Breaking WP: Donald Trump was recorded having extremely lewd conversation about women in 2005(Text)

"You know I'm automatically attracted to beautiful-- I just start kissing them. They're like a magnet. Just kiss. I don't even wait. And when you're a star they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab them by the pussy."

"I don't even wait." Spoken like the long time friend of Bill Clinton he is. He openly admits he's a molester.

"I did try to fuck her. She was married."

"I moved on her like a bitch. And she was married!"

It continues to baffle me how any self-respecting evangelical can support this man. How can they not see Trump for what he really is?

Toward the end, he worries he will fall down the stairs of the bus: "It's always good if you don't fall out of the bus. Like Ford, Gerald Ford. Remember?"
News Flash:

Donald John Trump is a sexiest pig like most Americans!

But unlike most Americans he uses Bill's cheating to say that something is wrong with him and Hillary. Do you see the difference now?

And unlike most Americans he's running for President



Well hells bells and I thought every politician was a saint!

Who gives a damn anymore!

Oh, and he is piece of shit just like Bill but seeing Hillary is running and not Bill, well like I give a damn what Trump says about Bills affairs!

Saint? Do you have to be a saint in order to not try and fuck another mans wife?
I wasn't defending it, its just reality. "grab her by the pussy" said every man ever.
I just watched and I have to say, that isn't as bad as I thought. Dudes talk about chicks. You would think a grown man like you would know that. are you a faggot?
And what about the girl that wanted two men? What a whore! :D
He said it to a person in the media with a hot mic. He was 59 years old, way past the time that he should be in any locker rooms talking trash with other men.
Grab em by the pussy? That's the big deal? That's why we already have 987 threads on it?
How many guys can HONESTLY say they don't make sexist jokes? And woman for that matter?
You people are beyond retarded.
What the fuck ever. If Hillary had said this about some dude's junk, you people would not shut the fuck up about it and you know it.

The truth of the matter is that I'm glad he said it because Trump will only lose more of the women vote if this recording gets circulated properly.
Why would I? I can attack her ass in different ways. Ways that are actual issues. Her talking about hitting on some dude would not draw my attention one bit.
I have even taken up for her a couple times. Go fuck off somewhere else.
I wasn't defending it, its just reality. "grab her by the pussy" said every man ever.
I just watched and I have to say, that isn't as bad as I thought. Dudes talk about chicks. You would think a grown man like you would know that. are you a faggot?
And what about the girl that wanted two men? What a whore! :D
He said it to a person in the media with a hot mic. He was 59 years old, way past the time that he should be in any locker rooms talking trash with other men.
I thought you lefties would find that admirable....I mean you admire the sexual predator rapist Bubba Clinton.

Why not Trump too?

You forgot to call Trump a...whats the word? Ahh yes, Sexual Predator
Okay...but again you LOVE Bubba, the most notorious sexual predator living today. Why not Trump too?
I thought you lefties would find that admirable....I mean you admire the sexual predator rapist Bubba Clinton.

Why not Trump too?

You forgot to call Trump a...whats the word? Ahh yes, Sexual Predator
Okay...but again you LOVE Bubba, the most notorious sexual predator living today. Why not Trump too?
Aint that the damn truth. He used his position to fuck off as well. Partisans are such hypocrites.
News Flash:

Donald John Trump is a sexiest pig like most Americans!

Well, this won't convince women to vote for him.


1. Stop blowing everyone in Florida!

2. If you believe for one moment that I thought Trump was going to get more women to vote for him than let say Gary Johnson, well then I have to admit you blew my mind!

3. Donald John Trump is as much of a sexist as John and Robert Kennedy and William Jefferson Blythe III!
Grab em by the pussy? That's the big deal? That's why we already have 987 threads on it?
How many guys can HONESTLY say they don't make sexist jokes? And woman for that matter?
You people are beyond retarded.
What the fuck ever. If Hillary had said this about some dude's junk, you people would not shut the fuck up about it and you know it.

The truth of the matter is that I'm glad he said it because Trump will only lose more of the women vote if this recording gets circulated properly.
Why would I? I can attack her ass in different ways. Ways that are actual issues. Her talking about hitting on some dude would not draw my attention one bit.
I have even taken up for her a couple times. Go fuck off somewhere else.
Oh please you would use any fodder you could. You USMB cons always do.
Grab em by the pussy? That's the big deal? That's why we already have 987 threads on it?
How many guys can HONESTLY say they don't make sexist jokes? And woman for that matter?
You people are beyond retarded.

I just posted this and its a 3 min video. How about you actually watch BEFORE you defend it?
All I needed to see was "grab em by the pussy". If that's what the big deal is about, grow the fuck up.

Then be proud that you have admitted your ignorance and you dont need to know shit about things before leveling a defense dumbass.
I wasn't defending it, its just reality. "grab her by the pussy" said every man ever.

I've never said grad a chick by the pussy. You sound stupid and desperate

I just watched and I have to say, that isn't as bad as I thought.

You defended it before you watched and now that you watched it SURPRISE you still defend it. Wow, that was unpredictable
Did you read your OP, dumbfuck?
Dude, he did what almost every strait male does. Almost every one of em. Grow up
Grab em by the pussy? That's the big deal? That's why we already have 987 threads on it?
How many guys can HONESTLY say they don't make sexist jokes? And woman for that matter?
You people are beyond retarded.
What the fuck ever. If Hillary had said this about some dude's junk, you people would not shut the fuck up about it and you know it.

The truth of the matter is that I'm glad he said it because Trump will only lose more of the women vote if this recording gets circulated properly.
Why would I? I can attack her ass in different ways. Ways that are actual issues. Her talking about hitting on some dude would not draw my attention one bit.
I have even taken up for her a couple times. Go fuck off somewhere else.
Oh please you would use any fodder you could. You USMB cons always do.
cons? You mean conservative? What makes you think I am conservative? Because I think guys talking about chicks is normal? Lol grow up
You guys are SOOOOOOO right. He should use cigars on young girls instead. That is A-Okay. ;)

Billy worshiping hypocrites. :rolleyes::rolleyes:
A 60 year old, engaged to current wife, Donald Trump is recorded talking, like an immature 18 year old college boy, about his sexual prowess.
He called it locker room banter. He was not in a locker room, he was 60 years old, he is a disgusting pig.

He should not be President of anything.
He said it to a person in the media with a hot mic. He was 59 years old, way past the time that he should be in any locker rooms talking trash with other men.
Grown men don't talk about women like they're in some frat house at some party college. And what he says isn't even remotely funny. It just makes him sound pathetic.

Indeed, he is even the opposite of a player. It is just flat out embarrassing.

I'm sure Barron and Melania think it is a total hoot.
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I thought you lefties would find that admirable....I mean you admire the sexual predator rapist Bubba Clinton.

Why not Trump too?

You forgot to call Trump a...whats the word? Ahh yes, Sexual Predator
Okay...but again you LOVE Bubba, the most notorious sexual predator living today. Why not Trump too?
Aint that the damn truth. He used his position to fuck off as well. Partisans are such hypocrites.
Not only hypocritical, but stupid too.

How the f**k can you criticize Trump for this kind of shit, when all we heard for decades about Bubba's screwing around was it was all about nothing.

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