Brian Williams Death Penalty QUestion


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2011
Chicago, Chicago, that Toddling Town
Brian Williams showed his liberal disgust with capital punishment in Texas.

And was horrified when the audience applauded.

Perry's answer was awesome. He didn't give an inch.

[ame=]Rick Perry Proud Of 234 Executions--Brian Williams Shocked Audience Applauds Deaths - YouTube[/ame]

This is why Perry will eventually prevail over Romney and Obama. He doesn't back down from a fight.
The audience was friendly to start with, and while the question was loaded, or meant to be anyway, no one can produce a case of an innocent man dieing on Perry's watch.
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The audience was friendly to start with, and while the question was loaded, or meant to be anyway, no one can produce a case of an innocent man dieing on Perry's watch.

That's basically because it was Perry that dismantled investigators looking into whether or not that has happened.

This isn't going away.
The audience was friendly to start with, and while the question was loaded, or meant to be anyway, no one can produce a case of an innocent man dieing on Perry's watch.

That's basically because it was Perry that dismantled investigators looking into whether or not that has happened.

This isn't going away.

Actually, the only people who are upset about career dirtbags getting executed are the kind of people who would never vote Republican, anyway.

No politician has come out publically against the Death Penalty since Mike Dukakis said he wouldn't want the man who raped and killed his wife executed.

So keep playing the little violins for baby-burning wife-beaters, the rest of us aren't playing along.
How much has the murder rate in Texas gone down since Perry executed over 200 prisoners?
Not going to back down bluster...I recall another Texan like that...

Perry is a politician. He knows he is playing to the majority of the american public when he says he is cool with it.

Clinton understood the dynamic very well. He scheduled an execution the week before the NH primary and made sure it went down. Made him look tough on crime and helped him win. (That particular execution has even fans of the death penalty unhappy about the methods Clinton took to make sure he had his execution right before the election)

Perry got the best of all possible worlds. He got to rub his support for a popular program into the face of an unpopular (with the crowd) reporter
Rick Perry has certainly proven himself to be Mr. Big Government.

Funny that any conservative can support him in that.
The Death Penalty will become the next gay marriage type social issue as red states cling to their right to vengeance and Blue States phase it out

Most of the world already look at us as barbarians for our government enforced executions. We will gradually move to a point where exertions are looked at as a remnant of our sordid past
The Death Penalty will become the next gay marriage type social issue as red states cling to their right to vengeance and Blue States phase it out

Most of the world already look at us as barbarians for our government enforced executions. We will gradually move to a point where exertions are looked at as a remnant of our sordid past


It is the obligation of government to protect the innocent, not the guilty.

Best move would be to see that sentences are carried out in a timely fashion...not twenty years later.
The Death Penalty will become the next gay marriage type social issue as red states cling to their right to vengeance and Blue States phase it out

Most of the world already look at us as barbarians for our government enforced executions. We will gradually move to a point where exertions are looked at as a remnant of our sordid past

It is justice, not vengeance. But your hyperbole is entertaining.

Oh, and as for this 'most of the world' thinking we're barbaric... Hmmmm, recent polls in the UK suggest that the majority of the British public support a return of the death penalty. Oops.... I guess they must be barbarians too!

The Restore Justice campaign, spearheaded by Paul Staines who writes the Guido Fawkes political blog, calls for the death penalty to be brought back for child and police officer murderers.

He cites opinion polls which suggest about half the population would like it re-introduced for murderers. This rises to 60% when it comes to child or police officer killers.

Mr Staines needs 100,000 people to support his e-petition on the government website to prompt a possible parliamentary debate on the issue.

Despite it rating high on public opinion polls, it was last debated in Parliament in 1998 during the passage of the Human Rights Act. It was rejected by 158 votes.

"The majority are in favour for bringing back the death penalty everywhere except in Parliament," said Mr Staines.
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The Death Penalty will become the next gay marriage type social issue as red states cling to their right to vengeance and Blue States phase it out

Most of the world already look at us as barbarians for our government enforced executions. We will gradually move to a point where exertions are looked at as a remnant of our sordid past

It is justice, not vengeance. But your hyperbole is entertaining.

Call it what you want. It doesn't change the fact that we endorse government sanctioned killings of prisoners. Most of the world looks at it as barbaric and do not ask "why can't we be more like the United States?"

We will gradually recognize the death penalty for what it is......biblical, eye for an eye vengeance
The Death Penalty will become the next gay marriage type social issue as red states cling to their right to vengeance and Blue States phase it out

Most of the world already look at us as barbarians for our government enforced executions. We will gradually move to a point where exertions are looked at as a remnant of our sordid past

It is justice, not vengeance. But your hyperbole is entertaining.

Call it what you want. It doesn't change the fact that we endorse government sanctioned killings of prisoners. Most of the world looks at it as barbaric and do not ask "why can't we be more like the United States?"We will gradually recognize the death penalty for what it is......biblical, eye for an eye vengeance

Then why do we have over 4 million people waiting in line to become citizens?
The Death Penalty will become the next gay marriage type social issue as red states cling to their right to vengeance and Blue States phase it out

Most of the world already look at us as barbarians for our government enforced executions. We will gradually move to a point where exertions are looked at as a remnant of our sordid past

It is justice, not vengeance. But your hyperbole is entertaining.

Call it what you want. It doesn't change the fact that we endorse government sanctioned killings of prisoners. Most of the world looks at it as barbaric and do not ask "why can't we be more like the United States?"

We will gradually recognize the death penalty for what it is......biblical, eye for an eye vengeance
It's nothing more than big government at its finest.

It's always funny to me that the anti-big government babblers are anything but.

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