Boston schools are too white or Asian


The Pale Orc
Gold Supporting Member
Aug 4, 2018
Boston, MA
Asians and white people have an unfair advantage over those darker-skinned people. Any student who isn't white or Asian should be given one of those genius beanies with the propeller on top, to wear on their heads. And some big-framed horn-rimmed glasses to wear.

That will make them look smarter.

Meanwhile, if white kids and Asians wear wear dunce caps and are given Crayolas to write with, that will even out the field.

Share the pain man. We all gots to be equally stupid now because the clowns has done taked over the circus.

I'm going to start going out of my way to offend others, particularly negroes and latinos...
I'm going to start going out of my way to offend others, particularly negroes and latinos...

There's no law that requires that you have to like anyone.

Um, okay.


Everybody. There's no law that requires that you have to like everybody. If you see something offensive in someone, it's your own business whether you accept them or not.

It's a free country, right?

Um, sure.

I never said anything to the contrary...
I'm going to start going out of my way to offend others, particularly negroes and latinos...
Not sure how that helps but have at it. Maybe go out of your way to tell teachers to stop being such snowflakes instead?

I'll do that, too.

I'm just sick and tired of this apparent movement to rid ourselves of everything which someone else is offended by. It's utter bullshit. So, if they want to be offended, I'll give them things to be offended over...
There have been various "woke" journalists and intellectuals (?) that are pushing ideas like Mathematics & reasoning is a tool of racist oppression. And they want ya'all to just accept what ever bullshit you're told... it helps fight racism. Liberal progressives want their minions uninformed, ignorant and irrational and as dumb as a sack of rocks because its "empowering". Orwell never even dared to entertain that idea, it seems to outlandish. And so it goes.
Instead of a rising tide lifting all boats, democrats seem to think that drilling holes in the more successful boats is 'fair.'
"A district analysis of the program found that more than 70 percent of students enrolled in the program were white and Asian, even though nearly 80 percent of all Boston public school students are Hispanic and Black.

School Committee member Lorna Rivera said at a January meeting that she was disturbed by the findings, noting that nearly 60 percent of fourth graders in the program at the Ohrenberger school in West Roxbury are white even though most third graders enrolled at the school are Black and Hispanic.

"This is just not acceptable," Rivera said at a recent school committee meeting. "I've never heard these statistics before, and I'm very very disturbed by them."

She was disturbed that Whites and the new slanty eyed Whites excel while DeShawn and Miguel are retarded

Its what plants crave

Here’s a short jingle to remind you to take your kids out of public school yesterday

This is my state folks! Amazing. I am starting to become ashamed to live here. Need to talk to the family and make some hard decisions. Leftists are ruining this country. Now it’s offensive to be white and Asian!!?

LIberals are incredible. They can blame "wacism" when it is THEM, in charge and yet, somehow, avoid responsibility.

The answer is to punish the kids.
This is my state folks! Amazing. I am starting to become ashamed to live here. Need to talk to the family and make some hard decisions. Leftists are ruining this country. Now it’s offensive to be white and Asian!!?

My deepest sympathies to the parents of the rejected students and then to the teachers who have considered their job as a dream, i.e., teaching eager and intelligent and well-behaved young boys and girls. Things are about to become less than ideal for the good students who are left and their teachers.

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