Breaking: 27 Story London Tower Apartment Complex Ablaze As People Dangle On Sheets Outside Windows

I am posting this also here

More here

only problem is that I can't see the Mail referring to the fact that this man's bags were packed already and that is an important detail.

Man whose 'faulty fridge started Grenfell Tower inferno | Daily Mail Online

Good post SKYE. I was suspicious of this "guy" who started this fire on post#281. But, as usual my posting was not good on that post. A kitchen fire? Right near the sink. Dump water, water, call, call, water, water.

Don't go pack your bags? Or wait until fire is roaring good and then take off with bags "already packed".
Last edited:
Grenfell Action Group

Rarely have I read such a damning series of articles.

Fire Safety Scandal At Lancaster West

KCTMO – Playing with fire!

More On Fire Safety

Another Fire Safety Scandal

KCTMO – Feeling the Heat!






It appears that basic checks were never made and that procedures were never followed.

The local fire brigade can join the contractors,council and government in the dock.

This was already posted on Wednesday by me in the 28 page Current Events thread about Grenfell Tower.

There is no need for you to continue to post mini sub threads when there is an ongoing 28 page thread you can post about Grenfell Tower in, you have been posting in the Current Events thread for days, so why start multiple mini sub threads?

Stop this juvenile Attention Seeking.

View attachment 133936
View attachment 133937

Breaking: 27 Story London Tower Apartment Complex Ablaze As People Dangle On Sheets Outside Windows
Sorry, I tend to skim over your posts in order to stop me from throwing up.
Such a delicate wallflower. No wonder you expect your PM to break down and sob in the streets! Lol.

He was being cordial, unusual for him, but he was being cordial to everyone until it was pointed out that the DEAD PEOPLE of Grenfell Tower should NOT be further used by the Far Left Activists in Britain to DEMAND that more "poor refugees" from Islamic shit holes and African shit holes be allowed into Britain.

Then when that was pointed out he lost it completely and resorted back to his usual self.

Which shows Tilly that the Far Left Activists do have an ulterior motive.

He then has the audacity to say that Theresa May is crying crocodile tears. No that would be the Far Left with Marxist Leader Jeremy Corbyn at the head of the gang.
Gee it seems like the government isn't a better slum lord than a private citizen
Its a sort of hybrid organisation, an arms length arrangement. I did some work for a few housing associations a few years ago and was shocked at some of them. State of the art headquarters with car parks full of expensive cars. Not all of them but enough to raise my eyebrows.
We've already noticed what an envious tosser you are, Tammy.
Envy raises your eyebrows, but little girls being blown up by Muslim terrorists? Nope. All that raises is the level of your apologia for Muslim terrorists.
Have you found those links yet ?
Look through this thread, Tammy and find them. You've been posting your commie crap here since the beginning so you've got no excuse for pretending to have missed them.

And here's another. This one regarding the utter hypocrisy of your beloved Mayor Khan, who, btw, campaigned on SAFE AFFORDABLE HOUSING whilst accepting donations from companies already prosecuted for putting tenants lives at risk, and from property companies who engaged in legal battles to prevent the introduction of landlord licensing scheme!

I wonder what deals and promises he made behind closed doors with these people? And how could he accept their money? What a hypocrite!

Revealed: Sadiq Khan took donations from property firm which 'put tenants’ lives at risk'
Sadiq Khan came under pressure to return donations given to his mayoral campaign today after it emerged he received thousands of pounds from a property firm which “put tenants’ lives at risk”.

The Labour candidate, who has pledged to crack down on rogue landlords, accepted £10,000 from a property group based in Manchester which was prosecuted and fined more than £14,000 for breaching tenant safety rules. He received a further £19,900 from a developer in Croydon who was linked to an expensive legal battle against council plans for a landlord licensing scheme.

Paul Scully, Conservative MP for Sutton and Cheam, said: “This hypocrisy from Sadiq Khan shows he can’t be trusted to deliver any of his promises. He said he’d take a stand against rogue landlords, even as he took the cash. If Khan had a shred of principle he would return these donations.”

....Council surveyors found serious breaches of fire safety rules at a 55-flat student housing development, including a lack of self-closing fire doors and external wall fire barriers to stop flames spreading. Windows required for smoke ventilation were said to be completely obscured by scaffolding, while fire escape routes passed through a building site. After the hearing, local Labour councillors said the lives of students had been put at substantial risk.

...Labour insiders said Mr Khan was not expected to return the donations.

Sadiq Khan caught in row over donations from property firm
Cause of fire unknown.

A.) refrigerator blows at night (at night, not running often?) Never have I heard refridge blowup? UL/CSA appliance rating? Circuit breaker should blow on high current surge.
B.) R/W set fire to target muslim? Revenge? Doubtful. They may seek revenge for Manchester at some point. Probably after next big event.
C.) Muslims set fire to advance cause? Could be? Time of event 2AM? Everybody sleeping. building reported firetrap? Muslims don't care who dies to advance cause. Proven.
D.) Muslims storing "materials" for next event cause fire? Maybe?
E.) Gas line blow? Need spark at night. Odor would alert?
F.) Electrical wire fire? Maybe?
G.) Gas/electric clothes dryer fire? Yes that can happen due to lint in exhaust. Do they have dryers in units? Common areas?

Until Tommies Govt releases official cause? Will they be truthful about cause? Cannot trust them? Will they tell truth on Lucies cladding......cause spread? Not likely, as they approved it.
I read that some people in blocks like these also compromise electrical safety by doing things to the supply to bypass the meter. Also, it is common for fire safety equipment to be vandalised and stolen, and for fire doors to be wedged open. We just don't know right now. The last fire of this sort was put down to a TV catching fire. One would have thought it quite simple to put out such a fire quickly unless it happened when one was asleep.

I wonder why the decent British don't want the Jeremy Corbyn Marxist filth running your nation Tilly? :rolleyes-41:

Ugly screaming women who are so desperate to get laid they DEMAND that Kebabs and African Jungle Bunnies are brought in so they finally can open their legs and get a fuck because no decent native British men will go near them.

View attachment 133962

Ugly walking freak shows:

View attachment 133964

Communist Antifa human filth that needs physically eradicating:

View attachment 133965

Communist Antifa human filth that needs physically eradicating:

View attachment 133966
I cant believe you are allowed to spout this kind of poison.It drags the whole site down.
You drag the site down, Tammy. And you don't even have the decency to remove that gross hitleresque pic of yourself :eusa_dance:
Last edited:
Grenfell Action Group

Rarely have I read such a damning series of articles.

Fire Safety Scandal At Lancaster West

KCTMO – Playing with fire!

More On Fire Safety

Another Fire Safety Scandal

KCTMO – Feeling the Heat!






It appears that basic checks were never made and that procedures were never followed.

The local fire brigade can join the contractors,council and government in the dock.

This was already posted on Wednesday by me in the 28 page Current Events thread about Grenfell Tower.

There is no need for you to continue to post mini sub threads when there is an ongoing 28 page thread you can post about Grenfell Tower in, you have been posting in the Current Events thread for days, so why start multiple mini sub threads?

Stop this juvenile Attention Seeking.

View attachment 133936
View attachment 133937

Breaking: 27 Story London Tower Apartment Complex Ablaze As People Dangle On Sheets Outside Windows
Sorry, I tend to skim over your posts in order to stop me from throwing up.
Such a delicate wallflower. No wonder you expect your PM to break down and sob in the streets! Lol.

Yes because that totally shows strength in a leader doesn't it, collapsing in tears in public.

Has Tommy in ANY of his posts actually expressed ANY condolences for the victims? I don't think he has, it's all been partisan politics hasn't it, posting things from Far Left Bloggers and blaming the evil Conservatives and accusing Theresa May of personally MURDERING the people, mixed it with calling for the elected British Government to GTFO and let someone else take over ie. the Communist Jeremy Corbyn and Labour who LOST the election and got 56 LESS seats than the Conservatives - Conservatives 318 seats, Labour 262 seats.

Of course the British Leftists don't care about the dead of Grenfell Tower, which is why they are using the dead of Grenfell Tower, like all Leftists they are the lowest of the low as well as being hypocrites.

They have zero class, they are just walking vomit.
Exactly. Dead children murdered by Muslim terrorists. WE MUST MOVE ON. Everything else, USE THE DEAD to falsely accuse the PM of actual murder and claim the commies need to take control. I'm sure they really are mentally ill.
I am posting this also here

More here

only problem is that I can't see the Mail referring to the fact that this man's bags were packed already and that is an important detail.

Man whose 'faulty fridge started Grenfell Tower inferno | Daily Mail Online

Good post SKYE. I was suspicious of this "guy" who started this fire on post#281. But, as usual my posting was not good on that post. A kitchen fire? Right near the sink. Dump water, water, call, call, water, water.

Don't go pack your bags? Or wait until it is roaring good and then take off with bags "already packed".

"A kitchen fire? Right near the sink. Dump water, water, call, call, water, water."

Yes why didn't that man do that? Why was he already prepared and had packed his bags? Why did he leave his doors open knowing the fire would spread? Why did he run away? Where is he now, where is he hiding? The London Police need to apprehend him and question him about his strange actions.

This woman thinking fast, saved herself and her family by literally flooding their apartment, so why didn't that man flood his kitchen?





Here is the full article.

How quick-thinking mother saved family from Grenfell fire by flooding her flat
Gee it seems like the government isn't a better slum lord than a private citizen
Its a sort of hybrid organisation, an arms length arrangement. I did some work for a few housing associations a few years ago and was shocked at some of them. State of the art headquarters with car parks full of expensive cars. Not all of them but enough to raise my eyebrows.
We've already noticed what an envious tosser you are, Tammy.
Envy raises your eyebrows, but little girls being blown up by Muslim terrorists? Nope. All that raises is the level of your apologia for Muslim terrorists.

Yes he never made ONE comment expressing ANY sympathy about children and teenagers in Manchester, England being blown up by a dirty Kebab.

But he made numerous comments in his mode of Pro-Islamist Propagandist Apologist, just like he never condemned the Paki Rape Gangs in Rotherham, England it was but but but Muh Muslims are good people and but but but Muh Muslims aren't anything to do with those other Muslims.
He basically denied every aspect of the Rotherham rape ring and had no sympathy, yet again, for girls who were drugged, gang raped, and who were in fear for their lives. He is garbage.
Grenfell Action Group

Rarely have I read such a damning series of articles.

Fire Safety Scandal At Lancaster West

KCTMO – Playing with fire!

More On Fire Safety

Another Fire Safety Scandal

KCTMO – Feeling the Heat!






It appears that basic checks were never made and that procedures were never followed.

The local fire brigade can join the contractors,council and government in the dock.

This was already posted on Wednesday by me in the 28 page Current Events thread about Grenfell Tower.

There is no need for you to continue to post mini sub threads when there is an ongoing 28 page thread you can post about Grenfell Tower in, you have been posting in the Current Events thread for days, so why start multiple mini sub threads?

Stop this juvenile Attention Seeking.

View attachment 133936
View attachment 133937

Breaking: 27 Story London Tower Apartment Complex Ablaze As People Dangle On Sheets Outside Windows
Sorry, I tend to skim over your posts in order to stop me from throwing up.
Such a delicate wallflower. No wonder you expect your PM to break down and sob in the streets! Lol.

Yes because that totally shows strength in a leader doesn't it, collapsing in tears in public.

Has Tommy in ANY of his posts actually expressed ANY condolences for the victims? I don't think he has, it's all been partisan politics hasn't it, posting things from Far Left Bloggers and blaming the evil Conservatives and accusing Theresa May of personally MURDERING the people, mixed it with calling for the elected British Government to GTFO and let someone else take over ie. the Communist Jeremy Corbyn and Labour who LOST the election and got 56 LESS seats than the Conservatives - Conservatives 318 seats, Labour 262 seats.

Of course the British Leftists don't care about the dead of Grenfell Tower, which is why they are using the dead of Grenfell Tower, like all Leftists they are the lowest of the low as well as being hypocrites.

They have zero class, they are just walking vomit.
Exactly. Dead children murdered by Muslim terrorists. WE MUST MOVE ON. Everything else, USE THE DEAD to falsely accuse the PM of actual murder and claim the commies need to take control. I'm sure they really are mentally ill.

They are not only mentally ill they are fucking evil, they are soulless and heartless. They are Heathens.
Gee it seems like the government isn't a better slum lord than a private citizen
Its a sort of hybrid organisation, an arms length arrangement. I did some work for a few housing associations a few years ago and was shocked at some of them. State of the art headquarters with car parks full of expensive cars. Not all of them but enough to raise my eyebrows.
We've already noticed what an envious tosser you are, Tammy.
Envy raises your eyebrows, but little girls being blown up by Muslim terrorists? Nope. All that raises is the level of your apologia for Muslim terrorists.

Yes he never made ONE comment expressing ANY sympathy about children and teenagers in Manchester, England being blown up by a dirty Kebab.

But he made numerous comments in his mode of Pro-Islamist Propagandist Apologist, just like he never condemned the Paki Rape Gangs in Rotherham, England it was but but but Muh Muslims are good people and but but but Muh Muslims aren't anything to do with those other Muslims.
He basically denied every aspect of the Rotherham rape ring and had no sympathy, yet again, for girls who were drugged, gang raped, and who were in fear for their lives. He is garbage.

Yes that's because they were White girls and Native British, if they would have been Brown or Black girls and not Native British he'd have been screaming RACISM and BIGOTRY and frothing at the mouth DEMANDING.

The Far Left in ALL Western nations are literally The Enemy Within.

We must differentiate between the Far Left and Liberals, Liberals do NOT support the Far Left Marxist Agenda and there is NOTHING Liberal about the Far Left, they are the MOST intolerant of the intolerant.
Grenfell Action Group

Rarely have I read such a damning series of articles.

Fire Safety Scandal At Lancaster West

KCTMO – Playing with fire!

More On Fire Safety

Another Fire Safety Scandal

KCTMO – Feeling the Heat!






It appears that basic checks were never made and that procedures were never followed.

The local fire brigade can join the contractors,council and government in the dock.

This was already posted on Wednesday by me in the 28 page Current Events thread about Grenfell Tower.

There is no need for you to continue to post mini sub threads when there is an ongoing 28 page thread you can post about Grenfell Tower in, you have been posting in the Current Events thread for days, so why start multiple mini sub threads?

Stop this juvenile Attention Seeking.

View attachment 133936
View attachment 133937

Breaking: 27 Story London Tower Apartment Complex Ablaze As People Dangle On Sheets Outside Windows
Sorry, I tend to skim over your posts in order to stop me from throwing up.

And how do you cope with mirrors?

Anyway, Tams. Are you aware that the Labour councils of Newham and Camden have several cladded tower blocks - there are at least four high rises of 20+ floors in Camden alone.
Outrage please.
Grenfell Action Group

Rarely have I read such a damning series of articles.

Fire Safety Scandal At Lancaster West

KCTMO – Playing with fire!

More On Fire Safety

Another Fire Safety Scandal

KCTMO – Feeling the Heat!






It appears that basic checks were never made and that procedures were never followed.

The local fire brigade can join the contractors,council and government in the dock.

This was already posted on Wednesday by me in the 28 page Current Events thread about Grenfell Tower.

There is no need for you to continue to post mini sub threads when there is an ongoing 28 page thread you can post about Grenfell Tower in, you have been posting in the Current Events thread for days, so why start multiple mini sub threads?

Stop this juvenile Attention Seeking.

View attachment 133936
View attachment 133937

Breaking: 27 Story London Tower Apartment Complex Ablaze As People Dangle On Sheets Outside Windows
Sorry, I tend to skim over your posts in order to stop me from throwing up.
Such a delicate wallflower. No wonder you expect your PM to break down and sob in the streets! Lol.

He was being cordial, unusual for him, but he was being cordial to everyone until it was pointed out that the DEAD PEOPLE of Grenfell Tower should NOT be further used by the Far Left Activists in Britain to DEMAND that more "poor refugees" from Islamic shit holes and African shit holes be allowed into Britain.

Then when that was pointed out he lost it completely and resorted back to his usual self.

Which shows Tilly that the Far Left Activists do have an ulterior motive.

He then has the audacity to say that Theresa May is crying crocodile tears. No that would be the Far Left with Marxist Leader Jeremy Corbyn at the head of the gang.
His cordiality never lasts long before he starts calling women slags and c***s. Then he wonders why female posters desert his crap threads and why his threads tend to fail through lack of participation. He even calls our PM a slag. A vulgar misogynist - like most of the commies.
I am posting this also here

More here

only problem is that I can't see the Mail referring to the fact that this man's bags were packed already and that is an important detail.

Man whose 'faulty fridge started Grenfell Tower inferno | Daily Mail Online

Good post SKYE. I was suspicious of this "guy" who started this fire on post#281. But, as usual my posting was not good on that post. A kitchen fire? Right near the sink. Dump water, water, call, call, water, water.

Don't go pack your bags? Or wait until it is roaring good and then take off with bags "already packed".

"A kitchen fire? Right near the sink. Dump water, water, call, call, water, water."

Yes why didn't that man do that? Why was he already prepared and had packed his bags? Why did he leave his doors open knowing the fire would spread? Why did he run away? Where is he now, where is he hiding? The London Police need to apprehend him and question him about his strange actions.

This woman thinking fast, saved herself and her family by literally flooding their apartment, so why didn't that man flood his kitchen?

View attachment 134024
View attachment 134025
View attachment 134026
View attachment 134027

Here is the full article.

How quick-thinking mother saved family from Grenfell fire by flooding her flat
I'm pretty sure most people could put out a fridge fire. All you need is a domestic fire extinguisher. They are very inexpensive and he was in work - a cab driver - so if they weren't provided free in each flat - I don't think they are - he could surely have bought one.
It is inconceivable that you'd pack before calling the fire services (and it seems it was the neighbour who did that), leave the door open, warn your nearest neighbour, then leg it. If the neighbours account is true, it is very odd behaviour.
Grenfell Action Group

Rarely have I read such a damning series of articles.

Fire Safety Scandal At Lancaster West

KCTMO – Playing with fire!

More On Fire Safety

Another Fire Safety Scandal

KCTMO – Feeling the Heat!






It appears that basic checks were never made and that procedures were never followed.

The local fire brigade can join the contractors,council and government in the dock.

This was already posted on Wednesday by me in the 28 page Current Events thread about Grenfell Tower.

There is no need for you to continue to post mini sub threads when there is an ongoing 28 page thread you can post about Grenfell Tower in, you have been posting in the Current Events thread for days, so why start multiple mini sub threads?

Stop this juvenile Attention Seeking.

View attachment 133936
View attachment 133937

Breaking: 27 Story London Tower Apartment Complex Ablaze As People Dangle On Sheets Outside Windows
Sorry, I tend to skim over your posts in order to stop me from throwing up.

And how do you cope with mirrors?

Anyway, Tams. Are you aware that the Labour councils of Newham and Camden have several cladded tower blocks - there are at least four high rises of 20+ floors in Camden alone.
Outrage please.

Uh-oh who are the Far Leftist Activists going to blame now after PERSONALLY blaming Theresa May and the Conservatives for MURDERING those people in Grenfell Tower?




Here's the full article.

Grenfell Tower cladding is banned in the UK, Chancellor says

Like many said days ago the blame is with the firm Rydon that was contracted to do the upgrade, they certainly would have sub-contracted the contract out, the ultimate irony would be if Immigrants such as Pakistanis owned the firm who were the sub-contractors, the Far Leftists would be in a big dilemma.
Cause of fire unknown.

A.) refrigerator blows at night (at night, not running often?) Never have I heard refridge blowup? UL/CSA appliance rating? Circuit breaker should blow on high current surge.
B.) R/W set fire to target muslim? Revenge? Doubtful. They may seek revenge for Manchester at some point. Probably after next big event.
C.) Muslims set fire to advance cause? Could be? Time of event 2AM? Everybody sleeping. building reported firetrap? Muslims don't care who dies to advance cause. Proven.
D.) Muslims storing "materials" for next event cause fire? Maybe?
E.) Gas line blow? Need spark at night. Odor would alert?
F.) Electrical wire fire? Maybe?
G.) Gas/electric clothes dryer fire? Yes that can happen due to lint in exhaust. Do they have dryers in units? Common areas?

Until Tommies Govt releases official cause? Will they be truthful about cause? Cannot trust them? Will they tell truth on Lucies cladding......cause spread? Not likely, as they approved it.
I read that some people in blocks like these also compromise electrical safety by doing things to the supply to bypass the meter. Also, it is common for fire safety equipment to be vandalised and stolen, and for fire doors to be wedged open. We just don't know right now. The last fire of this sort was put down to a TV catching fire. One would have thought it quite simple to put out such a fire quickly unless it happened when one was asleep.

I wonder why the decent British don't want the Jeremy Corbyn Marxist filth running your nation Tilly? :rolleyes-41:

Ugly screaming women who are so desperate to get laid they DEMAND that Kebabs and African Jungle Bunnies are brought in so they finally can open their legs and get a fuck because no decent native British men will go near them.

View attachment 133962

Ugly walking freak shows:

View attachment 133964

Communist Antifa human filth that needs physically eradicating:

View attachment 133965

Communist Antifa human filth that needs physically eradicating:

View attachment 133966
I cant believe you are allowed to spout this kind of poison.It drags the whole site down.
You drag the site down, Tammy. And you don't even have the decency to remove the gross hitleresque pic of yourself :eusa_dance:
Have you found a link to the lies you posted yesterday ?
Grenfell Action Group

Rarely have I read such a damning series of articles.

Fire Safety Scandal At Lancaster West

KCTMO – Playing with fire!

More On Fire Safety

Another Fire Safety Scandal

KCTMO – Feeling the Heat!






It appears that basic checks were never made and that procedures were never followed.

The local fire brigade can join the contractors,council and government in the dock.

This was already posted on Wednesday by me in the 28 page Current Events thread about Grenfell Tower.

There is no need for you to continue to post mini sub threads when there is an ongoing 28 page thread you can post about Grenfell Tower in, you have been posting in the Current Events thread for days, so why start multiple mini sub threads?

Stop this juvenile Attention Seeking.

View attachment 133936
View attachment 133937

Breaking: 27 Story London Tower Apartment Complex Ablaze As People Dangle On Sheets Outside Windows
Sorry, I tend to skim over your posts in order to stop me from throwing up.

And how do you cope with mirrors?

Anyway, Tams. Are you aware that the Labour councils of Newham and Camden have several cladded tower blocks - there are at least four high rises of 20+ floors in Camden alone.
Outrage please.

Uh-oh who are the Far Leftist Activists going to blame now after PERSONALLY blaming Theresa May and the Conservatives for MURDERING those people in Grenfell Tower?

View attachment 134033

View attachment 134034
View attachment 134035

Here's the full article.

Grenfell Tower cladding is banned in the UK, Chancellor says

Like many said days ago the blame is with the firm Rydon that was contracted to do the upgrade, they certainly would have sub-contracted the contract out, the ultimate irony would be if Immigrants such as Pakistanis owned the firm who were the sub-contractors, the Far Leftists would be in a big dilemma.
He didnt say it was banned. He said it was his "understanding". There is a difference.
Gee it seems like the government isn't a better slum lord than a private citizen
Its a sort of hybrid organisation, an arms length arrangement. I did some work for a few housing associations a few years ago and was shocked at some of them. State of the art headquarters with car parks full of expensive cars. Not all of them but enough to raise my eyebrows.
We've already noticed what an envious tosser you are, Tammy.
Envy raises your eyebrows, but little girls being blown up by Muslim terrorists? Nope. All that raises is the level of your apologia for Muslim terrorists.

Yes he never made ONE comment expressing ANY sympathy about children and teenagers in Manchester, England being blown up by a dirty Kebab.

But he made numerous comments in his mode of Pro-Islamist Propagandist Apologist, just like he never condemned the Paki Rape Gangs in Rotherham, England it was but but but Muh Muslims are good people and but but but Muh Muslims aren't anything to do with those other Muslims.
He basically denied every aspect of the Rotherham rape ring and had no sympathy, yet again, for girls who were drugged, gang raped, and who were in fear for their lives. He is garbage.
Again you lie. Show me where I have "denied every aspect".
Grenfell Action Group

Rarely have I read such a damning series of articles.

Fire Safety Scandal At Lancaster West

KCTMO – Playing with fire!

More On Fire Safety

Another Fire Safety Scandal

KCTMO – Feeling the Heat!






It appears that basic checks were never made and that procedures were never followed.

The local fire brigade can join the contractors,council and government in the dock.

This was already posted on Wednesday by me in the 28 page Current Events thread about Grenfell Tower.

There is no need for you to continue to post mini sub threads when there is an ongoing 28 page thread you can post about Grenfell Tower in, you have been posting in the Current Events thread for days, so why start multiple mini sub threads?

Stop this juvenile Attention Seeking.

View attachment 133936
View attachment 133937

Breaking: 27 Story London Tower Apartment Complex Ablaze As People Dangle On Sheets Outside Windows
Sorry, I tend to skim over your posts in order to stop me from throwing up.
Such a delicate wallflower. No wonder you expect your PM to break down and sob in the streets! Lol.

He was being cordial, unusual for him, but he was being cordial to everyone until it was pointed out that the DEAD PEOPLE of Grenfell Tower should NOT be further used by the Far Left Activists in Britain to DEMAND that more "poor refugees" from Islamic shit holes and African shit holes be allowed into Britain.

Then when that was pointed out he lost it completely and resorted back to his usual self.

Which shows Tilly that the Far Left Activists do have an ulterior motive.

He then has the audacity to say that Theresa May is crying crocodile tears. No that would be the Far Left with Marxist Leader Jeremy Corbyn at the head of the gang.
His cordiality never lasts long before he starts calling women slags and c***s. Then he wonders why female posters desert his crap threads and why his threads tend to fail through lack of participation. He even calls our PM a slag. A vulgar misogynist - like most of the commies.

The British Marxists still demanding that rich peoples' properties are seized.




British Communist Party Leader Jeremy Corbyn also seems to be suggesting that people just go and illegally squat in rich peoples' empty properties when he says "occupy it"


Here's the full article.

Labour says emergency house seizure laws could ease Grenfell Tower crisis

British Communist Party Leader Jeremy Corbyn fully supports filthy people who break into rich peoples' empty houses and illegally squat in them, like all Communists Jeremy Corbyn is a piece of human excrement.



Here's the full article.

Corbyn backed group that issued squatting guide | Daily Mail Online
So the final conclusion is perhaps...

This man is a total fuckward

Half a fuckward

A terrorist

I am inclined towards half a fuckward..... he got scared, didn't call the fire Dep, didn't know the fire could spread up, and run with his possessions.

We will see


Thanks all of you for your information, I could not read all the new posts I think the least of it was to try to extinguish the fire with water, a linen ...
I find Suspect frankly, this man is an asshole who killed people who slept in the night not suspecting that irreconcilable or possibly dangerous (terrorist, pyromaniac) man was there in the building.
And it would be necessary to see this famous Refrigerator "Guilty Of The Crime" having caused such a horror.

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