Breaking Alert: Burisma Executive Whistleblower Has 17 Audio Recordings With Bidens -- 15 With Hunter -- 2 With VP Joe --- Kept as Insurance Policy!!

I chose the name 'Rumpole' because I knew that morons would not be able to resist vulgarizing it. It is an
easy way for me to weed out the non serious idiots from those who want to engage in serious, mature, debate.

But, I'll you the benefit of the doubt. If you can prove to me your not a childish idiot, I'll provide
you the link.
So, you lied.

Too easy, RUMP HOLE.
Did Erick Swallowswell get that talking point bullshit from his Chinese spy lover Fang Fang?
Nice try, liar. :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:
Incompetent rebuttal. Vacuous ad homs have no argumentative value, which is understandable since I proved incontrovertively that you're a buffoon.
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