BREAKING: Clinton Staff Had a Code Word for Wiping Out the Emails

I guess that answers the problem of "did they have intent to commit a crime?"

The corruption is absolutely surreal. They are operating more like the mafia than a government. Can't wait for Trump's special prosecutor to mop it all up with the FBI.
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If the Hill-Beast and her surrogates walk, our country will never be the same after this exposed depth of corruption.
Brazile resigned on Oct. 14th!! What's today, oh yeah, Oct. 31st!! We can surely count on CNN for timely and accurate news.......the old Soviet Pravda would be proud of CNN.
You can bet that email was deleted and placed in a bleachbit program. The fact they have the email is damning in and of itself.. If this E-mail in on Huma's computer the splatter is going to be massive..
what was the ''code word''?
The only matter is that every single person who acknowledged the code word is complicit in conspiracy to commit crimes.. They knew they were all committing crimes..
I agree with you. I was suggesting that was the "code word." Seriously, I do not know what the code word was but whatever it was it's the word that is going to put the noose around Clinton's neck once and for all.
Just now in breaking news: Something that we all knew already!

Not really all that breaking...
Just now in breaking news: Something that we all knew already!

Not really all that breaking...
Wait until it gets before a court. There will be a whole lot a breaking going on. I doubt these staffers want to do time for Clinton. They'll cut a deal and turn state's evidence. Wait and see.
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