Breaking News! Saint Greta Has Arrived!


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Members of the Greta cult crowded Glasgow streets as Saint Greta arrived to save the world. A special Green train also arrived bringing thousands of cult members.

Members of the Greta cult crowded Glasgow streets as Saint Greta arrived to save the world. A special Green train also arrived bringing thousands of cult members.

Looks like GL is definitely keeping her from growing tits
Members of the Greta cult crowded Glasgow streets as Saint Greta arrived to save the world. A special Green train also arrived bringing thousands of cult members.

Blah blah blah
Looks like GL is definitely keeping her from growing tits

"She" hasn't received "her" hormone shots yet...


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Hey, they're Scots. Brainfreeze is a semi-permanent condition up there, and require lots of booze to keep under control.
More violent threats from global warming deniers. It seems to go hand in hand with ignorance, doesn't it?

We can always count on you intelligence-deniers.

I saw this yesterday:

Pew found that 40 percent of Millennials “say the government should be able to prevent people publicly making statements that are offensive to minority groups.” Compare that with 27 percent for Generation Xers and 24 percent for Baby Boomers. Making the data even more alarming is that it was gathered in 2015; one can only presume that the percentage today, especially among Generation Z, is even higher.

What does our culture value? One recent survey found that a majority of college students support shouting down speakers with whom they disagree; 23 percent supported the use of violence toward this end. At some colleges, the percentage supporting such violence crept into the 40s.” What Happens When Free Speech Dies | National Review

Your sort, huh?

What were you saying about violence.....for or against?
Greta's latest get together. Here's how these Earth Lovers left the place. Showing once again that they're just full of shit.

CLEAN UP begins in Glastonbury

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