BREAKING: Pelosi’s Son Now Involved In Ukraine Scandal- DemonRAT Party In Shambles ^ | Dean James & Dean Garrison at DC Clothesline October 4, 2019

Hunter Biden move over.

Now Nancy Pelosi’s son may be looking to take center stage with the Ukraine controversy.

Paul Pelosi, Jr. spent time in Ukraine in 2017.

“BOOM: Nancy Pelosi’s son Paul Pelosi Jr. (who went to Ukraine in 2017) was a board member of Viscoil and executive at its related company NRGLab, which DID ENERGY Business in UKRAINE!

And Nancy Pelosi appeared in a promotional video for the company!”

BOOM: Nancy Pelosi's son Paul Pelosi Jr. (who went to Ukraine in 2017) was a board member of Viscoil and executive at its related company NRGLab, which DID ENERGY Business in UKRAINE!

And Nancy Pelosi appeared in a promotional video for the company!NRGLab & New Technology

— Patrick Howley (@HowleyReporter) October 3, 2019

What in the hell?

BOTH Biden’s and Pelosi’s sons have strong ties to Ukraine?

Who goes to Ukraine?

I’m sure most people reading this have sent their sons to Ukraine at some point.

I’m probably just being paranoid.

From Patrick Howley at National File:

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s son Paul Pelosi Jr. visited Ukraine in 2017 to meet with government officials in connection to a business initiative. Now, unearthed records reveal that Paul Pelosi Jr. was an executive of a gas industry company that did business in Ukraine – and his mother Nancy Pelosi was featured in one of the company’s promotional videos.

Paul Pelosi Jr. travelled to Kiev, Ukraine in July 2017 in his capacity as executive director of the Corporate Governance Initiative, a position that he accepted months earlier in February 2017. Pelosi Jr. said that he was in Ukraine to discuss a youth soccer partnership with the government.

The American Mirror, which flagged Pelosi Jr.’s appearance in 2017, preserved a clip of Pelosi Jr. on the Ukrainian station following the video’s removal from YouTube.

2017 — What's really going on here? Nancy Pelosi's son in Ukraine to talk about "soccer"?

— The American Mirror (@American_Mirror) September 27, 2019

On March 5, 2013, NRGLab New Technology posted two videos on Youtube. One video opened with a clip of Nancy Pelosi discussing energy-efficient technology, followed by a direct-to-camera statement from her son Paul Pelosi Jr., filmed in Washington, D.C. in 2010.

“My name’s Paul Pelosi. Of course I’m on the board of Viscoil. And Viscoil is here today to talk about accelerating the future. It’s about using cars in a more efficient manner. It’s about utilizing natural resources, whether it be electricity, or gas, or fossil fuels in a more efficient way. And Viscoil is a part of that solution,” Paul Pelosi Jr. said in the video.


Big Name Dems (and their offspring) are really piling up now with this Ukraine controversy.

Paul Pelosi Jr. co-founded the company Natural Blue Resources, which the SEC charged with securities fraud in 2014.


Another story on this subject...

BREAKING: Nancy Pelosi’s Son Was Exec At Gas Company That Did Business In Ukraine

(Very small excerpt)

“House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s son Paul Pelosi Jr. visited Ukraine in 2017 to meet with government officials in connection to a business initiative. Now, unearthed records reveal that Paul Pelosi Jr. was an executive of a gas industry company that did business in Ukraine – and his mother Nancy Pelosi was featured in one of the company’s promotional videos.”

“And Nancy Pelosi appeared in a promotional video for the company!”

You mean to tell me that NO ONE smelled a little conflict of interest there?

Are all Liberals THAT stupid? RHETORICAL QUESTION!


It seems like every day we learn of a new politico (often more influential ones) all involved in the Ukraine.

So far there’s Biden’s son. Then I heard Kerry’s son. Now Pelosi’s son. Seems I recall a hint at Romney with some involvement in this.

This is why they are all going hysterical. When we sit and ruminate that they are going overboard on fake investigations and lies about this and impeachment here, impeachment there, impeachment, impeachment, every every where....

Folks, we got a ruling class that will do anything lest we discover what they’ve been doing behind our backs while we carried this country on our backs.

Somehow, someway....the people have to take a stand.


Right Wing Tribune is rated as a "Questionable Source" "Reasoning: Extreme Right, Propaganda, Conspiracy"

Their overall comments: "Overall, we rate the Right Wing Tribune Questionable based on extreme right wing bias and the promotion of propaganda and debunked conspiracy theories."

Right Wing Tribune - Media Bias/Fact Check

The same piece is running with many other outlets but it's not going to change the facts. So suck it up buttercup and deal with it. Your hag has some tough sledding ahead.
Pelosi’s Son Now Involved In Ukraine Scandal- DemonRAT Party In Shambles

I am aghast! You mean this whole Impeachment nonsense is just a Democratic 'Wag the dog' exercise? Who would have thunk it?
Been pointing out for a couple days now that Ukraine has been an international clearing house for corruption, money laundering, and general graft since they became independent from the USSR....So this is totally unsurprising.

It's interesting the things that you'll learn with just a little digging.
Which explains why Mueller raided Manafort.

To destroy the evidence .....
Been pointing out for a couple days now that Ukraine has been an international clearing house for corruption, money laundering, and general graft since they became independent from the USSR....So this is totally unsurprising.

It's interesting the things that you'll learn with just a little digging.
Which explains why Mueller raided Manafort.

To destroy the evidence .....
Or to confiscate it, same thing. Everything they went after Manafort for he did while working for Obama, Clinton and Biden.

Amazing Coincidence That Nancy Pelosi’s Son Also Has Business Connections With Ukraine

Posted at 2:45 pm on October 04, 2019 by streiff


Caricature by DonkeyHotey Creative Commons — Attribution 2.0 Generic — CC BY 2.0

If you’re wondering why Nancy Pelosi is laying low as the effervescent maelstrom of corruption and influence peddling descends upon Joe Biden’s hairplugs, we may have the answer. She has a son of her own involved in oil importing from Ukraine. He even used his Mom to promote his business.


When Pelosi, Jr., was asked about the purpose of his visit at the time, this is how he responded:

Much more at

Amazing Coincidence That Nancy Pelosi's Son Also Has Business Connections With Ukraine

Amazing the corruption AND COLLUSION between the DemonRATS and Ukraine!.....Trump is right this needs investigating!!! ^ | Dean James & Dean Garrison at DC Clothesline October 4, 2019

Hunter Biden move over.

Now Nancy Pelosi’s son may be looking to take center stage with the Ukraine controversy.

Paul Pelosi, Jr. spent time in Ukraine in 2017.

“BOOM: Nancy Pelosi’s son Paul Pelosi Jr. (who went to Ukraine in 2017) was a board member of Viscoil and executive at its related company NRGLab, which DID ENERGY Business in UKRAINE!

And Nancy Pelosi appeared in a promotional video for the company!”

BOOM: Nancy Pelosi's son Paul Pelosi Jr. (who went to Ukraine in 2017) was a board member of Viscoil and executive at its related company NRGLab, which DID ENERGY Business in UKRAINE!

And Nancy Pelosi appeared in a promotional video for the company!NRGLab & New Technology

— Patrick Howley (@HowleyReporter) October 3, 2019

What in the hell?

BOTH Biden’s and Pelosi’s sons have strong ties to Ukraine?

Who goes to Ukraine?

I’m sure most people reading this have sent their sons to Ukraine at some point.

I’m probably just being paranoid.

From Patrick Howley at National File:

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s son Paul Pelosi Jr. visited Ukraine in 2017 to meet with government officials in connection to a business initiative. Now, unearthed records reveal that Paul Pelosi Jr. was an executive of a gas industry company that did business in Ukraine – and his mother Nancy Pelosi was featured in one of the company’s promotional videos.

Paul Pelosi Jr. travelled to Kiev, Ukraine in July 2017 in his capacity as executive director of the Corporate Governance Initiative, a position that he accepted months earlier in February 2017. Pelosi Jr. said that he was in Ukraine to discuss a youth soccer partnership with the government.

The American Mirror, which flagged Pelosi Jr.’s appearance in 2017, preserved a clip of Pelosi Jr. on the Ukrainian station following the video’s removal from YouTube.

2017 — What's really going on here? Nancy Pelosi's son in Ukraine to talk about "soccer"?

— The American Mirror (@American_Mirror) September 27, 2019

On March 5, 2013, NRGLab New Technology posted two videos on Youtube. One video opened with a clip of Nancy Pelosi discussing energy-efficient technology, followed by a direct-to-camera statement from her son Paul Pelosi Jr., filmed in Washington, D.C. in 2010.

“My name’s Paul Pelosi. Of course I’m on the board of Viscoil. And Viscoil is here today to talk about accelerating the future. It’s about using cars in a more efficient manner. It’s about utilizing natural resources, whether it be electricity, or gas, or fossil fuels in a more efficient way. And Viscoil is a part of that solution,” Paul Pelosi Jr. said in the video.


Big Name Dems (and their offspring) are really piling up now with this Ukraine controversy.

Paul Pelosi Jr. co-founded the company Natural Blue Resources, which the SEC charged with securities fraud in 2014.


Another story on this subject...

BREAKING: Nancy Pelosi’s Son Was Exec At Gas Company That Did Business In Ukraine

(Very small excerpt)

“House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s son Paul Pelosi Jr. visited Ukraine in 2017 to meet with government officials in connection to a business initiative. Now, unearthed records reveal that Paul Pelosi Jr. was an executive of a gas industry company that did business in Ukraine – and his mother Nancy Pelosi was featured in one of the company’s promotional videos.”

“And Nancy Pelosi appeared in a promotional video for the company!”

You mean to tell me that NO ONE smelled a little conflict of interest there?

Are all Liberals THAT stupid? RHETORICAL QUESTION!


It seems like every day we learn of a new politico (often more influential ones) all involved in the Ukraine.

So far there’s Biden’s son. Then I heard Kerry’s son. Now Pelosi’s son. Seems I recall a hint at Romney with some involvement in this.

This is why they are all going hysterical. When we sit and ruminate that they are going overboard on fake investigations and lies about this and impeachment here, impeachment there, impeachment, impeachment, every every where....

Folks, we got a ruling class that will do anything lest we discover what they’ve been doing behind our backs while we carried this country on our backs.

Somehow, someway....the people have to take a stand.


And the hits just keep on coming ^ | Dean James & Dean Garrison at DC Clothesline October 4, 2019

Hunter Biden move over.

Now Nancy Pelosi’s son may be looking to take center stage with the Ukraine controversy.

Paul Pelosi, Jr. spent time in Ukraine in 2017.

“BOOM: Nancy Pelosi’s son Paul Pelosi Jr. (who went to Ukraine in 2017) was a board member of Viscoil and executive at its related company NRGLab, which DID ENERGY Business in UKRAINE!

And Nancy Pelosi appeared in a promotional video for the company!”

BOOM: Nancy Pelosi's son Paul Pelosi Jr. (who went to Ukraine in 2017) was a board member of Viscoil and executive at its related company NRGLab, which DID ENERGY Business in UKRAINE!

And Nancy Pelosi appeared in a promotional video for the company!NRGLab & New Technology

— Patrick Howley (@HowleyReporter) October 3, 2019

What in the hell?

BOTH Biden’s and Pelosi’s sons have strong ties to Ukraine?

Who goes to Ukraine?

I’m sure most people reading this have sent their sons to Ukraine at some point.

I’m probably just being paranoid.

From Patrick Howley at National File:

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s son Paul Pelosi Jr. visited Ukraine in 2017 to meet with government officials in connection to a business initiative. Now, unearthed records reveal that Paul Pelosi Jr. was an executive of a gas industry company that did business in Ukraine – and his mother Nancy Pelosi was featured in one of the company’s promotional videos.

Paul Pelosi Jr. travelled to Kiev, Ukraine in July 2017 in his capacity as executive director of the Corporate Governance Initiative, a position that he accepted months earlier in February 2017. Pelosi Jr. said that he was in Ukraine to discuss a youth soccer partnership with the government.

The American Mirror, which flagged Pelosi Jr.’s appearance in 2017, preserved a clip of Pelosi Jr. on the Ukrainian station following the video’s removal from YouTube.

2017 — What's really going on here? Nancy Pelosi's son in Ukraine to talk about "soccer"?

— The American Mirror (@American_Mirror) September 27, 2019

On March 5, 2013, NRGLab New Technology posted two videos on Youtube. One video opened with a clip of Nancy Pelosi discussing energy-efficient technology, followed by a direct-to-camera statement from her son Paul Pelosi Jr., filmed in Washington, D.C. in 2010.

“My name’s Paul Pelosi. Of course I’m on the board of Viscoil. And Viscoil is here today to talk about accelerating the future. It’s about using cars in a more efficient manner. It’s about utilizing natural resources, whether it be electricity, or gas, or fossil fuels in a more efficient way. And Viscoil is a part of that solution,” Paul Pelosi Jr. said in the video.


Big Name Dems (and their offspring) are really piling up now with this Ukraine controversy.

Paul Pelosi Jr. co-founded the company Natural Blue Resources, which the SEC charged with securities fraud in 2014.


Another story on this subject...

BREAKING: Nancy Pelosi’s Son Was Exec At Gas Company That Did Business In Ukraine

(Very small excerpt)

“House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s son Paul Pelosi Jr. visited Ukraine in 2017 to meet with government officials in connection to a business initiative. Now, unearthed records reveal that Paul Pelosi Jr. was an executive of a gas industry company that did business in Ukraine – and his mother Nancy Pelosi was featured in one of the company’s promotional videos.”

“And Nancy Pelosi appeared in a promotional video for the company!”

You mean to tell me that NO ONE smelled a little conflict of interest there?

Are all Liberals THAT stupid? RHETORICAL QUESTION!


It seems like every day we learn of a new politico (often more influential ones) all involved in the Ukraine.

So far there’s Biden’s son. Then I heard Kerry’s son. Now Pelosi’s son. Seems I recall a hint at Romney with some involvement in this.

This is why they are all going hysterical. When we sit and ruminate that they are going overboard on fake investigations and lies about this and impeachment here, impeachment there, impeachment, impeachment, every every where....

Folks, we got a ruling class that will do anything lest we discover what they’ve been doing behind our backs while we carried this country on our backs.

Somehow, someway....the people have to take a stand.



Nothing burger. No crime. Nice try.

You'd say the EXACT same thing if it were Trumps kids newly appointed to that Board because you're not a democrat piss drinker, right? ^ | Dean James & Dean Garrison at DC Clothesline October 4, 2019

Hunter Biden move over.

Now Nancy Pelosi’s son may be looking to take center stage with the Ukraine controversy.

Paul Pelosi, Jr. spent time in Ukraine in 2017.

“BOOM: Nancy Pelosi’s son Paul Pelosi Jr. (who went to Ukraine in 2017) was a board member of Viscoil and executive at its related company NRGLab, which DID ENERGY Business in UKRAINE!

And Nancy Pelosi appeared in a promotional video for the company!”

BOOM: Nancy Pelosi's son Paul Pelosi Jr. (who went to Ukraine in 2017) was a board member of Viscoil and executive at its related company NRGLab, which DID ENERGY Business in UKRAINE!

And Nancy Pelosi appeared in a promotional video for the company!NRGLab & New Technology

— Patrick Howley (@HowleyReporter) October 3, 2019

What in the hell?

BOTH Biden’s and Pelosi’s sons have strong ties to Ukraine?

Who goes to Ukraine?

I’m sure most people reading this have sent their sons to Ukraine at some point.

I’m probably just being paranoid.

From Patrick Howley at National File:

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s son Paul Pelosi Jr. visited Ukraine in 2017 to meet with government officials in connection to a business initiative. Now, unearthed records reveal that Paul Pelosi Jr. was an executive of a gas industry company that did business in Ukraine – and his mother Nancy Pelosi was featured in one of the company’s promotional videos.

Paul Pelosi Jr. travelled to Kiev, Ukraine in July 2017 in his capacity as executive director of the Corporate Governance Initiative, a position that he accepted months earlier in February 2017. Pelosi Jr. said that he was in Ukraine to discuss a youth soccer partnership with the government.

The American Mirror, which flagged Pelosi Jr.’s appearance in 2017, preserved a clip of Pelosi Jr. on the Ukrainian station following the video’s removal from YouTube.

2017 — What's really going on here? Nancy Pelosi's son in Ukraine to talk about "soccer"?

— The American Mirror (@American_Mirror) September 27, 2019

On March 5, 2013, NRGLab New Technology posted two videos on Youtube. One video opened with a clip of Nancy Pelosi discussing energy-efficient technology, followed by a direct-to-camera statement from her son Paul Pelosi Jr., filmed in Washington, D.C. in 2010.

“My name’s Paul Pelosi. Of course I’m on the board of Viscoil. And Viscoil is here today to talk about accelerating the future. It’s about using cars in a more efficient manner. It’s about utilizing natural resources, whether it be electricity, or gas, or fossil fuels in a more efficient way. And Viscoil is a part of that solution,” Paul Pelosi Jr. said in the video.


Big Name Dems (and their offspring) are really piling up now with this Ukraine controversy.

Paul Pelosi Jr. co-founded the company Natural Blue Resources, which the SEC charged with securities fraud in 2014.


Another story on this subject...

BREAKING: Nancy Pelosi’s Son Was Exec At Gas Company That Did Business In Ukraine

(Very small excerpt)

“House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s son Paul Pelosi Jr. visited Ukraine in 2017 to meet with government officials in connection to a business initiative. Now, unearthed records reveal that Paul Pelosi Jr. was an executive of a gas industry company that did business in Ukraine – and his mother Nancy Pelosi was featured in one of the company’s promotional videos.”

“And Nancy Pelosi appeared in a promotional video for the company!”

You mean to tell me that NO ONE smelled a little conflict of interest there?

Are all Liberals THAT stupid? RHETORICAL QUESTION!


It seems like every day we learn of a new politico (often more influential ones) all involved in the Ukraine.

So far there’s Biden’s son. Then I heard Kerry’s son. Now Pelosi’s son. Seems I recall a hint at Romney with some involvement in this.

This is why they are all going hysterical. When we sit and ruminate that they are going overboard on fake investigations and lies about this and impeachment here, impeachment there, impeachment, impeachment, every every where....

Folks, we got a ruling class that will do anything lest we discover what they’ve been doing behind our backs while we carried this country on our backs.

Somehow, someway....the people have to take a stand.


There could be nothing good about that Loopy kunts spawn...
Their strategy all along to defend and deflect their illegal acts is to accuse you of the same or worse. This technique developed from when your acts are indefensible

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