

So, LaPierre was a Vietnam draft dodger. Not surprising.

Well, I can't stand this guy but it could or not be true seems it can't be substantiated.

FACT CHECK: Did NRA Leader Wayne LaPierre Receive a Draft Deferment for a 'Nervous Disorder'?

In other words, it's bullshit that should be roundfiled.
The hell with the NRA. Another PAC that has way more power than they deserve. Most Americans want to end gun violence in schools, that is OUR agenda. Less pandering to people that pander to manufactures and profiteers. What is THEIR "agenda"? And the people that fetishise guns, they don't represent Americans, either.
The hell with the NRA. Another PAC that has way more power than they deserve. Most Americans want to end gun violence in schools, that is OUR agenda. Less pandering to people that pander to manufactures and profiteers. What is THEIR "agenda"? And the people that fetishise guns, they don't represent Americans, either.

That's why I joined! I want them to pander to manufacturers and profiteers! WRONG!

I want them working to protect my 2nd Amendment rights.


So, LaPierre was a Vietnam draft dodger. Not surprising.

Well, I can't stand this guy but it could or not be true seems it can't be substantiated.

FACT CHECK: Did NRA Leader Wayne LaPierre Receive a Draft Deferment for a 'Nervous Disorder'?

From your link:


One detail did check out. Given his birthdate (8 November 1949), LaPierre would indeed have been assigned the number 97 in the first-ever Selective Service lottery of the Vietnam era, placing him in the “most likely to be drafted” category for 1970. And since there appears to be no published record or mention of LaPierre ever having served in the military, it’s reasonably safe to assume that he did receive a deferment of some kind — although, again, we’ve found no record or mention of it in any of the available biographical information.
The hell with the NRA. Another PAC that has way more power than they deserve. Most Americans want to end gun violence in schools, that is OUR agenda. Less pandering to people that pander to manufactures and profiteers. What is THEIR "agenda"? And the people that fetishise guns, they don't represent Americans, either.

That's why I joined! I want them to pander to manufacturers and profiteers! WRONG!

I want them working to protect my 2nd Amendment rights.

REMIND ME AGAIN, THAT A POLITICAL ACTION GROUP like the NRA represents America? Because neither they or pro gun groups represent America. Accept that.
NRA president warns of a hidden agenda in the anti gun backlash-Gee, we had a hidden backlash at Pearl Harbor by blaming the Japanese for it? Where does this madness end?
The hell with the NRA. Another PAC that has way more power than they deserve. Most Americans want to end gun violence in schools, that is OUR agenda. Less pandering to people that pander to manufactures and profiteers. What is THEIR "agenda"? And the people that fetishise guns, they don't represent Americans, either.

That's why I joined! I want them to pander to manufacturers and profiteers! WRONG!

I want them working to protect my 2nd Amendment rights.

REMIND ME AGAIN, THAT A POLITICAL ACTION GROUP like the NRA represents America? Because neither they or pro gun groups represent America. Accept that.

Learn to quote properly please. Then maybe your post will make sense.

Nope! Nevermind. It is still a load of crap!
View attachment 178618 Trump whores solution: Do nothing.

Russia's murder rate is much higher than ours, and they have some of the strictest gun control on earth.

Now what?

Of course you don’t read past the headlines.

  • Because of Russian culture. For instance, men are required to beat anybody a random woman asked for. Even if the man does not know the cause.
  • Police generally does nothing. Assault and beating are not considered a crime at all.
  • Punishments are very light. For a murder you typically would get 5–6 years in prison (officially, 8–10 but will be reduced for good behavior, which is nearly always unless you are some prominent serial killer or incite a rebellion in prison). In case you prove (for instance, with a witness) the victim behaved immorally (for instance harassed a girl or said something unpleasant) you may get only 2 years and that being probationary period, not actual prison.

That's the point. It is Russian culture. Just like our culture is our culture, the murder rate won't change.

The hell with the NRA. Another PAC that has way more power than they deserve. Most Americans want to end gun violence in schools, that is OUR agenda. Less pandering to people that pander to manufactures and profiteers. What is THEIR "agenda"? And the people that fetishise guns, they don't represent Americans, either.
so - to hell with the NRA cause they make money.

and then they wonder why talking is so hard to do.
Liberals already boycott the NRA. Who do they think will join them?

So tired of people wanting more gun laws when it won't make a difference.

These younger people have been indoctrinated to hate guns and are convinced that more laws will suddenly stop crazy people and criminals from being dangerous.

Where is the outrage from these same people about those who often text and drive. That kills a lot of people. Funny, considering it's against the law. Gee, a law was made to stop people from killing others on the highway and yet I still see so many young people on their phones when they are behind the wheel. And deaths from accidents caused by people on cell phones continues. I guess laws don't do shit if people are determined to be dangerous.

Drunk driving is against the law yet people die everyday because of these assholes.

Drugs like meth are against the law yet the problem increases.

Illegal immigration is against the law yet millions have poured in and the problem continues.

So, any laws will affect those who actually give a shit about following them. Those who do obey laws aren't the problem.

The wannabe tyrants who desire to destroy America and go to One World Order are the ones who do not want an armed populace. They have tricked many into believing that somehow we'll all be safer if we cede some of our rights. We won't be. Understand history. Learn what has happened in every country that banned guns. You think these shootings are shocking? Tens of millions of people have been murdered by governments after they were disarmed. And the reasons are many. Everything from dissention to nationality. Anyone who doesn't obey the regimes like a good little sheep won't live long.

Once we start down the road of restricting the 2nd amendment, we are on the way to eliminating it. Hillary came right out and said she doesn't believe we have a right to bear arms. She also told Wall Street people that she hoped for a one world government with no borders. They can't do that with armed patriots who want to keep America a free country.
It's to stop the lobby.

Many companies are doing it the last few days...

Indeed it is.

The massive leftist lobby of unions and etc.

Compared to those NRA doesn't even register as a lobby. Yet, because it lobbies against your flawed ideology, it must be immediately shut down.
Will Democrats run on disarming Americans?
havent they been doing that already

here is the inconsistency in these whackos

first they claim how the cops are killers

now they only want the cops to have guns


the brainwashed kiddies are hoping for things to be different

as they beg to have their rights taken away from them

Just saw one of the survivors on CNN asking why no news laws on firearms have been passed.


Well, that certainly says something about the quality of education at that school, if he doesn't know that laws don't get passed that quickly.

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