Brittney Griner is gay and Baptist's don't seem to care.


Senior Member
Sep 25, 2012
Brittney Griner, who led the Lady Bears basketball team of Baylor University to a national title last year is openly lesbian. And, she has been since the 9th grade. Baylor, as you know, is a private Baptist university.

Every year, we Baptist's pass some kind of resolution at our annual meeting condemning homosexuality, same-sex marriage or gay rights and preachers all over the country thunder out about the homosexual agenda from their pulpits. Yet, if means an NCAA national title, we don't notice? Suddenly, it's not even something worth talking about? All that hot air about standing up for Godly values means nothing when a national title is on the line?

This is hypocrisy in action. No wonder Southern Baptist's have the reputation of being hypocritical Pharisee's.

We Baptist's should love all homosexuals, not just the ones who can bring us a title.
Well I guess that proves your understanding of how Christians deal with homosexuality is sadly incorrect, more than anything.

The irony is that you're pissed that they aren't as bigoted as you no doubt tell people they are. aren't a Baptist. Quit lying. I'm Southern Baptist.
Well I guess that proves your understanding of how Christians deal with homosexuality is sadly incorrect, more than anything.

The irony is that you're pissed that they aren't as bigoted as you no doubt tell people they are. aren't a Baptist. Quit lying. I'm Southern Baptist.

Well that sure explains your "mentality":eusa_whistle:

The Souf'en baptists was started in the souf as a break away religion based on its support of slavery during the civil war (better known in the North as: the whipping of the southern crackers) and they are wacka doddle even today
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Well I guess that proves your understanding of how Christians deal with homosexuality is sadly incorrect, more than anything.

The irony is that you're pissed that they aren't as bigoted as you no doubt tell people they are. aren't a Baptist. Quit lying. I'm Southern Baptist.

I'm not? I've been a baptized and accepted member of a Southern Baptist congregation for more than 40 years, I've taught adult Sunday School in that church for about 20, am active in Southern Baptist Disaster Relief and even was asked to preach last Sunday.

If I'm not a Southern Baptist, how would you define a "real" Baptist?

And, no, I'm not a bigot but, yes, I'm angry about it. Not because of what you say, but because of the selective bigotry of my denomination. We shouldn't be bigoted against ANYBODY because when we do so, it grievously harms our witness and it's just Biblically wrong.
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Well I guess that proves your understanding of how Christians deal with homosexuality is sadly incorrect, more than anything.

The irony is that you're pissed that they aren't as bigoted as you no doubt tell people they are. aren't a Baptist. Quit lying. I'm Southern Baptist.

Well that sure explains your "mentality":eusa_whistle:

The Souf'en baptists was started in the souf as a break away religion based on its support of slavery during the civil war (better known in the North as: the whipping of the southern crackers) and they are wacka doddle even today

Southern Baptist Convention

That post stands as a gleaming monument to your ignorance and phenomenal bigotry.
Well I guess that proves your understanding of how Christians deal with homosexuality is sadly incorrect, more than anything.

The irony is that you're pissed that they aren't as bigoted as you no doubt tell people they are. aren't a Baptist. Quit lying. I'm Southern Baptist.

I'm not? I've been a baptized and accepted member of a Southern Baptist congregation for more than 40 years, I've taught adult Sunday School in that church for about 20, am active in Southern Baptist Disaster Relief and even was asked to preach last Sunday.

If I'm not a Southern Baptist, how would you define a "real" Baptist?

And, no, I'm not a bigot but, yes, I'm angry about it. Not because of what you say, but because of the selective bigotry of my denomination. We shouldn't be bigoted against ANYBODY because when we do so, it grievously harms our witness and it's just Biblically wrong.

:eusa_whistle: Sure.
We shouldn't be bigoted against ANYBODY because when we do so, it grievously harms our witness and it's just Biblically wrong.
Homosexuality is condemned and called a sin throughout the Bible.

In fact God calls it an abomination worthy of death on the OT.

So how is being opposed to homosexuality and those who engage in this unholy lifestyle "Biblically wrong" ?? .. :cool:
We shouldn't be bigoted against ANYBODY because when we do so, it grievously harms our witness and it's just Biblically wrong.
Homosexuality is condemned and called a sin throughout the Bible.

In fact God calls it an abomination worthy of death on the OT.

So how is being opposed to homosexuality and those who engage in this unholy lifestyle "Biblically wrong" ?? .. :cool:

Because we're not to condemn and pass judgement on those outside the Church. They answer to God, not us. We're to love them, help them any way we can and be ever ready to share the Gospel with them.
We shouldn't be bigoted against ANYBODY because when we do so, it grievously harms our witness and it's just Biblically wrong.
Homosexuality is condemned and called a sin throughout the Bible.

In fact God calls it an abomination worthy of death on the OT.

So how is being opposed to homosexuality and those who engage in this unholy lifestyle "Biblically wrong" ?? .. :cool:

Because we're not to condemn and pass judgement on those outside the Church. They answer to God, not us. We're to love them, help them any way we can and be ever ready to share the Gospel with them.

Fortunately, modern minds are no longer tied to the dismal, fearful, limited ideas of a barbaric past. Jesus' message of love, compassion and brotherhood is a wonderful example for everyone, 'Christian' or other.
Homophobes of the world, unite! You have nothing to lose but your humanity.
I have yet to have anyone in my church condemn gay people. In fact we were discussing it in Bible study this weekend; that we are to be inclusive and welcoming to ALL people..we all sin and have our vices, nobody would want any of us in the church if we all had to wear our vices on the outside.

I haven't experienced hypocrisy within the church. I have yet to see a church drive out a homosexual member, or demand they not participate in church activities. A homosexual wouldn't be able to function as a deacon or minister, but that's because there are strict guidelines to who exactly is named a church leader....people who are openly in the midst of sin aren't typically going to be sought out.

But a sports team? None of the churches I've been in would reject a player because she is homosexual. That just isn't what the southern baptist church is about. We go to the most depraved spots in the nation and plant churches...we don't kick out sinners, we welcome them.
Accepting homos into the church is just another sign that christianity is becoming more secular by the day.

The church used to be a place for sinners to go when they were tired of sin and wanted to change.

But today the church looks for ways to accomodate the sinner and not require them to change their sinful ways.
No, the church has always been about bringing the word of God to the most sinful, and serving the most abject. Always. Christ healed lepers, cast out demons and embraced criminals and harlots.

This is the Southern Baptist Church...and don't let naysayers try to convince you otherwise. I'm sure there are individuals or even individual churches who go astray and become elitist, but at our heart, this is it:

“Most people, if you ask them about Aurora, they’ll say bars and strip clubs and adult bookstores and all this stuff,” said Keith. “There’s just a lot of hurt along the street. And we started meeting people—walking up and down, talking with the homeless, spending time with them, knowing them by name—and people came in from those relationships.”

"Epic Life Church meets in a movie theater. The congregation of 100 spans from the homeless to people with comfortable homes and incomes."
“We have a rocking good time,” said Keith, a North American Mission Board church planter missionary. “It’s not something we dreamed up. The only way I can explain it is that it’s truly God calling us to do this.
“We really have wanted to bring color to the city. This is a colorless city, spiritually colorless. Our vision at Epic Life is to see North Seattle transformed by finding an epic life in Christ,” said Keith.
Another crazy occurrence came when a crack house burned down and became a homeless hangout.
“We prayed for a year and then asked the owners if we could create a garden,” said Keith. The owners initially said no, but finally agreed. “God’s allowed us to use this space without paying for it. As we have the money we put in gardening containers. We see it as transforming people’s lives—a place to share the gospel.
“There’s a homeless lady who lives there. She has a botany degree. She sleeps on the sidewalk, but she takes care of the plants. Crazy,” said Keith.
The Epic Life community is excited that Seattle is a Send North America city and is already working with a supporting church, Oakwood Baptist Church in New Braunfels, Texas.
“They brought 131 youth and their leaders this summer,” said Keith. “When a group like that comes it puts a lot of hands and feet on the ground. They helped us with a block party for several hundred people. People along Aurora are not just down and out, they are marginalized. Showing them love and that people truly care has opened a lot of doors,” said Keith."
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I doubt OG's baptist affiliation because as a Baptist, he should know that a condemnation of homosexuality is simply a condemnation of a sin that the world is attempting to normalize.
We also condemn abortion...but we still accept women who have had them.
Discriminating against homosexuals makes sense - as much sense as discriminating against left-handed people or the color-blind.
Slavery is in the Bible.
Incest is in the Bible.
Annihilation of cities and peoples is in the Bible.
Those things are not guides for today. In fact, they serve as examples of how not to act in a modern world that has evolved from the dark past. All those who want to subjugate others with out dated precepts reveal their self doubts and need for control.
Fortunately, such 'beliefs' are disappearing in light of science, psychology and philosophy. They are on the road to extinction.
Question for Oldguy and Koshergrl.

If a gay man walked into your Church holding hands with his live in boyfriend and stated that he wanted to become an active member of your Church and help teach kids in Sunday school.

Would you allow him as practicing homosexual to join your Church and be allowed to help teach children's Sunday school classes?

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