Breaking Live: Police Have Arrived at CHOP

Sweeping the icky news under the rug is what got us here in the first place. Note: I don't expect you to understand this.
Riiight. :icon_rolleyes:
Thanks but you don't need to make exceptions for my benefit.

Rather you should be questioning your own jumbled conception of reality and logic when you conflate the
mess in Seattle (indeed in every large urban center) with what happened in Minneapolis as if the series of riots, deaths, arson, wanton destruction, mayhem, statue toppling etc. was a natural logical extension of the callous death of a single career criminal, George Floyd, instead of what it really was...the starting gun for an explosion by violent far leftist anarchists, racists, etc.
A real roiling petri dish of every sort of malevolent creature the country has to offer.

It was a large waste basket filled with gasoline soaked rags and newspapers just waiting for match to set things all off.

Unfortunately for your types I understand all too well. Save your condescending dishonest bullshit
for someone else.

I'm not forcing you to engage. Put me on ignore. It will ease your delicate sensibilities.

I don't take advice from someone whose entire worldview is influenced from some media induced 'war' they watch from the comfy confines of TeeVee. Your personal entitlement issues are of no interest to me.
I'm not forcing you to engage. Put me on ignore. It will ease your delicate sensibilities.
No one claims you are compelling me to respond to your dishonest drivel. There is no way you could force me to respond unless I wanted to counter your nonsense.

I don't take advice from someone whose entire worldview is influenced from some media induced 'war' they watch from the comfy confines of TeeVee. Your personal entitlement issues are of no interest to me.
Then don't engage me as you did. Take your own advice, fool.
They just arrested a few more.

I think anybody who gets arrested at this point WANTS to be arrested. Maybe it's a badge of honor or something. I have not heard of any real violence yet, true?
Yeah, there was a Black local man asking them to de escalate and if you are there for peaceful protest please sit back until the police finish getting back in their precinct. Most remained. They are the agitators.

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