BRAKING: Putin tried to Kill his N1 critic Navlany in Germany. A second attack with the deadly nerve agent !


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
BRAKING: Putin tried to Kill his N1 critic Navlany in Germany . Bomb Bomb crime gang Ozero with oil - gas sanctions !! Moscow is the world´s N1 terrorist nest ! ; With cost of “black gold” at 15-23 dollars per barrel, the USSR economy collapsed, and the sovok itself collapsed, and the "golden" horde ("russia") budget can only be fulfilled only with oil price at $ 42.4 and higher


"That atropine saved his life,” former commander of the British army's Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Regiment, Hamish de Bretton-Gordon told The Times.

"Nerve agents cause multiple organ failure. The lungs give up first and you die. Used quickly, atropine reverses the effects."

The Times alleged that Russian security forces may have influenced the doctor who treated Navalny in Omsk — he would later announce that Putin's greatest critic was probably suffering from a metabolic disorder rather than poisoning.

German security ....the would-be assassins used this opportunity to carry out a second attack with the deadly nerve agent. "This was with a view to him being dead by the time he arrived in Berlin," the newspaper quoted one source as saying.



the killers names:
Alexey Alexandrov (40), Ivan Osipov (44) – both medical doctors – and Vladimir Panyaev (40)

update :
" three members of the spy unit purchased one-way tickets on flights for the following morning to the Siberian city of Novosibirsk,
where Mr. Navalny planned to meet with supporters involved in upcoming local elections, according to Bellingcat. One of them, Vladimir Panyaev, who traveled under his own name, is registered as living in an apartment in the same building as Mr. Navalny, according to Bellingcat. The two others, Alexey Alexandrov and Ivan Osipov, both medical doctors by training, traveled under aliases. "

be aware of these terrorists , they could live in your neighborhood right new ! they could kill your children , wife , mother , etc.

I hope you understand, that nothing of this BS is officially confirmed by any government agency or based at any legal source.

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