Box Office Flop Strange World Does Great On Disney Plus

Most likely is that people no longer want the expense and aggravation of going to a movie theater. I haven't been to one in years, even though I've wanted to see some movies as soon as they come out. But I would rather wait and watch it on my TV.

Add Covid to the mix and it's a disaster for theaters.
Most likely is that people no longer want the expense and aggravation of going to a movie theater. I haven't been to one in years, even though I've wanted to see some movies as soon as they come out. But I would rather wait and watch it on my TV.

Yeah, that's true too.
Gee, I wonder why. Perhaps it's because the majority of these people who get Disney Plus have the same agenda that Disney is trying to push.

It is an animated kid's movie. Disney is probably the big streamer of people that have small kids. I don't take Disney, either, not for political or ideology reasons, at 68 I have no small kids.
Disney is probably the big streamer of people that have small kids.

If I had small kids I wouldn't own Disney Plus. I just know how to stay away from the shitty woke agenda crap,... Which are mostly Disney's old movies.
If I had small kids I wouldn't own Disney Plus. I just know how to stay away from the shitty woke agenda crap,... Which are mostly Disney's old movies.
Disney's old movies were great and many are true classics. I watched them. You watched them. We all did, back in the day, seeing all of them and enjoying before some asshole came up with the term "woke", which is pretty meaningless in my book if not a political reactionary. They didn't do me or my kids any harm. I hope, someday you get over your trauma.
Disney's old movies were great and many are true classics. I watched them. You watched them. We all did, back in the day, seeing all of them and enjoying before some asshole came up with the term "woke", which is pretty meaningless in my book if not a political reactionary. They didn't do me or my kids any harm. I hope, someday you get over your trauma.

I was meaning that I mostly watch Disney's older movies and stay away from the newer ones.
Disney's old movies were great and many are true classics. I watched them. You watched them. We all did, back in the day, seeing all of them and enjoying before some asshole came up with the term "woke", which is pretty meaningless in my book if not a political reactionary. They didn't do me or my kids any harm. I hope, someday you get over your trauma.
i saw an abridged version of It's a Wonderful Life over Christmas. They destroyed the entire movie.
Gee, I wonder why. Perhaps it's because the majority of these people who get Disney Plus have the same agenda that Disney is trying to push.

Or that they don't have to pay extra to go see it in the theatre.

I watched it last week online for free. It wasn't BAD, but it wasn't all that good either. It WAS an interesting storyline though.
If I had small kids I wouldn't own Disney Plus. I just know how to stay away from the shitty woke agenda crap,... Which are mostly Disney's old movies.
We occasionally babysit our now nine year old granddaughter, including over night. Her parents subscribe to Disney+ for her and we use their sign in.

The only thing I have ever watched other than what the granddaughter had on was some of the Star Wars stuff.

I would not subscribe on my own.
i saw an abridged version of It's a Wonderful Life over Christmas. They destroyed the entire movie.
An abridged version of the classic Frank Cappa, Jimmy Stewart and Donna Reed Movie. Cutting that down in any way, seems like some kind of sin against, art, cinema, and Christmas itself.
Kids will watch animated shows if they are on.

I doubt in many cases the parents or the kids even know that the main character in this crap is a queer.

I suspect many parents trust Disney and really don't pay much attention to what their children watch.

I would never let my any of my grandkids watch a filth show like that.

No Disney grooming in my home to accept queers.
Or that they don't have to pay extra to go see it in the theatre.

I watched it last week online for free. It wasn't BAD, but it wasn't all that good either. It WAS an interesting storyline though.

I'm actually amazed you watched it considering the fact that you hate the woke agenda crap just like the rest of us. Just what exactly does having a gay character do for the storyline? Just curious.

An abridged version of the classic Frank Cappa, Jimmy Stewart and Donna Reed Movie. Cutting that down in any way, seems like some kind of sin against, art, cinema, and Christmas itself.

the biggest was that they cut out everything from George jumping in the water to save Clarence up to the point where George is running down the street of Bedford falls shouting Merry Christmas to everyone right before he goes home and finds the auditors waiting for him. ........that doesn't happen anymore does it. LOLOL
Meh, I figure it's about like any other streaming service folks pay for.....They have a "I paid for it so I'm going to watch it" attitude. ;)

I wonder if prostitutes have the same attitude after they find out that the client they're sleeping with makes their only reaction in bed hurling. Do they still go through with it if they're getting paid? I don't condone it at all, but this question was going to keep me up nights if I didn't ask it. 🤔

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