British Troops Are Rescuing Americans in Afghanistan - Biden in Total Disgrace


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
The Biden Administration and woke US military elites refuse to leave the Kabul airport premises, to rescue the thousands of stranded Americans in Kabul, Afghanistan.

French and British soldiers are being sent out to rescue their countrymen who are trapped inside the city. The Brits are now rescuing Americans also, with Joe Biden refusing to do the job.

The Washington Examiner reported:
"I understand that the commanding general of the 82nd Airborne Division has told the commander of the British special forces at the Kabul airport, to cease operations beyond the airport perimeter.
Maj. Gen. Christopher Donahue has told his British Army counterpart, a high-ranking field-grade officer of the British army’s 22nd Special Air Service Regiment, that British operations were embarrassing the United States military in the absence of similar U.S. military operations. I understand that the British officer firmly rejected the request."
Thankfully, Biden's weakness and cowardice has not infected the courage and responsibility of the French and British military. They are rejecting the ludicrous requests coming from the Biden military, and are courageously doing their jobs. Biden has brought disgrace upon America, like I never thought could ever happen. In response, his poll numbers (even in the Democrat polls) are plunging.

Report: British Troops Are Now Rescuing Americans Trapped in Kabul After Joe Biden Refuses to Extricate Thousands of Stranded Americans – Mic Drop Politics
Bidbumb = total idiot ---and you lefties voted for him
Joe Biden isn't Prime Time and never has been Prime Time as a politician.
I think this country needed Joe as president to show the contrast between a World leader,
and a bumbling total idiot. Biden's numbers are in free fall and the Independents and moderate
democrats are recognizing how dangerous things have become.
Now everybody.....go put your masks on and get your vaccinations,, and you illegals are not subject
to the mask requirements or vaccinations with what the democrats have placed on Amercans.
This is your line of succession after Biden, for those who want impeachment. Honestly, President Leahy sounds ok.


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