Bumper sticker…

And you wonder why most of America sees your type of DEPLORABLE vile human beings.

Go fuck yourself ya deplorable piece of shit.

Eat shit racist pig fucker.

Oink, oink.

No one likes your type.

Enough like my type to see Trump in office....you best run to your safe space snowflake,because we're coming for you.

I'm giving these out tomorrow to my customers…
A great gun salesman he was…
Yes the gun industry made suckers out of all you dumb fucking rubes


As long as it results in a well armed America it's all good.
Law-abiding citizens owning a bunch of firearms never hurt anybody… Fact

I bought my first AR the day after barry was elected....the wife asked me if I shouldn't buy at least two.
Buy more guns and ammo, it's the best thing Americans can do no matter who's president. Fact
A great gun salesman he was…
Yes the gun industry made suckers out of all you dumb fucking rubes


As long as it results in a well armed America it's all good.
Law-abiding citizens owning a bunch of firearms never hurt anybody… Fact

I bought my first AR the day after barry was elected....the wife asked me if I shouldn't buy at least two.
Buy more guns and ammo, it's the best thing Americans can do no matter who's president. Fact

Oh I had a stock before barry was elected although it was all hunting firearms.
I just started concentrating on AR's when it became apparent barry and company were serious about trying to hinder our 2nd amendment rights.
Ya know it's kinda funny. Back in the mid eighties not to many people owned AR's or AK's. It took the liberal left to open the eyes of Americans to the real threat of gov infringing on that right.
To me, the best sticker that I have ever seen was on the back of a car that I was behind at a red light not too long ago. On it was this question for those who love to ride the bumper of whoever is in front of them: Do you follow the Lord this closely?

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)


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