
ā€œNRA Membership And Gun Sales Are About To Spikeā€ Because Of CNN

Even I plan to get an NRA membership, and I donā€™t even own a gun!

Writing today for The Federalist, David Harsanyi predicted that ā€œNRA membership and gun sales are about to spikeā€ because of the disgraceful town hall CNN hosted Wednesday evening.

Harsanyiā€™s based his thesis on the deplorable behavior of the ā€œfreshly grieving children and parents [at the town hall] who aimed their ire at the NRA, politicians who are peripherally associated with the NRA and anyone who didnā€™t say exactly what they wanted to hear.ā€

ā€œ[A]ll their demonizing, heckling, sophistry, gaslighting, platitudes and emotional appealsā€ made it clear that what they truly seek is the full and unequivocal confiscation of firearms in America, according to Harsanyi.

Their demonic-like hatred for the Second Amendment, the National Rifle Association and anyone linked with the NRA was indeed more apparent than a neon night.

They compared Sen. Marco Rubio to Marjorie Stonemason Douglas High School mass shooting suspect Nikolas Cruz for accepting money from the NRA, and they accused NRA spokeswoman Dana Loesch of being a bad mother and ā€œmurdererā€ for defending the Second Amendment.

Meanwhile, they chanted like maniacs in favor of a ban on ā€œevery semiautomatic rifle in America,ā€ while ignoring less sensational (but significantly more realistic) proposals.

And this, Harsanyi argued, is why ā€œitā€™s almost guaranteed that NRA membership and gun sales are about to spikeā€ because of the town hall:

[E]vents like the CNNā€™s town hall go a long way in convincing gun owners that gun control advocates do have a desire to confiscate their weapons. They canā€™t confiscate weapons right now, so they support whatever feasible incremental steps are available to inch further toward that goal. We donā€™t know how this plays out in the long run. In the short run, though, it does nothing to stop the next school shooting.

In fact, in case you havenā€™t already, perhaps YOU too should consider signing up as an NRA member today!
I used to really enjoy Tom Selleck movies - until I found out he is a die-hard NaziCon on the NRA Board of Directors. I no longer watch anything with him in it. So is Ted Nugent - but I never liked him.

LMAO! People that stand up for the 2nd amendment are Nazis to dupes like you...... but yet Nazis disarmed helpless people i Germany.......you keep doubling down on "stupid" Lakhota.......
I used to really enjoy Tom Selleck movies - until I found out he is a die-hard NaziCon on the NRA Board of Directors. I no longer watch anything with him in it. So is Ted Nugent - but I never liked him.

LMAO! You and your fellow leftards are on the same page as the Communist Chinese.....birds of a feather flock together.

Chinese paper says U.S. should learn from China, restrict guns,...

All the libs should just move to China, but the Chinese would probably end up kicking them out.

The Chinese won't be able to handle the stench!
5th post

From a bunch of mouthy, ill-mannered teenagers? You leftists really haven't caught on to the nation's growing awareness of what a bunch of paper tigers you are, and how badly you've overused your "We're going to call you bad names! Fear us!" card. No one is interested in pandering for your approval any more.

Absolutely! I am SO tired of all of their whining and crying, really. They have no integrity and no dignity at all.
Trump and NRA logic:


Some schools districts across the country have allowed some teachers to have guns for years. Some have signs posted outside warning people that force will be used to protect the students.

The teachers who conceal carry volunteered to do so and have had extensive training. They have to continue training each year. No one knows who has the guns. Teachers who hate guns or are scared of them do not have to participate. You know damn well they'd be happy that such protection was available in the event the unthinkable happened.

Students who were interviewed in some of the schools say they feel safer because they know trained people are there at all times to protect them.

Congress people, presidents, wealthy people, and many in Hollywood (including those who rally against the 2nd amendment for others) know how much better it feels to have armed guards around them. It would be nice for students and parents to have that same peace of mind.

Of course, lib teachers are too busy trying to convince students to fear guns so they will never be good at defending them against real danger. Laws will never protect anyone either. If laws worked, no one would be able to buy illegal drugs. No criminals would ever have firearms. No one would get murdered. No one would die in an accident caused by drunk driving or texting while driving.

Or schools could start locking doors to make it difficult for just anyone to walk into the schools.

And when there are police around during a school shootings, maybe they could fucking do something other than stand outside while some nut job creates a crisis that the left will jump on to push their agenda.

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