BREAKING: Leftists storm Secret Service tent at Trump rally in Salt Lake City; Riot cops on scene!

I'll link it asap. Fox breaking news. Salt Lake City police riot team trying to control a mob of left wing "protestors" after the mob stormed and TORE DOWN a Secret Service tent where agents and the candidate were to be held until the Trump rally.

Yeah.....fucking right wingers are the violent ones right?

Fox reporting assaults on SLPD cops right now.

Good...the Secret Service are feds....those will be Federal Charges.....
There were no arrests and the incident is being grossly mischaracterizes by Trump supporters. SLPD reports there was a clash between Trump supporters and protesters. It was serious enough that a circle was formed and a dance off was conducted between the opposing sides! More like a scene of partying protesters from both sides than a riot.
if the German people did this to hilter and his brown shirts in the early 30's the world would have avoid world chaos and war, they thought he was a harmless kook too and didn't take him literally until it was to late

"History repeats itself, first as tragedy, second as farce." was hitlers people doing the attacking........and trying to silence opposition........the morons storming the tent are the brown shirts....

stopping fascist goons like trump and his ilk isn't brown shirting , it the catholic hitler had been stopped the world would have been a much better place
if the German people did this to hilter and his brown shirts in the early 30's the world would have avoid world chaos and war, they thought he was a harmless kook too and didn't take him literally until it was to late

"History repeats itself, first as tragedy, second as farce." was hitlers people doing the attacking........and trying to silence opposition........the morons storming the tent are the brown shirts....

stopping fascist goons like trump and his ilk isn't brown shirting , it the catholic hitler had been stopped the world would have been a much better place

hitler wasn't a catholic moron.....hilary and sanders supporters are the brown shirts..the brown shirts were are hilary and sanders...
This is an exellent piece on Trump and the left wing attackers.........

Articles: Trump Fights

For Americans who favor Donald Trump, their choice can be summarized in two words: Trump Fights. We haven’t seen a fighting Republican since Newt Gingrich and the Contract with America. But we’ve seen plenty of abject surrenders covered by abject lies. The GOP establishment has enough cozy compromises running that they are shocked to see a fighting Republican.


Obama and the Left follow the Alinsky war manual: Make the enemy stick with his own rules. It worked against Romney, who acted like a gentleman in gangsterland. As if Marquess of Queensberry rules ever worked against the Obamas of this world. Now Trump is turning Alinsky tactics against the Left, and they are screaming holy hell.

Oddly enough, NR conservatives are trying to force losers’ rules on Donald Trump. This is not very smart, to say the least.

But if you think Trump is an out-of-control maniac you haven’t been to Queens lately.

After Obama’s self-proclaimed surrender strategy in 2008, Russia expanded quickly into the Arctic and the Ukraine, China grabbed vast energy-rich regions of the South China Sea, and Iran is still trying to lock the Shi’ite Crescent around Israel, Arabia and the Sunni nations.

Some peace-maker, right?


Trump supporters tend to understand American power and prosperity: They are the kinds of people who built it. The outright destruction of our precious coal industry at the behest of delusional upper class enviros has troubled these people, whose jobs may depend on those historic engines of democracy, coal, steel, oil, gas, manufacturing, technology, agriculture, business. The fragile world of media and Hollywood would not exist without this bedrock.

Domestically, Obama has shown endless contempt for public order, making Trump supporters feel personally endangered. Which is true, if they live in Baltimore or Ferguson or the Bronx, but not in Beverly Hills or Upper Manhattan. Obama’s actions are not just racist, but also classist. He is an Arrugula Liberal.

During Obama’s two terms race relations have been stupidly damaged, to loud cheers from the Big Media. The Organs of Propaganda always believe themselves first.

Obama is driven by a gut need to avenge long-ago sins like slavery, a fact that shows how deeply he is entangled in fantasy. Obama’s crowd knows nothing about the real history of human slavery, but like Jerry Wright, they are still steeped in rage against perfectly innocent white folks who were born a hundred years after slavery was abolished in the United States and in British Colonies -- but not in Africa, Arabia, South America and Russia. The “civil rights” movement, which is no longer civil or about rights, consistently wipes those inconvenient facts from memory. Rage against America always takes over, which is why Leftist African-Americans fell for Stalin just like Leftist American Whites. It’s not the sin that seems to matter; it’s the scapegoat of the hour.

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And this explains why the left is so violent, so quickly....

The Left always claims to love peace, but they always stir up trouble. This fact is not new, and can easily be found in Karl Marx’s prescription for “Revolutionary Terror.” Every conservative — no, every American — should know about it, just as they know about Mein Kampf. “In1848, Karl Marx wrote:

“… there is only one means to shorten, simplify and concentrate the murderous death throes of the old society and the bloody birth pangs of the new, only one meansrevolutionary terrorism.”

No wonder Obama doesn’t think Jihad aggression is a big deal. Marx was also a raving racist, but that part is ok by the Obama Left.

We keep expecting intellectual consistency from the Left, and never get it. The Left does not train intellectual honesty. It is a war doctrine, like Jihad. That is why they are allied with each other. They have the same enemy, and that would be the civilized world.
This is an exellent piece on Trump and the left wing attackers.........

Articles: Trump Fights

For Americans who favor Donald Trump, their choice can be summarized in two words: Trump Fights. We haven’t seen a fighting Republican since Newt Gingrich and the Contract with America. But we’ve seen plenty of abject surrenders covered by abject lies. The GOP establishment has enough cozy compromises running that they are shocked to see a fighting Republican.


Obama and the Left follow the Alinsky war manual: Make the enemy stick with his own rules. It worked against Romney, who acted like a gentleman in gangsterland. As if Marquess of Queensberry rules ever worked against the Obamas of this world. Now Trump is turning Alinsky tactics against the Left, and they are screaming holy hell.

Oddly enough, NR conservatives are trying to force losers’ rules on Donald Trump. This is not very smart, to say the least.

But if you think Trump is an out-of-control maniac you haven’t been to Queens lately.

After Obama’s self-proclaimed surrender strategy in 2008, Russia expanded quickly into the Arctic and the Ukraine, China grabbed vast energy-rich regions of the South China Sea, and Iran is still trying to lock the Shi’ite Crescent around Israel, Arabia and the Sunni nations.

Some peace-maker, right?


Trump supporters tend to understand American power and prosperity: They are the kinds of people who built it. The outright destruction of our precious coal industry at the behest of delusional upper class enviros has troubled these people, whose jobs may depend on those historic engines of democracy, coal, steel, oil, gas, manufacturing, technology, agriculture, business. The fragile world of media and Hollywood would not exist without this bedrock.

Domestically, Obama has shown endless contempt for public order, making Trump supporters feel personally endangered. Which is true, if they live in Baltimore or Ferguson or the Bronx, but not in Beverly Hills or Upper Manhattan. Obama’s actions are not just racist, but also classist. He is an Arrugula Liberal.

During Obama’s two terms race relations have been stupidly damaged, to loud cheers from the Big Media. The Organs of Propaganda always believe themselves first.

Obama is driven by a gut need to avenge long-ago sins like slavery, a fact that shows how deeply he is entangled in fantasy. Obama’s crowd knows nothing about the real history of human slavery, but like Jerry Wright, they are still steeped in rage against perfectly innocent white folks who were born a hundred years after slavery was abolished in the United States and in British Colonies -- but not in Africa, Arabia, South America and Russia. The “civil rights” movement, which is no longer civil or about rights, consistently wipes those inconvenient facts from memory. Rage against America always takes over, which is why Leftist African-Americans fell for Stalin just like Leftist American Whites. It’s not the sin that seems to matter; it’s the scapegoat of the hour.

That may be the best analysis of this whole election season I've read. Thanks for sharing. And yeah, it's dead on accurate.

The left is so outraged by this movement because we are fighting back. They have become so accustomed to us just being quiet and accepting their bullshit. Cowering at every mention of racism.

But we are tired of it. We see now it was never about equality but about payback. And we are fighting back.
And this explains why the left is so violent, so quickly....

The Left always claims to love peace, but they always stir up trouble. This fact is not new, and can easily be found in Karl Marx’s prescription for “Revolutionary Terror.” Every conservative — no, every American — should know about it, just as they know about Mein Kampf. “In1848, Karl Marx wrote:

“… there is only one means to shorten, simplify and concentrate the murderous death throes of the old society and the bloody birth pangs of the new, only one meansrevolutionary terrorism.”

No wonder Obama doesn’t think Jihad aggression is a big deal. Marx was also a raving racist, but that part is ok by the Obama Left.

We keep expecting intellectual consistency from the Left, and never get it. The Left does not train intellectual honesty. It is a war doctrine, like Jihad. That is why they are allied with each other. They have the same enemy, and that would be the civilized world.

EXACTLY right. They want a war. They may not even realize it due to being brainwashed but that's what they're trying to provoke.

They'll be put down just like their hero Che was.
Poor Trump, his Nazi party is receiving a little flack..

Trump isn't the socialist in this election cycle...hilary and sanders are...and it is their supporters attacking the other political party......

the brown shirts are the democrat/socialists....just like they were in Germany.
you cannot be that ignorant and fuked up in the head can you? On second thought

The catholic Hitler wasn't a socialist became apparent within weeks of becoming Chancellor of Germany when he started arresting socialists and communists.

Hitler wasn't a socialist. Marxism is defined by class war, and socialism is accomplished with the total victory of the Proletariat over the ruling classes. By contrast, Hitler offered an alliance between labor and capital in the form of corporatism – with the express purpose of preventing class war. Marxists regarded this as one of the stages of capitalist development and few at the time legitimately interpreted the Third Reich to be a socialist society.
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Poor Trump, his Nazi party is receiving a little flack..

Trump isn't the socialist in this election cycle...hilary and sanders are...and it is their supporters attacking the other political party......

the brown shirts are the democrat/socialists....just like they were in Germany.
you cannot be that ignorant and fuked up in the head can you? On second thought

You morons have to deny that national socialism is actual socialism...why? Because they are the only socialists actually held to account for mass murder......12 million innocent, unarmed, men, women and children sent to gas chambers because the socialists didn't like them.....and it was all revealed by the liberation of the socialist death camps and the trials that came after.

The international socialists....murdered close to 100 million people...around the Russia, China, Cambodia, Viet Nam, Cuba......but their crimes were hidden from the public you can hide that truth from the gullible.

But if national socialism isn't pushed off on your enemies...then your whole structure of lies falls apart and people may just realize how deadly socialism actually is.......

Why Nazism Was Socialism and Why Socialism Is Totalitarian

My purpose today is to make just two main points: (1) To show why Nazi Germany was a socialist state, not a capitalist one. And (2) to show why socialism, understood as an economic system based on government ownership of the means of production, positively requires a totalitarian dictatorship.

The identification of Nazi Germany as a socialist state was one of the many great contributions of Ludwig von Mises.

When one remembers that the word "Nazi" was an abbreviation for "der Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiters Partei — in English translation: the National Socialist German Workers' Party — Mises's identification might not appear all that noteworthy. For what should one expect the economic system of a country ruled by a party with "socialist" in its name to be but socialism?

Nevertheless, apart from Mises and his readers, practically no one thinks of Nazi Germany as a socialist state. It is far more common to believe that it represented a form of capitalism, which is what the Communists and all other Marxists have claimed.

The basis of the claim that Nazi Germany was capitalist was the fact that most industries in Nazi Germany appeared to be left in private hands.

What Mises identified was that private ownership of the means of production existed in name only under the Nazis and that the actual substance of ownership of the means of production resided in the German government. For it was the German government and not the nominal private owners that exercised all of thesubstantive powers of ownership: it, not the nominal private owners, decided what was to be produced, in what quantity, by what methods, and to whom it was to be distributed, as well as what prices would be charged and what wages would be paid, and what dividends or other income the nominal private owners would be permitted to receive. The position of the alleged private owners, Mises showed, was reduced essentially to that of government pensioners.
Poor Trump, his Nazi party is receiving a little flack..

Trump isn't the socialist in this election cycle...hilary and sanders are...and it is their supporters attacking the other political party......

the brown shirts are the democrat/socialists....just like they were in Germany.
you cannot be that ignorant and fuked up in the head can you? On second thought

The catholic Hitler wasn't a socialist became apparent within weeks of becoming Chancellor of Germany when he started arresting socialists and communists.

Hitler wasn't a socialist. Marxism is defined by class war, and socialism is accomplished with the total victory of the Proletariat over the ruling classes. By contrast, Hitler offered an alliance between labor and capital in the form of corporatism – with the express purpose of preventing class war. Marxists regarded this as one of the stages of capitalist development and few at the time legitimately interpreted the Third Reich to be a socialist society.

And From Hayek....who was there when hitler came to power......

Nazism is Socialism

The persecution of the Marxists, and of democrats in general, tends to obscure the fundamental fact that National "Socialism" is a genuine socialist movement, whose leading ideas are the final fruit of the anti-liberal tendencies which have been steadily gaining ground in Germany since the later part of the Bismarckian era, and which led the majority of the German intelligentsia first to "socialism of the chair" and later to Marxism in its social-democratic or communist form.

One of the main reasons why the socialist character of National Socialism has been quite generally unrecognized, is, no doubt, its alliance with the nationalist groups which represent the great industries and the great landowners. But this merely proves that these groups too, as they have since learnt to their bitter disappointment, have, at least partly, been mistaken as to the nature of the movement. But only partly because, and this is the most characteristic feature of modern Germany, many capitalists are themselves strongly influenced by socialistic ideas, and have not sufficient belief in capitalism to defend it with a clear conscience.

But, in spite of this, the German entrepreneur class have manifested almost incredible short-sightedness in allying themselves with a movement of whose strong anti-capitalistic tendencies there should never have been any doubt.

A careful observer must always have been aware that the opposition of the Nazis to the established socialist parties, which gained them the sympathy of the entrepreneur, was only to a very small extent directed against their economic policy.

What the Nazis mainly objected to was their internationalism and all the aspects of their cultural programme which were still influenced by liberal ideas

. But the accusations against the social-democrats and the communists which were most effective in their propaganda were not so much directed against their programme as against their supposed practice — their corruption and nepotism, and even their alleged alliance with "the golden International of Jewish Capitalism."
Oh I can only hope you leftist motherfuckers really...REALLY...try to pick this fight. We won't start it. But God help you motherfuckers if you do.
May the streets run knee deep in blood. You've made the worst kind of enemies, the powerless with nothing to lose. Only God can help you now. guys cry when you're campus safe space is violated. And you think you're gonna pick a fight like that and have any God damn hope??? You said you are powerless. Yes. Because we have the money and weapons.

Our GIRLS would take your guns from you and make you beg

View attachment 68061
I'm not powerless, they are, and you won't be fighting me since I win either way.

A question....are you leftist? PaintMyHouse?
Nope. I'm a liberal, like the Founders.

Which Founders?
May the streets run knee deep in blood. You've made the worst kind of enemies, the powerless with nothing to lose. Only God can help you now. guys cry when you're campus safe space is violated. And you think you're gonna pick a fight like that and have any God damn hope??? You said you are powerless. Yes. Because we have the money and weapons.

Our GIRLS would take your guns from you and make you beg

View attachment 68061
I'm not powerless, they are, and you won't be fighting me since I win either way.

A question....are you leftist? PaintMyHouse?
Nope. I'm a liberal, like the Founders.


because sometimes you sound you like the left better .....


Oh make no mistake PMH is a lefty.
LOL. Oh well, Trump cannot win Utah in the general now. Had he said what he said there, prior to coming to Utah, there would have been a bunch of Mormons with those protesters.

Funny, a bunch of fruitloops take over a federal installation armed to the gills, and you people call them protesters, a few protesters get rowdy as your Trumpsters, and you are ready to declare them terrorists and go to war. Or rather, urge others to go to war. Doesn't seem to stir you enough to get off of your couch.
As I've been posting lately, I don't see Trump as the racist. Also, how many right wingers are crashing and protesting the democrat rallies ? None as far as I know. Trump's the only one who won't have to serve the billionaire class; he's against the crappy trade pacts that the clintons, bushes and obamas have signed and which have sold the American worker out. He speaks against the mass illegal immigration we Americans have to put up with, and we are the only country that allows this. Will Trump follow through on his promises if he takes the white house? Not sure, but we know who Hillary or Cruz will serve for sure, and it won't be the ordinary workers and voters.
It's not Trump's goals that his opposition opposes, it's his proposed methods of reaching those goals.

There are far better methods of solving illegal immigration than using federal agents to roundup and transport suspected illegals to concentration camps to await legal deportation proceedings. Building walls around the country is not just costly but will fail. As the saying goes, "Show me a 50 foot wall and I will show you a 51 foot ladder. Insisting that Mexico pay for this boondoggle and breaking NAFA will create serious economic problems in both countries that will cost us millions of jobs in the US.

Falling illegal immigration over the last 10 years has reduced the illegal immigrant population by over a million. The Pew Research Center estimated that the number will decline over twice that amount over the next 10 years without any changes in immigration policy. This is due primarily to a growing shortage of low skilled workers in Mexico and the increased security on the southern boarder. Immigration officials say that we can reduce the number of illegals by over a million by implementing a work visa reporting and tracking system and if we pass real immigration reform, we will not only have few illegal immigrants but more secure boarders.

Trump's proposal of breaking free trade treaties have been widely condemned by economists across the country. The fact is America benefits from free trade. There are of course problems in the treaties but that does not mean the best way of fixing them is to walk away from treaties that have taken 5 to 10 years to negotiate. Mechanisms for renegotiating the treaties are built into the documents. Without a free trade agreement, tariffs on American exports and imports will cost jobs and raise prices.

Doing a better job of stopping terrorist attacks in the US is widely supported by both parties and there is much that can be done. However, denying entrance to the country based on one's religion is not one of them. In fact, many people who have been involved in anti-terrorist activity believe it will serve as a tool to radicalize US Muslims increasing the likelihood of attacks in the US.

America has serious problems and we need serious solutions, not these need jerk reactions that are going create far more problems than they solve.
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As I've been posting lately, I don't see Trump as the racist. Also, how many right wingers are crashing and protesting the democrat rallies ? None as far as I know. Trump's the only one who won't have to serve the billionaire class; he's against the crappy trade pacts that the clintons, bushes and obamas have signed and which have sold the American worker out. He speaks against the mass illegal immigration we Americans have to put up with, and we are the only country that allows this. Will Trump follow through on his promises if he takes the white house? Not sure, but we know who Hillary or Cruz will serve for sure, and it won't be the ordinary workers and voters.
It's not Trump's goals that his opposition opposes, it's his proposed methods of reaching those goals.

There are far better methods of solving illegal immigration than using federal agents to roundup and transport suspected illegals to concentration camps to await legal deportation proceedings. Building walls around the country is not just costly but will fail. As the saying goes, "Show me a 50 foot wall and I will show you a 51 foot ladder. Insisting that Mexico pay for this boondoggle and breaking NAFA will create serious economic problems in both countries that will cost us millions of jobs in the US.

Falling illegal immigration over the last 10 years has reduced the illegal immigrant population by over a million. The Pew Research Center estimated that the number will decline over twice that amount over the next 10 years without any changes in immigration policy. This is due primarily to a growing shortage of low skilled workers in Mexico and the increased security on the southern boarder. Immigration officials say that we can reduce the number of illegals by over a million by implementing a work visa reporting and tracking system and if we pass real immigration reform, we will not only have few illegal immigrants but more secure boarders.

Trump's proposal of breaking free trade treaties have been widely condemned by economists across the country. The fact is America benefits from free trade. There are of course problems in the treaties but that does not mean the best way of fixing them is to walk away from treaties that have taken 5 to 10 years to negotiate. Mechanisms for renegotiating the treaties are built into the documents. Without a free trade agreement, tariffs on American exports and imports will cost jobs and raise prices.

Doing a better job of stopping terrorist attacks in the US is widely supported by both parties and there is much that can be done. However, denying entrance to the country based on one's religion is not one of them. In fact, many people who have been involved in anti-terrorist activity believe it will serve as a tool to radicalize US Muslims increasing the likelihood of attacks in the US.

America has serious problems and we need serious solutions, not these need jerk reactions that are going create far more problems than they solve.

Walls don't work????

Israel has a wall. It works.
Jails have walls. They work.
China built a massive wall. It worked.
Military base have walls.
Police departments have walls.

Walls work when there are people WHO ENFORCE THE PURPOSE of the wall.

A jail wall won't work if there are no cops to arrest those trying to break through it.
LOL. Oh well, Trump cannot win Utah in the general now. Had he said what he said there, prior to coming to Utah, there would have been a bunch of Mormons with those protesters.

Funny, a bunch of fruitloops take over a federal installation armed to the gills, and you people call them protesters, a few protesters get rowdy as your Trumpsters, and you are ready to declare them terrorists and go to war. Or rather, urge others to go to war. Doesn't seem to stir you enough to get off of your couch.
When I was younger, I participated in a lot of demonstrations. The vast majority of people that demonstrate have nothing to do with any violent acts. The crowd attracts trouble makers who get a kick out of confrontation and riots.

The two sides of course blame the opposition for violence when in truth it's a few radical trouble makers who are really responsible for the violence. Trump's hate filled rhetoric of course inflames both his audience and the protesters which creates a highly charged emotional environment.
As I've been posting lately, I don't see Trump as the racist. Also, how many right wingers are crashing and protesting the democrat rallies ? None as far as I know. Trump's the only one who won't have to serve the billionaire class; he's against the crappy trade pacts that the clintons, bushes and obamas have signed and which have sold the American worker out. He speaks against the mass illegal immigration we Americans have to put up with, and we are the only country that allows this. Will Trump follow through on his promises if he takes the white house? Not sure, but we know who Hillary or Cruz will serve for sure, and it won't be the ordinary workers and voters.
It's not Trump's goals that his opposition opposes, it's his proposed methods of reaching those goals.

There are far better methods of solving illegal immigration than using federal agents to roundup and transport suspected illegals to concentration camps to await legal deportation proceedings. Building walls around the country is not just costly but will fail. As the saying goes, "Show me a 50 foot wall and I will show you a 51 foot ladder. Insisting that Mexico pay for this boondoggle and breaking NAFA will create serious economic problems in both countries that will cost us millions of jobs in the US.

Falling illegal immigration over the last 10 years has reduced the illegal immigrant population by over a million. The Pew Research Center estimated that the number will decline over twice that amount over the next 10 years without any changes in immigration policy. This is due primarily to a growing shortage of low skilled workers in Mexico and the increased security on the southern boarder. Immigration officials say that we can reduce the number of illegals by over a million by implementing a work visa reporting and tracking system and if we pass real immigration reform, we will not only have few illegal immigrants but more secure boarders.

Trump's proposal of breaking free trade treaties have been widely condemned by economists across the country. The fact is America benefits from free trade. There are of course problems in the treaties but that does not mean the best way of fixing them is to walk away from treaties that have taken 5 to 10 years to negotiate. Mechanisms for renegotiating the treaties are built into the documents. Without a free trade agreement, tariffs on American exports and imports will cost jobs and raise prices.

Doing a better job of stopping terrorist attacks in the US is widely supported by both parties and there is much that can be done. However, denying entrance to the country based on one's religion is not one of them. In fact, many people who have been involved in anti-terrorist activity believe it will serve as a tool to radicalize US Muslims increasing the likelihood of attacks in the US.

America has serious problems and we need serious solutions, not these need jerk reactions that are going create far more problems than they solve.

Walls don't work????

Israel has a wall. It works.
Jails have walls. They work.
China built a massive wall. It worked.
Military base have walls.
Police departments have walls.

Walls work when there are people WHO ENFORCE THE PURPOSE of the wall.

A jail wall won't work if there are no cops to arrest those trying to break through it.
A jail has 4 walls surrounded by guards. Trump has one wall that planes can fly over, tunnels can go under and boats can go around. Not the same thing. Homeland Security says we don't need a wall, but Trump knows better, because he's an expert on board security, right.

The wall in the West Bank Barrier is only 10 miles long, the rest of the barriers, 470 miles when complete is mostly a 30 foot chain link fence. By contrast, the Trump wall would be higher, about 50 feet and up to 2000 miles long.

According to DHS, what we need is not a wall, but more electronic surveillance, drone fights, some additional fencing and more boots on the ground. Walls and fences do not stop intruders, they just delay them till guards arrive.

Even if the wall were impregnable, it would not even come close to solving our illegal immigration problem because nearly 50% of the illegal immigrants entered the country legally and overstay their visa. About 5% enter the country through boarder crossings and ports of entry with stolen or forged documents or hidden in motor vehicles.
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As I've been posting lately, I don't see Trump as the racist. Also, how many right wingers are crashing and protesting the democrat rallies ? None as far as I know. Trump's the only one who won't have to serve the billionaire class; he's against the crappy trade pacts that the clintons, bushes and obamas have signed and which have sold the American worker out. He speaks against the mass illegal immigration we Americans have to put up with, and we are the only country that allows this. Will Trump follow through on his promises if he takes the white house? Not sure, but we know who Hillary or Cruz will serve for sure, and it won't be the ordinary workers and voters.
It's not Trump's goals that his opposition opposes, it's his proposed methods of reaching those goals.

There are far better methods of solving illegal immigration than using federal agents to roundup and transport suspected illegals to concentration camps to await legal deportation proceedings. Building walls around the country is not just costly but will fail. As the saying goes, "Show me a 50 foot wall and I will show you a 51 foot ladder. Insisting that Mexico pay for this boondoggle and breaking NAFA will create serious economic problems in both countries that will cost us millions of jobs in the US.

Falling illegal immigration over the last 10 years has reduced the illegal immigrant population by over a million. The Pew Research Center estimated that the number will decline over twice that amount over the next 10 years without any changes in immigration policy. This is due primarily to a growing shortage of low skilled workers in Mexico and the increased security on the southern boarder. Immigration officials say that we can reduce the number of illegals by over a million by implementing a work visa reporting and tracking system and if we pass real immigration reform, we will not only have few illegal immigrants but more secure boarders.

Trump's proposal of breaking free trade treaties have been widely condemned by economists across the country. The fact is America benefits from free trade. There are of course problems in the treaties but that does not mean the best way of fixing them is to walk away from treaties that have taken 5 to 10 years to negotiate. Mechanisms for renegotiating the treaties are built into the documents. Without a free trade agreement, tariffs on American exports and imports will cost jobs and raise prices.

Doing a better job of stopping terrorist attacks in the US is widely supported by both parties and there is much that can be done. However, denying entrance to the country based on one's religion is not one of them. In fact, many people who have been involved in anti-terrorist activity believe it will serve as a tool to radicalize US Muslims increasing the likelihood of attacks in the US.

America has serious problems and we need serious solutions, not these need jerk reactions that are going create far more problems than they solve.

Walls don't work????

Israel has a wall. It works.
Jails have walls. They work.
China built a massive wall. It worked.
Military base have walls.
Police departments have walls.

Walls work when there are people WHO ENFORCE THE PURPOSE of the wall.

A jail wall won't work if there are no cops to arrest those trying to break through it.
A jail has 4 walls surrounded by guards. Trump has one wall that planes can fly over, tunnels can go under and boats can go around. Not the same thing. Homeland Security says we don't need a wall, but Trump knows better, because he's an expert on board security, right.

The wall in the West Bank Barrier is only 10 miles long, the rest of the barriers, 470 miles when complete is mostly a 30 foot chain link fence. By contrast, the Trump wall would be higher, about 50 feet and up to 2000 miles long.

According to DHS, what we need is not a wall, but more electronic surveillance, drone fights, some additional fencing and more boots on the ground. Walls and fences do not stop intruders, they just delay them till guards arrive.

Even if the wall were impregnable, it would not even come close to solving our illegal immigration problem because nearly 50% of the illegal immigrants entered the country legally and overstay their visa. About 5% enter the country through boarder crossings and ports of entry with stolen or forged documents or hidden in motor vehicles.
Electronic surveillance won't keep them out. It allows us to arrest them then release them in America. We don't want them in America. Only a wall will keep them out. and if it keeps out 50% of them then it keeps out more than no wall at all.
Sealing the border isn't really that difficult.........If the establishment wanted it done it would already be done.

They don't want to seal the border........They want the cheap labor..........

The will to secure via our politicians isn't there............yet the people want it fixed.............par for course.

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