Boy Scout Name Change

They can, but they wanted into the Boy Scouts and have been for many years. Boys, normal boys, are going into Trail Life USA.
I don’t get why a little girl would want to join the Boy Scouts when the Girl Scouts already exist?
The Boy Scouts was dying way before the introduction of girls. I was involved in Scouts from the early 80’s until mid 2010’s. Real estate has eaten up many camps so finding a place to camp away from people is getting harder to do. Camping in the local park hearing cars all day just isn’t the same. Finding volunteers is getting harder as people live busier lives always connected by electronic devices. Even in the 90’s pagers would be going off around camp. A lot of sponsors imposed stricter limitations on activities. Mid 80’s taking a bunch of 12-14 year old kids up a mountain path almost guaranteed to end in a sprain or two was a great idea, now its a million dollar lawsuit waiting to happen. The last activity/campout I was involved in was a 24 Hour Lock In at the church. It was no longer the program I had grown up in.

For those who are complaining about the name change or allowing women in. When was the last time you volunteered your time to a scouting troop?
Anecdotal evidence isn't evidence no matter how hard you search internet porn sites to find it.
If I did search such sites I’d find you tied up in your underwear with an apple in your mouth.

Almost all pedophiles are male. Girls are two to three times more likely to be molested. Most adults are heterosexual. So we can conclude that homosexuals molest children at a far higher rate than heterosexuals.
Fags totally screwed up a good thing. They always do, remember AOL?

Fags fucked that up, too.

BSA and AOL, 2 things that faggots have fucked up.

Ofc, the BSA was around since the early 1900s, but that didn't stop the faggots from fucking it all up, now did it?

Who the fuck let them? That's who to be looking for.
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Many gay men are transitioning to female so they can hookup with straight men.
They wanted to learn boy stuff, like tying ropes, shooting guns and camping survival skills instead of girl stuff like baking cookies and sewing.
Girls scouts do all kinds of activities, including camping.

Girls scouts do all kinds of activities, including camping.

My daughters were Girl Scouts. What they do is not really camping, unless you call sleeping in a cabin in a camp, camping. I got a special award because I was the only Dad that showed up for meetings and activities because my wife worked nights.
If I did search such sites I’d find you tied up in your underwear with an apple in your mouth.

Almost all pedophiles are male. Girls are two to three times more likely to be molested. Most adults are heterosexual. So we can conclude that homosexuals molest children at a far higher rate than heterosexuals.
What you mean "we" Closet Queen.

"(National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse) 1 in 3 girls are sexually abused before the age of 18. (The Advocacy Center) 1 in 5 boys are sexually abused before the age of 18."

1/3 of girls
1/5 of boys/

How's it feel to get trapped in your own lie Gaybo.
J. Edgar Hoover was a transvestite, not gay.
According to his "boyfriend?"



Care to discuss your boy roy Cohn next?
What you mean "we" Closet Queen.

"(National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse) 1 in 3 girls are sexually abused before the age of 18. (The Advocacy Center) 1 in 5 boys are sexually abused before the age of 18."

1/3 of girls
1/5 of boys/

How's it feel to get trapped in your own lie Gaybo.
You should work on your math skills. You are not taking into account that homosexuals are only a tiny percentage of the total male population, about 4%.

If 30% of pedophilia is homosexual and
4% of men are homosexual
homosexuals on a per capita basis are far more likely to engage in pedophilia.

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