British army says peopel who describe themselves as patriots are extremist right wingers

My question of you was fair, yours, not so much.

I can show you tons of quotes of George Washington expressing very patriotic sentiments about this nation, but no one would have dared doubt that he was one, nor if he ever did mention in passing that he was a Patriot, would have considered it worth recording, because, D'uh, of course he was one.

Not the same Klan Boy

Acting patriotic is not the same as declaring you are one
Show me any real Patriot who says.......I am a Patriot

I did not say, I could should you Washington ACTING patriotic, I said I could show you quotes of him expressing very patriotic sentiments about this nation.

Then I went on to explain why, imo, we don't have documentation of him saying such a thing.

Instead of addressing any of that, you decided to just called me a name and reasserted your demand.

That is the action of a man that A. knows he cannot refute my points and B. is too much of a fucking dishonest asshole to admit it.

Another FAIL Klanboy

Show me the quote of Washington saying......I am a Patriot

I addressed that demand. That you ignored my response and are just repeating yourself is you being a fucking asshole.

NOte by the way, the difference between your insult and mine.

YOU are lying and we both know it,

while I am telling the truth and we both know it.

Klan Boy
Why don’t you just admit you are wrong about patriots identifying themselves as patriots?

Because I am not, and you are a fucking asshole.
British Army Says People Who “Describe Themselves as Patriots” Are ‘Extremist Right-Wingers’
The British Army has released an information sheet encouraging members of the military to report others as right-wing extremists if they express a myriad of beliefs, including describing themselves as “patriots”.

This is the mindset of the mentally ill, the left around the world can't see it because when you have lunatics leading lunatics of course idiots like Trump haters think nothing is wrong with these criminal leaders.

So now being a patriot is supposed to be wrong? In that case I've been a criminal for a long time, am damn glad to be one and have no motivation or plans to reform.
Again, the British army is the very definition of a right wing organisation, swearing allegiance to a monarch.
Wow, are you one mixed up individual. The very definition of the right is opposition to monarchy and oppressive government.
No wonder American politics is so fucked up. Many of the participants haven't a clue.

The terms right and left originated in the French Assembly, where those seated on the right supported the monarch, as does the British army, which swears allegiance to the monarch.

I know this information probably won't penetrate but I felt I had to say it for form's sake.
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Again, the British army is the very definition of a right wing organisation, swearing allegiance to a monarch.
Wow, are you one mixed up individual. The very definition of the right is opposition to monarchy and oppressive government.
No wonder American politics is so fucked up. Many of the participants haven't a clue.

The terms right and left originated in the French Assembly, where those seated on the right supported the monarch, as does the British army, which swears allegiance to the monarch.

I know this information probably won't penetrate but I felt I had to say it for form's sake.
You're on an American forum, and we are discussing the terms in relation to America. Talk about needing a clue.
You're an idiot. In this context we're discussing the British army which the OP thought was leftist. But I knew it wouldn't penetrate.
The very definition of the right is opposition to monarchy and oppressive government.


Merriam Webster for I suppose you'll tell me the British army doesn't support traditional ideas and policies.

right wing

the part of a political group that consists of people who support conservative or traditional ideas and policies

Then you'll tell me the Bolsheviks were right wing because they opposed monarchy and oppressive government. Ffs.
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Again, the British army is the very definition of a right wing organisation, swearing allegiance to a monarch.
Wow, are you one mixed up individual. The very definition of the right is opposition to monarchy and oppressive government.
No wonder American politics is so fucked up. Many of the participants haven't a clue.

The terms right and left originated in the French Assembly, where those seated on the right supported the monarch, as does the British army, which swears allegiance to the monarch.

I know this information probably won't penetrate but I felt I had to say it for form's sake.

Originated there, centuries ago. To ignore the CENTURIES of history since then, is not reasonable.

Stop living in the past.

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