Buried in IG Report: How an FBI Team in Rome Gave Steele Highly Guarded Secrets


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
Talk about interfering in the 2016 election. And I'm sure 99% of the lefties have no problem with this unless Trump were to do the same to a Democrat, then it would be evil personified.

Yes, President Trump and his supporters have every right to be pissed off.

Lawbreaking by these people has gone unpunished while a nobody like Roger Stone is convicted and the Mueller rats asked for a maximum of 9-years. Two-tiered justice will tear the nation apart if it is not fixed.


The report by Inspector General Michael Horowitz details how a team of FBI agents in early October 2016 shared with Steele extensive classified materials, just weeks before the bureau cut off ties with him for leaking his own research to the media. The secrets included foreign intelligence information still considered so sensitive that the IG’s report refers to it even now only as coming from a “Friendly Foreign Government.” In fact, this is a reference to Australia. That country’s ambassador to Britain sent the United States a tip about loose talk by junior Trump campaign adviser George Papadopoulos. The FBI has described that as the predicate for its Trump-Russia investigation.

The IG report also discloses that FBI agents knew Steele worked for Glenn Simpson, whose opposition research firm Fusion GPS was paying Steele to dig up dirt on Trump for the Clinton campaign, and that Steele informed the FBI that the “candidate” – Clinton herself – knew about Steele’s work. Steele did not keep to himself the classified material he had learned from the FBI. Shortly after the Rome meeting, Steele briefed Simpson on what the FBI had disclosed to him.

The FBI’s disclosures to Steele -- described on pages 114-115 and in footnote 513, and supported on pages 386-390 and footnotes 252 and 513, deep in Horowitz’s report – were violations of laws governing the handling of classified material, according to the Inspector General and experts in national security law who spoke with RealClearInvestigations.


It didn’t take long for those secrets to get passed on to Simpson. “Crime in Progress,” Simpson’s recent book about the Trump-Russia affair, co-authored with Fusion co-founder Peter Fritsch, relates that “Steele briefed him on what had happened at the meeting” in Rome, including the FBI's disclosure that it was investigating Papadopoulos.

In footnote 513, the IG report states investigators “examined whether the FBI disclosed classified information to Steele.” The Inspector General “determined that Case Agent 2 did so when he discussed information with Steele that the FBI received from the FFG, and that he did not have prior authorization to make the disclosure.”

This is no small matter. “Sharing classified information with anyone not authorized to receive it is a crime,” says Sean Bigley, an attorney specializing in national security law. “But sharing classified information with a non-U.S. citizen not authorized to receive it is also the very definition of harm to national security.”


How the FBI conducted an investigation against Trump.

* They accept rumors and baseless allegations as "facts".
* They paid for fake opposition research created by a political party and use it as evidence to start wiretapping and spying members of the other party.
* There is possibility they wrote the dossier themselves, and used political party campaign to pay foreign operative to say it's his work, to be more believable.
* They leak stories and details taken out of context to media.
* They wait for media to write articles about leaks, and then use those media articles as corroborating evidence to justify wiretapping and spying.
* They hire dozens of biased investigators who worked for, or were part of prior investigations that cleared any and all wrongdoings by leaders of the party that created opposition research.
* They spend millions of dollars investigating crime that never happened.
* They present indictments for process crimes and other crimes not related in any way to the investigation
* They use as evidence of Russian collusion articles about Russian troll farms written years ago on Buzzfeed and the Atlantic.
* They present indictments of trolls as if this was something new and troubling only just recently discovered by FBI.
* Meanwhile, real evidence of crimes committed by the party that created the opposition research are ignored, swept under the rug, or destroyed to cover the tracks.
* At the same time, the real evidence that someone who is mentally disturbed and threatening to shoot up a school full of children is ignored because FBI can't determine who the person is, even thought they used their real name on all of their social media accounts.

They're all in this together, and they all need to be purged, prosecuted and when found guilty, jailed or even executed.
Barr knows all this.

I thunk that little pissing match between barr and Trump was a set-up to give deep state members a false sense of security.

"Trumped" up talk of crimes and illegalities by Trump and his associates must be measured against true crimes by the forces of the Deep State. They put our very national security at risk in order to harm Donald Trump.

In a just world the people responsible for such treachery would be in prison at this very moment.

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