Bullies always back down.

When all you have are insults, and nothing to back up your assertions, you’re admitting defeat, and that you have nothing to support your claims

All you do is regurgitate, right wing media lies, and none of that is backed up with evidence, facts, or legal opinions for that matter.
Take off, hoser.
sure i can…it’s another word for demafasict

With every post you sound dumber and dumber. What the fuck is a “demafascist”.

When cult members invent their own language that has no basis in reality or facts, it’s so they can talk amongst themselves in secret and regular people won’t know what they’re saying.

Do you have to reinforce your insanity in every post? If you don’t say something that makes you look gullible and stupid the spell might be broken.

You sound for all the world like the Jehovah’s Witnesses come to the door and ask you if you’ve found Jesus. They have to praise Jesus with everything they say.
I’m happy that trump is learning to keep his mouth shut sometimes

Christie is too insignificant to pay much attention too
But if all he speaks is the truth, why does he need to keep his mouth shut?
I know you don't think that Trump's mouth gets him in trouble.....that can't be possible
With every post you sound dumber and dumber. What the fuck is a “demafascist”.

When cult members invent their own language that has no basis in reality or facts, it’s so they can talk amongst themselves in secret and regular people won’t know what they’re saying.

Do you have to reinforce your insanity in every post? If you don’t say something that makes you look gullible and stupid the spell might be broken.

You sound for all the world like the Jehovah’s Witnesses come to the door and ask you if you’ve found Jesus. They have to praise Jesus with everything they say.
haha speaking of inventing their own words can you dembot cultist define a woman yet?
Your concession is noted and appreciated.

My mother used to say “If people think you are stupid, it is better to remain silent and make them wonder, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt”.
obviously you didnt listen to your mother
lol you ass clowns will try and 'impeach' him till he dies. You haven't made him cave yet, and you tards have control of the entire govt. and unlimited resources and own thousands of judges. It's obvius who the cowards are, and it ain't Trump, it's your Hero Pedophile and his thugs.

Nobody tried to impeach him

They did impeach him


Then he was impeached by the American people by overwhelming margins

The same way Hillary Clinton beat him by overwhelming margins

Nobody tried to indict him

They did indict him


And there are more indictments to come

Followed by convictions
With every post you sound dumber and dumber. What the fuck is a “demafascist”.

When cult members invent their own language that has no basis in reality or facts, it’s so they can talk amongst themselves in secret and regular people won’t know what they’re saying.

Do you have to reinforce your insanity in every post? If you don’t say something that makes you look gullible and stupid the spell might be broken.

You sound for all the world like the Jehovah’s Witnesses come to the door and ask you if you’ve found Jesus. They have to praise Jesus with everything they say.
Jehovah's Witnesses don't praise Jesus. When they come to your door they're preaching the Kingdom and Jehovah. You're confused, as always.
All of these people are bullies. If you don’t do what they want done, they will punish you. Harshly.

Donald Trump pardoned all of the molar defendants who didn’t “rat him out”. The defendants, who signed plea agreements and gave evidence against him, he threw in jail and kept them there, or at least tried to.

Trump tried to send Michael Cohen to jail for writing a book about it. He tried to send Deputy Director Andrew McCabe to jail because his wife was the Democratic candidate.

Trump’s major excuse for firing people, was that they weren’t sufficiently “loyal”. The people that Donald Trump refers to as the “deep state”, are people who are loyal to their oath to the Constitution.

DeSantis is bullying women, teachers, and Disney. None of Ron DeSantis is “anti-woke” laws on abortion, gay rights, book bannings, and first amendment rights, including his law allowing motorists to run down protestors, will withstand a Constitutional challenge.

When Republicans are busy passing and codifying laws, which 80% of the American people, strenuously oppose, that’s bullying.
Well, Biden has definitely proven your point.
Nobody tried to impeach him

They did impeach him


Then he was impeached by the American people by overwhelming margins

The same way Hillary Clinton beat him by overwhelming margins

Nobody tried to indict him

They did indict him


And there are more indictments to come

Followed by convictions
Things are so bad for Democrats that Trump has a higher approval rate than their President.
Cowering on a golf course? Is that anything like cowering in a basement? Dumbass.

Actually, they’re the same, except it wasn’t a basement Trump was cowering in. It was a bunker.

He won’t have golf course, or a bunker to cower in, in federal prison. They have isolation cells for that.
Nobody tried to impeach him

They did impeach him


Then he was impeached by the American people by overwhelming margins

The same way Hillary Clinton beat him by overwhelming margins

Nobody tried to indict him

They did indict him


And there are more indictments to come

Followed by convictions
haha Clinton beat trump?!? haha you dembots just can’t accept reality
Nothing you have ever posted has any ring of truth to it and you’ve never backed up a single thing you’ve said, so no I’m under no obligation to believe some asshole on the Internet just because he thinks he’s all that and a bag of peanuts.

Rogers has done no infrastructure upgrades in any part of the country prior to the outage. They’ve been spending all their money on expanding their network and buying up the competition. Try another lie.

You’re just some paid asshole from some anti-democratic country throwing dirt at the democracies.
The problem is that you can try and fool the average poster on here, Canada has been lying about me for decades, but you can't change the facts. They know how, who and by what means I have been persecuted and abused. They know that I know the names, dates, locations and specifics others would not have kept note of or been aware. They know I have the emails, intersations and dishonesty in black and white in some cases. They know they have endangered both U.S AND Canadian National Security in their efforts to "get me". They know that foreign agencies know that they have not only worked hard to protect abusers of my life as a.kid, but also lied and generated business through through these lies, at my expense. They also are aware of those who physically abused me as a youth. Think about tha, THEIR NAMES AND DATES. So, co ti ue as you.were, the abused me and allowed my wife to abuse me for years as I was kept unemployed and unable to leave the situation. Do your worst and I will do my best.
I think the phrase is

"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt"

Helluva thing to have to say about a guy you worship...but here you are....
Yes, thats the negative connotation

But it applies even more to wise people
So you finally admit trump is a bullie. I guess that's a start.

He's always been a bully. You can't be in the NYC high end real estate business without being one.

At least he's up front about it, and does it himself, not passive aggressively or in mobs like the left does it.
Yes, thats the negative connotation

But it applies even more to wise people
He aint that either....

Wise people don't get their own lawyer convicted, CFO sent to prison, and himself impeached twice and facing multiple felony indictments -- all while whining about how unfair everyone is to him - while also claiming "I am your retribution" or whatever goofy shit he tells you lemmings.....

I would think the wise person would be the one not having all of that happening to them.....

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