BREAKING: Terrorist attack in Paris ?

Does this date have any significance ? Other than general fridaynteh 13th.
Maybe it's payback for Jihadi John.

Ow. Well, that is a very logical assumption. And one in which the payback team was able to organize and attack very, very quickly.
These attacks are planned way ahead of time. Multiple targets require coordination and that takes a lot of planning.

Jihadi John's death may have just been the moment they were waiting for as an excuse. Or just a coincidence.
this just in from PMS-NBC. Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid have already blamed the current bombings in Paris France on George Bush, despite the facts that there is no evidence and the events havent even been investigated yet.
ISIS and terrorists making friends again...The whole world and even the ME is sick to death of this. And America is no longer getting the blame. I'm making a couple of assumptions, let's see. I'm a huge Francophile, Hello From Warsaw. The other great republic.
Wonder what the butcher's bill will be this time? Just more children of God, at play...
You dancin' on their graves yet? Seems to be your MO.
Nope, but I'm not crying either. Just another day, in hell.
That's because you're nothing but a fucking asshole. Typical progressive prick. Now it's up to at least 30 dead and I fear it is going to jump to over 100 really, really fast. Just terrible.
No, it's because I've watched decades of this slaughter. And something for you to remember, 20 deaths is a tragedy, 2,000 deaths is a statistic. What did we lose just a week or so ago, 217 in about half as many seconds? I don't call humanity a disease for no reason...

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