Breaking News: Israel Bombs Al Aqsa Hospital Killing 4 and wounding 60

Isn't firing rockets at civilians a war crime??

In that case Hamas is guilty of a war crime.
You really should catch up with the last several days of postings before jumping in without context.
I actually bother to read the last 4 pages of postings myself.

While I find it interesting how you read 4 pages of a thread with only 2 pages (16 posts before mine), I was actually referring to Hamas. I was hoping to get Sherri's opinion on that.

I apologize.
What i actually meant to say was that it's difficult to get a grasp on all the arguments being presented without reading through a good number of the threads on this subject.
The Pro-Palis are throwing shit at the wall via thread after thread to try to prevent focus.
Four of the five patients killed were in surgery in the hospital when Israel's bombings killed them.

Democracy Now is my source, today's show
That is one of the war crimes Israel committed when they attacked this hospital.

Israel-Gaza conflict: Israeli tanks 'shell Gaza hospital' killing at least four and wounding 60 - including 30 medical staff

The reported strike is at a different hospital to the one damaged by missile fire last week


Monday 21 July 2014

Israeli tanks have reportedly shelled a hospital in Gaza, killing at least four people and wounding 60, half of whom were medical staff.

A Palestinian health official said that 12 shells had been fired at the Al Aqsa hospital in the town of Deir el-Balah, striking parts of the building that included the intensive care unit and the surgery department.

The wounded were shown in live footage from Hamas's local TV station in Al Aqsa being moved on gurneys to the emergency department.

The health official, Ashraf al-Kidra, told the Associated Press that 30 of those hurt were working as medical staff at the hospital.

Israel-Gaza conflict: Israeli tanks 'shell Gaza hospital' killing at least four and wounding 60 - including 30 medical staff - Middle East - World - The Independent

WHAT an egregious war crime and I'm watching it reported live TV Al Jazeera News.

Isn't firing rockets at civilians a war crime??
Four of the five patients killed were in surgery in the hospital when Israel's bombings killed them.

Democracy Now is my source, today's show

so? did you know that a bullet----on entering a head----heats up the tissues to the extent---
that the area is rendered sterilized? The bombs did not have to scrub up, gown up and
glove up on entering the O.R.
Stay on topic please, the topic is Israel's unlawful attacks on a hospital that killed 5 patients, 4 who were in surgery , and wounded 60, half medical staff at the hospital.

I read Israel hit the third floor of the hospital, there are photos blasted all over social media of the damaged hospital. I'm not posting photos here, it would take too much of my time.

In that case Hamas is guilty of a war crime.
You really should catch up with the last several days of postings before jumping in without context.
I actually bother to read the last 4 pages of postings myself.

While I find it interesting how you read 4 pages of a thread with only 2 pages (16 posts before mine), I was actually referring to Hamas. I was hoping to get Sherri's opinion on that.

I apologize.
What i actually meant to say was that it's difficult to get a grasp on all the arguments being presented without reading through a good number of the threads on this subject.
The Pro-Palis are throwing shit at the wall via thread after thread to try to prevent focus.
Was the missile launcher in the ICU? No that's where they store the ammo, the missile launchers were in one of the the operating rooms in the upper floors.

After all, isn't that what Palestinian hospitals are for?
Stay on topic please, the topic is Israel's unlawful attacks on a hospital that killed 5 patients, 4 who were in surgery , and wounded 60, half medical staff at the hospital.

I read Israel hit the third floor of the hospital, there are photos blasted all over social media of the damaged hospital. I'm not posting photos here, it would take too much of my time.

While I find it interesting how you read 4 pages of a thread with only 2 pages (16 posts before mine), I was actually referring to Hamas. I was hoping to get Sherri's opinion on that.

I apologize.
What i actually meant to say was that it's difficult to get a grasp on all the arguments being presented without reading through a good number of the threads on this subject.
The Pro-Palis are throwing shit at the wall via thread after thread to try to prevent focus.

Art. 28. The presence of a protected person may not be used to render certain points or areas immune from military operations.
The Avalon Project : Convention (IV) Relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War, August 12, 1949
Here's the topic. Hamas Palestinian animals using their own people many of them kids, as human shields.

Last edited by a moderator:
That is one of the war crimes Israel committed when they attacked this hospital.

Israel-Gaza conflict: Israeli tanks 'shell Gaza hospital' killing at least four and wounding 60 - including 30 medical staff

The reported strike is at a different hospital to the one damaged by missile fire last week


Monday 21 July 2014

Israeli tanks have reportedly shelled a hospital in Gaza, killing at least four people and wounding 60, half of whom were medical staff.

A Palestinian health official said that 12 shells had been fired at the Al Aqsa hospital in the town of Deir el-Balah, striking parts of the building that included the intensive care unit and the surgery department.

The wounded were shown in live footage from Hamas's local TV station in Al Aqsa being moved on gurneys to the emergency department.

The health official, Ashraf al-Kidra, told the Associated Press that 30 of those hurt were working as medical staff at the hospital.

Israel-Gaza conflict: Israeli tanks 'shell Gaza hospital' killing at least four and wounding 60 - including 30 medical staff - Middle East - World - The Independent

WHAT an egregious war crime and I'm watching it reported live TV Al Jazeera News.

Isn't firing rockets at civilians a war crime??
Since you agree that firing rockets at civilians is a war crime, what punishment do you think should be applied to Hamas for firing thousands of rockets at Israeli civilians over the last few years and whom do you believe should be in charge of enforcing such punishment?
In that case Hamas is guilty of a war crime.
You really should catch up with the last several days of postings before jumping in without context.
I actually bother to read the last 4 pages of postings myself.

While I find it interesting how you read 4 pages of a thread with only 2 pages (16 posts before mine), I was actually referring to Hamas. I was hoping to get Sherri's opinion on that.

I apologize.
What i actually meant to say was that it's difficult to get a grasp on all the arguments being presented without reading through a good number of the threads on this subject.
The Pro-Palis are throwing shit at the wall via thread after thread to try to prevent focus.

I can explain. Law is that which a people define as law. In order to understand sherri you have to
understand islamo Nazi law---

In islamo Nazi law-----killing jews is legal for islamo Nazis-----but killing islamo Nazis is a capital
crime for jews so much so a capital crime-----that even killing in self defense is a capital crime for
jews. In fact self defense for jews is a crime in Shariah law.. I am not exaggerating.
In Islamic (shariah) law----the ownership of weapons of any kind by jews is strictly ILLEGAL ---from
a scimitar to a sword, to a gun ILLEGAL In Islamic law----the same law applies to Christians and
any person not legally a MUSLIM except the few non muslims who agree to fight WITH THE MUSLIMS.
against the enemies of islam. Such people have special rights ----some people who consider themselves to be Christians are delighted with the idea
Stay on topic please, the topic is Israel's unlawful attacks on a hospital that killed 5 patients, 4 who were in surgery , and wounded 60, half medical staff at the hospital.

I read Israel hit the third floor of the hospital, there are photos blasted all over social media of the damaged hospital. I'm not posting photos here, it would take too much of my time.

We are on topic. Trouble is, you don't like the response. If it were not for Hamas Actions Israel would not be doing what they are. Why didn't they accept Egypt's cease fire? That question IS relevant. :D
Stay on topic please, the topic is Israel's unlawful attacks on a hospital that killed 5 patients, 4 who were in surgery , and wounded 60, half medical staff at the hospital.

I read Israel hit the third floor of the hospital, there are photos blasted all over social media of the damaged hospital. I'm not posting photos here, it would take too much of my time.

We are on topic. Trouble is, you don't like the response. If it were not for Hamas Actions Israel would not be doing what they are. Why didn't they accept Egypt's cease fire? That question IS relevant. :D

PS if Israel had a serious intention of BOMBING a hospital off the face of the earth----
more than 4 people would have been killed "hit the 3rd floor" -----oh-------something
hit the third floor------and somehow the second floor is ok? Not much of a bomb.
Patients IN SURGERY were hit? where was the scrub nurse, the surgeon and the anesthesiologist?
Hiding under the operating room table? ------In surgery----the whole group is HUDDLED
around the guy on the table ----how does a bomb get to the patient and not
the surgeon who is virtually ON TOP OF HIM? Is that the best you can do, sherri?

I have a feeling someone died in surgery ------(not an uncommon occurrence) and the
surgeon came out of the OR and said to the family-----"well ---we tried but with
all the bombs exploding-----around town-----things went downhill----we did the best
we could" (surgeons always say "we did the best we could")

Sherri ----can you tell us a reasonable account of what actually happened?
I forget, are the suicide vests stored on the third or second floor of the hospital? Inquiring Palestinian minds want to know.

The idiots on this Board don't even realize that they're useful tools for Hamas' PR campaign.
The OP links to a story reported by The Independent.

And I know who Mark Regev is, who I just watched interviewed and questioned about the shelling of the hospital on my DISH Al Jazeera TV station.

Does the Zionist think Al Jazeera had an actor impersonate Mark Regev?

It's the immediate political denial of the partisan. It happens with everyone who is a zealot, you provide a piece of evidence that shows their cause in a bad light and they immediatly question the validity of it and rubbish the source rather than the info because they don't want it to be true so therefore it isn't true.

It's part of the same thinking that denies scientific fact such as evolution, climate change or continental drift. I don't want it to be true so I'll look for evidence that it isn't and only believe that rather than looking at all of the evidence and drawing a conclusion.

Hypocrite. When Daniel provided a pages-long Wikipedia list of all the rockets coming out of Gaza and falling on Israel in this year alone, instead of talking about the issue, you attacked the news source.

Manchester, what is the reason for your hypocricy?
It's the immediate political denial of the partisan. It happens with everyone who is a zealot, you provide a piece of evidence that shows their cause in a bad light and they immediatly question the validity of it and rubbish the source rather than the info because they don't want it to be true so therefore it isn't true.

It's part of the same thinking that denies scientific fact such as evolution, climate change or continental drift. I don't want it to be true so I'll look for evidence that it isn't and only believe that rather than looking at all of the evidence and drawing a conclusion.

Hypocrite. When Daniel provided a pages-long Wikipedia list of all the rockets coming out of Gaza and falling on Israel in this year alone, instead of talking about the issue, you attacked the news source.

Manchester, what is the reason for your hypocricy?

What is your reason for being soulless?
Was the missile launcher in the ICU? No that's where they store the ammo, the missile launchers were in one of the the operating rooms in the upper floors.
After all, isn't that what Palestinian hospitals are for?

Israel targeted the patients having surgery, that is what Zionists do, target and kill civilians.
It's the immediate political denial of the partisan. It happens with everyone who is a zealot, you provide a piece of evidence that shows their cause in a bad light and they immediatly question the validity of it and rubbish the source rather than the info because they don't want it to be true so therefore it isn't true.

It's part of the same thinking that denies scientific fact such as evolution, climate change or continental drift. I don't want it to be true so I'll look for evidence that it isn't and only believe that rather than looking at all of the evidence and drawing a conclusion.

Hypocrite. When Daniel provided a pages-long Wikipedia list of all the rockets coming out of Gaza and falling on Israel in this year alone, instead of talking about the issue, you attacked the news source.

Manchester, what is the reason for your hypocricy?

There wasn;t any hypocrisy. In the discussion in which I laughed that the user had posted a link to Wikipedia. Wikipedia is a great source of knowledge but easily open to abuse and can be changed at will by anyone. Had Dan (I'm going to call him Dan from now on, like we're old pals from college) posted an actual news story I'd have been fine with that no matter what the source provided it was an actual news story and not something that he himself could easily have written.

As it was if you had followed that conversation with Danny to it's natural conclusion you would have seen that what I had said was right, the 4 deaths that he was painting as due to Hamas rockets were being done so disingenuously and in fact the Danster was in fact shifting the goalposts mid argument.

But I fully expect you to ignore thsi entire point and go back to blaiming the people of gaza for being in the way of Israeli bombs and deserving to die or whatever way you're justifying genocide today.
You seem to be mentally challenged, the OP defines the topic. Learn English and work on those reading comprehension skills please.

Nothing Hamas did or could do justifies unlawfully targeting a hospital.

Stay on topic please, the topic is Israel's unlawful attacks on a hospital that killed 5 patients, 4 who were in surgery , and wounded 60, half medical staff at the hospital.

I read Israel hit the third floor of the hospital, there are photos blasted all over social media of the damaged hospital. I'm not posting photos here, it would take too much of my time.

We are on topic. Trouble is, you don't like the response. If it were not for Hamas Actions Israel would not be doing what they are. Why didn't they accept Egypt's cease fire? That question IS relevant. :D

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