BREAKING: Johns Hopkins & American College of Pediatricians Formerly Denounce Sex-Change Procedures

OK, this really is simple: biologically, an XY "female" is a MALE and an XX "male" is a FEMALE. An individual can pretend to be anything they wish, but the fact remains, they are biologically one of the other. While there are other genetic anomalies (Kleinfelter's Syndrome or XYY syndrome), they are not common and are commonly classified as anomalies when they do occur. Chemical and surgical engineering of an individual's external appearance in order to accommodate their "perceived" choice of gender fails to alter the biological FACT of their natural identity. No amount of wishing, hoping, chemical & surgical mutilation, or legislation and coercion will ever change the fact that a genetically normal XX or XY person will be anything but Female or Male.

And this official announcement has taken that reality one step further. Anyone drugging or cutting up a minor person who is normal XX or XY girl or boy is guilty now of child abuse.
Here's another XY, also always looked female. Is that also a boy?

Yup! If it has the XY gene, it's a boy, regardless of how it dresses and styles it's hair. Shame is, most of these abhorrent freaks would probably not raise questions if they would shut their faces and not insist on shoving their mental disorders down everyone else's throats.
OK, this really is simple: biologically, an XY "female" is a MALE and an XX "male" is a FEMALE. An individual can pretend to be anything they wish, but the fact remains, they are biologically one of the other. While there are other genetic anomalies (Kleinfelter's Syndrome or XYY syndrome), they are not common and are commonly classified as anomalies when they do occur. Chemical and surgical engineering of an individual's external appearance in order to accommodate their "perceived" choice of gender fails to alter the biological FACT of their natural identity. No amount of wishing, hoping, chemical & surgical mutilation, or legislation and coercion will ever change the fact that a genetically normal XX or XY person will be anything but Female or Male.

And this official announcement has taken that reality one step further. Anyone drugging or cutting up a minor person who is normal XX or XY girl or boy is guilty now of child abuse.
No, they aren't guilty of anything but pissing this group of ignorant reactionaries, like you, off...
OK, this really is simple: biologically, an XY "female" is a MALE and an XX "male" is a FEMALE. An individual can pretend to be anything they wish, but the fact remains, they are biologically one of the other. While there are other genetic anomalies (Kleinfelter's Syndrome or XYY syndrome), they are not common and are commonly classified as anomalies when they do occur. Chemical and surgical engineering of an individual's external appearance in order to accommodate their "perceived" choice of gender fails to alter the biological FACT of their natural identity. No amount of wishing, hoping, chemical & surgical mutilation, or legislation and coercion will ever change the fact that a genetically normal XX or XY person will be anything but Female or Male.

And this official announcement has taken that reality one step further. Anyone drugging or cutting up a minor person who is normal XX or XY girl or boy is guilty now of child abuse.


There's nothing "official" about this announcement. You understand that, right?

200 religious pediatricians do not have the power to define "child abuse".
Here's another XY, also always looked female. Is that also a boy?

Yup! If it has the XY gene, it's a boy, regardless of how it dresses and styles it's hair. Shame is, most of these abhorrent freaks would probably not raise questions if they would shut their faces and not insist on shoving their mental disorders down everyone else's throats.

Ah, little friend, when you drop her pretty panties, and this has been true since birth, that is a girl even though she is genetically XY. Care to try again?

They didn't even know she was XY until she was six, and they usually don't figure that out until 16 or 17.
No, they aren't guilty of anything but pissing this group of ignorant reactionaries, like you, off...
That's not how the law reads in post #9 on page 1. It's child abuse. Punishable by law. With this announcement a jury has to find for child abuse. The only way they could find anything else would be after weighing refuting expert testimony.

Let me know when you get any links for official denouncements of the content and conclusions of the article in the OP, OK?
No one is worried about the views of your loons, Sil.

And ask them to explain XY females and XX males, then XXY XXXY, XYY, XYYY, XXYY, and X0. TY...

No one is worried about the views of your loons, Sil.

And ask them to explain XY females and XX males, then XXY XXXY, XYY, XYYY, XXYY, and X0. TY...

OK, this really is simple: biologically, an XY "female" is a MALE and an XX "male" is a FEMALE. An individual can pretend to be anything they wish, but the fact remains, they are biologically one of the other. While there are other genetic anomalies (Kleinfelter's Syndrome or XYY syndrome), they are not common and are commonly classified as anomalies when they do occur. Chemical and surgical engineering of an individual's external appearance in order to accommodate their "perceived" choice of gender fails to alter the biological FACT of their natural identity. No amount of wishing, hoping, chemical & surgical mutilation, or legislation and coercion will ever change the fact that a genetically normal XX or XY person will be anything but Female or Male.
So, the two "girls" above, and the "boy", what locker rooms do they use and does it say, Male or Female, on their records? Go...

XY female one =
XY female two =
XX male one =
Let me ask this...while they may like to look like the opposite sex, what are their sexual interests. Do they "feel" like an XY "female" but still have an interest in girls as sexual partners (or vise-versa)?
OK, this really is simple: biologically, an XY "female" is a MALE and an XX "male" is a FEMALE. An individual can pretend to be anything they wish, but the fact remains, they are biologically one of the other. While there are other genetic anomalies (Kleinfelter's Syndrome or XYY syndrome), they are not common and are commonly classified as anomalies when they do occur. Chemical and surgical engineering of an individual's external appearance in order to accommodate their "perceived" choice of gender fails to alter the biological FACT of their natural identity. No amount of wishing, hoping, chemical & surgical mutilation, or legislation and coercion will ever change the fact that a genetically normal XX or XY person will be anything but Female or Male.

And this official announcement has taken that reality one step further. Anyone drugging or cutting up a minor person who is normal XX or XY girl or boy is guilty now of child abuse.
Should never have even become an issue. Now, if an individual makes such a decision upon reaching their majority, that might be a different question. But forcing a child to undergo such extreme, life-altering mutilation before they are legally/morally able to assume that responsibility is abusive.
For those not in the know, the default sex for all humans, every last one, is female. Males are a conversion job, that goes wrong often enough. If you don't respond to androgens, like the girls above, you are born female...
No, they aren't guilty of anything but pissing this group of ignorant reactionaries, like you, off...
That's not how the law reads in post #9 on page 1. It's child abuse. Punishable by law. With this announcement a jury has to find for child abuse.

No, they really don't.

The 50-200 members of the American College of Pediatricians does not get to decide what constitutes the crime of "child abuse".
Let me ask this...while they may like to look like the opposite sex, what are their sexual interests. Do they "feel" like an XY "female" but still have an interest in girls as sexual partners (or vise-versa)?

That's a non sequitur. The issue of the OP isn't how the person feels. It's how they ARE, which is separate from how they feel. That's the entire point of the announcement: that the two are as different as night and day in the case of gender dysphoria. And, when a boy feels like he is a girl, the cure is psychological, not physical. Any attempt to physically alter the boy's natural body or puberty is child abuse.
That's not how the law reads in post #9 on page 1. It's child abuse. Punishable by law. With this announcement a jury has to find for child abuse.

The 50-200 members of the American College of Pediatricians does not get to decide what constitutes the crime of "child abuse".
Let me know when you get an official refuting statement. I'd like the link to that publication.
No one is worried about the views of your loons, Sil.

And ask them to explain XY females and XX males, then XXY XXXY, XYY, XYYY, XXYY, and X0. TY...

No one is worried about the views of your loons, Sil.

And ask them to explain XY females and XX males, then XXY XXXY, XYY, XYYY, XXYY, and X0. TY...

OK, this really is simple: biologically, an XY "female" is a MALE and an XX "male" is a FEMALE. An individual can pretend to be anything they wish, but the fact remains, they are biologically one of the other. While there are other genetic anomalies (Kleinfelter's Syndrome or XYY syndrome), they are not common and are commonly classified as anomalies when they do occur. Chemical and surgical engineering of an individual's external appearance in order to accommodate their "perceived" choice of gender fails to alter the biological FACT of their natural identity. No amount of wishing, hoping, chemical & surgical mutilation, or legislation and coercion will ever change the fact that a genetically normal XX or XY person will be anything but Female or Male.
So, the two "girls" above, and the "boy", what locker rooms do they use and does it say, Male or Female, on their records? Go...

XY female one =
XY female two =
XX male one =
Let me ask this...while they may like to look like the opposite sex, what are their sexual interests. Do they "feel" like an XY "female" but still have an interest in girls as sexual partners (or vise-versa)?
They are almost always heterosexual, if you call XY fucking XY heterosexual. They are, female. To be truly heterosexual they'd be fucking XX but that would look like two girls in bed (and I want pictures)...
Here's another XY, also always looked female. Is that also a boy?

Yup! If it has the XY gene, it's a boy, regardless of how it dresses and styles it's hair. Shame is, most of these abhorrent freaks would probably not raise questions if they would shut their faces and not insist on shoving their mental disorders down everyone else's throats.

Ah, little friend, when you drop her pretty panties, and this has been true since birth, that is a girl even though she is genetically XY. Care to try again?

They didn't even know she was XY until she was six, and they usually don't figure that out until 16 or 17.[/Q
The official name for such a condition would be hermaphrodism, that is if the equipment is female and the genetics don't match. Again, not a typical condition.
No one is worried about the views of your loons, Sil.

And ask them to explain XY females and XX males, then XXY XXXY, XYY, XYYY, XXYY, and X0. TY...

No one is worried about the views of your loons, Sil.

And ask them to explain XY females and XX males, then XXY XXXY, XYY, XYYY, XXYY, and X0. TY...

OK, this really is simple: biologically, an XY "female" is a MALE and an XX "male" is a FEMALE. An individual can pretend to be anything they wish, but the fact remains, they are biologically one of the other. While there are other genetic anomalies (Kleinfelter's Syndrome or XYY syndrome), they are not common and are commonly classified as anomalies when they do occur. Chemical and surgical engineering of an individual's external appearance in order to accommodate their "perceived" choice of gender fails to alter the biological FACT of their natural identity. No amount of wishing, hoping, chemical & surgical mutilation, or legislation and coercion will ever change the fact that a genetically normal XX or XY person will be anything but Female or Male.
So, the two "girls" above, and the "boy", what locker rooms do they use and does it say, Male or Female, on their records? Go...

XY female one =
XY female two =
XX male one =
Let me ask this...while they may like to look like the opposite sex, what are their sexual interests. Do they "feel" like an XY "female" but still have an interest in girls as sexual partners (or vise-versa)?
They are almost always heterosexual, if you call XY fucking XY heterosexual. They are, female. To be truly heterosexual they'd be fucking XX but that would look like two girls in bed (and I want pictures)...
I still insist they attend the facilities appropriate for the physical manifestation of their genetic determination. If it has a dick, it goes to the boys' locker room/restroom, if not, it goes to the girls' locker room/restroom. Unless alterations have already been made to accommodate their "feelings". I do believe that those alterations in childhood, early teens are the subject of this thread.
That's not how the law reads in post #9 on page 1. It's child abuse. Punishable by law. With this announcement a jury has to find for child abuse.

The 50-200 members of the American College of Pediatricians does not get to decide what constitutes the crime of "child abuse".
Let me know when you get an official refuting statement. I'd like the link to that publication.

I don't think you understand what the word "official" means.
No one is worried about the views of your loons, Sil.

And ask them to explain XY females and XX males, then XXY XXXY, XYY, XYYY, XXYY, and X0. TY...

No one is worried about the views of your loons, Sil.

And ask them to explain XY females and XX males, then XXY XXXY, XYY, XYYY, XXYY, and X0. TY...

OK, this really is simple: biologically, an XY "female" is a MALE and an XX "male" is a FEMALE. An individual can pretend to be anything they wish, but the fact remains, they are biologically one of the other. While there are other genetic anomalies (Kleinfelter's Syndrome or XYY syndrome), they are not common and are commonly classified as anomalies when they do occur. Chemical and surgical engineering of an individual's external appearance in order to accommodate their "perceived" choice of gender fails to alter the biological FACT of their natural identity. No amount of wishing, hoping, chemical & surgical mutilation, or legislation and coercion will ever change the fact that a genetically normal XX or XY person will be anything but Female or Male.
So, the two "girls" above, and the "boy", what locker rooms do they use and does it say, Male or Female, on their records? Go...

XY female one =
XY female two =
XX male one =
Let me ask this...while they may like to look like the opposite sex, what are their sexual interests. Do they "feel" like an XY "female" but still have an interest in girls as sexual partners (or vise-versa)?
They are almost always heterosexual, if you call XY fucking XY heterosexual. They are, female. To be truly heterosexual they'd be fucking XX but that would look like two girls in bed (and I want pictures)...
I still insist they attend the facilities appropriate for the physical manifestation of their genetic determination. If it has a dick, it goes to the boys' locker room/restroom, if not, it goes to the girls' locker room/restroom. Unless alterations have already been made to accommodate their "feelings". I do believe that those alterations in childhood, early teens are the subject of this thread.
Well, that's a start. Now that we know XX isn't necessarily female nor XY male let's mush on to the much more complicated sex organ, the brain. That is the one that tells you what gender you are, and we have way more than two of those.

And fix your post, which is wrong BTW.

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