Breaking News: Israel Bombs Al Aqsa Hospital Killing 4 and wounding 60

Israel is a nation that is occupying and oppressing about 4 million people. Those under siege have a right to resist. Israel is a murderous society for the most part.
Palestine is a failed state-wannabe that never was and never will be, containing about 4 million diverse and heterogeneous tribal peoples who are a mongrelized hybrid of old and very recent DNA.

A loose gaggle of under-performing losers and hiders beind the skirts of women and children, who walk through life clueless that they lost their foredoomed struggle 60 or 70 years ago and who have been abandoned by friend and foe alike and who have zero prospect of success but whom are soooo enamored of blood and terror and the related adrenalin rush and death-trip that they will perpetuate the terror and the blood for as long as they can manage it.

Mad dogs, barking at the moon, in a kennel that they built by their own actions, and in which even their former friends and neighbors, the Jordanians and Egyptians, want to see them contained within.

Israel does a great global public service by culling and thinning-out the Hamas herd.

The IDF... makers of fine Hamas-flavored Purina Vulture Chow.
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Israel is a nation that is occupying and oppressing about 4 million people. Those under siege have a right to resist. Israel is a murderous society for the most part.

When Israel gave up Gaza and kicked out their own Jewish, There was your chance for things to start changing. Ball was in the court of the Palestinians, but they screwed it up. They get Aid just like evryone else, but instead of trying to build nice things, they used the concrete to build tunnels Under The Israelis. So now you see the Jews no longer let them get concrete and limit their fishing zone as well as imports.

If the Jews are a murderous society, it is no more than their neoghbors, take a look around there. And why can the Palestinians not get along with anyone else? They are confined in a small area becausde they cant get along with Egypt or Jordan. They dont have leadership wise enough to reverse their negativity, all they believe i is hate. Just watch some of their childrens tv shows to see the indoctrination. Theres a basic natural law, if you are good to others and gracious, then good things will naturaly flow back to you, but people in that part of the world dont get it. They camp their children in front of mortar batterys waiting for the next air strike. Who is murderous?
...Nothing Hamas did or could do justifies unlawfully targeting a hospital...


Convention (IV) relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War. Geneva, 12 August 1949.

Commentary - Art. 19. Part II : General protection of populations against certain consequences of war



1. ' Basic condition -- Acts harmful to the enemy '

The immunity bestowed on civilian hospitals cannot be taken away unless they are used to commit acts harmful to the enemy. The wording adopted by the Diplomatic Conference was intended to draw attention to the exceptional character of the provision and to make it clear that protection could only be discontinued in this one case.

Despite the efforts of the 1949 Conference (1), it was not found possible to produce a more concrete definition of the notion "acts harmful to the enemy" (in the French version: actes nuisibles à l'ennemi), which had already been used in the 1929 version of the First Geneva Convention. The idea was made clearer, however, by the insertion of the phrase "outside their humanitarian duties".

Such harmful acts would, for example, include the use of a hospital as a shelter for able-bodied combatants or fugitives, as an arms or ammunition store, as a military observation post, or as a centre for liaison with fighting troops.


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Under such conditions, targeting of a hospital is NOT unlawful.

Epic Fail.


This is why negotiations do not work. This is why the recalcitrant Palestinians must be led to the UN on their knees for protection. First for a pretend state and then for protection from their leaders while they attempt to create a real state with negotiations.

They need to be protected from themselves. They need to have someone between them and their leaders before they can even think of negotiations with Israel.

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