Bullies of Beijing Piss Off The French


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 2019

The communist dictatorship pushes its weight around but the French are not intimidated

PARIS (AP) — A French museum has postponed an exhibit about Mongol Emperor Genghis Khan citing interference by the Chinese government, which it accuses of trying to rewrite history.
The Château des ducs de Bretagne history museum in the western city of Nantes said that it was putting the show about the fearsome 13th century leader on hold for over three years.

In a statement Monday, the museum’s director Bertrand Guillet said “we made the decision to stop this production in the name of the human, scientific and ethical values that we defend.”

It said the Chinese authorities demanded that certain words, including “Genghis Khan,” “Empire” and “Mongol” be taken out of the show. Subsequently, it said that they asked for power over exhibition brochures, legends and maps.

How long did it take the French to surrender to their demands?

I watched a movie a few years back about Mongolia- of today- beautiful Country and helluva way of life the nomads there live-

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