Breaking! 50% of Independents Support Impeaching Joe Biden

Joe Biden's Impeachment Falls Apart.

Republican efforts to impeach President Joe Biden suffered a blow after fresh evidence emerged showing his bid to remove Ukrainian Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin in 2015 represented U.S. government policy.

Then-Vice President Biden met Petro Poroshenko, the Ukrainian president at the time, in December 2015, after which he claimed he'd threatened to withhold $1 billion in U.S. aid to Kyiv, unless Shokin was removed from his post, which he subsequently was.

Some conservatives have suggested Biden was attempting to protect Ukrainian energy company Burisma, the board of which his son, Hunter Biden, had joined in 2014, by moving against Shokin. However a pre-meeting memo prepared for Biden by the State Department, dated November 25, 2015, made it clear that removing Shokin was the Obama administration's policy.

The document called for Shokin's "removall," claiming he was "widely regarded as an obstacle to fighting corruption, if not a source of the problem." This document was published by John Solomon, a conservative commentator who has argued Biden did call for Shokin's removal to advance his son's business activities, on his Just The News website.
Newsweak is a horrible source. Shokin is ready to testify against Biden. He has recorded phone calls.
According to the Yahoo News survey, 46 percent of Americans think that Trump and his family are more corrupt than the Bidens, while 36 percent think the Bidens are more corrupt than the Trumps. And a recent AP-NORC poll found that Americans were more likely to describe Trump as “corrupt” than Biden. Meanwhile, that September YouGov poll found that Americans are more likely to describe the impeachment inquiry as motivated by politics in an attempt to embarrass Biden (41 percent) rather than a serious effort to find out the truth (28 percent).

But, but, but TRUMP!
These are terrible numbers for Biden. He's totally toast. Plus all the evidence against him hasn't even been released.

Another irrelevant poll.
These are terrible numbers for Biden. He's totally toast. Plus all the evidence against him hasn't even been released.

We should just make it easier and impeach the whole damn mess.
We're talking about Quid Pro Joe.
Just comparing him with a president who was also accused of being part of a Crime Family. In 2019 I believe 54% of independence approve of the impeachment inquiry. But that was for his alleged criminal actions in the WH of course, not how his family made money off the family name.
All our government is a corrupt failure.

You get the government you vote for, and you keep voting for corrupt failure and then wonder why your government is a corrupt failure. You voted for corruption and failure. You voted for Donald Trump, and you'll do it again if he gets the nomination.

Jim Jordan has been in Congress for 16 years and hasn't passed a single bill. And this is the guy YOU want to make 3rd in line for the Presidency????

As long as you keep voting for someone to "own the libs", you're going to get a bunch of wisecracking assholes, much like yourself, who are incapable off doing anything but performance politics.
You get the government you vote for, and you keep voting for corrupt failure and then wonder why your government is a corrupt failure. You voted for corruption and failure. You voted for Donald Trump, and you'll do it again if he gets the nomination.

Jim Jordan has been in Congress for 16 years and hasn't passed a single bill. And this is the guy YOU want to make 3rd in line for the Presidency????

As long as you keep voting for someone to "own the libs", you're going to get a bunch of wisecracking assholes, much like yourself, who are incapable off doing anything but performance politics.
Amazing how you scum lie about everything.

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