Brave GOP Patriot Fights Back Against Biden - But Is Betrayed By Her Party - WTF?


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"An amendment pushed by Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) to bar President Joe Biden from selling oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve crashed and burned in a massive bipartisan defeat Thursday. The amendment failed 14-418, with only 14 Republicans in support. In announcing the amendment, Greene accused Biden of being a threat to the nation's national security and tricking and deceiving voters by pulling from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve to lower gas prices. Evidently, not many other lawmakers agreed or thought the amendment prudent.

The reserve was depleted after Biden ordered hundreds of millions of barrels of oil to be drawn down last year on an emergency basis to help tame high gasoline prices following Russia's invasion of Ukraine and the resulting spike in oil prices. However, last December, the Department of Energy said it would begin purchasing oil to refill the reserve following a dip in prices."

Marjorie Greene's proposal was the right move to make in order to expose Biden's impeachable act of trying to use his power as president to lower gas prices.....After months and months of Republicans blaming Biden for rising gas prices and wondering why Biden isn't doing anything about it -- he decides to do something about it right before the election?? How is that not an impeachable offense?? And how is that the majority of GOP House members vote against it? What is McCarthy doing? Why didn't Scalese whip enough votes to get this passed? Why are they protecting Biden??

"An amendment pushed by Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) to bar President Joe Biden from selling oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve crashed and burned in a massive bipartisan defeat Thursday. The amendment failed 14-418, with only 14 Republicans in support. In announcing the amendment, Greene accused Biden of being a threat to the nation's national security and tricking and deceiving voters by pulling from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve to lower gas prices. Evidently, not many other lawmakers agreed or thought the amendment prudent.

The reserve was depleted after Biden ordered hundreds of millions of barrels of oil to be drawn down last year on an emergency basis to help tame high gasoline prices following Russia's invasion of Ukraine and the resulting spike in oil prices. However, last December, the Department of Energy said it would begin purchasing oil to refill the reserve following a dip in prices."

Marjorie Greene's proposal was the right move to make in order to expose Biden's impeachable act of trying to use his power as president to lower gas prices.....After months and months of Republicans blaming Biden for rising gas prices and wondering why Biden isn't doing anything about it -- he decides to do something about it right before the election?? How is that not an impeachable offense?? And how is that the majority of GOP House members vote against it? What is McCarthy doing? Why didn't Scalese whip enough votes to get this passed? Why are they protecting Biden??

The SPR wasn't depleted.

"An amendment pushed by Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) to bar President Joe Biden from selling oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve crashed and burned in a massive bipartisan defeat Thursday. The amendment failed 14-418, with only 14 Republicans in support. In announcing the amendment, Greene accused Biden of being a threat to the nation's national security and tricking and deceiving voters by pulling from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve to lower gas prices. Evidently, not many other lawmakers agreed or thought the amendment prudent.

The reserve was depleted after Biden ordered hundreds of millions of barrels of oil to be drawn down last year on an emergency basis to help tame high gasoline prices following Russia's invasion of Ukraine and the resulting spike in oil prices. However, last December, the Department of Energy said it would begin purchasing oil to refill the reserve following a dip in prices."

Marjorie Greene's proposal was the right move to make in order to expose Biden's impeachable act of trying to use his power as president to lower gas prices.....After months and months of Republicans blaming Biden for rising gas prices and wondering why Biden isn't doing anything about it -- he decides to do something about it right before the election?? How is that not an impeachable offense?? And how is that the majority of GOP House members vote against it? What is McCarthy doing? Why didn't Scalese whip enough votes to get this passed? Why are they protecting Biden??
So tell me if I got this right. Trump can sell oil out of the SPR because of a terrorist attack on oil facilities in Saudia Arabia but Biden can't do the same when there is a FRIGGIN WAR IN UKRAINE?
Marjorie Greene's proposal was the right move to make in order to expose Biden's impeachable act of trying to use his power as president to lower gas prices.....After months and months of Republicans blaming Biden for rising gas prices and wondering why Biden isn't doing anything about it -- he decides to do something about it right before the election?? How is that not an impeachable offense?? And how is that the majority of GOP House members vote against it? What is McCarthy doing? Why didn't Scalese whip enough votes to get this passed? Why are they protecting Biden??
My guess is that there is another amendment offered that is similar, but it is not from MTG. Democrats are all craven cowards, but Republicans are not much better being mostly cowards. If an amendment were identical, but it came from McCarthy, the rest would be unanomous in supporting it.

"An amendment pushed by Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) to bar President Joe Biden from selling oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve crashed and burned in a massive bipartisan defeat Thursday. The amendment failed 14-418, with only 14 Republicans in support. In announcing the amendment, Greene accused Biden of being a threat to the nation's national security and tricking and deceiving voters by pulling from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve to lower gas prices. Evidently, not many other lawmakers agreed or thought the amendment prudent.

The reserve was depleted after Biden ordered hundreds of millions of barrels of oil to be drawn down last year on an emergency basis to help tame high gasoline prices following Russia's invasion of Ukraine and the resulting spike in oil prices. However, last December, the Department of Energy said it would begin purchasing oil to refill the reserve following a dip in prices."

Marjorie Greene's proposal was the right move to make in order to expose Biden's impeachable act of trying to use his power as president to lower gas prices.....After months and months of Republicans blaming Biden for rising gas prices and wondering why Biden isn't doing anything about it -- he decides to do something about it right before the election?? How is that not an impeachable offense?? And how is that the majority of GOP House members vote against it? What is McCarthy doing? Why didn't Scalese whip enough votes to get this passed? Why are they protecting Biden??

She is a motherfucking bitch Maybe we need to impeach your brain.
I suspect that this little development will be a bit of a blemish on MTG's record.
Made bigger, deeper, wider, louder, and more the people who think she is a RWNJ loon.
Which means, she ain't gonna get out from underneath this debacle for a while....'cause a LOT of people think she is a loon.

So tell me if I got this right. Trump can sell oil out of the SPR because of a terrorist attack on oil facilities in Saudia Arabia but Biden can't do the same when there is a FRIGGIN WAR IN UKRAINE?
YES, have that right.
On Friday on the floor of the House of Representatives, Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-QAnon) sought to make gas prices an issue again. But this time she was appalled that Biden had taken measures to lower gas prices. How dare Biden make the cost of living more affordable for the American people? This debate was centered around her amendment (which later lost by a landslide 14 to 418 vote) to place restrictions on when and how a president can utilize the Strategic Petroleum Reserves. She fumed that...

"President Biden abused his power to sell our oil, reduce gas prices, so that the midterm elections would swing Democrats' way. It's a shame to trick the American people just to win an election. No president should be able to use their emergency powers for politics."

And her Olympic-grade hypocrisy was not lost on Democratic Rep. Ted Lieu who responded to Greene's griping saying that...

"I can summarize this debate of the last two days into one sentence: Joe Biden lowered your gas prices and Republicans are upset about it. That's what this is about. Joe Biden lowered your gas prices and that makes Republicans mad. And how do we know? They said it out loud. The gentlewoman from Georgia earlier this morning just said that Joe Biden lowered your gas prices for political reasons. You know, I don't care why a president lowers your gas prices. If any president can lower your gas prices, we should support that president's action."
Rep. Lieu was just getting started. He continued saying that...

"There's another reason this Republican bill is so stupid. Because not only did Joe Biden lower your gas prices, the United States of America made a profit on it. Buy low, sell high. It was brilliant what Joe Biden did. He released the Strategic Petroleum Reserves when gas prices were high, and that helped lower the gas prices. And then he refilled it at the lower amount. The U.S. made $4 billion dollars on Joe Biden's actions. The Republicans always want to say 'Let's run government like a business.' Joe Biden did exactly that when he lowered your gas prices, and then made a $4 billion dollar profit for the United States of America."

It's all falling apart now.
I'm confused- when prices were $5/gallon, Biden wasn't responsible but now that they are below $4, he should get the credit... typical circular logic coming from the proggy hive mind.

Selling off our strategic assets for short term political gain isn't something you should be bragging about
I'm confused- when prices were $5/gallon, Biden wasn't responsible but now that they are below $4, he should get the credit... typical circular logic coming from the proggy hive mind.

Selling off our strategic assets for short term political gain isn't something you should be bragging about

Gas over $5 a gallon with no actual fundamental justification is not something we should accept either. The markets are no different today at $3.50 than they were at $5.00.
On Friday on the floor of the House of Representatives, Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-QAnon) sought to make gas prices an issue again. But this time she was appalled that Biden had taken measures to lower gas prices. How dare Biden make the cost of living more affordable for the American people? This debate was centered around her amendment (which later lost by a landslide 14 to 418 vote) to place restrictions on when and how a president can utilize the Strategic Petroleum Reserves. She fumed that...

And her Olympic-grade hypocrisy was not lost on Democratic Rep. Ted Lieu who responded to Greene's griping saying that...

Rep. Lieu was just getting started. He continued saying that...

It's all falling apart now.
Wow so many LIES where do we start. ^^^ Lets begin with Biden's publicly declared war on fossil fuels and many actions that jacked up the price of gas in the first place. Then the stuttering fuck nuts raped the SOP just before an election to temporarily lower gas prices for political reasons.

Naturally gas prices are now heading up again, up 20 cents a gallon this week.
Gas over $5 a gallon with no actual fundamental justification is not something we should accept either. The markets are no different today at $3.50 than they were at $5.00.
We have argued oil for many years and decades. Oil does not like any interference. A little burp in the system causes price swings. Trump reduced that. Now oil is going up again. Fifty-year Joe knows this. And he answers to his masters and others.
On Friday on the floor of the House of Representatives, Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-QAnon) sought to make gas prices an issue again. But this time she was appalled that Biden had taken measures to lower gas prices. How dare Biden make the cost of living more affordable for the American people? This debate was centered around her amendment (which later lost by a landslide 14 to 418 vote) to place restrictions on when and how a president can utilize the Strategic Petroleum Reserves. She fumed that...

And her Olympic-grade hypocrisy was not lost on Democratic Rep. Ted Lieu who responded to Greene's griping saying that...

Rep. Lieu was just getting started. He continued saying that...

It's all falling apart now.
/----/ democRATs objected to Trump lowering gas prices by drilling on Federal land. Greene objected to Dementia Joe by lowering prices by weakening our strategic reserves. I fail to see the outrage from the Left, and even some RINOs.
We have argued oil for many years and decades. Oil does not like any interference. A little burp in the system causes price swings. Trump reduced that. Now oil is going up again. Fifty-year Joe knows this. And he answers to his masters and others.

Oil dropped because of "Covid interference". Previous to that oil was roughly the same price as when Trump entered office. Are you giving Trump credit for Covid?
I'm confused- when prices were $5/gallon, Biden wasn't responsible but now that they are below $4, he should get the credit... typical circular logic coming from the proggy hive mind.

Selling off our strategic assets for short term political gain isn't something you should be bragging about

You're definitely confused

But I digress

According to Margie shit for brains Greene, and her shit for brains lemmings on social media, and elsewhere, including USMB, Biden was responsible for everything, one minute after midnight from the landslide Trump beatdown by the voters.

So now that Biden has been nothing but a success in every aspect of his Presidency, including his handling of global inflation, as it pertains to the US, including gas prices. All of a sudden Margie, and lemmings like you are confused.

And 'ol Margies bill sucked so bad, she could only get 14 votes for it. That's embarrassing on every level, and another ass kicking delivered to MAGA world by Joe Biden.

How does t feel to have your ass kicked daily by Joe Biden? On everything?
You're definitely confused

But I digress

According to Margie shit for brains Greene, and her shit for brains lemmings on social media, and elsewhere, including USMB, Biden was responsible for everything, one minute after midnight from the landslide Trump beatdown by the voters.

So now that Biden has been nothing but a success in every aspect of his Presidency, including his handling of global inflation, as it pertains to the US, including gas prices. All of a sudden Margie, and lemmings like you are confused.

And 'ol Margies bill sucked so bad, she could only get 14 votes for it. That's embarrassing on every level, and another ass kicking delivered to MAGA world by Joe Biden.

How does t feel to have your ass kicked daily by Joe Biden? On everything?
/——-/ “So now that Biden has been nothing but a success in every aspect of his Presidency, including his handling of global inflation,”
I can’t stop laughing. BWHAHAHAHA BWHAHAHAHA

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