BREAKING! Robert Mueller Gave The 'Stand Down' Order To Rescue Ambassador Stephens In Benghazi

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Poor tards. Fox News made up a stand down order over five years ago, and they have STILL not caught on they were hoaxed.


"I want to bleev it, so it must be true!"
Do you know libesrals are so stupid that they still think the housing bubble was caused by republicans?

Do you know how stupid that is?

We should know by now how dumb all liberals are.
Do you know libesrals are so stupid that they still think the housing bubble was caused by republicans?

Do you know how stupid that is?

We should know by now how dumb all liberals are.
And tards like you bleev the bubble was caused only by Democrats.

Do you know libesrals are so stupid that they still think the housing bubble was caused by republicans?

Do you know how stupid that is?

We should know by now how dumb all liberals are.

just as you stupid as you thinking it was all about the Dems.

have you not figured out yet that you are no different than the people you attack every day?
I love how even the far right website you linked to has such little faith in this story that they won't put it on their front page. :lol:
At least there is an actual name attached to the source of the story. The left seems to think "unnamed" is a believable person.
Robyn Gritz was fired by the FBI for fraud. She sells cosmetics at Macy's now.

Sounds like a reliable source. :lol:
Sounds like she was kicked out of the FBI for other reasons and a lot of people believe her.
Former FBI Agent Speaks Out: 'I Was Not Protected'
Do you know libesrals are so stupid that they still think the housing bubble was caused by republicans?

Do you know how stupid that is?

We should know by now how dumb all liberals are.
And tards like you bleev the bubble was caused only by Democrats.

Well there's the community reinvestment act . Then you have Democrats outright lying about the state of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, so yeah they are mostly responsible for the housing collapse.

PS if you can find a list of Republicans that voted for the reinvestment act I'll blame them to.
I'll bet Robert Mueller was even on the grassy knoll during the Kennedy assassination.
Along with CIA Director Petraeus. This is an unbelievable breaking revelation. As one commenter posted on Twitter:

"Hillary promised Morsi that the Blind Sheik would be returned to Egypt. State denied paperwork, so she cooked up a fake kidnapping of Stevens & planned to trade him for the Blind Sheik. It backfired."

Under Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, FBI Director Mueller and CIA Director Petraeus Grounded Critical Benghazi Rescue Operation – True Pundit

Nothing about Petraeus surprises me.....he was a 4-Star and had never been in combat before Iraq and there he was only in a convoy that took some small arms fire behind his a CIB for that.

So exactly when he was supposed to see combat since there was no combat in the Army with the exception of Desert Storm before 2003? I missed combat several times in the Navy by just being assigned to the wrong ship. I didn't see anything of Desert Storm except the mop-up because my carrier battle group was in a new training cycle and held in reserve. We were the only ones not initially deployed.

After Vietnam, the Army did little or nothing for about 2 decades. The Navy and Marines were on the front lines around the world and the Air Force played along occasionally. Back in Desert Storm, the Navy and Marine Corps wives were constantly berating the Army and Air Force wives for boo-hooing that their husbands were deployed. The Navy and Marine Corps wives said, "Welcome to our world. We do this in peace time too!"
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