BREAKING NEWS: USMB is changing its name


Platinum Member
Mar 1, 2009
Starting tomorrow, it will be referred to as "NFL Pregame Ceremony Debate Forum"

Starting tomorrow, it will be referred to as "NFL Pregame Ceremony Debate Forum"


No need to be so extreme, it's the news making flavor of the month right now. The news cycle will change and bring more substantive issues. Be it healthcare, taxes or potential war with North Korea. As it stands this issue touches a nerve with many people.
Starting tomorrow, it will be referred to as "NFL Pregame Ceremony Debate Forum"


Tired of taking a beating defending millionaires protesting against inequality...disrespecting the county, the flag and law enforcement officers.

I understand. Just...take a knee.
Starting tomorrow, it will be referred to as "NFL Pregame Ceremony Debate Forum"


Tired of taking a beating defending millionaires protesting against inequality...disrespecting the county, the flag and law enforcement officers.

I understand. Just...take a knee.

I'm neither defending or ridiculing anyone about the anthem protests.

My beef is with Trump weighing in when he has shit to fix.
Starting tomorrow, it will be referred to as "NFL Pregame Ceremony Debate Forum"


Dunno. Kinda enjoying the break from Russia Russia Russia. This important event has even wiped L'il KimChee off of the 1st page.

General advice. NEVER fuck with people's spectator sports. It's like breaking into their living rooms on Sunday and staging a hissy fit. Politics and Science ---- no. Politics and Sports ---- no.. When they gonna learn??
Starting tomorrow, it will be referred to as "NFL Pregame Ceremony Debate Forum"


Dunno. Kinda enjoying the break from Russia Russia Russia. This important event has even wiped L'il KimChee off of the 1st page.

General advice. NEVER fuck with people's spectator sports. It's like breaking into their living rooms on Sunday and staging a hissy fit. Politics and Science ---- no. Politics and Sports ---- no.. When they gonna learn??

I just looked at the headlines and they are talking about the healthcare bill proposed by Cassidy & the Effeminate Heterosexual.
Starting tomorrow, it will be referred to as "NFL Pregame Ceremony Debate Forum"


Dunno. Kinda enjoying the break from Russia Russia Russia. This important event has even wiped L'il KimChee off of the 1st page.

General advice. NEVER fuck with people's spectator sports. It's like breaking into their living rooms on Sunday and staging a hissy fit. Politics and Science ---- no. Politics and Sports ---- no.. When they gonna learn??

I just looked at the headlines and they are talking about the healthcare bill proposed by Cassidy & the Effeminate Heterosexual.

That's a bunch of wasted effort. Can't compare to the personal trauma America is experiencing in it's NFL crisis.

PERSONALLY, I think that bill is a ploy between those inseparable 2 butt buddies, McCain and "The effeminate heterosexual" to make McCains' less dominate friend have an easier time getting re-elected when the health thingy crashes and burns.

The NFL story has "legs". I think it could go most of the season... :rolleyes:

You DO KNOW -- this country is pretty much fucked and doomed --- right? If this ain't the Roman Circus --- I'm just a character on Rick and Morty..
The clown in the media are being played so hard. They are being destroyed by Trump. Their hatred and Trump derangement is so severe...

Trump says "JUMP". They say "how high".

He plays the tune....they dance.

We're SOOO screwed. If this is our attention span and priorities and with leadership we ain't got -- we don't DESERVE to be a "super" anything.
And the rest of the world is making note of it too, you betcha. Can't fight our enemies if they attack us cuz we are busy fighting ourselves over stupid shit.
We're SOOO screwed. If this is our attention span and priorities and with leadership we ain't got -- we don't DESERVE to be a "super" anything.

"We" don't decide which stories dominate the headlines. (((They))) do. These NFL protests were already happening before Trump commented on them, and the media as usual overreacted to his statements. Don't fault people for reacting to what is forced upon them. I also do not believe that Trump is capitalizing on the NFL crap to distract from "real problems"... He knows these kneelers are a symptom of the REAL PROBLEM of the demonizing of the white man and the deification of the brown which is a cancer eating away at our nation from within.
Right; that's it!!! I'm never going to watch another full game of gridiron the first time...EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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