BREAKING: Palestinian groups declare ‘day of rage’ ahead of Trump visit in Israel

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Gold Member
Jun 9, 2014
Pinetop, AZ
Palestinian leaders are calling for a “Day of Rage” on Tuesday, when US President Donald Trump visits Bethlehem, which is under Palestinian Authority (PA) control, the Jerusalem Post reported.

The Islamic and National Forces called for the violent protests, saying they wish to convey a message to the American leader that “the Palestinian people insist on their right to self-determination and national independence in a state with east Jerusalem as its sovereign capital.”
Link: Palestinian groups declare 'day of rage' ahead of Trump visit in Israel | World Israel News

I get it. The Palestinians continue to be outraged over the 'occupation'. But does the leadership really think that this is going to show the Trump administration that they are committed to a peaceful resolution? Calling for violent protests? These 'leaders' are nothing of the sort. They are just a bunch of rabble rouser's that are using and abusing the rank and file Palestinian for their own violent ends.

Truly sad if you ask me. Sad indeed.
What a fun and productive way to spend your day......RAGE!! :rofl:

And they wonder why they are living like barnyard animals? They are lower than pigs or goats.
They should be treated like two year olds having a temper tantrum until they act like they are adults. That is -- ignored completely and utterly. No one sits down with ANYONE in the Palestinian leadership until they get their own two year olds under control.

IF their goal (as stated) is another Arab state in the region, it has already been offered a dozen times over. What is needed is diplomacy and treaty-making to achieve that goal. There is no need for rage.
Just another excuse for so-called "Pal'istanians" to put their children into a position where they will create a conflict, antagonize and attack The Zionists™ and then complain about the inevitable response.

Somebody call Shirley Temper.
Just another excuse for so-called "Pal'istanians" to put their children into a position where they will create a conflict, antagonize and attack The Zionists™ and then complain about the inevitable response.

Somebody call Shirley Temper.

Creating this sense of victimization was a brilliant political move on the part of the Palestinians. The problem is that they are continuing to try to do it LONG after it has reached its peak and served its purpose. Indeed, it is now back-firing on them since it is obvious that their intent is to provoke victimization at the expense of solving the conflict. They need to slow their roll with the low-level terrorism which accomplishes nothing but poking the bear and then crying about it.

If they intend yet another Arab state alongside Israel -- diplomacy is the way to go to achieve that goal (and has been for nearly 30 years now).

IF they intend to destroy Israel and replace it with yet another Arab state -- they would be much better off with putting their energies into an all-out, multi-nation attack. (Again).
Not even the Israeli's care to pretend they're committed to a peaceful resolution. Why should the Palestinians?
From the guy that had the Bundy's convicted in Oregon well before their trial. Spoiler alert pal. They got acquitted and your Trump hate is going down with your bullshit. You can drop to the floor and flail your hands and kick your feet and scream like a baby all you want, it gets you nowhere. You lose from every angle, why not give it up?

The Israeli's want peace and nothing but. I have been there. I have talked to them. Even the rank and file Palestinians want the same. I have been there. I have talked to them. Have you?
IF they intend to destroy Israel and replace it with yet another Arab state -- they would be much better off with putting their energies into an all-out, multi-nation attack. (Again).
And we all know how well that has worked out for them in the past . . . . . Give it up. Proclaim peace and secure what you have now before you keep on losing more. I have said this many many times here. If they truly want their own state, then do so with a proclamation of peace with what they have now.
Palestinian leaders are calling for a “Day of Rage” on Tuesday, when US President Donald Trump visits Bethlehem, which is under Palestinian Authority (PA) control, the Jerusalem Post reported.

The Islamic and National Forces called for the violent protests, saying they wish to convey a message to the American leader that “the Palestinian people insist on their right to self-determination and national independence in a state with east Jerusalem as its sovereign capital.”
Link: Palestinian groups declare 'day of rage' ahead of Trump visit in Israel | World Israel News

I get it. The Palestinians continue to be outraged over the 'occupation'. But does the leadership really think that this is going to show the Trump administration that they are committed to a peaceful resolution? Calling for violent protests? These 'leaders' are nothing of the sort. They are just a bunch of rabble rouser's that are using and abusing the rank and file Palestinian for their own violent ends.

Truly sad if you ask me. Sad indeed.
Well if they (the Palestinians -- anciently called Phillistines -- a Greek name which means Friends From The Islands) have a really good shooter maybe Trump will get his come-uppance there.

It is a truly dangerous place for him to visit right about now.

Especially after all the lovely things Trump said about the Israelis.

Which did not endear him to the Palestinians.

This should be interesting.
Not even the Israeli's care to pretend they're committed to a peaceful resolution. Why should the Palestinians?
From the guy that had the Bundy's convicted in Oregon well before their trial. Spoiler alert pal. They got acquitted and your Trump hate is going down with your bullshit. You can drop to the floor and flail your hands and kick your feet and scream like a baby all you want, it gets you nowhere. You lose from every angle, why not give it up?

The Israeli's want peace and nothing but. I have been there. I have talked to them. Even the rank and file Palestinians want the same. I have been there. I have talked to them. Have you?
The Bundy lunatics remain in jail, dummy. And the Israelis don't want peace. They want total capitulation from the Palestinians at any cost. Don't try to pretend otherwise.
Not even the Israeli's care to pretend they're committed to a peaceful resolution. Why should the Palestinians?
From the guy that had the Bundy's convicted in Oregon well before their trial. Spoiler alert pal. They got acquitted and your Trump hate is going down with your bullshit. You can drop to the floor and flail your hands and kick your feet and scream like a baby all you want, it gets you nowhere. You lose from every angle, why not give it up?

The Israeli's want peace and nothing but. I have been there. I have talked to them. Even the rank and file Palestinians want the same. I have been there. I have talked to them. Have you?
The Bundy lunatics remain in jail, dummy. And the Israelis don't want peace. They want total capitulation from the Palestinians at any cost. Don't try to pretend otherwise.
Ah yes. Good old name calling. Shows your 'skills'. Yes they may still be in jail, but not for Oregon. Try to keep up.
Not even the Israeli's care to pretend they're committed to a peaceful resolution. Why should the Palestinians?
From the guy that had the Bundy's convicted in Oregon well before their trial. Spoiler alert pal. They got acquitted and your Trump hate is going down with your bullshit. You can drop to the floor and flail your hands and kick your feet and scream like a baby all you want, it gets you nowhere. You lose from every angle, why not give it up?

The Israeli's want peace and nothing but. I have been there. I have talked to them. Even the rank and file Palestinians want the same. I have been there. I have talked to them. Have you?
The Bundy lunatics remain in jail, dummy. And the Israelis don't want peace. They want total capitulation from the Palestinians at any cost. Don't try to pretend otherwise.
Ah yes. Good old name calling. Shows your 'skills'. Yes they may still be in jail, but not for Oregon. Try to keep up.
Yeah, okay. 7 decades of no peace, best of luck to you achieving 7 more. :rolleyes:
Just another excuse for so-called "Pal'istanians" to put their children into a position where they will create a conflict, antagonize and attack The Zionists™ and then complain about the inevitable response.

Somebody call Shirley Temper.

Creating this sense of victimization was a brilliant political move on the part of the Palestinians. The problem is that they are continuing to try to do it LONG after it has reached its peak and served its purpose. Indeed, it is now back-firing on them since it is obvious that their intent is to provoke victimization at the expense of solving the conflict. They need to slow their roll with the low-level terrorism which accomplishes nothing but poking the bear and then crying about it.

If they intend yet another Arab state alongside Israel -- diplomacy is the way to go to achieve that goal (and has been for nearly 30 years now).

IF they intend to destroy Israel and replace it with yet another Arab state -- they would be much better off with putting their energies into an all-out, multi-nation attack. (Again).

You still haven't figured out that the Israeli Jews do not intend to allow a non-Jewish soveriegn state to be established within any territory under their control. That's amazing.
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