Breaking News: Cyber Ninja releases report with Shocking Results


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
After months of forensic audits, Cyber Ninjas has released a statement:

In reviewing 2020 results, Cyber Ninjas uncovered a cache of 2016 ballots with distinct bamboo shards. These ballots were clearly traceable to China and were marked for Donald Trump.
It is clear that Trumps 2016 election was a fraud and his Presidency will be negated in favor of the true winner, Hillary Rodham Clinton.
In accordance with the Constitution, Hillary Clinton will be sworn in as President on August 13, 2021.

Doug Logan
Head Ninja
Cyber Ninjas
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There are probably better uses for that time going back and nuking Wuhan when we still had a chance.
There are probably better uses for that time going back and nuking Wuhan when we still had a chance.

Looks like Hillary will become President
Forensic Audits don’t lie
There are probably better uses for that time going back and nuking Wuhan when we still had a chance.

The Muppets Panic GIF
After months of forensic audits, Cyber Ninjas has released a statement:

In reviewing 2020 results, Cyber Ninjas uncovered a cache of 2016 ballots with distinct bamboo shards. These ballots were clearly traceable to China and were marked for Donald Trump.
It is clear that Trumps 2016 election was a fraud and his Presidency will be negated in favor of the true winner, Hillary Rodham Clinton.
In accordance with the Constitution, Hillary Clinton will be sworn in as President on August 13, 2021.

Doug Logan
Head Ninja
Cyber Ninjas

Go Hillary!
Are those the same cyber ninja's you lefties were saying were incompetent and shouldn't be doing any audit??

What a load of horse shit. Brought to you by the best horse shitters around. Dems. LOL
Are those the same cyber ninja's you lefties were saying were incompetent and shouldn't be doing any audit??

What a load of horse shit. Brought to you by the best horse shitters around. Dems. LOL

There is no greater experts in the field of stolen elections than Cyber Ninjas

They are experts in bamboo ballots, gamma radiation and phony IDs

If they say Hillary won
Hillary won
Keep right on believing she won. I'll keep right on believing Trump won in 2020. Though my belief is right. Yours is bull shit.

Those cyber ninja's sure weren't on your favored list last week. In fact I do believe you posted that they had no business doing an audit for anyone. Correct me if I'm wrong. If it wasn't you it sure was the other lefty loons on this board.

Now because they say Hitlery won, you think they are correct?? Keep believing those lies. You sure are good at it.
Keep right on believing she won. I'll keep right on believing Trump won in 2020. Though my belief is right. Yours is bull shit.

Those cyber ninja's sure weren't on your favored list last week. In fact I do believe you posted that they had no business doing an audit for anyone. Correct me if I'm wrong. If it wasn't you it sure was the other lefty loons on this board.

Now because they say Hitlery won, you think they are correct?? Keep believing those lies. You sure are good at it.
There is more evidence that Hillary was cheated than Trump was cheated

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