British police not reporting crimes.....1 in 4 violent crimes goes unreported...this is how you get more violent crime...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
The British are following their American cousins, the democrat not caring if they actually catch criminals.....

The victims are the actual criminals, the criminals are really the victims...........right?

Inspectors say Greater Manchester police are letting down victims of crime after discovering that the force has not been recording one in five of all reported crimes nor one in four violent crimes.

In a damning report on the service that GMP provides victims of crime, Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire and Rescue Services (HMICFRS) found “serious cause for concern”.

The force, the second largest in England, has been led since October 2015 by Ian Hopkins, the chief constable, overseeing 6,866 officers. The force failed to record an estimated 80,100 crimes reported to it between 1 July 2019 and 30 June 2020, amounting to about 220 crimes a day, the inspectors said.

A higher proportion of violent crime was not recorded, including domestic abuse and behavioural crimes, such as harassment, stalking and coercive, controlling behaviour.

They should follow the Canadian model (or did we copy them and "evolve"?). Make policing an excessively overpaid job with nepotism. Borrow for the next few generations to reward unaccontable police who manufacture threats. Watch your economy float like a turd down the river while your best and brightest citizens leave and help other nations crush you.

Americans are rightfully concerned about foreign interest in their system. Canada is long gone, beholden to foreign nations while offering little to the world.

Look for advanced, high tech industries in Canada, they don't exist. We have plenty of shiny prisons and in every single city and jurisdiction, policing is the most expensive item by far, even during a pandemic, our "leaders" not only didn't cut budgets, they increased them in some places!

Less people outside, less businesses open, less crime in general, no problem, increase the budget and reward your supporters. We are so broke that China is buying is up pennies on the dollar.

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