...it's OK when THEY lie. They revel in it. Like they revel in the NRA blood.
Regardless of what words were actually screamed out, clearly it was a hostile crowd.

"Regardless".....a nice way of admitting she LIED.

Sort of funny you worrying about someone lying...no? Considering the whoppers you've spewed.

She was a fool to ever go to something put on by CNN...you had to know it'd be full of lunatics...like you
"Sort of funny you worrying about someone lying".......And there we have it. Someone admitting that they don't worry about someone lying. It's their bread and butter.

I never said that, you made it up like 99% of the garbage you spew.
"Sort of funny you worrying about someone lying"....you most certainly DID say that. You're lying again.

Gawd you're stupid. I mean really, you struggle with everything.

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