Build the Wall; Triple the Coast Guard; Full Amnesty: Should be Republican Platform in 2020

Borders and Amnesty

  • Amnesty Only, Open Borders

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  • Amnesty First, Borders After

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Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
In a dependant and enslaved country.
Secure the land border with complete wall. Secure our southern, east and west coasts with an intensified coast guard.

Then, full amnesty for anyone who is already within the US. I will not condone the Trail of Tears 2.0 for the people already here.

Borders first.
Amnesty after.

This is the way forward.

Anyone caught trying to cross the border afterwards will be deported immediately. They will have to await asylum hearings in detention. They have the right to refuse detention and be reported immediately back to their country at the expense of forfeiting their asylum claim.
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. . . How about this. .. . . :eusa_think:

. . . only give Amnesty to those who have helped build their fair share of the Wall; Either through their own labor, or through financial contributions, that will be their sanction for entering illegally, strengthening the odds that no one should commit their same sin? :dunno:

Then, when these new Americans look back at it, they will feel a part of the nation and a part of something larger than themselves. . . a feeling of inclusion.

Added to that, it will help get the project done quicker.

Fuck amnesty.
Fuck all incentive for illegals.
Might as well say "fuck all illegals" too
Inventive is WHY they come and dumb peopl still push that shit :26:
Trumpbots will not accept any immigration reform that has even one drop of human kindness.
Fuck amnesty.
Fuck all incentive for illegals.
Might as well say "fuck all illegals" too
Inventive is WHY they come and dumb peopl still push that shit :26:
The elites that run the game are going to have them come either way. Don't fool yourself into believing you have a choice. They admitted in the nineties they wanted to politically unite North America and equalize the poor. Along with Agenda 2030, the global elites will eventually have their way if that wall doesn't get built. North American Union - Wikipedia

They will make sure a wall will not be built. . . .

The only forces at play that WANT it built are Israeli contractors. So meh, it is a wash.

I was watching that movie on NetFLIX, the Highwaymen, it reminded me that during Steinbeck's time, all migrant labor, during the 30's, when he wrote books like The Grapes of Wraith and In Dubious Battle, it was all native born. Now, it is in the global corporate interest to pay substandard. It will always be this way. When FDR mandated that government will ensure certain labor standards, global corporate interests in the US balked, THAT is when this illgal labor crisis officially started. Yes, we can blame FDR for this mess. Corporate America has always been addicted to it's cheap migrating labor and it will ALWAYS have it, nothing the public does or says will stop it.

Americans don't have a choice. They will have their nation destroyed for the corporatacracy that owns both parties.

Trumpbots will not accept any immigration reform that has even one drop of human kindness.
We have to build a wall AND reform our immigration laws. This should include visas for people who already here, provided they register and have not broken any other laws. AFTER ten years of supporting themselves and paying taxes,* they should become eligible for permanent resident status.

*Including Social Security and Medicare with no accrued benefits.
Secure the land border with complete wall. Secure our southern, east and west coasts with an intensified coast guard.

Then, full amnesty for anyone who is already within the US. I will not condone the Trail of Tears 2.0 for the people already here.

Borders first.
Amnesty after.

This is the way forward.

Anyone caught trying to cross the border afterwards will be deported immediately. They will have to await asylum hearings in detention. They have the right to refuse detention and be reported immediately back to their country at the expense of forfeiting their asylum claim.
Secure the border first and then deal with the illegals already here on a case by case basis, but only the ones who register as illegal aliens. Those who do not register should be deported.
The premise of this thread fails as the GOP candidate for 2020 is totally incapable of carrying out any kind of negotiations including the ones the OP seems to favor.
This post is a really good example of the difference between Republicans and Democrats.

Democrats want to study something, find a solution and fix it.

Republicans are looking for someone to mow over. They don’t care about the problem they just want to strong-arm it.

Historically, the Democrat’s success rate far exceeds the Republican’s success rate.

If it’s not obvious why, ask and I’ll explain.
Secure the land border with complete wall. Secure our southern, east and west coasts with an intensified coast guard.

Then, full amnesty for anyone who is already within the US. I will not condone the Trail of Tears 2.0 for the people already here.

Borders first.
Amnesty after.

This is the way forward.

Anyone caught trying to cross the border afterwards will be deported immediately. They will have to await asylum hearings in detention. They have the right to refuse detention and be reported immediately back to their country at the expense of forfeiting their asylum claim.

Then, full amnesty for anyone who is already within the US. I will not condone the Trail of Tears 2.0 for the people already here.

Trail of Tears? LOL!
Put them on a fucking bus, get them the fuck out.
Secure the land border with complete wall. Secure our southern, east and west coasts with an intensified coast guard.

Then, full amnesty for anyone who is already within the US. I will not condone the Trail of Tears 2.0 for the people already here.

Borders first.
Amnesty after.

This is the way forward.

Anyone caught trying to cross the border afterwards will be deported immediately. They will have to await asylum hearings in detention. They have the right to refuse detention and be reported immediately back to their country at the expense of forfeiting their asylum claim.

Then, full amnesty for anyone who is already within the US. I will not condone the Trail of Tears 2.0 for the people already here.

Trail of Tears? LOL!
Put them on a fucking bus, get them the fuck out.

We both know Dem's will demand amnesty first, then after they get amnesty they will weasel out of building the wall and securing our borders because that's exactly what they did after the last amnesty.

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