Burger King Obesity: Curtailing Urges


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Our modern consumerism conveniences make it easy to indulge in drive-thru lunches and brunches, picking up greasy burgers and fries and guzzle them down while we drive.

This cholesterol-neglect makes for an obesity-culture, and indeed, Americans suffer from obesity than people from other countries. Capitalism is of course the hallmark of America, which is why consumerism is symbolic of 'American pride.'

Think about what you're doing/eating before you do/eat it. Otherwise, you'll become a proverbial 'Thanksgiving Tyrant.'

How should we think about the luxury of food in terms of the healthy need to curtail urges? Should we learn from the eating habits of animals? Animals seem to eat only for vitality and hence rarely indulge, which is why we don't really see 'obese' animals unusual for their species. Pigs and cows are naturally fat, but there are rarely single 'obese pigs/cows' that stand out from the herd.

Humans should think similarly. Food is a spiritual treasure and we need to treat it as such and curtail our urges to be...well...'super-eaters.'



An obese woman we might notice is more 'tragic' than an obese man. We don't want American women to suffer from the problems of consumerism-consciousness. Well, we don't want men to be obese/unhealthy either, but observing unnatural obesity in American women is a more 'wakening' sign of general social/lifestyle maladies and problems (and foolishness). Curtailing our urges helps us avoid the metaphysical malady of developing a 'stomach-mind with teeth.'

I refer to this 'stomach-mind with teeth' as The Thing (a loose reference to the fictional sci-fi abomination-monster from John Carpenter's horror-film starring the great Kurt Russell). The Thing I refer to is the American consumerism-culture spawned obese man/woman with a proverbial 'stomach-mind with teeth.' We might even hallucinate an obese American as literally becoming The Thing and may joke, "Should I feed your stomach rather than your mouth?"

Sometimes you wonder what a fast-food drive-thru service-employee thinks about countless consumers picking up greasy cheeseburgers so conveniently day in and day out. You have to wonder if such 'capitalism-diplomats' start to think that they are unwitting 'creators' of numerous Things strolling around America with pizzas, chips, sodas, and fries in their hands (and pockets!).

Don't become The Thing. Curtailing urges helps you better embrace the bright side of consumerism-culture --- the convenience of access to tasty and wonderful foods like baked potatoes with broccoli and cheese!



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