Both parties are full of it.

Every time I read anything anywhere about the news it is always the same. Republicans only care about big business. Democrats only care about their special interests.
The truth is neither care about you. Look at the Coronavirus bills. Republicans fighting to get money to business’s. Democrats fighting to get money to Planned Parenthood and the Kennedy Center. Two trillion dollars and what did the people get? Maybe $1,200.
Two Trillion if you divide it by 350 Million is $5,700. Every individual in the country could have been paid $5,700. Every man, woman, and child. But no. We needed the Kennedy Center to get some cash right?
Even now both sides are using the emergency to push their agenda. Illinois has Mayors trying to shut down gun stores. Texas is banning Abortion. Neither of which has a damned thing to do with the Virus.
Neither of them gives a flying fuck about you. If you vote Republican you are a dumb ass racist. If you vote Democrat you are a dumb assed socialist.
If you needed more proof that they do not care about you than the Coronavirus response should prove it to you. If you still do not see it pull your head out of the sand already.
Good post. Although we should be converting abortion centers, and all other non essential medical facilities to overflow spots for hospitals. And people do need jobs to come back to when this is over. The relief bill claims to bring relief mainly to small businesses. That will have to be seen. But many businesses are loosing tremendous amounts of money still paying for empty buildings, and expensive equipment that’s no longer making money.
What gets me are those that post it's only getting our own money back. Heck that money was long gone ages ago. This dough is coming from the ever increasing dependency on cash advances on the nation's credit card.
to a point youre right,,,except this money comes from money they have to borrow not from money they took previously,,,

And once we get out of this, that money should be paid back. I say a federal consumption tax would help do the trick.
Consumption taxes can make sense in certain circumstances, but we have to be very careful with them. The danger is they become a new avenue for the government to generate revenue, never go away, and only go up. Naturally, the other taxes never go down either. I'd like to see every tax have a sunset provision, wherein there is at least an opportunity for debate on renewing it or changing it.
Every time I read anything anywhere about the news it is always the same. Republicans only care about big business. Democrats only care about their special interests.
The truth is neither care about you. Look at the Coronavirus bills. Republicans fighting to get money to business’s. Democrats fighting to get money to Planned Parenthood and the Kennedy Center. Two trillion dollars and what did the people get? Maybe $1,200.
Two Trillion if you divide it by 350 Million is $5,700. Every individual in the country could have been paid $5,700. Every man, woman, and child. But no. We needed the Kennedy Center to get some cash right?
Even now both sides are using the emergency to push their agenda. Illinois has Mayors trying to shut down gun stores. Texas is banning Abortion. Neither of which has a damned thing to do with the Virus.
Neither of them gives a flying fuck about you. If you vote Republican you are a dumb ass racist. If you vote Democrat you are a dumb assed socialist.
If you needed more proof that they do not care about you than the Coronavirus response should prove it to you. If you still do not see it pull your head out of the sand already.
giving you $5700 is nice today. but when you don't keep the business that employs them afloat, they're DOA in a few months, max. the focus is and should be on keeping the chain alive as long as we can. all you're doing is trying to get max $ today and pretend the rest of the world won't be impacted without any help.

There is some truth to what you say. But it is not the whole truth. Boeing for example is in trouble not because of the Coronavirus. It is in trouble because they cut corners in the development of the 737 Max aircraft. So why push through rescue funds in this?

But let’s take regular business instead. Do you honestly think they will hire back all the employees they laid off? They might hire back half those folks. And that is the rub. We are going to see a huge spike in unemployment at the end of this thing. Unemployed people don’t take vacations and don’t fly. So the airlines are going to be hurting for years. Do we keep pumping money at them for those same years? Hotels same thing. The only way to keep those businesses afloat is for them to have customers. Nobody is going to be placing 737 Max orders for years. Even without this Virus the 737 Max was tainted and Boeing was facing some difficult times.

More unemployed means more homeless and that reduces the customer base further. So do we prop up the businesses for another year or two?
Every time I read anything anywhere about the news it is always the same. Republicans only care about big business. Democrats only care about their special interests.
The truth is neither care about you. Look at the Coronavirus bills. Republicans fighting to get money to business’s. Democrats fighting to get money to Planned Parenthood and the Kennedy Center. Two trillion dollars and what did the people get? Maybe $1,200.
Two Trillion if you divide it by 350 Million is $5,700. Every individual in the country could have been paid $5,700. Every man, woman, and child. But no. We needed the Kennedy Center to get some cash right?
Even now both sides are using the emergency to push their agenda. Illinois has Mayors trying to shut down gun stores. Texas is banning Abortion. Neither of which has a damned thing to do with the Virus.
Neither of them gives a flying fuck about you. If you vote Republican you are a dumb ass racist. If you vote Democrat you are a dumb assed socialist.
If you needed more proof that they do not care about you than the Coronavirus response should prove it to you. If you still do not see it pull your head out of the sand already.
giving you $5700 is nice today. but when you don't keep the business that employs them afloat, they're DOA in a few months, max. the focus is and should be on keeping the chain alive as long as we can. all you're doing is trying to get max $ today and pretend the rest of the world won't be impacted without any help.

There is some truth to what you say. But it is not the whole truth. Boeing for example is in trouble not because of the Coronavirus. It is in trouble because they cut corners in the development of the 737 Max aircraft. So why push through rescue funds in this?

But let’s take regular business instead. Do you honestly think they will hire back all the employees they laid off? They might hire back half those folks. And that is the rub. We are going to see a huge spike in unemployment at the end of this thing. Unemployed people don’t take vacations and don’t fly. So the airlines are going to be hurting for years. Do we keep pumping money at them for those same years? Hotels same thing. The only way to keep those businesses afloat is for them to have customers. Nobody is going to be placing 737 Max orders for years. Even without this Virus the 737 Max was tainted and Boeing was facing some difficult times.

More unemployed means more homeless and that reduces the customer base further. So do we prop up the businesses for another year or two?
for now - it's all about jobs in my mind. i was against obama bailing out GM because yes, GM was bad management. so if this were JUST bailing out Boeing, i'd also be against it for the same reasons. if boeing goes under then how many jobs go with it? on it's own, i could still live with that. sucks but business go under when they don't perform. kinda the model regardless of size.

but the impact of that # unemployed *right now* has to be considered when so many others are fighting for their existence for reasons *not* related to anything they've done. now all that said, i would still agree boeing isn't for the same reasons as the rest, but the impact of them going under *would* be.

boeing has some rough turbulance ahead in any event; that's for sure. they brought it on themselves due to their shortcuts and product defects. they kill any company in time.
What gets me are those that post it's only getting our own money back. Heck that money was long gone ages ago. This dough is coming from the ever increasing dependency on cash advances on the nation's credit card.
to a point youre right,,,except this money comes from money they have to borrow not from money they took previously,,,

And once we get out of this, that money should be paid back. I say a federal consumption tax would help do the trick.
Consumption taxes can make sense in certain circumstances, but we have to be very careful with them. The danger is they become a new avenue for the government to generate revenue, never go away, and only go up. Naturally, the other taxes never go down either. I'd like to see every tax have a sunset provision, wherein there is at least an opportunity for debate on renewing it or changing it.

Where I live, we've had a consumption tax for years. When they want to spend more money on useless shit, we get to vote on it. If a levy passes, they increase the tax. Our state and county tax combined is currently 8 cents on every dollar spent. The rich pay it, the poor pay it, and anybody in between pays it.

What a consumption tax does is make people more conscious about government spending. We just spent 2.2 trillion dollars, and maybe spending more down the road. What do I care? I'm not going to pay for it. Government is giving me free stuff. If it causes the country to collapse, I'll be long off this planet by then. Tax the rich people if you need money!!!

This is the attitude a lot of Americans have.
Every time I read anything anywhere about the news it is always the same. Republicans only care about big business. Democrats only care about their special interests.
The truth is neither care about you. Look at the Coronavirus bills. Republicans fighting to get money to business’s. Democrats fighting to get money to Planned Parenthood and the Kennedy Center. Two trillion dollars and what did the people get? Maybe $1,200.
Two Trillion if you divide it by 350 Million is $5,700. Every individual in the country could have been paid $5,700. Every man, woman, and child. But no. We needed the Kennedy Center to get some cash right?
Even now both sides are using the emergency to push their agenda. Illinois has Mayors trying to shut down gun stores. Texas is banning Abortion. Neither of which has a damned thing to do with the Virus.
Neither of them gives a flying fuck about you. If you vote Republican you are a dumb ass racist. If you vote Democrat you are a dumb assed socialist.
If you needed more proof that they do not care about you than the Coronavirus response should prove it to you. If you still do not see it pull your head out of the sand already.
Republicans are bad

but democrats are even worse

My Father asked me a question once. Would you rather be crushed by a ton of feathers or a ton of lead. It doesn’t matter what the ton is made up of. The important part is the ton crushing you. That is the Republican and Democrat situation. It is being crushed by the ton instead of what the ton is made up of.
I dont agree

I’m biased

but in my opinion the repubs are much less bad than the dems

Great. So help me out here. What exactly does millions of dollars to the Kennedy Center have to do with Coronavirus? How about tax credits for wind and solar power? Is Coronavirus transmitted by other electrical production methods?

The Democrats May be throwing a bone to the people. But they’re throwing Filet Mignon to their own pet causes. You and I are getting the table scraps my friend.
Tax credits for wind and solar have nothing to do with the chinese virus

its just pelosi milking a crisis

And now to the Republicans yanking on the Udders until the cow gives Powdered Milk.

  • A windfall for real estate investors allowing them “to use losses generated by real estate to minimize their taxes on profits from things like investments in the stock market. The estimated cost of the change over 10 years is $170 billion,” according to the New York Times.
  • $17 billion in loans for “businesses critical to maintaining national security,” a provision seemingly targeted solely at Boeing.
  • $25 billion in grants and $25 billion in loans for the airline industry.
  • A series of regulatory changessought by the banking industry.
  • A tweak to the tax code, retroactive to 2018, allowing certain retailers to more quickly write off expenses they incurred upgrading their properties.
  • A series of other tax changesthat in many cases take concessions business made in exchange for lower tax rates in Trump’s 2017 tax cut and eliminate them for a period of years. As one budget expert said to me, “corporations and pass-through owners are having their cake from [the 2017 tax cut] and eating it too.”
  • A gift to for-profit colleges: They’ll be able to keep loan money for students who drop out due to the coronavirus.
  • Help for manufacturers of “innovative” sunscreen technology.
  • A six-month extension of funding for abstinence-only education.
  • An expansion of the services that health savings accounts, which mostly benefit wealthier people, can pay for.
  • A provision allowing many hotel chains to access the $350 billion in loans intended for small businesses if their individual hotels employ fewer than 500 workers each. Unlike the loans in the fund intended for large businesses, many of these loans will not have to be repaid if the money is used mostly to keep workers on the payroll. This could allow large firms with the ability to successfully navigate the program to scoop up a significant portion of this fund, potentially pushing aside actual small businesses.

  • So thank God that the Republicans are looking out for us. Right?
Trimp and the republicans are pro business

thats good for working Americans and America overall

its not the socialist paradise where everyone works for the government that dems prefer

but I think its what most people want

Pro Business. That would have meant fewer regulations and more opportunity to succeed in the days of Reagan. Now. It appears to mean that Government hands the businesses truck loads of cash. If Socialism is where everyone works for the Government what do you call it when Government works for corporations?
Trump cut back regulations during the first 3 years

now a deadly virus from china threatens not only America but the whole world and most businesses will be shut down for months

that calls for drastic action
Every time I read anything anywhere about the news it is always the same. Republicans only care about big business. Democrats only care about their special interests.
The truth is neither care about you. Look at the Coronavirus bills. Republicans fighting to get money to business’s. Democrats fighting to get money to Planned Parenthood and the Kennedy Center. Two trillion dollars and what did the people get? Maybe $1,200.
Two Trillion if you divide it by 350 Million is $5,700. Every individual in the country could have been paid $5,700. Every man, woman, and child. But no. We needed the Kennedy Center to get some cash right?
Even now both sides are using the emergency to push their agenda. Illinois has Mayors trying to shut down gun stores. Texas is banning Abortion. Neither of which has a damned thing to do with the Virus.
Neither of them gives a flying fuck about you. If you vote Republican you are a dumb ass racist. If you vote Democrat you are a dumb assed socialist.
If you needed more proof that they do not care about you than the Coronavirus response should prove it to you. If you still do not see it pull your head out of the sand already.
Republicans are bad

but democrats are even worse

My Father asked me a question once. Would you rather be crushed by a ton of feathers or a ton of lead. It doesn’t matter what the ton is made up of. The important part is the ton crushing you. That is the Republican and Democrat situation. It is being crushed by the ton instead of what the ton is made up of.
I dont agree

I’m biased

but in my opinion the repubs are much less bad than the dems

Great. So help me out here. What exactly does millions of dollars to the Kennedy Center have to do with Coronavirus? How about tax credits for wind and solar power? Is Coronavirus transmitted by other electrical production methods?

The Democrats May be throwing a bone to the people. But they’re throwing Filet Mignon to their own pet causes. You and I are getting the table scraps my friend.
Tax credits for wind and solar have nothing to do with the chinese virus

its just pelosi milking a crisis

And now to the Republicans yanking on the Udders until the cow gives Powdered Milk.

  • A windfall for real estate investors allowing them “to use losses generated by real estate to minimize their taxes on profits from things like investments in the stock market. The estimated cost of the change over 10 years is $170 billion,” according to the New York Times.
  • $17 billion in loans for “businesses critical to maintaining national security,” a provision seemingly targeted solely at Boeing.
  • $25 billion in grants and $25 billion in loans for the airline industry.
  • A series of regulatory changessought by the banking industry.
  • A tweak to the tax code, retroactive to 2018, allowing certain retailers to more quickly write off expenses they incurred upgrading their properties.
  • A series of other tax changesthat in many cases take concessions business made in exchange for lower tax rates in Trump’s 2017 tax cut and eliminate them for a period of years. As one budget expert said to me, “corporations and pass-through owners are having their cake from [the 2017 tax cut] and eating it too.”
  • A gift to for-profit colleges: They’ll be able to keep loan money for students who drop out due to the coronavirus.
  • Help for manufacturers of “innovative” sunscreen technology.
  • A six-month extension of funding for abstinence-only education.
  • An expansion of the services that health savings accounts, which mostly benefit wealthier people, can pay for.
  • A provision allowing many hotel chains to access the $350 billion in loans intended for small businesses if their individual hotels employ fewer than 500 workers each. Unlike the loans in the fund intended for large businesses, many of these loans will not have to be repaid if the money is used mostly to keep workers on the payroll. This could allow large firms with the ability to successfully navigate the program to scoop up a significant portion of this fund, potentially pushing aside actual small businesses.

  • So thank God that the Republicans are looking out for us. Right?
Trimp and the republicans are pro business

thats good for working Americans and America overall

its not the socialist paradise where everyone works for the government that dems prefer

but I think its what most people want

Pro Business. That would have meant fewer regulations and more opportunity to succeed in the days of Reagan. Now. It appears to mean that Government hands the businesses truck loads of cash. If Socialism is where everyone works for the Government what do you call it when Government works for corporations?
Trump cut back regulations during the first 3 years

now a deadly virus from china threatens not only America but the whole world and most businesses will be shut down for months

that calls for drastic action
what were the regulations he cut back?
how did it directly impact our ability to respond?

need a bit more to validate the impact of one to the other. this "i hate trump so the logical connection is there" is tired ass bullshit anymore.
Every time I read anything anywhere about the news it is always the same. Republicans only care about big business. Democrats only care about their special interests.
The truth is neither care about you. Look at the Coronavirus bills. Republicans fighting to get money to business’s. Democrats fighting to get money to Planned Parenthood and the Kennedy Center. Two trillion dollars and what did the people get? Maybe $1,200.
Two Trillion if you divide it by 350 Million is $5,700. Every individual in the country could have been paid $5,700. Every man, woman, and child. But no. We needed the Kennedy Center to get some cash right?
Even now both sides are using the emergency to push their agenda. Illinois has Mayors trying to shut down gun stores. Texas is banning Abortion. Neither of which has a damned thing to do with the Virus.
Neither of them gives a flying fuck about you. If you vote Republican you are a dumb ass racist. If you vote Democrat you are a dumb assed socialist.
If you needed more proof that they do not care about you than the Coronavirus response should prove it to you. If you still do not see it pull your head out of the sand already.
Republicans are bad

but democrats are even worse

My Father asked me a question once. Would you rather be crushed by a ton of feathers or a ton of lead. It doesn’t matter what the ton is made up of. The important part is the ton crushing you. That is the Republican and Democrat situation. It is being crushed by the ton instead of what the ton is made up of.
I dont agree

I’m biased

but in my opinion the repubs are much less bad than the dems

Great. So help me out here. What exactly does millions of dollars to the Kennedy Center have to do with Coronavirus? How about tax credits for wind and solar power? Is Coronavirus transmitted by other electrical production methods?

The Democrats May be throwing a bone to the people. But they’re throwing Filet Mignon to their own pet causes. You and I are getting the table scraps my friend.
Tax credits for wind and solar have nothing to do with the chinese virus

its just pelosi milking a crisis

And now to the Republicans yanking on the Udders until the cow gives Powdered Milk.

  • A windfall for real estate investors allowing them “to use losses generated by real estate to minimize their taxes on profits from things like investments in the stock market. The estimated cost of the change over 10 years is $170 billion,” according to the New York Times.
  • $17 billion in loans for “businesses critical to maintaining national security,” a provision seemingly targeted solely at Boeing.
  • $25 billion in grants and $25 billion in loans for the airline industry.
  • A series of regulatory changessought by the banking industry.
  • A tweak to the tax code, retroactive to 2018, allowing certain retailers to more quickly write off expenses they incurred upgrading their properties.
  • A series of other tax changesthat in many cases take concessions business made in exchange for lower tax rates in Trump’s 2017 tax cut and eliminate them for a period of years. As one budget expert said to me, “corporations and pass-through owners are having their cake from [the 2017 tax cut] and eating it too.”
  • A gift to for-profit colleges: They’ll be able to keep loan money for students who drop out due to the coronavirus.
  • Help for manufacturers of “innovative” sunscreen technology.
  • A six-month extension of funding for abstinence-only education.
  • An expansion of the services that health savings accounts, which mostly benefit wealthier people, can pay for.
  • A provision allowing many hotel chains to access the $350 billion in loans intended for small businesses if their individual hotels employ fewer than 500 workers each. Unlike the loans in the fund intended for large businesses, many of these loans will not have to be repaid if the money is used mostly to keep workers on the payroll. This could allow large firms with the ability to successfully navigate the program to scoop up a significant portion of this fund, potentially pushing aside actual small businesses.

  • So thank God that the Republicans are looking out for us. Right?
Trimp and the republicans are pro business

thats good for working Americans and America overall

its not the socialist paradise where everyone works for the government that dems prefer

but I think its what most people want

Pro Business. That would have meant fewer regulations and more opportunity to succeed in the days of Reagan. Now. It appears to mean that Government hands the businesses truck loads of cash. If Socialism is where everyone works for the Government what do you call it when Government works for corporations?
Trump cut back regulations during the first 3 years

now a deadly virus from china threatens not only America but the whole world and most businesses will be shut down for months

that calls for drastic action
what were the regulations he cut back?
how did it directly impact our ability to respond?

need a bit more to validate the impact of one to the other. this "i hate trump so the logical connection is there" is tired ass bullshit anymore.

in fact we are better able to respond by fast tracking the drug approval process
Every time I read anything anywhere about the news it is always the same. Republicans only care about big business. Democrats only care about their special interests.
The truth is neither care about you. Look at the Coronavirus bills. Republicans fighting to get money to business’s. Democrats fighting to get money to Planned Parenthood and the Kennedy Center. Two trillion dollars and what did the people get? Maybe $1,200.
Two Trillion if you divide it by 350 Million is $5,700. Every individual in the country could have been paid $5,700. Every man, woman, and child. But no. We needed the Kennedy Center to get some cash right?
Even now both sides are using the emergency to push their agenda. Illinois has Mayors trying to shut down gun stores. Texas is banning Abortion. Neither of which has a damned thing to do with the Virus.
Neither of them gives a flying fuck about you. If you vote Republican you are a dumb ass racist. If you vote Democrat you are a dumb assed socialist.
If you needed more proof that they do not care about you than the Coronavirus response should prove it to you. If you still do not see it pull your head out of the sand already.

To make matters worse as of two days ago it was announced that the Kennedy Center will stop paying it's musicians. 25 mil well spent. Thanks Nancy.

Thanks Trump.
Fat Donnie is all in for the Kennedy center:

"President Trump on Wednesday defended the inclusion of $25 million in funding for the Kennedy Center as part of the massive economic relief bill aimed at boosting small businesses and workers harmed by the fallout of the coronavirus."

"I’m a fan of that," Trump said of the funding. "I haven’t spent time there because I’m far too busy. I’d love to go there evenings, but I’m too busy doing things."

Every time I read anything anywhere about the news it is always the same. Republicans only care about big business. Democrats only care about their special interests.
The truth is neither care about you. Look at the Coronavirus bills. Republicans fighting to get money to business’s. Democrats fighting to get money to Planned Parenthood and the Kennedy Center. Two trillion dollars and what did the people get? Maybe $1,200.
Two Trillion if you divide it by 350 Million is $5,700. Every individual in the country could have been paid $5,700. Every man, woman, and child. But no. We needed the Kennedy Center to get some cash right?
Even now both sides are using the emergency to push their agenda. Illinois has Mayors trying to shut down gun stores. Texas is banning Abortion. Neither of which has a damned thing to do with the Virus.
Neither of them gives a flying fuck about you. If you vote Republican you are a dumb ass racist. If you vote Democrat you are a dumb assed socialist.
If you needed more proof that they do not care about you than the Coronavirus response should prove it to you. If you still do not see it pull your head out of the sand already.

To make matters worse as of two days ago it was announced that the Kennedy Center will stop paying it's musicians. 25 mil well spent. Thanks Nancy.

Thanks Trump.
Fat Donnie is all in for the Kennedy center:

"President Trump on Wednesday defended the inclusion of $25 million in funding for the Kennedy Center as part of the massive economic relief bill aimed at boosting small businesses and workers harmed by the fallout of the coronavirus."

"I’m a fan of that," Trump said of the funding. "I haven’t spent time there because I’m far too busy. I’d love to go there evenings, but I’m too busy doing things."

Your article is from March 25th, two days before Trump signed the bill and before it was know the Kennedy Center wasn't going to pay it's musicians. Liberals. smh LOL

Again, Thanks Nancy Pelosi.
Every time I read anything anywhere about the news it is always the same. Republicans only care about big business. Democrats only care about their special interests.
The truth is neither care about you. Look at the Coronavirus bills. Republicans fighting to get money to business’s. Democrats fighting to get money to Planned Parenthood and the Kennedy Center. Two trillion dollars and what did the people get? Maybe $1,200.
Two Trillion if you divide it by 350 Million is $5,700. Every individual in the country could have been paid $5,700. Every man, woman, and child. But no. We needed the Kennedy Center to get some cash right?
Even now both sides are using the emergency to push their agenda. Illinois has Mayors trying to shut down gun stores. Texas is banning Abortion. Neither of which has a damned thing to do with the Virus.
Neither of them gives a flying fuck about you. If you vote Republican you are a dumb ass racist. If you vote Democrat you are a dumb assed socialist.
If you needed more proof that they do not care about you than the Coronavirus response should prove it to you. If you still do not see it pull your head out of the sand already.

To make matters worse as of two days ago it was announced that the Kennedy Center will stop paying it's musicians. 25 mil well spent. Thanks Nancy.

Thanks Trump.
Fat Donnie is all in for the Kennedy center:

"President Trump on Wednesday defended the inclusion of $25 million in funding for the Kennedy Center as part of the massive economic relief bill aimed at boosting small businesses and workers harmed by the fallout of the coronavirus."

"I’m a fan of that," Trump said of the funding. "I haven’t spent time there because I’m far too busy. I’d love to go there evenings, but I’m too busy doing things."

Your article is from March 25th, two days before Trump signed the bill and before it was know the Kennedy Center wasn't going to pay it's musicians. Liberals. smh LOL

Again, Thanks Nancy Pelosi.
Doesn't change what he said either. Did he sign the bill?
Every time I read anything anywhere about the news it is always the same. Republicans only care about big business. Democrats only care about their special interests.
The truth is neither care about you. Look at the Coronavirus bills. Republicans fighting to get money to business’s. Democrats fighting to get money to Planned Parenthood and the Kennedy Center. Two trillion dollars and what did the people get? Maybe $1,200.
Two Trillion if you divide it by 350 Million is $5,700. Every individual in the country could have been paid $5,700. Every man, woman, and child. But no. We needed the Kennedy Center to get some cash right?
Even now both sides are using the emergency to push their agenda. Illinois has Mayors trying to shut down gun stores. Texas is banning Abortion. Neither of which has a damned thing to do with the Virus.
Neither of them gives a flying fuck about you. If you vote Republican you are a dumb ass racist. If you vote Democrat you are a dumb assed socialist.
If you needed more proof that they do not care about you than the Coronavirus response should prove it to you. If you still do not see it pull your head out of the sand already.

To make matters worse as of two days ago it was announced that the Kennedy Center will stop paying it's musicians. 25 mil well spent. Thanks Nancy.

Thanks Trump.
Fat Donnie is all in for the Kennedy center:

"President Trump on Wednesday defended the inclusion of $25 million in funding for the Kennedy Center as part of the massive economic relief bill aimed at boosting small businesses and workers harmed by the fallout of the coronavirus."

"I’m a fan of that," Trump said of the funding. "I haven’t spent time there because I’m far too busy. I’d love to go there evenings, but I’m too busy doing things."

Your article is from March 25th, two days before Trump signed the bill and before it was know the Kennedy Center wasn't going to pay it's musicians. Liberals. smh LOL

Again, Thanks Nancy Pelosi.
Doesn't change what he said either. Did he sign the bill?

Of course it changes. That's why GOP Rep. Bryan Steil introduced a bill to rescind the $25 million. This was originally Pelosi's pork project.

Every time I read anything anywhere about the news it is always the same. Republicans only care about big business. Democrats only care about their special interests.
The truth is neither care about you. Look at the Coronavirus bills. Republicans fighting to get money to business’s. Democrats fighting to get money to Planned Parenthood and the Kennedy Center. Two trillion dollars and what did the people get? Maybe $1,200.
Two Trillion if you divide it by 350 Million is $5,700. Every individual in the country could have been paid $5,700. Every man, woman, and child. But no. We needed the Kennedy Center to get some cash right?
Even now both sides are using the emergency to push their agenda. Illinois has Mayors trying to shut down gun stores. Texas is banning Abortion. Neither of which has a damned thing to do with the Virus.
Neither of them gives a flying fuck about you. If you vote Republican you are a dumb ass racist. If you vote Democrat you are a dumb assed socialist.
If you needed more proof that they do not care about you than the Coronavirus response should prove it to you. If you still do not see it pull your head out of the sand already.

To make matters worse as of two days ago it was announced that the Kennedy Center will stop paying it's musicians. 25 mil well spent. Thanks Nancy.

Thanks Trump.
Fat Donnie is all in for the Kennedy center:

"President Trump on Wednesday defended the inclusion of $25 million in funding for the Kennedy Center as part of the massive economic relief bill aimed at boosting small businesses and workers harmed by the fallout of the coronavirus."

"I’m a fan of that," Trump said of the funding. "I haven’t spent time there because I’m far too busy. I’d love to go there evenings, but I’m too busy doing things."

Your article is from March 25th, two days before Trump signed the bill and before it was know the Kennedy Center wasn't going to pay it's musicians. Liberals. smh LOL

Again, Thanks Nancy Pelosi.
Doesn't change what he said either. Did he sign the bill?

Of course it changes. That's why GOP Rep. Bryan Steil introduced a bill to rescind the $25 million. This was originally Pelosi's pork project.

Was Trump all in or not?
Every time I read anything anywhere about the news it is always the same. Republicans only care about big business. Democrats only care about their special interests.
The truth is neither care about you. Look at the Coronavirus bills. Republicans fighting to get money to business’s. Democrats fighting to get money to Planned Parenthood and the Kennedy Center. Two trillion dollars and what did the people get? Maybe $1,200.
Two Trillion if you divide it by 350 Million is $5,700. Every individual in the country could have been paid $5,700. Every man, woman, and child. But no. We needed the Kennedy Center to get some cash right?
Even now both sides are using the emergency to push their agenda. Illinois has Mayors trying to shut down gun stores. Texas is banning Abortion. Neither of which has a damned thing to do with the Virus.
Neither of them gives a flying fuck about you. If you vote Republican you are a dumb ass racist. If you vote Democrat you are a dumb assed socialist.
If you needed more proof that they do not care about you than the Coronavirus response should prove it to you. If you still do not see it pull your head out of the sand already.
giving you $5700 is nice today. but when you don't keep the business that employs them afloat, they're DOA in a few months, max. the focus is and should be on keeping the chain alive as long as we can. all you're doing is trying to get max $ today and pretend the rest of the world won't be impacted without any help.

There is some truth to what you say. But it is not the whole truth. Boeing for example is in trouble not because of the Coronavirus. It is in trouble because they cut corners in the development of the 737 Max aircraft. So why push through rescue funds in this?

But let’s take regular business instead. Do you honestly think they will hire back all the employees they laid off? They might hire back half those folks. And that is the rub. We are going to see a huge spike in unemployment at the end of this thing. Unemployed people don’t take vacations and don’t fly. So the airlines are going to be hurting for years. Do we keep pumping money at them for those same years? Hotels same thing. The only way to keep those businesses afloat is for them to have customers. Nobody is going to be placing 737 Max orders for years. Even without this Virus the 737 Max was tainted and Boeing was facing some difficult times.

More unemployed means more homeless and that reduces the customer base further. So do we prop up the businesses for another year or two?
for now - it's all about jobs in my mind. i was against obama bailing out GM because yes, GM was bad management. so if this were JUST bailing out Boeing, i'd also be against it for the same reasons. if boeing goes under then how many jobs go with it? on it's own, i could still live with that. sucks but business go under when they don't perform. kinda the model regardless of size.

but the impact of that # unemployed *right now* has to be considered when so many others are fighting for their existence for reasons *not* related to anything they've done. now all that said, i would still agree boeing isn't for the same reasons as the rest, but the impact of them going under *would* be.

boeing has some rough turbulance ahead in any event; that's for sure. they brought it on themselves due to their shortcuts and product defects. they kill any company in time.

So Boeing, like the Banks, and GM, is too big to be allowed to fail. Odd isn’t it, that we reward so much failure in a Capitalist Society? A Capitalist Society would shrug and wish the workers well. A Social Democracy would offer unemployment and job training to get the workers started somewhere else. What kind of Economic System would take the failures, and fund them until they were if not profitable than at least losing less?

That aside, we need to be honest here. First and Foremost we need to admit that the unemployment is going to be up for a couple years after this. The Companies are going to be slow to hire everyone back. To recall the Laid Off workers. They are going to be cautious, and concerned about a slow return to economic normal. The pulverized Stock market is not going to give them reassurance. So those companies we are bailing out, are probably not going to be Recalling a lot of workers anytime soon. If the second wave of this Virus kicks off in the Autumn as they are now predicting, then put a fork in the economy, it’s toast for at least three to five years. No amount of stimulus will get it going again.

All those small businesses we are trying to save, will fail anyway In that case.

So what can we do to stimulate this economic disaster and try and get it going again? Stimulating the bosses so they can maintain their standard of living isn’t going to do it. We know they are going to be cautious and not hire back all of those who were laid off. Grants and Loans will just kick the can down the road, so the business fails in 2021, either in the beginning of Biden’s first term, probably only term, or in Trump’s second.

If it is Biden, then he will blame Trump for screwing up the economy with his insane policies and the Democratic Congress will pass huge new legislation stripping more of our rights and taking more control and moving us closer to the Socialist state in name we already are in practice. If it is Trump’s second term, then the Democratic Congress will pass legislation stripping away more rights and moving us closer to the Socialist State we are in reality if not in name. And Trump will sign it, and claim credit claiming he called for this when he saw how bad the economy was getting.

Now, all of this is easily predictable. It is merely a continuation of what they are doing right now. Taking the crisis and using it to do what they want to do anyway. It is an excuse, allowing the corruptocrats in Washington to Fund their cronies and friends with money we won’t pay for two generations.

It is the inevitable result when neither party has core beliefs that they will not violate. The only thing they truly believe in is winning the next election, and defeating the enemy, or the opposition party, or those bastards, depending on who you are talking to.


  • B30E7D10-3E4D-4898-93DB-D012BE34DEED.jpeg
    51.5 KB · Views: 21
Every time I read anything anywhere about the news it is always the same. Republicans only care about big business. Democrats only care about their special interests.
The truth is neither care about you. Look at the Coronavirus bills. Republicans fighting to get money to business’s. Democrats fighting to get money to Planned Parenthood and the Kennedy Center. Two trillion dollars and what did the people get? Maybe $1,200.
Two Trillion if you divide it by 350 Million is $5,700. Every individual in the country could have been paid $5,700. Every man, woman, and child. But no. We needed the Kennedy Center to get some cash right?
Even now both sides are using the emergency to push their agenda. Illinois has Mayors trying to shut down gun stores. Texas is banning Abortion. Neither of which has a damned thing to do with the Virus.
Neither of them gives a flying fuck about you. If you vote Republican you are a dumb ass racist. If you vote Democrat you are a dumb assed socialist.
If you needed more proof that they do not care about you than the Coronavirus response should prove it to you. If you still do not see it pull your head out of the sand already.
giving you $5700 is nice today. but when you don't keep the business that employs them afloat, they're DOA in a few months, max. the focus is and should be on keeping the chain alive as long as we can. all you're doing is trying to get max $ today and pretend the rest of the world won't be impacted without any help.

There is some truth to what you say. But it is not the whole truth. Boeing for example is in trouble not because of the Coronavirus. It is in trouble because they cut corners in the development of the 737 Max aircraft. So why push through rescue funds in this?

But let’s take regular business instead. Do you honestly think they will hire back all the employees they laid off? They might hire back half those folks. And that is the rub. We are going to see a huge spike in unemployment at the end of this thing. Unemployed people don’t take vacations and don’t fly. So the airlines are going to be hurting for years. Do we keep pumping money at them for those same years? Hotels same thing. The only way to keep those businesses afloat is for them to have customers. Nobody is going to be placing 737 Max orders for years. Even without this Virus the 737 Max was tainted and Boeing was facing some difficult times.

More unemployed means more homeless and that reduces the customer base further. So do we prop up the businesses for another year or two?
for now - it's all about jobs in my mind. i was against obama bailing out GM because yes, GM was bad management. so if this were JUST bailing out Boeing, i'd also be against it for the same reasons. if boeing goes under then how many jobs go with it? on it's own, i could still live with that. sucks but business go under when they don't perform. kinda the model regardless of size.

but the impact of that # unemployed *right now* has to be considered when so many others are fighting for their existence for reasons *not* related to anything they've done. now all that said, i would still agree boeing isn't for the same reasons as the rest, but the impact of them going under *would* be.

boeing has some rough turbulance ahead in any event; that's for sure. they brought it on themselves due to their shortcuts and product defects. they kill any company in time.

So Boeing, like the Banks, and GM, is too big to be allowed to fail. Odd isn’t it, that we reward so much failure in a Capitalist Society? A Capitalist Society would shrug and wish the workers well. A Social Democracy would offer unemployment and job training to get the workers started somewhere else. What kind of Economic System would take the failures, and fund them until they were if not profitable than at least losing less?

That aside, we need to be honest here. First and Foremost we need to admit that the unemployment is going to be up for a couple years after this. The Companies are going to be slow to hire everyone back. To recall the Laid Off workers. They are going to be cautious, and concerned about a slow return to economic normal. The pulverized Stock market is not going to give them reassurance. So those companies we are bailing out, are probably not going to be Recalling a lot of workers anytime soon. If the second wave of this Virus kicks off in the Autumn as they are now predicting, then put a fork in the economy, it’s toast for at least three to five years. No amount of stimulus will get it going again.

All those small businesses we are trying to save, will fail anyway In that case.

So what can we do to stimulate this economic disaster and try and get it going again? Stimulating the bosses so they can maintain their standard of living isn’t going to do it. We know they are going to be cautious and not hire back all of those who were laid off. Grants and Loans will just kick the can down the road, so the business fails in 2021, either in the beginning of Biden’s first term, probably only term, or in Trump’s second.

If it is Biden, then he will blame Trump for screwing up the economy with his insane policies and the Democratic Congress will pass huge new legislation stripping more of our rights and taking more control and moving us closer to the Socialist state in name we already are in practice. If it is Trump’s second term, then the Democratic Congress will pass legislation stripping away more rights and moving us closer to the Socialist State we are in reality if not in name. And Trump will sign it, and claim credit claiming he called for this when he saw how bad the economy was getting.

Now, all of this is easily predictable. It is merely a continuation of what they are doing right now. Taking the crisis and using it to do what they want to do anyway. It is an excuse, allowing the corruptocrats in Washington to Fund their cronies and friends with money we won’t pay for two generations.

It is the inevitable result when neither party has core beliefs that they will not violate. The only thing they truly believe in is winning the next election, and defeating the enemy, or the opposition party, or those bastards, depending on who you are talking to.
I won't put up a strong argument to bail out Boeing. I just feel that we need to focus on those impacted even if it means bailing them out. But yes that's hard to say because I'd been against it previously.

These times just suck.
Every time I read anything anywhere about the news it is always the same. Republicans only care about big business. Democrats only care about their special interests.
The truth is neither care about you. Look at the Coronavirus bills. Republicans fighting to get money to business’s. Democrats fighting to get money to Planned Parenthood and the Kennedy Center. Two trillion dollars and what did the people get? Maybe $1,200.
Two Trillion if you divide it by 350 Million is $5,700. Every individual in the country could have been paid $5,700. Every man, woman, and child. But no. We needed the Kennedy Center to get some cash right?
Even now both sides are using the emergency to push their agenda. Illinois has Mayors trying to shut down gun stores. Texas is banning Abortion. Neither of which has a damned thing to do with the Virus.
Neither of them gives a flying fuck about you. If you vote Republican you are a dumb ass racist. If you vote Democrat you are a dumb assed socialist.
If you needed more proof that they do not care about you than the Coronavirus response should prove it to you. If you still do not see it pull your head out of the sand already.
giving you $5700 is nice today. but when you don't keep the business that employs them afloat, they're DOA in a few months, max. the focus is and should be on keeping the chain alive as long as we can. all you're doing is trying to get max $ today and pretend the rest of the world won't be impacted without any help.

There is some truth to what you say. But it is not the whole truth. Boeing for example is in trouble not because of the Coronavirus. It is in trouble because they cut corners in the development of the 737 Max aircraft. So why push through rescue funds in this?

But let’s take regular business instead. Do you honestly think they will hire back all the employees they laid off? They might hire back half those folks. And that is the rub. We are going to see a huge spike in unemployment at the end of this thing. Unemployed people don’t take vacations and don’t fly. So the airlines are going to be hurting for years. Do we keep pumping money at them for those same years? Hotels same thing. The only way to keep those businesses afloat is for them to have customers. Nobody is going to be placing 737 Max orders for years. Even without this Virus the 737 Max was tainted and Boeing was facing some difficult times.

More unemployed means more homeless and that reduces the customer base further. So do we prop up the businesses for another year or two?
for now - it's all about jobs in my mind. i was against obama bailing out GM because yes, GM was bad management. so if this were JUST bailing out Boeing, i'd also be against it for the same reasons. if boeing goes under then how many jobs go with it? on it's own, i could still live with that. sucks but business go under when they don't perform. kinda the model regardless of size.

but the impact of that # unemployed *right now* has to be considered when so many others are fighting for their existence for reasons *not* related to anything they've done. now all that said, i would still agree boeing isn't for the same reasons as the rest, but the impact of them going under *would* be.

boeing has some rough turbulance ahead in any event; that's for sure. they brought it on themselves due to their shortcuts and product defects. they kill any company in time.

So Boeing, like the Banks, and GM, is too big to be allowed to fail. Odd isn’t it, that we reward so much failure in a Capitalist Society? A Capitalist Society would shrug and wish the workers well. A Social Democracy would offer unemployment and job training to get the workers started somewhere else. What kind of Economic System would take the failures, and fund them until they were if not profitable than at least losing less?

That aside, we need to be honest here. First and Foremost we need to admit that the unemployment is going to be up for a couple years after this. The Companies are going to be slow to hire everyone back. To recall the Laid Off workers. They are going to be cautious, and concerned about a slow return to economic normal. The pulverized Stock market is not going to give them reassurance. So those companies we are bailing out, are probably not going to be Recalling a lot of workers anytime soon. If the second wave of this Virus kicks off in the Autumn as they are now predicting, then put a fork in the economy, it’s toast for at least three to five years. No amount of stimulus will get it going again.

All those small businesses we are trying to save, will fail anyway In that case.

So what can we do to stimulate this economic disaster and try and get it going again? Stimulating the bosses so they can maintain their standard of living isn’t going to do it. We know they are going to be cautious and not hire back all of those who were laid off. Grants and Loans will just kick the can down the road, so the business fails in 2021, either in the beginning of Biden’s first term, probably only term, or in Trump’s second.

If it is Biden, then he will blame Trump for screwing up the economy with his insane policies and the Democratic Congress will pass huge new legislation stripping more of our rights and taking more control and moving us closer to the Socialist state in name we already are in practice. If it is Trump’s second term, then the Democratic Congress will pass legislation stripping away more rights and moving us closer to the Socialist State we are in reality if not in name. And Trump will sign it, and claim credit claiming he called for this when he saw how bad the economy was getting.

Now, all of this is easily predictable. It is merely a continuation of what they are doing right now. Taking the crisis and using it to do what they want to do anyway. It is an excuse, allowing the corruptocrats in Washington to Fund their cronies and friends with money we won’t pay for two generations.

It is the inevitable result when neither party has core beliefs that they will not violate. The only thing they truly believe in is winning the next election, and defeating the enemy, or the opposition party, or those bastards, depending on who you are talking to.

I have no idea where you are getting your predictions from. Nearly a dozen (or more) drug companies either have a vaccine or are on the verge of creating one already. The delay is in testing. Where you come up with one, two, five years is beyond me.

This is a virus that can be stopped and will be stopped. It's only a matter of when. The key to restoring our economy is in how long it takes to return things back to normal: going back to work, shopping, social gatherings and so on.

The sooner we can do that, the more likely the economic recovery.
Every time I read anything anywhere about the news it is always the same. Republicans only care about big business. Democrats only care about their special interests.
The truth is neither care about you. Look at the Coronavirus bills. Republicans fighting to get money to business’s. Democrats fighting to get money to Planned Parenthood and the Kennedy Center. Two trillion dollars and what did the people get? Maybe $1,200.
Two Trillion if you divide it by 350 Million is $5,700. Every individual in the country could have been paid $5,700. Every man, woman, and child. But no. We needed the Kennedy Center to get some cash right?
Even now both sides are using the emergency to push their agenda. Illinois has Mayors trying to shut down gun stores. Texas is banning Abortion. Neither of which has a damned thing to do with the Virus.
Neither of them gives a flying fuck about you. If you vote Republican you are a dumb ass racist. If you vote Democrat you are a dumb assed socialist.
If you needed more proof that they do not care about you than the Coronavirus response should prove it to you. If you still do not see it pull your head out of the sand already.
giving you $5700 is nice today. but when you don't keep the business that employs them afloat, they're DOA in a few months, max. the focus is and should be on keeping the chain alive as long as we can. all you're doing is trying to get max $ today and pretend the rest of the world won't be impacted without any help.

There is some truth to what you say. But it is not the whole truth. Boeing for example is in trouble not because of the Coronavirus. It is in trouble because they cut corners in the development of the 737 Max aircraft. So why push through rescue funds in this?

But let’s take regular business instead. Do you honestly think they will hire back all the employees they laid off? They might hire back half those folks. And that is the rub. We are going to see a huge spike in unemployment at the end of this thing. Unemployed people don’t take vacations and don’t fly. So the airlines are going to be hurting for years. Do we keep pumping money at them for those same years? Hotels same thing. The only way to keep those businesses afloat is for them to have customers. Nobody is going to be placing 737 Max orders for years. Even without this Virus the 737 Max was tainted and Boeing was facing some difficult times.

More unemployed means more homeless and that reduces the customer base further. So do we prop up the businesses for another year or two?
for now - it's all about jobs in my mind. i was against obama bailing out GM because yes, GM was bad management. so if this were JUST bailing out Boeing, i'd also be against it for the same reasons. if boeing goes under then how many jobs go with it? on it's own, i could still live with that. sucks but business go under when they don't perform. kinda the model regardless of size.

but the impact of that # unemployed *right now* has to be considered when so many others are fighting for their existence for reasons *not* related to anything they've done. now all that said, i would still agree boeing isn't for the same reasons as the rest, but the impact of them going under *would* be.

boeing has some rough turbulance ahead in any event; that's for sure. they brought it on themselves due to their shortcuts and product defects. they kill any company in time.

So Boeing, like the Banks, and GM, is too big to be allowed to fail. Odd isn’t it, that we reward so much failure in a Capitalist Society? A Capitalist Society would shrug and wish the workers well. A Social Democracy would offer unemployment and job training to get the workers started somewhere else. What kind of Economic System would take the failures, and fund them until they were if not profitable than at least losing less?

That aside, we need to be honest here. First and Foremost we need to admit that the unemployment is going to be up for a couple years after this. The Companies are going to be slow to hire everyone back. To recall the Laid Off workers. They are going to be cautious, and concerned about a slow return to economic normal. The pulverized Stock market is not going to give them reassurance. So those companies we are bailing out, are probably not going to be Recalling a lot of workers anytime soon. If the second wave of this Virus kicks off in the Autumn as they are now predicting, then put a fork in the economy, it’s toast for at least three to five years. No amount of stimulus will get it going again.

All those small businesses we are trying to save, will fail anyway In that case.

So what can we do to stimulate this economic disaster and try and get it going again? Stimulating the bosses so they can maintain their standard of living isn’t going to do it. We know they are going to be cautious and not hire back all of those who were laid off. Grants and Loans will just kick the can down the road, so the business fails in 2021, either in the beginning of Biden’s first term, probably only term, or in Trump’s second.

If it is Biden, then he will blame Trump for screwing up the economy with his insane policies and the Democratic Congress will pass huge new legislation stripping more of our rights and taking more control and moving us closer to the Socialist state in name we already are in practice. If it is Trump’s second term, then the Democratic Congress will pass legislation stripping away more rights and moving us closer to the Socialist State we are in reality if not in name. And Trump will sign it, and claim credit claiming he called for this when he saw how bad the economy was getting.

Now, all of this is easily predictable. It is merely a continuation of what they are doing right now. Taking the crisis and using it to do what they want to do anyway. It is an excuse, allowing the corruptocrats in Washington to Fund their cronies and friends with money we won’t pay for two generations.

It is the inevitable result when neither party has core beliefs that they will not violate. The only thing they truly believe in is winning the next election, and defeating the enemy, or the opposition party, or those bastards, depending on who you are talking to.

I have no idea where you are getting your predictions from. Nearly a dozen (or more) drug companies either have a vaccine or are on the verge of creating one already. The delay is in testing. Where you come up with one, two, five years is beyond me.

This is a virus that can be stopped and will be stopped. It's only a matter of when. The key to restoring our economy is in how long it takes to return things back to normal: going back to work, shopping, social gatherings and so on.

The sooner we can do that, the more likely the economic recovery.

Where do I get my information? Do you watch or read the news?

How many more links do you need before you realize this could be, in fact probably is a very long road we are on?
Every time I read anything anywhere about the news it is always the same. Republicans only care about big business. Democrats only care about their special interests.
The truth is neither care about you. Look at the Coronavirus bills. Republicans fighting to get money to business’s. Democrats fighting to get money to Planned Parenthood and the Kennedy Center. Two trillion dollars and what did the people get? Maybe $1,200.
Two Trillion if you divide it by 350 Million is $5,700. Every individual in the country could have been paid $5,700. Every man, woman, and child. But no. We needed the Kennedy Center to get some cash right?
Even now both sides are using the emergency to push their agenda. Illinois has Mayors trying to shut down gun stores. Texas is banning Abortion. Neither of which has a damned thing to do with the Virus.
Neither of them gives a flying fuck about you. If you vote Republican you are a dumb ass racist. If you vote Democrat you are a dumb assed socialist.
If you needed more proof that they do not care about you than the Coronavirus response should prove it to you. If you still do not see it pull your head out of the sand already.
giving you $5700 is nice today. but when you don't keep the business that employs them afloat, they're DOA in a few months, max. the focus is and should be on keeping the chain alive as long as we can. all you're doing is trying to get max $ today and pretend the rest of the world won't be impacted without any help.

There is some truth to what you say. But it is not the whole truth. Boeing for example is in trouble not because of the Coronavirus. It is in trouble because they cut corners in the development of the 737 Max aircraft. So why push through rescue funds in this?

But let’s take regular business instead. Do you honestly think they will hire back all the employees they laid off? They might hire back half those folks. And that is the rub. We are going to see a huge spike in unemployment at the end of this thing. Unemployed people don’t take vacations and don’t fly. So the airlines are going to be hurting for years. Do we keep pumping money at them for those same years? Hotels same thing. The only way to keep those businesses afloat is for them to have customers. Nobody is going to be placing 737 Max orders for years. Even without this Virus the 737 Max was tainted and Boeing was facing some difficult times.

More unemployed means more homeless and that reduces the customer base further. So do we prop up the businesses for another year or two?
for now - it's all about jobs in my mind. i was against obama bailing out GM because yes, GM was bad management. so if this were JUST bailing out Boeing, i'd also be against it for the same reasons. if boeing goes under then how many jobs go with it? on it's own, i could still live with that. sucks but business go under when they don't perform. kinda the model regardless of size.

but the impact of that # unemployed *right now* has to be considered when so many others are fighting for their existence for reasons *not* related to anything they've done. now all that said, i would still agree boeing isn't for the same reasons as the rest, but the impact of them going under *would* be.

boeing has some rough turbulance ahead in any event; that's for sure. they brought it on themselves due to their shortcuts and product defects. they kill any company in time.

So Boeing, like the Banks, and GM, is too big to be allowed to fail. Odd isn’t it, that we reward so much failure in a Capitalist Society? A Capitalist Society would shrug and wish the workers well. A Social Democracy would offer unemployment and job training to get the workers started somewhere else. What kind of Economic System would take the failures, and fund them until they were if not profitable than at least losing less?

That aside, we need to be honest here. First and Foremost we need to admit that the unemployment is going to be up for a couple years after this. The Companies are going to be slow to hire everyone back. To recall the Laid Off workers. They are going to be cautious, and concerned about a slow return to economic normal. The pulverized Stock market is not going to give them reassurance. So those companies we are bailing out, are probably not going to be Recalling a lot of workers anytime soon. If the second wave of this Virus kicks off in the Autumn as they are now predicting, then put a fork in the economy, it’s toast for at least three to five years. No amount of stimulus will get it going again.

All those small businesses we are trying to save, will fail anyway In that case.

So what can we do to stimulate this economic disaster and try and get it going again? Stimulating the bosses so they can maintain their standard of living isn’t going to do it. We know they are going to be cautious and not hire back all of those who were laid off. Grants and Loans will just kick the can down the road, so the business fails in 2021, either in the beginning of Biden’s first term, probably only term, or in Trump’s second.

If it is Biden, then he will blame Trump for screwing up the economy with his insane policies and the Democratic Congress will pass huge new legislation stripping more of our rights and taking more control and moving us closer to the Socialist state in name we already are in practice. If it is Trump’s second term, then the Democratic Congress will pass legislation stripping away more rights and moving us closer to the Socialist State we are in reality if not in name. And Trump will sign it, and claim credit claiming he called for this when he saw how bad the economy was getting.

Now, all of this is easily predictable. It is merely a continuation of what they are doing right now. Taking the crisis and using it to do what they want to do anyway. It is an excuse, allowing the corruptocrats in Washington to Fund their cronies and friends with money we won’t pay for two generations.

It is the inevitable result when neither party has core beliefs that they will not violate. The only thing they truly believe in is winning the next election, and defeating the enemy, or the opposition party, or those bastards, depending on who you are talking to.

I have no idea where you are getting your predictions from. Nearly a dozen (or more) drug companies either have a vaccine or are on the verge of creating one already. The delay is in testing. Where you come up with one, two, five years is beyond me.

This is a virus that can be stopped and will be stopped. It's only a matter of when. The key to restoring our economy is in how long it takes to return things back to normal: going back to work, shopping, social gatherings and so on.

The sooner we can do that, the more likely the economic recovery.

Where do I get my information? Do you watch or read the news?

How many more links do you need before you realize this could be, in fact probably is a very long road we are on?

and we have bodies in the hospital to validate the need for the hype, right?
Every time I read anything anywhere about the news it is always the same. Republicans only care about big business. Democrats only care about their special interests.
The truth is neither care about you. Look at the Coronavirus bills. Republicans fighting to get money to business’s. Democrats fighting to get money to Planned Parenthood and the Kennedy Center. Two trillion dollars and what did the people get? Maybe $1,200.
Two Trillion if you divide it by 350 Million is $5,700. Every individual in the country could have been paid $5,700. Every man, woman, and child. But no. We needed the Kennedy Center to get some cash right?
Even now both sides are using the emergency to push their agenda. Illinois has Mayors trying to shut down gun stores. Texas is banning Abortion. Neither of which has a damned thing to do with the Virus.
Neither of them gives a flying fuck about you. If you vote Republican you are a dumb ass racist. If you vote Democrat you are a dumb assed socialist.
If you needed more proof that they do not care about you than the Coronavirus response should prove it to you. If you still do not see it pull your head out of the sand already.
giving you $5700 is nice today. but when you don't keep the business that employs them afloat, they're DOA in a few months, max. the focus is and should be on keeping the chain alive as long as we can. all you're doing is trying to get max $ today and pretend the rest of the world won't be impacted without any help.

There is some truth to what you say. But it is not the whole truth. Boeing for example is in trouble not because of the Coronavirus. It is in trouble because they cut corners in the development of the 737 Max aircraft. So why push through rescue funds in this?

But let’s take regular business instead. Do you honestly think they will hire back all the employees they laid off? They might hire back half those folks. And that is the rub. We are going to see a huge spike in unemployment at the end of this thing. Unemployed people don’t take vacations and don’t fly. So the airlines are going to be hurting for years. Do we keep pumping money at them for those same years? Hotels same thing. The only way to keep those businesses afloat is for them to have customers. Nobody is going to be placing 737 Max orders for years. Even without this Virus the 737 Max was tainted and Boeing was facing some difficult times.

More unemployed means more homeless and that reduces the customer base further. So do we prop up the businesses for another year or two?
for now - it's all about jobs in my mind. i was against obama bailing out GM because yes, GM was bad management. so if this were JUST bailing out Boeing, i'd also be against it for the same reasons. if boeing goes under then how many jobs go with it? on it's own, i could still live with that. sucks but business go under when they don't perform. kinda the model regardless of size.

but the impact of that # unemployed *right now* has to be considered when so many others are fighting for their existence for reasons *not* related to anything they've done. now all that said, i would still agree boeing isn't for the same reasons as the rest, but the impact of them going under *would* be.

boeing has some rough turbulance ahead in any event; that's for sure. they brought it on themselves due to their shortcuts and product defects. they kill any company in time.

So Boeing, like the Banks, and GM, is too big to be allowed to fail. Odd isn’t it, that we reward so much failure in a Capitalist Society? A Capitalist Society would shrug and wish the workers well. A Social Democracy would offer unemployment and job training to get the workers started somewhere else. What kind of Economic System would take the failures, and fund them until they were if not profitable than at least losing less?

That aside, we need to be honest here. First and Foremost we need to admit that the unemployment is going to be up for a couple years after this. The Companies are going to be slow to hire everyone back. To recall the Laid Off workers. They are going to be cautious, and concerned about a slow return to economic normal. The pulverized Stock market is not going to give them reassurance. So those companies we are bailing out, are probably not going to be Recalling a lot of workers anytime soon. If the second wave of this Virus kicks off in the Autumn as they are now predicting, then put a fork in the economy, it’s toast for at least three to five years. No amount of stimulus will get it going again.

All those small businesses we are trying to save, will fail anyway In that case.

So what can we do to stimulate this economic disaster and try and get it going again? Stimulating the bosses so they can maintain their standard of living isn’t going to do it. We know they are going to be cautious and not hire back all of those who were laid off. Grants and Loans will just kick the can down the road, so the business fails in 2021, either in the beginning of Biden’s first term, probably only term, or in Trump’s second.

If it is Biden, then he will blame Trump for screwing up the economy with his insane policies and the Democratic Congress will pass huge new legislation stripping more of our rights and taking more control and moving us closer to the Socialist state in name we already are in practice. If it is Trump’s second term, then the Democratic Congress will pass legislation stripping away more rights and moving us closer to the Socialist State we are in reality if not in name. And Trump will sign it, and claim credit claiming he called for this when he saw how bad the economy was getting.

Now, all of this is easily predictable. It is merely a continuation of what they are doing right now. Taking the crisis and using it to do what they want to do anyway. It is an excuse, allowing the corruptocrats in Washington to Fund their cronies and friends with money we won’t pay for two generations.

It is the inevitable result when neither party has core beliefs that they will not violate. The only thing they truly believe in is winning the next election, and defeating the enemy, or the opposition party, or those bastards, depending on who you are talking to.

I have no idea where you are getting your predictions from. Nearly a dozen (or more) drug companies either have a vaccine or are on the verge of creating one already. The delay is in testing. Where you come up with one, two, five years is beyond me.

This is a virus that can be stopped and will be stopped. It's only a matter of when. The key to restoring our economy is in how long it takes to return things back to normal: going back to work, shopping, social gatherings and so on.

The sooner we can do that, the more likely the economic recovery.

Where do I get my information? Do you watch or read the news?

How many more links do you need before you realize this could be, in fact probably is a very long road we are on?

Like I said, the sooner we can get back to work and shopping, the shorter the recovery. And no, it's likely not going to take five years. Even if this thing simmers down and comes back in the fall, by then, we will have a ton of N-95 masks that will be available to the public. Honeywell, 3-M are all now producing the masks.

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