Breaking The Promise of America

The promise of America is ‘Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.’

Not if Liberals/Progressives have their way.

1.It’s not the Left doesn’t want folks to be happy….it’s that they don’t understand how to get there.

“Earned success is the secret to meaningful happiness. The government can improve your net worth with a check, but it cannot improve your self-worth.” Jonah Goldberg

Or, maybe they do understand it….but just don’t care.

2. And, if one imagines that the Liberal welfare system is designed to end poverty, well….a half-century of failure to do that identifies one as a dolt. On the other hand, raiding the treasury has proved an immense success at what it was actually designed to do: generate Democrat votes.

3. Duplicity and Democrats…..synonymous???
"The lessons of history … show conclusively that continued dependence upon relief induces a spiritual and moral disintegration fundamentally destructive to the national fiber. To dole out relief in this way is to administer a narcotic, a subtle destroyer of the human spirit."
These searing words about Depression-era welfare are from Franklin Roosevelt's 1935 State of the Union Address

But Roosevelt did what Democrats always do….put their political future ahead of what benefits Americans.

Economist Jim Powell, in “FDR’s Folly,” notes that a disproportionate amount of FDR’s relief and public works spending “went not to the poorest states such as the South, but to western states were people were better off , apparently because there were ‘swing’ states which could yield FDR more votes in the next election.”

And, of course, the Democrat demand for illegal immigration is based on the very same design.

So, you want to have the poor, sick, disabled, children to starve & die in the street.

You are certainly a Trumpette.

Let's check and compare:

1... in today’s recovery — the slowest in the modern era going back to 1947 — private capital investment has lagged badly. ... so has the jobs situation, with 92 million dropping out of the workforce altogether. A labor-participation rate of 62.8% and an employment-to-population rate of 58% are historic lows indicative of the anemic jobs recovery. Big Business Swings Behind a Mantra of Growth - The New York Sun

2. Tavis Smiley: 'Black People Will Have Lost Ground in Every Single Economic Indicator' Under Obama
Tavis Smiley: 'Black People Will Have Lost Ground in Every Single Economic Indicator' Under Obama

["BET Founder: Trump’s economy bringing black workers back into the workforce"

BET Founder: Trump's economy bringing black workers back into the workforce]

3. . "Incomes Have Dropped Twice as Much During the 'Recovery' as During the Recession
. ...the Census Bureau's Current Population Survey ....indicate that the real (inflation-adjusted) median annual household income in America has fallen by 4.4 percent during the "recovery," after having fallen by 1.8 during the recession.
Incomes Have Dropped Twice as Much During the 'Recovery' as During the Recession

4. . In a stunning Tuesday report, Gallup CEO and Chairman Jim Clifton revealed that “for the first time in 35 years, American business deaths now outnumber business births.”Clifton says for the past six years since 2008, employer business startups have fallen below the business failure rate, spurring what he calls “an underground earthquake” that only stands to worsen as lagging U.S. Census data becomes available.
“Let’s get one thing clear: This economy is never truly coming back unless we reverse the birth and death trends of American businesses,” writes Clifton."Economic Death Spiral: More American Businesses Dying Than Starting - Breitbart

5. "Surprise: U.S. Economic Data Have Been the World's Most Disappointing
It's not only the just-released University of Michigan consumer confidence report and February retail sales on Thursday that surprised economists and investors with another dose of underwhelming news. Overall, U.S. economic data have been falling short of prognosticators' expectations by the most in six years." Surprise: U.S. Economic Data Have Been the World's Most Disappointing

6. . "That basic math is why middle class incomes have been in decline under Obama. The Census Bureau reports that since Obama became President 7 years ago, real median household income has fallen by $1,300 a year. Heritage Foundation Chief Economist Steve Moore explained in testimony before the Ways and Means Committee, “At 2 percent growth the economy doesn’t spin off enough jobs to increase wages, and tax revenues grow much too slowly to balance the budget.”
The recession officially ended more than 6 years ago. Wages and incomes have always grown in recoveries, not declined. Moreover, the American historical record is the deeper the recession, the stronger the recovery. The economy is supposed to boom in a recovery to catch up with its long term economic growth trendline. But over 6 years after the recession ended, that still has not happened. Instead, what we have gotten under President Obama is the worst recovery from a recession since the Great Depression." Realizing The Super Bowl Of American Economic Growth

7. "Even if you leave out the first quarter of 2009—when the recession that started in December 2007 was still ongoing--President Barack Obama has presided over the lowest average first-quarter GDP growth of any president who has served since 1947, which is the earliest year for which the Bureau of Economic Analysis has calculated quarterly GDP growth. "

8. The Obama Administration is aggressively exploiting regulation to achieve its policy agenda, issuing 157 new major rules at a cost to Americans approaching $73 billion annually....twice the annual average of his predecessor George W. Bush. And much more regulation is on the way, with another 125 major rules on the Administration’s to-do list, including dozens linked to the Dodd–Frank financial regulation law and the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, known as Obamacare. Red Tape Rising: Five Years of Regulatory Expansion

9. . "...take-home pay for many American workers has effectively fallen since the economic recovery began in 2009, according to a new study by an advocacy group that is to be released on Thursday.

The declines were greatest for the lowest-paid workers in sectors where hiring has been strong — home health care, food preparation and retailing — even though wages were already below average to begin with in those service industries.

“Stagnant wages are a problem for everyone at this point, but the imbalance in the economy has become more pronounced since the recession,”..."

10. . "Obamacare health insurance co-ops surged past the $1 billion mark in losses this week, making history of sorts.The insolvencies, totaling $1.36 billion, mean that the co-ops have burned through more than half of the original $2 billion appropriatedin 2010 for the program under the Affordable Care Act. The funds were loaned to the start-up co-ops in 2012 and were to be repaid in 15 years, according to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, which manages Obamacare.

...13 of the 23 federally-financed Obamacare co-ops have officially failed in only two years. Most are in the process of default as insurance regulators attempt to pay customer’s medical bills, cover medical providers and pay other creditors.

Obamacare Co-Op Mess Causes $1.3 Billion In Losses

11. Obama is the first President never to have had a year of 3% or better economic growth: "... annual growth during Obama’s “recovery” has never topped 3%. By comparison, it never fell below 3% during the Reagan recovery. And in the nine years following the 1990-91 recession, GDP grew faster than 3% in all but two. Heck, even Jimmy Carter had some strong growth years." President Obama's Growth Gap Hits $1.31 Trillion | Investor's Business Daily

a. "The years since 2007 have been a macroeconomic disaster for the United States of a magnitude unprecedented since the Great Depression." Obama: Always Wrong, Never In Doubt

b. ".... first president since Hoover to never have a single year above 3% GDP growth."Hedge fund billionaire calls Obama economy 'amazing'

12. ".... calculating how much the debt increased during Obama's two terms. On January 20, 2009, when he was sworn in, the debt was $10.626 trillion. On January 20, 2017, it was $19.947 trillion. That's why most people say Obama added $9 trillion to the debt, more than any other president."
How Much Did Obama Add to the Nation's Debt? that to the Trump economy, you dunce.

We will in about a year when what he did begins taking full effect.

Need a few things to mull over?

59. "Year One List: 81 major Trump achievements, 11 Obama legacy items repealed

With the passage of the GOP tax bill this week, the Trump administration has scored 81 major achievements in its first year, making good on campaign promises to provide significant tax cuts, boost U.S. energy production, and restore respect to the United States, according to the White House.

And along the way, President Trump even outdid his own expectations and slashed at least 11 major legacy items of former President Barack Obama, including cracking down on the open border, slowing recognition of communist Cuba and effectively killing Obamacare by ending the mandate that everyone have health insurance or face a tax."

Year One List: 81 major Trump achievements, 11 Obama legacy items repealed

60. "US private sector added 250,000 jobs in Dec, vs estimate of 190,000: ADP

The report helped send the Dow to break the 25,000 mark for the first time."

Private sector job creation surged in December as holiday shopping boomed

61. "Hispanic unemployment at all-time low under Trump" Hispanic unemployment at all-time low under Trump

"Black Unemployment Rate Lowest in 17 Years"
Black Unemployment Rate Lowest in 17 Years

Maybe you remember this nightmare:
Tavis Smiley: 'Black People Will Have Lost Ground in Every Single Economic Indicator' Under Obama
62."Customers Get A Break As Utilities' Tax Bill Drops
Tax savings for the industry are expected to be substantial. The Penn Wharton Budget Model at the University of Pennsylvania said utilities will pay $1.1 billion less in taxes this year than if the law had not been enacted, $1.9 billion less in 2019 and more than $5 billion less in 2020.
Numerous state regulatory agencies in the U.S. are similarly cutting rates to reflect lower taxes."
Customers Get A Break As Utilities' Tax Bill Drops
63. "U.S. Manufacturing Output Rose in December for Fourth Month
...the strongest quarter since 2010 and underscoring a resurgence in manufacturing that’s primed for further advances, Federal Reserve data showed Wednesday.
Factory output increased at a 7 percent annualized rate in the fourth quarter,..."
U.S. Manufacturing Output Rose in December for Fourth Month

This....since we got rid of that dead weight President, Hussein

What happens when you kick out the tax-and-spend Democrats?

64. "It looks like Apple is bringing back home nearly all of its $250 billion in foreign cash


He won again!!!!

65. "China's Xi Jinping says tariffs on car imports will be cut this year

Chinese President Xi Jinping on Tuesday said his government would "significantly lower" tariffs on vehicle imports this year as part of efforts to further open its giant economy to the world.

The pledge addresses one of the gripes of US President Donald Trump, who has threatened to impose new tariffs on $150 billion of Chinese goods in a trade dispute between the world's two largest economies. Experts cautioned, though, that Xi's comments may not do much to resolve the conflict, which has rocked markets in recent weeks."

China's Xi Jinping says tariffs on car imports will be cut this year

No wonder the Left hates him!!!!!!

66. Can you imagine the ticker-tape parades if Hussein had had these achievements??????

"Jobless claims rise modestly; Americans receiving unemployment aid lowest since 1973

So Trump levies tariffson China, China retaliated.

Trump lowers some tariffs

China follows.

Trump creates a huge problem & then wants a ticker tape parade because some of it has been solved? Nothing has been accomplished in trade negotiations.
What about this "promise of American"?

"Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door! "

We're breaking the shit outta this one.

Clean up your language, dunce.

The Emma Lazarus poem was published in 1883, when immigrants came to America to work, not for handouts.
What a load,,,,,,immigrants work harder at filthy jobs republicans wouldn't touch

Democrats take Americans' money to entice illegal aliens.

"Fat And Furious: Obama Pushes Food Stamps In Mexico"
Welfare: As if being "food stamp president" weren't enough, Barack Obama's administration is partnering with the Mexican government to make sure Mexican nationals living in the U.S. don't miss out. Ay caramba!"
Fat And Furious: Obama Pushes Food Stamps In Mexico | Investor's Business Daily

“When the President Talked About 7 Million People Coming Off of Food Stamps – Congressional Democrats Hissed” – Ted Cruz GOES OFF on SOTU Democrats (VIDEO)"
Senator Ted Cruz: I’ll tell you the moment that I actually thought was the saddest and most revealing early in the speech, at least. When the president talked about 7 million people coming off of food stamps there were congressional democrats who hissed, who audibly hissed! Now think about what that reveals that they are routing for Americans in poverty to be trapped in dependence. That’s seven million people that have gotten jobs, that are providing for their kids."
"When the President Talked About 7 Million People Coming Off of Food Stamps - Congressional Democrats Hissed" - Ted Cruz GOES OFF on SOTU Democrats (VIDEO)

The end phase demanded by Leftists is serfs, slaves, or corpses.
People coming off food stamps because their financial situation has improved is one thing. Throwing people off & bragging about it is just sick.

Anyone starving?

Or is this your view of a good thing?

What about this "promise of American"?

"Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door! "

We're breaking the shit outta this one.

Clean up your language, dunce.

The Emma Lazarus poem was published in 1883, when immigrants came to America to work, not for handouts.
What a load,,,,,,immigrants work harder at filthy jobs republicans wouldn't touch

Democrats take Americans' money to entice illegal aliens.

"Fat And Furious: Obama Pushes Food Stamps In Mexico"
Welfare: As if being "food stamp president" weren't enough, Barack Obama's administration is partnering with the Mexican government to make sure Mexican nationals living in the U.S. don't miss out. Ay caramba!"
Fat And Furious: Obama Pushes Food Stamps In Mexico | Investor's Business Daily

“When the President Talked About 7 Million People Coming Off of Food Stamps – Congressional Democrats Hissed” – Ted Cruz GOES OFF on SOTU Democrats (VIDEO)"
Senator Ted Cruz: I’ll tell you the moment that I actually thought was the saddest and most revealing early in the speech, at least. When the president talked about 7 million people coming off of food stamps there were congressional democrats who hissed, who audibly hissed! Now think about what that reveals that they are routing for Americans in poverty to be trapped in dependence. That’s seven million people that have gotten jobs, that are providing for their kids."
"When the President Talked About 7 Million People Coming Off of Food Stamps - Congressional Democrats Hissed" - Ted Cruz GOES OFF on SOTU Democrats (VIDEO)

The end phase demanded by Leftists is serfs, slaves, or corpses.
People coming off food stamps because their financial situation has improved is one thing. Throwing people off & bragging about it is just sick.

Republicans like hunger, as long as it is not them who are experiencing it. They also like homelessness, as long as they don't have to see homeless persons sleeping in their streets. Republicans are so . . . Jesus-y.
Trump’s administration often brags and presents the 7% Black unemployment rate as if this is good news, but it’s not. In comparison, the nation’s overall unemployment rate is just 3.8%. According to 24/7 Wall St, that means that Black unemployment is 86% above the national average. It is also 112% higher than the rate among white Americans, and 125% above the rate for Asian Americans. This means that overall the unemployment rate for Blacks under Obama’s administration versus the rate under Trump’s administration is about the same. So, this would be another lie or at least a form of deception.

6 Lies and Truths About Black Unemployment Under Trump's Administration

One of us needs to STFU....PoliChic...Just sayin.
The promise of America is ‘Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.’

Not if Liberals/Progressives have their way.

1.It’s not the Left doesn’t want folks to be happy….it’s that they don’t understand how to get there.

“Earned success is the secret to meaningful happiness. The government can improve your net worth with a check, but it cannot improve your self-worth.” Jonah Goldberg

Or, maybe they do understand it….but just don’t care.

2. And, if one imagines that the Liberal welfare system is designed to end poverty, well….a half-century of failure to do that identifies one as a dolt. On the other hand, raiding the treasury has proved an immense success at what it was actually designed to do: generate Democrat votes.

3. Duplicity and Democrats…..synonymous???
"The lessons of history … show conclusively that continued dependence upon relief induces a spiritual and moral disintegration fundamentally destructive to the national fiber. To dole out relief in this way is to administer a narcotic, a subtle destroyer of the human spirit."
These searing words about Depression-era welfare are from Franklin Roosevelt's 1935 State of the Union Address

But Roosevelt did what Democrats always do….put their political future ahead of what benefits Americans.

Economist Jim Powell, in “FDR’s Folly,” notes that a disproportionate amount of FDR’s relief and public works spending “went not to the poorest states such as the South, but to western states were people were better off , apparently because there were ‘swing’ states which could yield FDR more votes in the next election.”

And, of course, the Democrat demand for illegal immigration is based on the very same design.

So, you want to have the poor, sick, disabled, children to starve & die in the street.

You are certainly a Trumpette.

Let's check and compare:

1... in today’s recovery — the slowest in the modern era going back to 1947 — private capital investment has lagged badly. ... so has the jobs situation, with 92 million dropping out of the workforce altogether. A labor-participation rate of 62.8% and an employment-to-population rate of 58% are historic lows indicative of the anemic jobs recovery. Big Business Swings Behind a Mantra of Growth - The New York Sun

2. Tavis Smiley: 'Black People Will Have Lost Ground in Every Single Economic Indicator' Under Obama
Tavis Smiley: 'Black People Will Have Lost Ground in Every Single Economic Indicator' Under Obama

["BET Founder: Trump’s economy bringing black workers back into the workforce"

BET Founder: Trump's economy bringing black workers back into the workforce]

3. . "Incomes Have Dropped Twice as Much During the 'Recovery' as During the Recession
. ...the Census Bureau's Current Population Survey ....indicate that the real (inflation-adjusted) median annual household income in America has fallen by 4.4 percent during the "recovery," after having fallen by 1.8 during the recession.
Incomes Have Dropped Twice as Much During the 'Recovery' as During the Recession

4. . In a stunning Tuesday report, Gallup CEO and Chairman Jim Clifton revealed that “for the first time in 35 years, American business deaths now outnumber business births.”Clifton says for the past six years since 2008, employer business startups have fallen below the business failure rate, spurring what he calls “an underground earthquake” that only stands to worsen as lagging U.S. Census data becomes available.
“Let’s get one thing clear: This economy is never truly coming back unless we reverse the birth and death trends of American businesses,” writes Clifton."Economic Death Spiral: More American Businesses Dying Than Starting - Breitbart

5. "Surprise: U.S. Economic Data Have Been the World's Most Disappointing
It's not only the just-released University of Michigan consumer confidence report and February retail sales on Thursday that surprised economists and investors with another dose of underwhelming news. Overall, U.S. economic data have been falling short of prognosticators' expectations by the most in six years." Surprise: U.S. Economic Data Have Been the World's Most Disappointing

6. . "That basic math is why middle class incomes have been in decline under Obama. The Census Bureau reports that since Obama became President 7 years ago, real median household income has fallen by $1,300 a year. Heritage Foundation Chief Economist Steve Moore explained in testimony before the Ways and Means Committee, “At 2 percent growth the economy doesn’t spin off enough jobs to increase wages, and tax revenues grow much too slowly to balance the budget.”
The recession officially ended more than 6 years ago. Wages and incomes have always grown in recoveries, not declined. Moreover, the American historical record is the deeper the recession, the stronger the recovery. The economy is supposed to boom in a recovery to catch up with its long term economic growth trendline. But over 6 years after the recession ended, that still has not happened. Instead, what we have gotten under President Obama is the worst recovery from a recession since the Great Depression." Realizing The Super Bowl Of American Economic Growth

7. "Even if you leave out the first quarter of 2009—when the recession that started in December 2007 was still ongoing--President Barack Obama has presided over the lowest average first-quarter GDP growth of any president who has served since 1947, which is the earliest year for which the Bureau of Economic Analysis has calculated quarterly GDP growth. "

8. The Obama Administration is aggressively exploiting regulation to achieve its policy agenda, issuing 157 new major rules at a cost to Americans approaching $73 billion annually....twice the annual average of his predecessor George W. Bush. And much more regulation is on the way, with another 125 major rules on the Administration’s to-do list, including dozens linked to the Dodd–Frank financial regulation law and the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, known as Obamacare. Red Tape Rising: Five Years of Regulatory Expansion

9. . "...take-home pay for many American workers has effectively fallen since the economic recovery began in 2009, according to a new study by an advocacy group that is to be released on Thursday.

The declines were greatest for the lowest-paid workers in sectors where hiring has been strong — home health care, food preparation and retailing — even though wages were already below average to begin with in those service industries.

“Stagnant wages are a problem for everyone at this point, but the imbalance in the economy has become more pronounced since the recession,”..."

10. . "Obamacare health insurance co-ops surged past the $1 billion mark in losses this week, making history of sorts.The insolvencies, totaling $1.36 billion, mean that the co-ops have burned through more than half of the original $2 billion appropriatedin 2010 for the program under the Affordable Care Act. The funds were loaned to the start-up co-ops in 2012 and were to be repaid in 15 years, according to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, which manages Obamacare.

...13 of the 23 federally-financed Obamacare co-ops have officially failed in only two years. Most are in the process of default as insurance regulators attempt to pay customer’s medical bills, cover medical providers and pay other creditors.

Obamacare Co-Op Mess Causes $1.3 Billion In Losses

11. Obama is the first President never to have had a year of 3% or better economic growth: "... annual growth during Obama’s “recovery” has never topped 3%. By comparison, it never fell below 3% during the Reagan recovery. And in the nine years following the 1990-91 recession, GDP grew faster than 3% in all but two. Heck, even Jimmy Carter had some strong growth years." President Obama's Growth Gap Hits $1.31 Trillion | Investor's Business Daily

a. "The years since 2007 have been a macroeconomic disaster for the United States of a magnitude unprecedented since the Great Depression." Obama: Always Wrong, Never In Doubt

b. ".... first president since Hoover to never have a single year above 3% GDP growth."Hedge fund billionaire calls Obama economy 'amazing'

12. ".... calculating how much the debt increased during Obama's two terms. On January 20, 2009, when he was sworn in, the debt was $10.626 trillion. On January 20, 2017, it was $19.947 trillion. That's why most people say Obama added $9 trillion to the debt, more than any other president."
How Much Did Obama Add to the Nation's Debt? that to the Trump economy, you dunce.

We will in about a year when what he did begins taking full effect.

Need a few things to mull over?

59. "Year One List: 81 major Trump achievements, 11 Obama legacy items repealed

With the passage of the GOP tax bill this week, the Trump administration has scored 81 major achievements in its first year, making good on campaign promises to provide significant tax cuts, boost U.S. energy production, and restore respect to the United States, according to the White House.

And along the way, President Trump even outdid his own expectations and slashed at least 11 major legacy items of former President Barack Obama, including cracking down on the open border, slowing recognition of communist Cuba and effectively killing Obamacare by ending the mandate that everyone have health insurance or face a tax."

Year One List: 81 major Trump achievements, 11 Obama legacy items repealed

60. "US private sector added 250,000 jobs in Dec, vs estimate of 190,000: ADP

The report helped send the Dow to break the 25,000 mark for the first time."

Private sector job creation surged in December as holiday shopping boomed

61. "Hispanic unemployment at all-time low under Trump" Hispanic unemployment at all-time low under Trump

"Black Unemployment Rate Lowest in 17 Years"
Black Unemployment Rate Lowest in 17 Years

Maybe you remember this nightmare:
Tavis Smiley: 'Black People Will Have Lost Ground in Every Single Economic Indicator' Under Obama
62."Customers Get A Break As Utilities' Tax Bill Drops
Tax savings for the industry are expected to be substantial. The Penn Wharton Budget Model at the University of Pennsylvania said utilities will pay $1.1 billion less in taxes this year than if the law had not been enacted, $1.9 billion less in 2019 and more than $5 billion less in 2020.
Numerous state regulatory agencies in the U.S. are similarly cutting rates to reflect lower taxes."
Customers Get A Break As Utilities' Tax Bill Drops
63. "U.S. Manufacturing Output Rose in December for Fourth Month
...the strongest quarter since 2010 and underscoring a resurgence in manufacturing that’s primed for further advances, Federal Reserve data showed Wednesday.
Factory output increased at a 7 percent annualized rate in the fourth quarter,..."
U.S. Manufacturing Output Rose in December for Fourth Month

This....since we got rid of that dead weight President, Hussein

What happens when you kick out the tax-and-spend Democrats?

64. "It looks like Apple is bringing back home nearly all of its $250 billion in foreign cash


He won again!!!!

65. "China's Xi Jinping says tariffs on car imports will be cut this year

Chinese President Xi Jinping on Tuesday said his government would "significantly lower" tariffs on vehicle imports this year as part of efforts to further open its giant economy to the world.

The pledge addresses one of the gripes of US President Donald Trump, who has threatened to impose new tariffs on $150 billion of Chinese goods in a trade dispute between the world's two largest economies. Experts cautioned, though, that Xi's comments may not do much to resolve the conflict, which has rocked markets in recent weeks."

China's Xi Jinping says tariffs on car imports will be cut this year

No wonder the Left hates him!!!!!!

66. Can you imagine the ticker-tape parades if Hussein had had these achievements??????

"Jobless claims rise modestly; Americans receiving unemployment aid lowest since 1973

As you stupid Trumpettes brag , show me the stats where your golden hero actually reversed something instead of just not fuck up Obama's trends.

Show me a chart. A chart of anything where this big DECLINE was? Please.

And really, manufacturing has DECLINED this past year. GDP growth rate has declined.

What hasn't declined under Trump? the DEFICIT.

Quit bragging about an economy that is built on a house of cards.

When the economy starts to slow more, the deficits will climb more and the recession will hit fat & furious & there will be nothing to do to slow it because Trump already played those cards.

Trumpettes are dumber than shit.
Clean up your language, dunce.

The Emma Lazarus poem was published in 1883, when immigrants came to America to work, not for handouts.
What a load,,,,,,immigrants work harder at filthy jobs republicans wouldn't touch

Democrats take Americans' money to entice illegal aliens.

"Fat And Furious: Obama Pushes Food Stamps In Mexico"
Welfare: As if being "food stamp president" weren't enough, Barack Obama's administration is partnering with the Mexican government to make sure Mexican nationals living in the U.S. don't miss out. Ay caramba!"
Fat And Furious: Obama Pushes Food Stamps In Mexico | Investor's Business Daily

“When the President Talked About 7 Million People Coming Off of Food Stamps – Congressional Democrats Hissed” – Ted Cruz GOES OFF on SOTU Democrats (VIDEO)"
Senator Ted Cruz: I’ll tell you the moment that I actually thought was the saddest and most revealing early in the speech, at least. When the president talked about 7 million people coming off of food stamps there were congressional democrats who hissed, who audibly hissed! Now think about what that reveals that they are routing for Americans in poverty to be trapped in dependence. That’s seven million people that have gotten jobs, that are providing for their kids."
"When the President Talked About 7 Million People Coming Off of Food Stamps - Congressional Democrats Hissed" - Ted Cruz GOES OFF on SOTU Democrats (VIDEO)

The end phase demanded by Leftists is serfs, slaves, or corpses.
People coming off food stamps because their financial situation has improved is one thing. Throwing people off & bragging about it is just sick.

Republicans like hunger, as long as it is not them who are experiencing it. They also like homelessness, as long as they don't have to see homeless persons sleeping in their streets. Republicans are so . . . Jesus-y.

Republicans like grown adults to pay their own way, they like folks who only have children they themselves can afford.

Democrats like to manifest and foster classes of pet humans, they like to FORCE America’s best citizens to pick up the tab of life for America’s worse.
Clean up your language, dunce.

The Emma Lazarus poem was published in 1883, when immigrants came to America to work, not for handouts.
What a load,,,,,,immigrants work harder at filthy jobs republicans wouldn't touch

Democrats take Americans' money to entice illegal aliens.

"Fat And Furious: Obama Pushes Food Stamps In Mexico"
Welfare: As if being "food stamp president" weren't enough, Barack Obama's administration is partnering with the Mexican government to make sure Mexican nationals living in the U.S. don't miss out. Ay caramba!"
Fat And Furious: Obama Pushes Food Stamps In Mexico | Investor's Business Daily

“When the President Talked About 7 Million People Coming Off of Food Stamps – Congressional Democrats Hissed” – Ted Cruz GOES OFF on SOTU Democrats (VIDEO)"
Senator Ted Cruz: I’ll tell you the moment that I actually thought was the saddest and most revealing early in the speech, at least. When the president talked about 7 million people coming off of food stamps there were congressional democrats who hissed, who audibly hissed! Now think about what that reveals that they are routing for Americans in poverty to be trapped in dependence. That’s seven million people that have gotten jobs, that are providing for their kids."
"When the President Talked About 7 Million People Coming Off of Food Stamps - Congressional Democrats Hissed" - Ted Cruz GOES OFF on SOTU Democrats (VIDEO)

The end phase demanded by Leftists is serfs, slaves, or corpses.
People coming off food stamps because their financial situation has improved is one thing. Throwing people off & bragging about it is just sick.

Republicans like hunger, as long as it is not them who are experiencing it. They also like homelessness, as long as they don't have to see homeless persons sleeping in their streets. Republicans are so . . . Jesus-y.

"Republicans like hunger, as long as it is not them who are experiencing it."

You're like a parrot with Liberal propaganda.

There has never been a 'hunger,' or 'starvation' problem in America.

  1. As a group, America's poor are far from being chronically undernourished. The average consumption of protein, vitamins, and minerals is virtually the same for poor and middle-class children and, in most cases, is well above recommended norms. Poor children actually consume more meat than do higher-income children and have average protein intakes 100 percent above recommended levels. Most poor children today are, in fact, supernourished and grow up to be, on average, one inch taller and 10 pounds heavier than the GIs who stormed the beaches of Normandy in World War II.
How Poor Are America's Poor? Examining the "Plague" of Poverty in America

".... 96 percent of poor parents say that their children were never hungry at any time in the preceding year because they could not afford food."


The Unfinished Work of Welfare Reform

As stupid as your are, how do you find your way back to the refrigerator box you call home, each day????
The promise of America is ‘Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.’

Not if Liberals/Progressives have their way.

1.It’s not the Left doesn’t want folks to be happy….it’s that they don’t understand how to get there.

“Earned success is the secret to meaningful happiness. The government can improve your net worth with a check, but it cannot improve your self-worth.” Jonah Goldberg

Or, maybe they do understand it….but just don’t care.

2. And, if one imagines that the Liberal welfare system is designed to end poverty, well….a half-century of failure to do that identifies one as a dolt. On the other hand, raiding the treasury has proved an immense success at what it was actually designed to do: generate Democrat votes.

3. Duplicity and Democrats…..synonymous???
"The lessons of history … show conclusively that continued dependence upon relief induces a spiritual and moral disintegration fundamentally destructive to the national fiber. To dole out relief in this way is to administer a narcotic, a subtle destroyer of the human spirit."
These searing words about Depression-era welfare are from Franklin Roosevelt's 1935 State of the Union Address

But Roosevelt did what Democrats always do….put their political future ahead of what benefits Americans.

Economist Jim Powell, in “FDR’s Folly,” notes that a disproportionate amount of FDR’s relief and public works spending “went not to the poorest states such as the South, but to western states were people were better off , apparently because there were ‘swing’ states which could yield FDR more votes in the next election.”

And, of course, the Democrat demand for illegal immigration is based on the very same design.

So, you want to have the poor, sick, disabled, children to starve & die in the street.

You are certainly a Trumpette.

Let's check and compare:

1... in today’s recovery — the slowest in the modern era going back to 1947 — private capital investment has lagged badly. ... so has the jobs situation, with 92 million dropping out of the workforce altogether. A labor-participation rate of 62.8% and an employment-to-population rate of 58% are historic lows indicative of the anemic jobs recovery. Big Business Swings Behind a Mantra of Growth - The New York Sun

2. Tavis Smiley: 'Black People Will Have Lost Ground in Every Single Economic Indicator' Under Obama
Tavis Smiley: 'Black People Will Have Lost Ground in Every Single Economic Indicator' Under Obama

["BET Founder: Trump’s economy bringing black workers back into the workforce"

BET Founder: Trump's economy bringing black workers back into the workforce]

3. . "Incomes Have Dropped Twice as Much During the 'Recovery' as During the Recession
. ...the Census Bureau's Current Population Survey ....indicate that the real (inflation-adjusted) median annual household income in America has fallen by 4.4 percent during the "recovery," after having fallen by 1.8 during the recession.
Incomes Have Dropped Twice as Much During the 'Recovery' as During the Recession

4. . In a stunning Tuesday report, Gallup CEO and Chairman Jim Clifton revealed that “for the first time in 35 years, American business deaths now outnumber business births.”Clifton says for the past six years since 2008, employer business startups have fallen below the business failure rate, spurring what he calls “an underground earthquake” that only stands to worsen as lagging U.S. Census data becomes available.
“Let’s get one thing clear: This economy is never truly coming back unless we reverse the birth and death trends of American businesses,” writes Clifton."Economic Death Spiral: More American Businesses Dying Than Starting - Breitbart

5. "Surprise: U.S. Economic Data Have Been the World's Most Disappointing
It's not only the just-released University of Michigan consumer confidence report and February retail sales on Thursday that surprised economists and investors with another dose of underwhelming news. Overall, U.S. economic data have been falling short of prognosticators' expectations by the most in six years." Surprise: U.S. Economic Data Have Been the World's Most Disappointing

6. . "That basic math is why middle class incomes have been in decline under Obama. The Census Bureau reports that since Obama became President 7 years ago, real median household income has fallen by $1,300 a year. Heritage Foundation Chief Economist Steve Moore explained in testimony before the Ways and Means Committee, “At 2 percent growth the economy doesn’t spin off enough jobs to increase wages, and tax revenues grow much too slowly to balance the budget.”
The recession officially ended more than 6 years ago. Wages and incomes have always grown in recoveries, not declined. Moreover, the American historical record is the deeper the recession, the stronger the recovery. The economy is supposed to boom in a recovery to catch up with its long term economic growth trendline. But over 6 years after the recession ended, that still has not happened. Instead, what we have gotten under President Obama is the worst recovery from a recession since the Great Depression." Realizing The Super Bowl Of American Economic Growth

7. "Even if you leave out the first quarter of 2009—when the recession that started in December 2007 was still ongoing--President Barack Obama has presided over the lowest average first-quarter GDP growth of any president who has served since 1947, which is the earliest year for which the Bureau of Economic Analysis has calculated quarterly GDP growth. "

8. The Obama Administration is aggressively exploiting regulation to achieve its policy agenda, issuing 157 new major rules at a cost to Americans approaching $73 billion annually....twice the annual average of his predecessor George W. Bush. And much more regulation is on the way, with another 125 major rules on the Administration’s to-do list, including dozens linked to the Dodd–Frank financial regulation law and the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, known as Obamacare. Red Tape Rising: Five Years of Regulatory Expansion

9. . "...take-home pay for many American workers has effectively fallen since the economic recovery began in 2009, according to a new study by an advocacy group that is to be released on Thursday.

The declines were greatest for the lowest-paid workers in sectors where hiring has been strong — home health care, food preparation and retailing — even though wages were already below average to begin with in those service industries.

“Stagnant wages are a problem for everyone at this point, but the imbalance in the economy has become more pronounced since the recession,”..."

10. . "Obamacare health insurance co-ops surged past the $1 billion mark in losses this week, making history of sorts.The insolvencies, totaling $1.36 billion, mean that the co-ops have burned through more than half of the original $2 billion appropriatedin 2010 for the program under the Affordable Care Act. The funds were loaned to the start-up co-ops in 2012 and were to be repaid in 15 years, according to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, which manages Obamacare.

...13 of the 23 federally-financed Obamacare co-ops have officially failed in only two years. Most are in the process of default as insurance regulators attempt to pay customer’s medical bills, cover medical providers and pay other creditors.

Obamacare Co-Op Mess Causes $1.3 Billion In Losses

11. Obama is the first President never to have had a year of 3% or better economic growth: "... annual growth during Obama’s “recovery” has never topped 3%. By comparison, it never fell below 3% during the Reagan recovery. And in the nine years following the 1990-91 recession, GDP grew faster than 3% in all but two. Heck, even Jimmy Carter had some strong growth years." President Obama's Growth Gap Hits $1.31 Trillion | Investor's Business Daily

a. "The years since 2007 have been a macroeconomic disaster for the United States of a magnitude unprecedented since the Great Depression." Obama: Always Wrong, Never In Doubt

b. ".... first president since Hoover to never have a single year above 3% GDP growth."Hedge fund billionaire calls Obama economy 'amazing'

12. ".... calculating how much the debt increased during Obama's two terms. On January 20, 2009, when he was sworn in, the debt was $10.626 trillion. On January 20, 2017, it was $19.947 trillion. That's why most people say Obama added $9 trillion to the debt, more than any other president."
How Much Did Obama Add to the Nation's Debt? that to the Trump economy, you dunce.

We will in about a year when what he did begins taking full effect.

Need a few things to mull over?

59. "Year One List: 81 major Trump achievements, 11 Obama legacy items repealed

With the passage of the GOP tax bill this week, the Trump administration has scored 81 major achievements in its first year, making good on campaign promises to provide significant tax cuts, boost U.S. energy production, and restore respect to the United States, according to the White House.

And along the way, President Trump even outdid his own expectations and slashed at least 11 major legacy items of former President Barack Obama, including cracking down on the open border, slowing recognition of communist Cuba and effectively killing Obamacare by ending the mandate that everyone have health insurance or face a tax."

Year One List: 81 major Trump achievements, 11 Obama legacy items repealed

60. "US private sector added 250,000 jobs in Dec, vs estimate of 190,000: ADP

The report helped send the Dow to break the 25,000 mark for the first time."

Private sector job creation surged in December as holiday shopping boomed

61. "Hispanic unemployment at all-time low under Trump" Hispanic unemployment at all-time low under Trump

"Black Unemployment Rate Lowest in 17 Years"
Black Unemployment Rate Lowest in 17 Years

Maybe you remember this nightmare:
Tavis Smiley: 'Black People Will Have Lost Ground in Every Single Economic Indicator' Under Obama
62."Customers Get A Break As Utilities' Tax Bill Drops
Tax savings for the industry are expected to be substantial. The Penn Wharton Budget Model at the University of Pennsylvania said utilities will pay $1.1 billion less in taxes this year than if the law had not been enacted, $1.9 billion less in 2019 and more than $5 billion less in 2020.
Numerous state regulatory agencies in the U.S. are similarly cutting rates to reflect lower taxes."
Customers Get A Break As Utilities' Tax Bill Drops
63. "U.S. Manufacturing Output Rose in December for Fourth Month
...the strongest quarter since 2010 and underscoring a resurgence in manufacturing that’s primed for further advances, Federal Reserve data showed Wednesday.
Factory output increased at a 7 percent annualized rate in the fourth quarter,..."
U.S. Manufacturing Output Rose in December for Fourth Month

This....since we got rid of that dead weight President, Hussein

What happens when you kick out the tax-and-spend Democrats?

64. "It looks like Apple is bringing back home nearly all of its $250 billion in foreign cash


He won again!!!!

65. "China's Xi Jinping says tariffs on car imports will be cut this year

Chinese President Xi Jinping on Tuesday said his government would "significantly lower" tariffs on vehicle imports this year as part of efforts to further open its giant economy to the world.

The pledge addresses one of the gripes of US President Donald Trump, who has threatened to impose new tariffs on $150 billion of Chinese goods in a trade dispute between the world's two largest economies. Experts cautioned, though, that Xi's comments may not do much to resolve the conflict, which has rocked markets in recent weeks."

China's Xi Jinping says tariffs on car imports will be cut this year

No wonder the Left hates him!!!!!!

66. Can you imagine the ticker-tape parades if Hussein had had these achievements??????

"Jobless claims rise modestly; Americans receiving unemployment aid lowest since 1973

As you stupid Trumpettes brag , show me the stats where your golden hero actually reversed something instead of just not fuck up Obama's trends.

Show me a chart. A chart of anything where this big DECLINE was? Please.

And really, manufacturing has DECLINED this past year. GDP growth rate has declined.

What hasn't declined under Trump? the DEFICIT.

Quit bragging about an economy that is built on a house of cards.

When the economy starts to slow more, the deficits will climb more and the recession will hit fat & furious & there will be nothing to do to slow it because Trump already played those cards.

Trumpettes are dumber than shit.

One of my many gifts is forcing vulgarity from those who recoil at the truths I post.

RealDumb is a perfect example.
Trump’s administration often brags and presents the 7% Black unemployment rate as if this is good news, but it’s not. In comparison, the nation’s overall unemployment rate is just 3.8%. According to 24/7 Wall St, that means that Black unemployment is 86% above the national average. It is also 112% higher than the rate among white Americans, and 125% above the rate for Asian Americans. This means that overall the unemployment rate for Blacks under Obama’s administration versus the rate under Trump’s administration is about the same. So, this would be another lie or at least a form of deception.

6 Lies and Truths About Black Unemployment Under Trump's Administration

One of us needs to STFU....PoliChic...Just sayin.

Good to see you've returned for an education.

Let's begin you blame white folks and racism for all of your inadequacies, can you answer this query?

With respect to the education gap, how is it that 'racism' is responsible for these areas in which black students fall short when compared to white and Asian students:

The number of days absent from school

The number of hours spent watching TV

The number of pages read for homework

Quantity and quality of reading material in the home

The presence of two parents in the home.

How does 'racism' explain these ...deficiencies????

How are white folks responsible???
What a load,,,,,,immigrants work harder at filthy jobs republicans wouldn't touch

Democrats take Americans' money to entice illegal aliens.

"Fat And Furious: Obama Pushes Food Stamps In Mexico"
Welfare: As if being "food stamp president" weren't enough, Barack Obama's administration is partnering with the Mexican government to make sure Mexican nationals living in the U.S. don't miss out. Ay caramba!"
Fat And Furious: Obama Pushes Food Stamps In Mexico | Investor's Business Daily

“When the President Talked About 7 Million People Coming Off of Food Stamps – Congressional Democrats Hissed” – Ted Cruz GOES OFF on SOTU Democrats (VIDEO)"
Senator Ted Cruz: I’ll tell you the moment that I actually thought was the saddest and most revealing early in the speech, at least. When the president talked about 7 million people coming off of food stamps there were congressional democrats who hissed, who audibly hissed! Now think about what that reveals that they are routing for Americans in poverty to be trapped in dependence. That’s seven million people that have gotten jobs, that are providing for their kids."
"When the President Talked About 7 Million People Coming Off of Food Stamps - Congressional Democrats Hissed" - Ted Cruz GOES OFF on SOTU Democrats (VIDEO)

The end phase demanded by Leftists is serfs, slaves, or corpses.
People coming off food stamps because their financial situation has improved is one thing. Throwing people off & bragging about it is just sick.

Republicans like hunger, as long as it is not them who are experiencing it. They also like homelessness, as long as they don't have to see homeless persons sleeping in their streets. Republicans are so . . . Jesus-y.

Republicans like grown adults to pay their own way, they like folks who only have children they themselves can afford.

Democrats like to manifest and foster classes of pet humans, they like to FORCE America’s best citizens to pick up the tab of life for America’s worse.

Actually the reverse is true. Republicans like to make shit up about themselves while they steady whine about paying their share.
Trump’s administration often brags and presents the 7% Black unemployment rate as if this is good news, but it’s not. In comparison, the nation’s overall unemployment rate is just 3.8%. According to 24/7 Wall St, that means that Black unemployment is 86% above the national average. It is also 112% higher than the rate among white Americans, and 125% above the rate for Asian Americans. This means that overall the unemployment rate for Blacks under Obama’s administration versus the rate under Trump’s administration is about the same. So, this would be another lie or at least a form of deception.

6 Lies and Truths About Black Unemployment Under Trump's Administration

One of us needs to STFU....PoliChic...Just sayin.

Good to see you've returned for an education.

Let's begin you blame white folks and racism for all of your inadequacies, can you answer this query?

With respect to the education gap, how is it that 'racism' is responsible for these areas in which black students fall short when compared to white and Asian students:

The number of days absent from school

The number of hours spent watching TV

The number of pages read for homework

Quantity and quality of reading material in the home

The presence of two parents in the home.

How does 'racism' explain these ...deficiencies????

How are white folks responsible???

Lol! There are more blacks graduating high school, entering college or post secondary education and graduating than ever before. So take those racist ass questions and shove them up your internalized racism afflicted Asian ass. And try not to cum.
What a load,,,,,,immigrants work harder at filthy jobs republicans wouldn't touch

Democrats take Americans' money to entice illegal aliens.

"Fat And Furious: Obama Pushes Food Stamps In Mexico"
Welfare: As if being "food stamp president" weren't enough, Barack Obama's administration is partnering with the Mexican government to make sure Mexican nationals living in the U.S. don't miss out. Ay caramba!"
Fat And Furious: Obama Pushes Food Stamps In Mexico | Investor's Business Daily

“When the President Talked About 7 Million People Coming Off of Food Stamps – Congressional Democrats Hissed” – Ted Cruz GOES OFF on SOTU Democrats (VIDEO)"
Senator Ted Cruz: I’ll tell you the moment that I actually thought was the saddest and most revealing early in the speech, at least. When the president talked about 7 million people coming off of food stamps there were congressional democrats who hissed, who audibly hissed! Now think about what that reveals that they are routing for Americans in poverty to be trapped in dependence. That’s seven million people that have gotten jobs, that are providing for their kids."
"When the President Talked About 7 Million People Coming Off of Food Stamps - Congressional Democrats Hissed" - Ted Cruz GOES OFF on SOTU Democrats (VIDEO)

The end phase demanded by Leftists is serfs, slaves, or corpses.
People coming off food stamps because their financial situation has improved is one thing. Throwing people off & bragging about it is just sick.

Republicans like hunger, as long as it is not them who are experiencing it. They also like homelessness, as long as they don't have to see homeless persons sleeping in their streets. Republicans are so . . . Jesus-y.

Republicans like grown adults to pay their own way, they like folks who only have children they themselves can afford.

Democrats like to manifest and foster classes of pet humans, they like to FORCE America’s best citizens to pick up the tab of life for America’s worse.

republicans will do anything they can to force people to have children that they can't afford. They also want to impose a caste system on the U.S. population. Who are the nation's "best" citizens?
  • Thanks
Reactions: IM2
Trump’s administration often brags and presents the 7% Black unemployment rate as if this is good news, but it’s not. In comparison, the nation’s overall unemployment rate is just 3.8%. According to 24/7 Wall St, that means that Black unemployment is 86% above the national average. It is also 112% higher than the rate among white Americans, and 125% above the rate for Asian Americans. This means that overall the unemployment rate for Blacks under Obama’s administration versus the rate under Trump’s administration is about the same. So, this would be another lie or at least a form of deception.

6 Lies and Truths About Black Unemployment Under Trump's Administration

One of us needs to STFU....PoliChic...Just sayin.

Good to see you've returned for an education.

Let's begin you blame white folks and racism for all of your inadequacies, can you answer this query?

With respect to the education gap, how is it that 'racism' is responsible for these areas in which black students fall short when compared to white and Asian students:

The number of days absent from school

The number of hours spent watching TV

The number of pages read for homework

Quantity and quality of reading material in the home

The presence of two parents in the home.

How does 'racism' explain these ...deficiencies????

How are white folks responsible???

Lol! There are more blacks graduating high school, entering college or post secondary education and graduating than ever before. So take those racist ass questions and shove them up your internalized racism afflicted Asian ass. And try not to cum.

Is there a reason you can't answer those pertinent queries????

One can note how deeply wounded you are by the question by how vulgar you become.

I can always make you do that.

Now....doggie treat?
Democrats take Americans' money to entice illegal aliens.

"Fat And Furious: Obama Pushes Food Stamps In Mexico"
Welfare: As if being "food stamp president" weren't enough, Barack Obama's administration is partnering with the Mexican government to make sure Mexican nationals living in the U.S. don't miss out. Ay caramba!"
Fat And Furious: Obama Pushes Food Stamps In Mexico | Investor's Business Daily

“When the President Talked About 7 Million People Coming Off of Food Stamps – Congressional Democrats Hissed” – Ted Cruz GOES OFF on SOTU Democrats (VIDEO)"
Senator Ted Cruz: I’ll tell you the moment that I actually thought was the saddest and most revealing early in the speech, at least. When the president talked about 7 million people coming off of food stamps there were congressional democrats who hissed, who audibly hissed! Now think about what that reveals that they are routing for Americans in poverty to be trapped in dependence. That’s seven million people that have gotten jobs, that are providing for their kids."
"When the President Talked About 7 Million People Coming Off of Food Stamps - Congressional Democrats Hissed" - Ted Cruz GOES OFF on SOTU Democrats (VIDEO)

The end phase demanded by Leftists is serfs, slaves, or corpses.
People coming off food stamps because their financial situation has improved is one thing. Throwing people off & bragging about it is just sick.

Republicans like hunger, as long as it is not them who are experiencing it. They also like homelessness, as long as they don't have to see homeless persons sleeping in their streets. Republicans are so . . . Jesus-y.

Republicans like grown adults to pay their own way, they like folks who only have children they themselves can afford.

Democrats like to manifest and foster classes of pet humans, they like to FORCE America’s best citizens to pick up the tab of life for America’s worse.

republicans will do anything they can to force people to have children that they can't afford. They also want to impose a caste system on the U.S. population. Who are the nation's "best" citizens?

"... force people to have children that they can't afford. "

Link or lie?
“When the President Talked About 7 Million People Coming Off of Food Stamps – Congressional Democrats Hissed” – Ted Cruz GOES OFF on SOTU Democrats (VIDEO)"
Senator Ted Cruz: I’ll tell you the moment that I actually thought was the saddest and most revealing early in the speech, at least. When the president talked about 7 million people coming off of food stamps there were congressional democrats who hissed, who audibly hissed! Now think about what that reveals that they are routing for Americans in poverty to be trapped in dependence. That’s seven million people that have gotten jobs, that are providing for their kids."
"When the President Talked About 7 Million People Coming Off of Food Stamps - Congressional Democrats Hissed" - Ted Cruz GOES OFF on SOTU Democrats (VIDEO)

The end phase demanded by Leftists is serfs, slaves, or corpses.
People coming off food stamps because their financial situation has improved is one thing. Throwing people off & bragging about it is just sick.

Republicans like hunger, as long as it is not them who are experiencing it. They also like homelessness, as long as they don't have to see homeless persons sleeping in their streets. Republicans are so . . . Jesus-y.

Republicans like grown adults to pay their own way, they like folks who only have children they themselves can afford.

Democrats like to manifest and foster classes of pet humans, they like to FORCE America’s best citizens to pick up the tab of life for America’s worse.

republicans will do anything they can to force people to have children that they can't afford. They also want to impose a caste system on the U.S. population. Who are the nation's "best" citizens?

"... force people to have children that they can't afford. "

Link or lie?
So a woman discovers she is 8 weeks of an unplanned preganancy.

\Pro Choice would give her the option to terminate..

Pro Life would force her to take the fetus to term - i.e have the child.

Then Trumpettes would work to deny her all assistance to raise that child.
Trump’s administration often brags and presents the 7% Black unemployment rate as if this is good news, but it’s not. In comparison, the nation’s overall unemployment rate is just 3.8%. According to 24/7 Wall St, that means that Black unemployment is 86% above the national average. It is also 112% higher than the rate among white Americans, and 125% above the rate for Asian Americans. This means that overall the unemployment rate for Blacks under Obama’s administration versus the rate under Trump’s administration is about the same. So, this would be another lie or at least a form of deception.

6 Lies and Truths About Black Unemployment Under Trump's Administration

One of us needs to STFU....PoliChic...Just sayin.

Good to see you've returned for an education.

Let's begin you blame white folks and racism for all of your inadequacies, can you answer this query?

With respect to the education gap, how is it that 'racism' is responsible for these areas in which black students fall short when compared to white and Asian students:

The number of days absent from school

The number of hours spent watching TV

The number of pages read for homework

Quantity and quality of reading material in the home

The presence of two parents in the home.

How does 'racism' explain these ...deficiencies????

How are white folks responsible???

Lol! There are more blacks graduating high school, entering college or post secondary education and graduating than ever before. So take those racist ass questions and shove them up your internalized racism afflicted Asian ass. And try not to cum.

Is there a reason you can't answer those pertinent queries????

One can note how deeply wounded you are by the question by how vulgar you become.

I can always make you do that.

Now....doggie treat?

Your racism is so inbred, you don't know how racist you are.
  • Thanks
Reactions: IM2
Trump’s administration often brags and presents the 7% Black unemployment rate as if this is good news, but it’s not. In comparison, the nation’s overall unemployment rate is just 3.8%. According to 24/7 Wall St, that means that Black unemployment is 86% above the national average. It is also 112% higher than the rate among white Americans, and 125% above the rate for Asian Americans. This means that overall the unemployment rate for Blacks under Obama’s administration versus the rate under Trump’s administration is about the same. So, this would be another lie or at least a form of deception.

6 Lies and Truths About Black Unemployment Under Trump's Administration

One of us needs to STFU....PoliChic...Just sayin.

Good to see you've returned for an education.

Let's begin you blame white folks and racism for all of your inadequacies, can you answer this query?

With respect to the education gap, how is it that 'racism' is responsible for these areas in which black students fall short when compared to white and Asian students:

The number of days absent from school

The number of hours spent watching TV

The number of pages read for homework

Quantity and quality of reading material in the home

The presence of two parents in the home.

How does 'racism' explain these ...deficiencies????

How are white folks responsible???
To answer your racist question;....

You assume that thje styatic about school attendence is aboyut race. You rusdh in to bl;ame black [eop;le.

The statistics are more likely due to the idea of social economic standing. Poor people are disproportionately black.
  • Thanks
Reactions: IM2
So, you want to have the poor, sick, disabled, children to starve & die in the street.

You are certainly a Trumpette.

Let's check and compare:

1... in today’s recovery — the slowest in the modern era going back to 1947 — private capital investment has lagged badly. ... so has the jobs situation, with 92 million dropping out of the workforce altogether. A labor-participation rate of 62.8% and an employment-to-population rate of 58% are historic lows indicative of the anemic jobs recovery. Big Business Swings Behind a Mantra of Growth - The New York Sun

2. Tavis Smiley: 'Black People Will Have Lost Ground in Every Single Economic Indicator' Under Obama
Tavis Smiley: 'Black People Will Have Lost Ground in Every Single Economic Indicator' Under Obama

["BET Founder: Trump’s economy bringing black workers back into the workforce"

BET Founder: Trump's economy bringing black workers back into the workforce]

3. . "Incomes Have Dropped Twice as Much During the 'Recovery' as During the Recession
. ...the Census Bureau's Current Population Survey ....indicate that the real (inflation-adjusted) median annual household income in America has fallen by 4.4 percent during the "recovery," after having fallen by 1.8 during the recession.
Incomes Have Dropped Twice as Much During the 'Recovery' as During the Recession

4. . In a stunning Tuesday report, Gallup CEO and Chairman Jim Clifton revealed that “for the first time in 35 years, American business deaths now outnumber business births.”Clifton says for the past six years since 2008, employer business startups have fallen below the business failure rate, spurring what he calls “an underground earthquake” that only stands to worsen as lagging U.S. Census data becomes available.
“Let’s get one thing clear: This economy is never truly coming back unless we reverse the birth and death trends of American businesses,” writes Clifton."Economic Death Spiral: More American Businesses Dying Than Starting - Breitbart

5. "Surprise: U.S. Economic Data Have Been the World's Most Disappointing
It's not only the just-released University of Michigan consumer confidence report and February retail sales on Thursday that surprised economists and investors with another dose of underwhelming news. Overall, U.S. economic data have been falling short of prognosticators' expectations by the most in six years." Surprise: U.S. Economic Data Have Been the World's Most Disappointing

6. . "That basic math is why middle class incomes have been in decline under Obama. The Census Bureau reports that since Obama became President 7 years ago, real median household income has fallen by $1,300 a year. Heritage Foundation Chief Economist Steve Moore explained in testimony before the Ways and Means Committee, “At 2 percent growth the economy doesn’t spin off enough jobs to increase wages, and tax revenues grow much too slowly to balance the budget.”
The recession officially ended more than 6 years ago. Wages and incomes have always grown in recoveries, not declined. Moreover, the American historical record is the deeper the recession, the stronger the recovery. The economy is supposed to boom in a recovery to catch up with its long term economic growth trendline. But over 6 years after the recession ended, that still has not happened. Instead, what we have gotten under President Obama is the worst recovery from a recession since the Great Depression." Realizing The Super Bowl Of American Economic Growth

7. "Even if you leave out the first quarter of 2009—when the recession that started in December 2007 was still ongoing--President Barack Obama has presided over the lowest average first-quarter GDP growth of any president who has served since 1947, which is the earliest year for which the Bureau of Economic Analysis has calculated quarterly GDP growth. "

8. The Obama Administration is aggressively exploiting regulation to achieve its policy agenda, issuing 157 new major rules at a cost to Americans approaching $73 billion annually....twice the annual average of his predecessor George W. Bush. And much more regulation is on the way, with another 125 major rules on the Administration’s to-do list, including dozens linked to the Dodd–Frank financial regulation law and the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, known as Obamacare. Red Tape Rising: Five Years of Regulatory Expansion

9. . "...take-home pay for many American workers has effectively fallen since the economic recovery began in 2009, according to a new study by an advocacy group that is to be released on Thursday.

The declines were greatest for the lowest-paid workers in sectors where hiring has been strong — home health care, food preparation and retailing — even though wages were already below average to begin with in those service industries.

“Stagnant wages are a problem for everyone at this point, but the imbalance in the economy has become more pronounced since the recession,”..."

10. . "Obamacare health insurance co-ops surged past the $1 billion mark in losses this week, making history of sorts.The insolvencies, totaling $1.36 billion, mean that the co-ops have burned through more than half of the original $2 billion appropriatedin 2010 for the program under the Affordable Care Act. The funds were loaned to the start-up co-ops in 2012 and were to be repaid in 15 years, according to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, which manages Obamacare.

...13 of the 23 federally-financed Obamacare co-ops have officially failed in only two years. Most are in the process of default as insurance regulators attempt to pay customer’s medical bills, cover medical providers and pay other creditors.

Obamacare Co-Op Mess Causes $1.3 Billion In Losses

11. Obama is the first President never to have had a year of 3% or better economic growth: "... annual growth during Obama’s “recovery” has never topped 3%. By comparison, it never fell below 3% during the Reagan recovery. And in the nine years following the 1990-91 recession, GDP grew faster than 3% in all but two. Heck, even Jimmy Carter had some strong growth years." President Obama's Growth Gap Hits $1.31 Trillion | Investor's Business Daily

a. "The years since 2007 have been a macroeconomic disaster for the United States of a magnitude unprecedented since the Great Depression." Obama: Always Wrong, Never In Doubt

b. ".... first president since Hoover to never have a single year above 3% GDP growth."Hedge fund billionaire calls Obama economy 'amazing'

12. ".... calculating how much the debt increased during Obama's two terms. On January 20, 2009, when he was sworn in, the debt was $10.626 trillion. On January 20, 2017, it was $19.947 trillion. That's why most people say Obama added $9 trillion to the debt, more than any other president."
How Much Did Obama Add to the Nation's Debt? that to the Trump economy, you dunce.

We will in about a year when what he did begins taking full effect.

Need a few things to mull over?

59. "Year One List: 81 major Trump achievements, 11 Obama legacy items repealed

With the passage of the GOP tax bill this week, the Trump administration has scored 81 major achievements in its first year, making good on campaign promises to provide significant tax cuts, boost U.S. energy production, and restore respect to the United States, according to the White House.

And along the way, President Trump even outdid his own expectations and slashed at least 11 major legacy items of former President Barack Obama, including cracking down on the open border, slowing recognition of communist Cuba and effectively killing Obamacare by ending the mandate that everyone have health insurance or face a tax."

Year One List: 81 major Trump achievements, 11 Obama legacy items repealed

60. "US private sector added 250,000 jobs in Dec, vs estimate of 190,000: ADP

The report helped send the Dow to break the 25,000 mark for the first time."

Private sector job creation surged in December as holiday shopping boomed

61. "Hispanic unemployment at all-time low under Trump" Hispanic unemployment at all-time low under Trump

"Black Unemployment Rate Lowest in 17 Years"
Black Unemployment Rate Lowest in 17 Years

Maybe you remember this nightmare:
Tavis Smiley: 'Black People Will Have Lost Ground in Every Single Economic Indicator' Under Obama
62."Customers Get A Break As Utilities' Tax Bill Drops
Tax savings for the industry are expected to be substantial. The Penn Wharton Budget Model at the University of Pennsylvania said utilities will pay $1.1 billion less in taxes this year than if the law had not been enacted, $1.9 billion less in 2019 and more than $5 billion less in 2020.
Numerous state regulatory agencies in the U.S. are similarly cutting rates to reflect lower taxes."
Customers Get A Break As Utilities' Tax Bill Drops
63. "U.S. Manufacturing Output Rose in December for Fourth Month
...the strongest quarter since 2010 and underscoring a resurgence in manufacturing that’s primed for further advances, Federal Reserve data showed Wednesday.
Factory output increased at a 7 percent annualized rate in the fourth quarter,..."
U.S. Manufacturing Output Rose in December for Fourth Month

This....since we got rid of that dead weight President, Hussein

What happens when you kick out the tax-and-spend Democrats?

64. "It looks like Apple is bringing back home nearly all of its $250 billion in foreign cash


He won again!!!!

65. "China's Xi Jinping says tariffs on car imports will be cut this year

Chinese President Xi Jinping on Tuesday said his government would "significantly lower" tariffs on vehicle imports this year as part of efforts to further open its giant economy to the world.

The pledge addresses one of the gripes of US President Donald Trump, who has threatened to impose new tariffs on $150 billion of Chinese goods in a trade dispute between the world's two largest economies. Experts cautioned, though, that Xi's comments may not do much to resolve the conflict, which has rocked markets in recent weeks."

China's Xi Jinping says tariffs on car imports will be cut this year

No wonder the Left hates him!!!!!!

66. Can you imagine the ticker-tape parades if Hussein had had these achievements??????

"Jobless claims rise modestly; Americans receiving unemployment aid lowest since 1973

As you stupid Trumpettes brag , show me the stats where your golden hero actually reversed something instead of just not fuck up Obama's trends.

Show me a chart. A chart of anything where this big DECLINE was? Please.

And really, manufacturing has DECLINED this past year. GDP growth rate has declined.

What hasn't declined under Trump? the DEFICIT.

Quit bragging about an economy that is built on a house of cards.

When the economy starts to slow more, the deficits will climb more and the recession will hit fat & furious & there will be nothing to do to slow it because Trump already played those cards.

Trumpettes are dumber than shit.

One of my many gifts is forcing vulgarity from those who recoil at the truths I post.

RealDumb is a perfect example.
I would prefer to discuss matters with people that say "fuck" than a lying dishonest piece of shit like you.
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Trump’s administration often brags and presents the 7% Black unemployment rate as if this is good news, but it’s not. In comparison, the nation’s overall unemployment rate is just 3.8%. According to 24/7 Wall St, that means that Black unemployment is 86% above the national average. It is also 112% higher than the rate among white Americans, and 125% above the rate for Asian Americans. This means that overall the unemployment rate for Blacks under Obama’s administration versus the rate under Trump’s administration is about the same. So, this would be another lie or at least a form of deception.

6 Lies and Truths About Black Unemployment Under Trump's Administration

One of us needs to STFU....PoliChic...Just sayin.

Good to see you've returned for an education.

Let's begin you blame white folks and racism for all of your inadequacies, can you answer this query?

With respect to the education gap, how is it that 'racism' is responsible for these areas in which black students fall short when compared to white and Asian students:

The number of days absent from school

The number of hours spent watching TV

The number of pages read for homework

Quantity and quality of reading material in the home

The presence of two parents in the home.

How does 'racism' explain these ...deficiencies????

How are white folks responsible???

Lol! There are more blacks graduating high school, entering college or post secondary education and graduating than ever before. So take those racist ass questions and shove them up your internalized racism afflicted Asian ass. And try not to cum.

Is there a reason you can't answer those pertinent queries????

One can note how deeply wounded you are by the question by how vulgar you become.

I can always make you do that.

Now....doggie treat?

No PC, when a person uses vulgarity it is a sign of disdain towards the person the language is used on. Your questions are not pertinent to this topic. So I won't be answering them.
People coming off food stamps because their financial situation has improved is one thing. Throwing people off & bragging about it is just sick.

Republicans like hunger, as long as it is not them who are experiencing it. They also like homelessness, as long as they don't have to see homeless persons sleeping in their streets. Republicans are so . . . Jesus-y.

Republicans like grown adults to pay their own way, they like folks who only have children they themselves can afford.

Democrats like to manifest and foster classes of pet humans, they like to FORCE America’s best citizens to pick up the tab of life for America’s worse.

republicans will do anything they can to force people to have children that they can't afford. They also want to impose a caste system on the U.S. population. Who are the nation's "best" citizens?

"... force people to have children that they can't afford. "

Link or lie?
So a woman discovers she is 8 weeks of an unplanned preganancy.

\Pro Choice would give her the option to terminate..

Pro Life would force her to take the fetus to term - i.e have the child.

Then Trumpettes would work to deny her all assistance to raise that child.

That's right. They don't give a damn about the baby once it is born.

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