BREAKING : Armenian Parliament ratifies ICC's Rome Statute setting ground for putin's arrest, Biden is s COLD WAR - fox who knows this game


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
Muscovite imperialists🐖 🇷🇺 believed that they could keep Republic of Armenia on a NK short leash , Armenians/Biden/EU/Azerbaijan proved them wrong....

Biden is s COLD WAR - fox who knows this game, qestion : can a 40 -50 y/o hipster - president beat Moscow /Han imperialists ?

Biden would never do anything to protect Armenians. Azerbaijan has oil and Armenia doesn’t.
He’d probably call them Christo-fascists and would naturally back Muslims murdering them.
Putin is looking for ways to end U.S. and European support for UkraineAmerican officials are convinced that Putin will try to cut off U.S. and European support for Ukraine by using his intelligence services to spread propaganda for pro-Russian political parties and fuel conspiracy theories with new technology.
Putin believes he can influence U.S. policy to weaken support for Ukraine and potentially regain his advantage on the battlefield.

Putin is looking for ways to end U.S. and European support for UkraineAmerican officials are convinced that Putin will try to cut off U.S. and European support for Ukraine by using his intelligence services to spread propaganda for pro-Russian political parties and fuel conspiracy theories with new technology.
Putin believes he can influence U.S. policy to weaken support for Ukraine and potentially regain his advantage on the battlefield.

^^ there it is, “if you don’t support our forever war in Ukraine you’re a Putin stooge! Now shut up and send more money!“

Which will soon turn into “now send more troops”.
the horde🇷🇺 is finished, when next time pootler visits Armenia he´ll be arrested and send to the Hague . We Democracy won , you oriental - horde 🇷🇺 🐖 lost


The war was over in March 2022. Anyone who extended the war has hundreds of thousands of lives on their hands.

Fuck you war mongering blood thirsty pigs on the left.

It made total sense. But the military industrial complex CANNOT HAVE PEACE!

The USA is at war with Russia. This is very fucking dangerous. Putin has 5000 nukes.

It made total sense. But the military industrial complex CANNOT HAVE PEACE!

The USA is at war with Russia. This is very fucking dangerous. Putin has 5000 nukes.

So, we should just let Russia take over any country they see fit since they have 5000 nukes?


Biden would never do anything to protect Armenians. Azerbaijan has oil and Armenia doesn’t.
He’d probably call them Christo-fascists and would naturally back Muslims murdering them.

Anti-Semite, you are an idiot. The western world has currently more than enough problems including idiots like you. The reasons for this bullshit had happened a long time ago and now flows the negative energy of the dragon. Armenians flee in masses - that's the only thing they can do now. And it is only a question of time before someone will start a war against Armenia and will continue the genocide Turkey had started once. You are right: It is ununderstandable why no one helps. Specially because this problem had to be solved in the decades when it was no as acute as it is now. Sometimes I also ask myselve what are politicians good for. But I also did do nothing - and I do nothing. What do you do - except not to turn your head away - what is sometimes the only thing we are able to do?
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the horde🇷🇺 is finished, when next time pootler visits Armenia he´ll be arrested and send to the Hague . We Democracy won , you oriental - horde 🇷🇺 🐖 lost

View attachment 837650

Good luck with arresting Putin you complete arsehole, would that be the same court the US is not signed up to and threatened the court officials if they tried arresting any US person, is it that court Obergruppenfuhrer?

Kremlin wouldn’t want Putin to rule out traveling to Armenia in future​

Earlier, the Armenian parliament voted in favor to ratify the Rome Statute

This is about as significant as Turkey not enforcing western sanctions on Russia, IMO.

. . . and I believe, this has more to do with Turkey/Armenian politics, than it does with the Russia/Ukraine war, but this is just my speculation, TBH.

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